Disclaimers: Standard CCS disclaimers apply. I do not own any of CLAMP's wonderful characters, I'm only borrowing them for the moment. Some characters that would appear are solely my own.

Chapter 10- Revelations


A woman embraced by shadows holding a staff paced agitatedly in a darkened lair, rage and anger radiating from her body.

"You fool! You were supposed to get the empath! How could you have failed? Even the shrine boy was there and he is not as strong as the Card Mistress! What prevented you from capturing the two Wheels of Magic? (Author's Note: Refer to chapter 7 for details on the 5 Wheels of Magic) They were defenseless! You weak idiot!" screamed the woman as she swung her staff and aimed bolts of black fire, similar to Sakura's Scorch towards the figure kneeling in front of her.

Her staff was made of pure black crystal and the intensity of the fire made it glimmer in the darkness and at the head of the black staff was the figure of a falling star. The bent figure at her foot immediately protected itself from its Mistress' attack by enclosing itself in its gigantic bat wings.

"Have you found the Fifth Wheel of Magic my pet?" asked the Mistress, her voice hoarse from her screaming.

"Iie. The Fifth Wheel is too powerful to be detected by my magic. Although with your power, you could have found the location," answered the bent figure.

"Impudent slave! I made you! Remember that and serve only me," sneered the Mistress as she pivoted on her heel and stalked away from her creation. With smoke still hovering around, the bent figure slowly shrugged, its wings folding back as it moved its broad shoulders. It was dressed in a black trench-coat and black pants. Its has long black hair up the waist and long, spiky bangs obscured its face partly. Its silver, red-flecked, tilted eyes glowed briefly as it followed the Mistress to the inner chambers.

There was more light at the inner chambers and it looked like a cave's cavern. The Mistress stood in the middle of a pentagon enclosed by fire and was summoning her magic. The Dark Mistress suddenly smiled as she ceased her spell and gazed up smugly at the naked and unconscious form of Mizuki Kaho who was held in a magical bubble cage on air. Kaho was huddled against herself, her auburn hair covering her naked body.

"I've waited years to start my plan! With the 5 Wheels of Magic in existence and at hand, the gateway to OBLIVION will become a reality!" announced the Dark Mistress as she laughed. Her dark eyes focused on Kaho's image.

"Pathetic," hissed the Mistress as she directed her magic at the prison bubble. Black fire engulfed it, making Kaho scream in pain. Despite the fact that the bubble was impenetrable, fire seeped through the magical cage. "Join me if you don't want to die!" ordered the Mistress as Kaho writhed in the cage.

"NEVER!" screamed Kaho as she fought with all her might against the fire. It seared her skin viciously and months of deprivation made her weak and unable to withstand the force. Slowly, she slipped back to unconsciousness, tears running steadily down her cheeks.

"I will succeed next time Kaho... you are a fool to oppose me," whispered the Mistress as she turned her back against the battered body of the Shrine guardian. "Wait and see Card Mistress Sakura!"

As the Dark Mistress' left the chamber, Kaho opened her eyes and whispered, "Never sister... never."


"Kanezuka Scarlet is looking for students with modeling potentials here in Tomoeda?" screeched Chiharu as Naoko waved a newspaper page in front of the group.

A smug-looking Naoko grinned as she stretched the article out in everybody's sight. "Hai! In fact, she's been here since yesterday and will be going to Seijuu Junior High today!" crowed Naoko.


"How can anyone not inform us? We should have been told so that we can prepare!" moaned Claudette as she slumped in her desk. She flipped her silky black hair over her shoulder as she said, "Oh well, I guess beauty would shine out in simplicity."

Meilin snorted as she exclaimed, "As if she'd ever pay attention to you! All Kanezuka-san will see is my Chinese beauty! Ohohohohoho!" Sweat-drops appeared in the classroom but a huge anger spark bulged from Claudette's head.

"As if you're more beautiful than me--- you-- you-- bun-girl!" shouted Claudette as the whole classroom burst into laughter. Yuichi, thinking that as Meilin's boyfriend, he should step in between the two ladies said in a cheerful voice, "Oh, don't feel bad about it Meilin, I think your buns are absolutely adorable."

* POW * Meilin's right fist caught Yuichi squarely on the face, sending the shrine guardian spinning and slamming against the wall. Indignantly, Meilin patted the two buns on her head, "These are not called buns," said Meilin icily as she stomped over to her chair.

