FullMetal Alchemist.

Mr Barely Legal.

Well now! Chapter 2 ooohhh! Lolcakes. First and foremost, a huge thanks to all who have read, favourited and reviewed this story. I'm in a bit of a rut with the blonde angel, so I'll be updating this one a bit more than that. I've been busy with my new manga lately, so I've been pre-occupied with that. I've also had to deal with a load of stuffs and so I've been a little depressed as well... PLEAASE NO FLAMES! If you dislike, kindly just leave because your comment will not be acknowledged. I've blocked one person don't think I won't block more.

I'm sorry it's taking me so long, I'll try my hardest to update faster!

I have actually been under anaesthetic, so I know how it feels when you're sort of waking up from it. It's horrible .

Troubles aside, Edo-kun has a few of his own. A mission doesn't go very well, but a muscular Roy-sama will be there to lend his body and soul to his blonde alchemist. There won't be any hospital in this, Edo-kun doesn't like them very much, do you?

Edo-kun: Hell no, those places are evil.

I couldn't agree more ^_^ Now, there will be use of a 'form' of drug, and I won't be researching it, it'll be totally made up so any likenesses are purely coincidental. And don't think of me as an Edo-kun hater, he's actually my FAVOURITE character from FMA. Inspired by the wonderful person who wrote 'under the influence' FIND IT! It's an amazingly written story.

If you don't like this story, then I'm sorry but I'm not the first person who's written this kind of thing. It's a fricking fan fiction, anything happens and for a reason. It's not rape, it's a realisation of feelings because fans LIKE to make out that Edo-kun and Roy-sama love each other. They don't but it's fun to write it because some people do appreciate these stories.

Edo-kun, Roy-sama and FullMetal Alchemist are the property of Hiromu Arakawa-sensei.

On with chapter 2!

The next morning, Edward and Roy were woken by an alarm clock signalling the start of another day at work. They got dressed, still half asleep and grabbed their first cup of coffee for the day. Later that day, Edward was given a case to stop a bunch of guys illegally shipping anaesthetic drugs into the country.

"Drug bust? I'll have 'em busted and locked up before lunch time." Edward grinned, his usual enthusiasm returning as the coffee worked in his system.

"Now, be cautious. This gang has been known to fight dirty and are extremely crafty. You shouldn't be so careless around them." Roy warned, handing Edward the file.

Within minutes, Edward was on his merry way to the warehouse this case was located at, along with Roy, Riza, Jean and Maes. When they arrived, the gang was opening some of the crates to 'check the merchandise' Riza moved up top for a sniping position, Havoc and Hughes went around the back, Roy round front and Edward from atop the crates. At the signal, all members of the military moved in, trapping most of the gang members. One got away, and it was the one closest to Edward. Mid chase, Edward caught up to the guy, and sent him flying into a crate smashing it open.

After a few minutes of fighting, the gang member had reached his wits end, and decided to play dirty. He snatched up a hand full of beige powder, and threw it hitting Edward right in his face and mouth. He coughed, allowing the man to escape. He shook off the powder and continued the assault. One flying kick to the back of the head knocked him clean out, and they were all arrested.

Outside, the military members gathered, and Roy was first to notice Edward's predicament.

"FullMetal? Are you okay, you're covered in some sort of powder." Roy asked, Edward took a quick glance at himself, and shyed away from Roy.

"Yeah, the guy threw whatever was in that crate at me." He replied, tasting what was left of it in his mouth. Suddenly, his body felt heavy, and he collapsed. His eyes followed, and Edward was unconscious. The group panicked, Havoc and Roy took Edward to Roy's house. Roy carried him in and thanked Havoc.

"Don't worry Colonel, as soon as we have any information on the drugs I'll give you a call. Get him cleaned up before something bad happens to him." Havoc panicked, speeding off to head office.

Roy stripped Edward of his clothes in the bathroom, immediately throwing them into the washing basket. He then sat Edward up against the back of the shower and began running the water. The powder soon began to wash away, and Edward's face paled slightly. No matter what, Roy had to get rid of this substance on his body. But the sight of water running through the muscle grooves of Edward's body were getting more difficult to resist. Like a true gentleman, Roy finished washing Edward without molesting him. He looked more sickly than before, and was starting to get a little hot.

