For a moment neither of the highly trained ninja moved, a gentle breeze wafted into the clearing making Sakura's hair as well as Sasuke's loose clothing flutter. Sakura closed her eyes and lifted her face to the heavens; she remembered seeing Sasuke do the same, the first time he had battled with Orochimaru. She had felt so useless back then, only ever being able to try and cheer from the sidelines, watching as Sasuke took the time to compose himself, inspire himself. That was the thing about watching Sasuke fight back when they were a team; he made it look like an art: easy as breathing, beautiful like an untouched landscape and always just slightly too far for her to reach.

She opened her eyes and caught a glimpse of the sun filtering in through the branches and leaves of the tall trees that were surrounding them. He wasn't out of reach any more, she had been catching up to him and now it was time for the final determining lap; the end of the race, the end of her seemingly incessant struggle. She was strong, she was capable, she was determined, she was ready. Her body settled into a fighting stance in one slow fluid motion and the very tips of her fingers twitched with restlessness. Her eyes were completely focused on the man in front of her, he was leaning against one of the trees at the edge of the clearing, his arms crossed in front of his exposed chest and still his calculating look displayed on his face. He seemed almost out of place in the tense atmosphere of the clearing, his body language far better suited to that of a man waiting for company in a crowded street not that of a deadly Shinobi about to engage in a deadly fight. It was almost ridiculous how that combined with a small tilt of his head and the slightest curve of his lips could taunt her so and she once again felt that slight twitch in her fingers, this time accompanied by the comforting sound of a kunai leaving its holster.

She felt another twitch, this time in her whole body, she took a step forward-

But she couldn't continue, just as she was getting ready to start the fight Sasuke's face had flashed in front of her eyes, his sane face, his twelve year old face. The face of a person she could never bring herself to hurt. It was fleeting like lightning, like Sasuke really, and had the undesired consequence of stopping her dead in her tracks.

The real Sasuke, older, stronger and much deadlier, grinned at her as if he knew exactly what had gone through her mind and with his typical inhuman speed disappeared. She knew where he would be even before he actually moved but her shock at seeing that fleeting mirage left her vulnerable. She felt the slightest sting where her neck met her shoulder and suddenly he was in front of her again although this time much closer. He stood with his katana unsheathed on its tip she could make out the distinct glistening of fresh blood. Her blood. "First blood goes to me, Sakura." He taunted, always with a cool voice and apathetic or, at best, mocking look.

She lifted her left hand to touch the wound and pulled it back to see that there was in fact the tiniest trickle of blood oozing out of it. She lifted her hand once more and sealed the cut. And through it all she wondered why Sasuke had not just gone for the swift kill. He gave her another sadistic grin and bringing the blade to his face licked it clean, never breaking eye contact. Her frown deepened for a moment but then she slowly relaxed, Sasuke lowered his sword and pointed it straight down as if he wasn't going to need it anymore but his muscles had now tensed. They still had not broken their eye contact.

Hey guys, I know I said there might not be anymore chapters for this but I felt strangely inspired and though I didn't get a lot of feedback it was still encouraging so, yeah. Expect one more chapter sometime this week. I'm kinda trying out some new stuff in this (short) chapter so tell me how that works out for you guys. Oh and before I forget, I know Sasuke might seem a bit pervy in this chapter but there will be no, I repeat, no lemons in this story. The rating is for future violance.