Sakura, who was seated on Syaoran's desk turned to him with a wry smile on her face. "Here I thought that Kaede-chan's temper was the worst from the three of you," she said. Syaoran merely rolled his eyes as he absent-mindedly stroked Sakura's hand.

It's been a month since the last attack and everything has been quiet and peaceful since the resumption of classes. Kaede has turned six years old just a week ago and they were able to celebrate his birthday without any trouble. After 3 months of staying with his cousins, Kaede was beginning to show rare flashes of maturity despite his young age. He would stick his nose in the air whenever Tomoyo or Sakura would ask him about it and answer, "I need to protect those two you know..."

"It's weird Syaoran-kun... Oniichan suddenly moved back in the house even though he and Yukito-san share an apartment. He kept checking his email as well... and would constantly be giving me those looks," narrated Sakura as propped her chin against Syaoran's tousled hair.

"What looks?" asked Syaoran warily.

"I don't know... I can't explain it either and half the time he's been home, he's either treating me like I was 6 years old or like a lady!" said Sakura mutinously.

"Your brother is a weird person," said Syaoran as a way of explanation. Sakura gave him an exasperated look before she turned and saw Tomoyo walk into their classroom. "Ohayo gozaimasu Tomoyo-chan! Why, I managed to be here earlier than you today," said Sakura with a giggle.

Tomoyo flashed a brilliant smile with stars glittering in her eyes. Instantly wary at her look, Sakura hopped off Syaoran's desk and began to back away. "Hoe... Tomoyo-chan, daijoubu?" asked Sakura weakly as Tomoyo began rubbing her hands as she crowded her friend into a corner.

"I'm sure you've heard that Kanezuka-san is my mother's new image model for the Spring collection right?" began Tomoyo as Sakura sweat-dropped, "Hai!"

Cackling in glee, Tomoyo said, "Oh Sakura-chan, I gave my mother the idea of holding a modeling competition for girls and guys who will join Kanezuka-san's pictorial! Isn't it exciting? Sakura-chan as a model! I'm so happy," wailed Tomoyo.

"Did you know that the first product ever modeled was a pair of socks?" asked Yamazaki, popping up beside Tomoyo and Sakura. A huge question-mark appeared on Sakura's head as she considered what Yamazaki said. "Socks?" echoed Sakura.

Chiharu sighed as she twisted Yamazaki's ear. "Shame on you Yamazaki! Stop filling Sakura-chan's head with your nonsense stories!" she scolded as Yamazaki turned red and began laughing.

"Say, Hiiragizawa-kun sure is up to a lot of things!" exclaimed Yuichi suddenly when Eriol suddenly appeared around the corner, and was immediately joined by Claudette and Naoko.

"What could they be talking about?" mused Syaoran aloud, finding small resemblance to the Eriol he knew before to the current Eriol who acts like an ordinary guy. For one thing, losing his powers of premonition and his own power decreasing after giving a portion of his magic to Fujitaka, Eriol is starting to lose whatever personality and characteristic he had before as a reincarnation of Clow Reed and is starting to develop his own identity.

"He's enjoying his youth you know," said Tomoyo quietly, without even glancing in Eriol's direction. "Eriol-kun never really had much of a childhood because all he really had was the memories and past identity of Clow Reed and the duties he had to accomplish. But now, having lost some of the magic that he bore as Clow-san's reincarnation, he finds himself at a loss on how to really act," explained Tomoyo.

"But that snake Claudette is making a move on him," said Meilin as she sniffed disdainfully at the American exchange student. Sakura sweat-dropped as Yuichi chuckled as he rubbed Meilin's shoulder.

"Anyway, the reason why the teacher hasn't started class is because right now, everyone's busy preparing for the competition, " said Tomoyo as she cheerfully diverted everyone's attention.

"Now?" gasped Meilin as she put her hands on her cheeks.

"Uhum! And the class adviser selected five representatives from each class to join in the judging later! Everyone is so thrilled and frantic at the impromptu fashion competition," informed Tomoyo.

As if on cue, Mr. Terada breezed inside their classroom, his face wreathed in smiles. "Ohayo gozaimasu class," he greeted as he stood in front of them, holding a sheet of paper. The whole class gazed at their adviser expectantly and with a grin, Mr. Terada let the anticipation build. Proudly, he held up the paper and announced, "Here are the five lucky girls selected to participate in today's Fashion program..."

Gasps of surprise and excitement echoed inside the class. There were several female giggles and Claudette and Meilin started flipping their long dark hair smugly. Tomoyo's hands were clasped together, her eyes shining like diamonds as she gazed at her friend. There was a huge sweat-drop on Sakura's head as she averted her eyes from Tomoyo's gaze.