Roy called for a doctor, since he knew Edward hated hospitals. He'd recieved a call from Havoc about the drugs, and thankfully it was good news.

"Hmmm, well it seems he ingested quite a vast amount of those drugs." The doctor said.

"Yes, they were being transported for illegal medicine. One of the thugs threw it in his face during the fight. It was some sort of anaesthetic mixed with a powerful sleeping drug." Roy said, looking worried and watching over Edward like a father bird over their young.

"Judging by the potency of the drugs, and the amount ingested, he'll be out for a day or two. Make sure you keep him wrapped up warm and don't take your eyes off him. When he wakes, he could be in any matter of ways."

Roy thanked the doctor for the journey to check Edward over, and locked the door.

"Edward, you poor thing." Roy whispered, stroking the bangs from Edward's paled face. The muscles twitched, and relaxed once more. As promised, Roy was with Edward all night. Though even he needed sleep, so he called in a favour from Riza.

"Right away sir, I'll be right there." She said, and there was a click as the reciever was placed down. She arrived minutes later to relieve Roy of his duties. She filled a bowl with cool water, and took a cloth in to Edward. She dipped the cloth, wrung it out and placed it upon Edward's sweaty brow. She too was feeling bad for him. He was the only one who'd been hit, and square in the face.

Over the next few hours, Riza refilled the bowl and continued to keep Edward's head cool. Once Roy was well rested, he returned to take over once more. Riza went to rest herself, and it was Roy's turn once again to watch over his angelic partner. One hand patting his neck with a damp, cool cloth, the other stroking his head and face. The room was filled with the soft snores of Edward, and there was no way of knowing how he'd feel.

As Edward slept, Roy took the time to look over him like he had so many times. His features were sharper than they had been, his muscles slowly moving in rhythm to his breaths, and the sweet smell he always had despite not wearing any fragrances. All of these qualities, and it was hard to decide which one got through to him those two years ago. He'd just stroll in, no respect for rank and throw hissy fits. The funny thing is, Edward is technically an adult, but he still has tantrums like a little kid.

At some point, Roy must have fallen asleep because he opened his eyes to find the room was dark. In truth, he couldn't have timed it better because Edward was just starting to wake up from his drug induced state. Roy's heart raced as Edward's eyes slowly but surely fluttered open, revealing those beautiful eyes. Edward coughed, holding his chest with his automail arm, it was the only limb that moved.

"Wha-What's going on? My arm...feel strange..." this was the only sentence Edward could muster up before being sick. Luckily, Roy moved out of the way just in time. He fetched a bucket for Edward, and began cleaning up the mess. He figured this was just the drugs working their way out of Edward's body. Once Edward was done being ill, he'd fallen back to sleep again. Roy sat by his side the whole time, wondering if Edward was truly alright or not.

Almost another day went by, and Edward slumbered still. Roy was sat next to him, stroking his cheek with such worry and love.

"Edward. You truly are beautiful. I hope you're okay, I love you." Roy smiled. Edward's mouth twitched, he could hear Roy's voice but his consciousness was limited. He wanted to wake up and see those gorgeous onyx eyes again, to bring some relief to them. His brain was thinking otherwise. Before he knew it, he was out cold once again and the next time he woke up, the house was empty.

"Roy? Hello?" Edward yelled. He tried to walk, but his legs turned to jelly. He hit the floor with a thud, and started crawling. His stomach lurched at him, and he held it with his left arm. When there was no sign of Roy anywhere, Edward crawled back onto the sofa and resumed sleeping. Roy returned not much later, and the noise from the door woke Edward up.

"Edward! Oh my god are you okay?" Roy asked, running to his side and stroking his bangs from his eyes.

"Where were you? I tried to find you earlier but you weren't here. I was so lonely." Edward sniffled. Roy smiled and gently hugged him.

"I'm so sorry Edward, I didn't know you'd wake up. I'll take you upstairs, make you more comfortable." He smiled, kissing his forehead.

