You know I always forget my disclaimers until I publish.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Harry Potter, this song or Snow Patrol :(

I find the map and draw a straight line
Over rivers, farms, and state lines
The distance from 'A' to where you'd be
It's only finger-lengths that I see
I touch the place where I'd find your face
My fingers in creases of distant dark places

Crystal clear tears dropped onto the map laying before her, she brushed them from the map and carried on looking for her beloved. Her golden locks swayed as the wind blew. She was determined to find him.

I hang my coat up in the first bar
There is no peace that I've found so far
The laughter penetrates my silence
As drunken men find flaws in science

Draco draped his cloak across his arm before peering around the dusty bar, he had not been in the bar since his wife had died. The familiar sound of drunken imbeciles filled his ears as he sat down on a stained bar stool; soon enough a busty brunette woman appeared to take his order.

Their words mostly noises
Ghosts with just voices
Your words in my memory
Are like music to me

He ordered a Firewhiskey without thinking, every night he would drink a Firewhiskey as it made him forget about the hole left in his heart for at least awhile. It made him forget her sparkling blue eyes, her golden curls and the way she had told him she would never leave his side.

I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
I, I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms

Luna curled up on the stone floor and started weeping; she wanted to be held by his strong arms. She needed to be caressed by him; she needed to feel his soft skin as it dried away her tears. None of that would happen now though.

After I have travelled so far
We'd set the fire to the third bar
We'd share each other like an island
Until exhausted, close our eyelids

Draco's eyelids slid closed as he rested his head on the bar. Her sobbing face filled his mind as he dreamt, he tried to wrap his arms around her shaking shoulders but they wouldn't move. He could feel a single tear roll down his face as he dreamt.

And dreaming, pick up from
The last place we left off
Your soft skin is weeping
A joy you can't keep in.

His dreams were now filled with images of Luna laid crying with her arms wrapped around herself, he had only seen her do this once in her life and that was when she had thought her father had been attacked. Draco forced himself to awake before anyone noticed he was suffering. He didn't want his father to finally win. Lucius had told his son from the start that the relationship with Luna would end in tears.

I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
And I, I pray that something picks me up
and sets me down in your warm arms

Luna's tears finally stopped falling, for a second she thought she had none left. She sat up slowly to find her husband smiling down at her; she smiled back and reached out to touch his face, but as she did Draco slowly faded away. Her sobs started again and she slumped back to the ground.

I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
and I, I pray that something picks me up
and sets me down in your warm arms

Draco stepped into the rain pulling his cloak around his body, he sighed as cold drops hit his face.
No one can tell you're crying in the rain.