A/N: I really like the CloudxDenzel pairing, unfortunately there aren't many fics based on this pairing. So I made this, hope you enjoy!

This is yaoi/shota- sex with a minor (manxboy), you have been warned. Don't like-don't read.

I DO NOT own Final Fantasy or any of its characters.

"Not again." I whispered under my breath. I sat upright and held my head in my hands, burying my face in the sweaty palms. I began to sob silently into my hands, shaking in an attempt to control my grief. I could feel the sticky substance coat the bed sheets, and my lower regions.

I guess I should back up a bit. My name is Denzel; I'm 13 years old and live with Tifa, Marlene and...Him. It had been a couple of years since I was cured of geostigma and Cloud defeated Sephiroth. Not much has changed except Cloud is at home a lot more often than he used to. At first I was excited, I thought we could be best friends and do all those father-son type things, but Cloud is Cloud and his attitude hasn't changed at all. I know he cares for us, so much so he would sacrifice himself, that much is obvious. However, he just doesn't know how to show it, I feel sorry for him. Anyway, at first it was great, I was so happy that my idol was around all the time but then...the dreaded puberty hit. I don't know much about the 'transition from boy to man', only what Tifa has told me in one of our embarrassing talks. But one thing I did know was that nights weren't so peaceful anymore. I understood (from Tifa's lessons) that the stuff that ruined my sheets almost every night was the same stuff that got women pregnant. I also understood why my...thing got hard all the time. But I didn't know how to get rid of it; I was far too frightened to touch it whilst it was hard. That is why being around Cloud wasn't so great anymore. I h-have feelings for him. At night, all my dreams are about him; when my thing gets hard it's because of him and finally, I just can't stop thinking about him. Maybe now you might understand the following events easier...

After finally calming myself down, I snuck out of my room carrying the sheets in hand. Following a quick glance down the hall to make sure no one was there; I crept past Marlene's room and headed for the laundry room. The washing machine and I have spent a lot of nights together as of late. And here was another one. Even now, tears kept sliding down my cheeks adding a second 'stain' onto the sheets. I was so ups-

"Denzel?" I stopped in my tracks, slowly turning towards the owner of the voice. Tifa. "What are you doing?"

"I-I'm so sorry T-Tifa!" I began sobbing violently again, wrapping my arms around the only mother figure in my life. Luckily, Tifa is a smart woman and it didn't take long for her to put two and two together.

"It's okay, Denzel. Go back up to bed with the spare sheets; I'll take care of these." I nodded in thanks, handing her the sheets and heading for the cupboard for the spare ones, hoping to God that I wouldn't ruin these ones too.

"Morning, Tifa." Cloud grumbled, walking into the bar in the early morning. He headed for the fridge immediately.


"Are Marlene and Denzel up?" Cloud asked, pulling out the bottle of milk and lifting it to his lips.

"Not yet. Speaking of Denzel, we need to talk." Cloud placed the milk down, a look of concern appearing on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, fearing something was terribly wrong. Memories of the stigma flashed through his mind.

"Don't worry, it's nothing too serious." Tifa said with a giggle. It was nice to know that Cloud was at least concerned.

"Oh." Cloud's features relaxed. "What is it then?"

"Denzel came downstairs last night with his bed sheets." Cloud tilted his head to the side ever so slightly, raising an eyebrow. "The sheets were stained with semen." Tifa said, trying to sound more grownup then she usually did. Cloud looked down as he returned the milk to the fridge. This wasn't a topic he felt comfortable with.

"So? It's normal isn't it?"

"He was very upset. He was scared, Cloud. I want you to talk to him."

"Why? He already knows about..."

"But, there's one thing I didn't teach him. I didn't tell him how to 'deal with it'." Tifa said, crossing her arms.

"Can't he figure it out on his own?" Cloud asked in desperation, sitting down out of mistrust towards his legs. He was afraid they would give way any second.

"If you saw how scared he was..." There was a moment of silence. Tifa watched Cloud was he stared at the floor. She could tell that the man was uncomfortable. "If you don't want to talk to him...there are other ways."

"There are?" Cloud looked up, hoping for any chance to get out of Tifa's task.

"You could...let him catch you." Cloud nearly fell off his stool at the suggestion.


"It's up to you. You can either talk to him or..."


Tell me what you think. Cloud masturbation in the next chapter :)