"First on the list is-- Kinomoto Sakura!"

Claps rained on a red-faced Sakura who tried to smile as she sputtered in surprise. "Next are, Mizuko Claudette, Li Meilin, Chiharu and lastly... Daidouji Tomoyo!" announced Mr. Terada as the applause grew louder and their classmates began to cheer.

Tomoyo froze the moment she heard her name called. "Me?" she squeaked as Sakura began to laugh. "It's gonna be fun Tomoyo! We'll be in this Fashion show together!" squealed Sakura as she hugged her stiff friend.

"Demo-- I was supposed to take a video of you during the competition!" wailed Tomoyo as sweat broke out on her brow. Yuichi and Hsin immediately stepped up and volunteered, "We can do it for you Tomoyo-san." Meilin looked away, a hurt expression crossing her face briefly as she quelled the rush of jealousy against Tomoyo. She knew that Yuichi had fallen for Tomoyo first and although Yuichi had loved her in the long run, she knew that the gentle, lavender-haired girl will always be special to Yuichi.

Tomoyo gave a faint smile, color creeping back to her cheeks. She gave each guy a sweet, dimpled smile. "Arigato," she said as she sighed deeply. A Fashion competition! Although no stranger to contests, it has always been singing competitions and it was always Sakura whom she pushed to take center-stage. "Beauty contests," she muttered under her breath as she dragged her feet over to join Sakura and three others who were selected and were meeting with Mr. Terada. She looked over her shoulder in time to catch Eriol looking at her with a gentle smile on his face. She flushed, her eyes meeting his. He seems so different now!

Eriol could sense Tomoyo's hesitation and tried to offer comfort to the bewildered young lady by trying to infuse confidence and ease in Tomoyo's turbulent gaze. Three words drifted softly in his mind, almost undetected until their gazes broke apart. Tomoyo looked away, looking serene once more. Eriol suddenly realized the mental message he was sending Tomoyo, I'll always be with you.

He frowned slightly, amazed at the direction of his own thoughts. He shook his head, trying to banish Tomoyo's image that had come frequently inside his mind and instead focus on thoughts of Kaho. A stab of anguish pierced him, Eriol wondered if Kaho is still alive. Instinct tells him that Kaho is still alive, that all of them are part of a deeper, darker plot. He knew that Kaho's captivity spells disaster for everyone.

I have to protect Tomoyo...

Again, the thought crept up on him unexpectedly and against his will, he found himself staring at Tomoyo's beautiful face, feeling his heart race and jump against his chest. Such strange emotions...

Naoko, who was staring at Eriol the whole time smiled sadly. Clearly, Hiiragizawa is enchanted by Tomoyo and although confusion is clear on the young man's face, a sudden change of heart in his part seemed impossible. She blinked back tears as she drank in every shift of expression in Eriol's face. She knew, even if Eriol hasn't realized it-- that Eriol has fallen in love with Tomoyo.


"I'm glad you were chosen to cover this event Touya," said Yukito as he joined Touya who was methodically taking pictures of the stage.

Touya snorted as he set his camera down, leaving it hanging on a cord around his neck. "I can't believe Sakura was chosen to take part in this competition," said Touya as he scrutinized the stage for better angles.

Yukito grinned as he easily replied, "I think that Sakura-chan is a very beautiful young lady and that there's a huge chance she'll win and be Scarlet's partner for the modeling of Daidouji Fashion Designs." Touya stiffened as he asked, "My editor didn't tell me that this competition is for the future modeling partner of Scarlet, is she here then?"

"Yes, she was just over there awhile ago, at the left wing of the stage," said Yukito wondering why Touya never noticed Scarlet's presence.

"She was here?" asked Touya grimly, his lips thinning as he compressed them in a tight line. Somehow, the presence of Scarlet in Tomoeda added to the growing darkness he felt. There was an impeding sense of danger in the air and he was extremely worried for his sister.

"Is something wrong Touya?" asked Yukito.

Touya found himself suddenly looking straight into Scarlet's ice-blue eyes. Even from a distance, he can see the distinct silver flecks in Scarlet's eyes. She was to him, the most breathtakingly gorgeous woman on the face on the planet and yet, the person he would think twice before getting to know. All he knew was that, Kanezuka Scarlet is a very dangerous woman.

"Yes, something's definitely wrong," murmured Touya as Scarlet simply blended in with the shadows and slowly, slipped away.


