Disclaimer: Do I really need to say it? You all should know by know that there is only one person who owns Inuyasha, and it's not me.


Kagome has been working for Sesshomaru Tashio for three years now. As the years pass, they begin to have problems. You see, when Kagome walked into his office on the day of her interview, they both felt an unnatural attraction to each other. They were able to ignore it at first, keep their relationship strictly professional, but she was his personal assistant; she worked but a few feet away from his office, not to mention going on long business trips with him, and worst of all, his daughter loved her. She was constantly asking him if "her Kagome-chan" could come and play. What was he suppose to say? Sesshomaru could never tell his precious daughter no, epically to a simple request such as that. So now he was haunted by her wonderful scent, of jasmine and vanilla, at work, on trips, and in his home. Just the smell of her made his beast go wild. Sesshomaru, Taiyoukai of the West, demon with impeccable self control, could barely contain his beast around her. It wanted to throw her on the floor, desk, up against a wall, any where and every, and fuck her into submission.

Kagome was no better off. She was a virgin, but every time she heard his deep silky voice, she wanted to go to him, rip his damned close off, and touch every inch of him. She at first, she didn't understand how she could feel this way towards a complete stranger, buy after about a year, she had come to accept it. She loved everything about him: His voice, his physical being (she would go weak in the knees every time she saw his molten gold eyes looking at her, every time she got the urge to touch his beautiful markings), even his cold indifference to those he deemed unworthy of his attention. For some reason she could not understand, he actually opened up to her, she felt pride in knowing that he deemed her worthy, that he didn't look at her with his cold eyes, that they actually softened when they looked upon her. She even loved his daughter. If she was being honest, she would say that she considered little Rin to be her daughter. Rin was everything she ever hoped for in a child. Things however, had been getting rather hard between her and Sesshomaru. The sexual tension alone was enough to scare off the toughest of demons. At times it seemed you could actually see it, touch it even. She didn't know how much longer she could take it. She was considering quiting, and finding a job elsewhere. She knew that that wouldn't go over well though.

Authors note: Hello. I don't really expect reviews for this chapter, seeing as how it's just background information, but if you feel the urge, go for it. For those of you who have read the first chapter of "Mine to Protect" I'm sorry to say that I won't be updating it anytime soon. I've kinda lost my inspiration for that one, but I am working on others. I'll update when I can, so please don't be angry if it's not right away; my life is kinda hectic right now. Oh, and if you find mistakes please tell me, my Word program quit working, so now I'm using one that doesn't have spell check.

~Thanks for reading!