Edward was now happily tucked into Roy's bed, his eyes slightly droopy.

"You must be starving, how about I make you something to eat?" Roy smiled, stroking Edward's face. Edward held his stomach, and made a strange face.

"Actually, I'm fine. I've not been all that hungry, just a little queasy." He said. The doctor wasn't wrong, Edward wasn't in a very good mood right now. In fact, he seemed really off.

"Okay, I'm going to do some stuff around the house. Call me if-" Roy was cut off halfway through his sentence, Edward had lunged aross the bed to grab ahold of Roy's coat. He looked strange, his behaviour was so different.

"Don't...don't go. Please?" Edward asked, looking up at Roy.

Edward looked so vulnerable. He looked weakened from being asleep for so long, and his skin was a little paler in comparison to what it was a few days ago. Roy smiled, and sat down next to him.

"Alright Edward. I'll stay with you. So, besides a little sick how do you feel?" Roy asked, stroking Edward's hair.

"Major headache and a little thirsty. Could I...get a drink please?" Roy nodded, kissed Edward's cheek, and went to fetch a pitcher of water for him. Edward took it, and sipped at the cup. Normally he'd gulp it down, a few droplets escaping down his chin, slowly making it's way down his beautiful neck and beyond. He placed it beside the bed next to the pitcher, half still remaining. He snuggled back beneath the covers . Roy lay next to him, holding his delicate Edward.

Without realising it, Roy had fallen asleep next to Edward. He woke up, and Edward was fast asleep breathing softly. Roy kissed his forehead and carefully got up out of bed to go to the bathroom. Edward stirred while Roy was in the other room. He was worried, but then heard the water running and relaxed a bit. Roy came back out to see Edward's eyes, a little more light in them this time.

"Well, you seem a little perkier. How're you feeling?" Roy asked, cupping Edward's face and looking into his eyes.

"Yeah, I feel a little hungry too. Can I get something to eat please? And I'd like to go downstairs, I don't want to be left alone." Edward said, he looked so cute with the way his features were set into worry.

"Of course Edward. I'll carry you, so hold on tight." Roy laughed, and picked Edward up bridal style. Edward clung to Roy's coat and they go downstairs.

Edward and Roy enjoyed their meals, and then there was a knock at the door. Roy answered, and it was Riza and Jean. They were invited in and went straight to Edward.

"Hey boss! You look well, I see Roy's looking after you perfectly." Jean said, grinning with a cigarette in his mouth. Edward laughed lightly, feeling slightly more normal.

"Thanks Havoc. But yeah, Roy's been a huge help lately. This whole anaesthesia thing has me all messed up. I don't remember feeling like this before." Riza stepped in to see Edward also.

"The drugs thrown at you were of a higher potency than what they use in legal medicine. A few days ago, a thug threw a hand's worth of it in your face. We were all worried sick when you collapsed, now we're just glad you're okay." She smiled ruffling Edward's hair a little. He laughed a little more and took another drink of water.

The visit ended and the two were once more left alone.

"So Edward, do you feel up to a little fun?" Roy asked, his hands snaking across Edward's chest. He turned around and planted a firm kiss on Roy's lips.

"You just couldn't wait could you?" Edward giggled. Roy chuckled at him and kissed his neck.

"You look so beautiful when you sleep, I wanted to wait until you woke up." He said, nibbling at the sensitive skin on Edward's neck. Edward moaned softly, clutching Roy's shirt tightly. Roy's arm wrapped around Edward's waist, holding him still as he kissed him hungrily.

"Roy...I...oh god..." Edward moaned, Roy's hand massaging a certain spot between his ass. Roy knew exactly where to get him, and how to make those irresistible noises. Roy's other hand was holding Edward's head up, keeping it aside to allow access to Roy. Roy continued his onslaught of nibbles, his hands exploring every inch of Edward's body that he could.

"You always make the sweetest of noises." Roy smiled, talking over Edward's moans.

The rest of their night went as their first one did. Their passion aflame, slowly morphing into a peaceful sleep. The two alchemists were wrapped in each other's arms, snoring softly and wrapped in the sheets of love.