Tomoyo gripped the dressing mirror, hyperventilating. "I-- can't-- do-- this," gasped Tomoyo as she stared at her reflection. She was dressed in a silk yellow gypsy blouse, her shoulders bared. She was clad in tight-fitting gray slacks, her cheeks flushing as she remembered the t-back she was wearing.

Sakura, who was being made-up beside Tomoyo gripped her friend's hand. Sakura was dressed in a short green satin summer dress, with poet's sleeves and a plunging neckline. Her hair was straightened like the rest of the participants and white ribbons were threaded through her hair. Even Tomoyo's hair was straightened in observance of the latest fashion and to go along with the image the Fashion show was trying to convey.

"Don't worry Tomoyo-chan, you look great," soothed Sakura as she was made to close her eyes so that eyeshadow can be applied. Slowly, Sakura felt Tomoyo relax and give in the ministrations of her beautician. Because of her closed eyes, Sakura's sense of feeling sharpened and she suddenly noticed the faint aura of powerful magic being concealed.

The aura of magic is familiar, the same combination of darkness and light radiated from the aura. Sakura shivered as she opened her eyes, losing contact with the awesome aura of power.

"Scared Kinomoto-san?" taunted Claudette as she smirked down at Sakura. She was already dressed and made-up, looking gorgeous in a short white leather skirt and a red lacy blouse.

Meilin bounded over to them, wearing a black chiffon asymmetrical top with flowing sleeves on one arm and a pair of low-rider denim pants. Her long black hair was trimmed in layers, making her look more mature. "Hey guys, are you done?" asked Meilin as Chiharu joined them shortly, wearing a pink ruffled blouse and black skirt with a slit.

"Everyone looks so beautiful," croaked Tomoyo, trying to swallow her own anxiety. Her curly violet locks were straightened and several inches were taken off the length. She felt lighter and more beautiful-- if only she didn't feel so nervous!

Chiharu chuckled as she said, "I used to hate the color of my hair-- Yamazaki-kun always compared it to carrots. I didn't know it was this red!" Giggles followed her announcement and they were all cracking jokes about their ordinary images when the bell sounded.

"Five minutes before the curtains are up!" announced the stage manager sending all the participants in a frenzy. "Scarlet-san!" called the stage manager as he tried to find the tall young lady who could mysteriously blend in sometimes and yet stand out at a simple gesture.

Sakura, who was looking at her reflection in the mirror, trying to calm her racing heart, was surprised when Scarlet's image appeared beside her reflection in the mirror. She didn't turn to face Scarlet, so mesmerized was she by the presence the model exuded that she simply stood and stared. Scarlet was dressed in a long-sleeved see-through black blouse and a silver-gray mini-skirt. Sakura was drawn into the ice-blue eyes of Scarlet, noticing the strange flecks of silver in her eyes.

It seemed as if time stopped between the two of them. And Sakura's eyes were riveted to Scarlet's lips as Scarlet softly said, "Kinomoto-san..." Scarlet abruptly turned, her black hair flying, lifted by an unseen breeze. The rest of her words seemed to drift inside Sakura's mind. "Ganbatte..."


"Nervous Li?" asked Touya with a sneer as he took a seat beside Syaoran who fidgeting in his chair. Syaoran turned and gave Touya a fierce scowl. Their eyes locked together as sparks of electricity flew between them. Yukito waved a hand in front of the pair, chuckling. "Maa, maa futari-tomo, let's just all support Sakura-chan ne?" he said with a grin.

"Gaki," muttered Touya underneath his breath as he gave in to Yukito's command. Syaoran glared angrily before settling down once more. There was a strange aura inside the auditorium, it was similar to the aura he felt when they had a vacation in the mountains. Syaoran turned to Eriol who was sitting beside him, his chin cupped in his hand, lost in his thoughts.

"Oi, Hiiragizawa," whispered Syaoran as he leaned close. Eriol started and faced Li. Reading the look on his face, Eriol pitched his voice lower, trying not to alert Naoko who was seated beside him about their conversation. "Nani Li-san?" asked Eriol.

"Can you feel it?" muttered Syaoran, his eyes furtively scanning the crowd. Eriol's brow furrowed as he focused on the environment. He immediately sensed a carefully concealed power, making it impossible for him to detect its source. He sat up in his seat, alarmed at the idea of a possible attack.

"Keep Aka-san near you," said Li as he tried to stand up from his seat. As he stood up, the lights dimmed and the host came out, wearing a huge smile on his face. He began the introductions immediately and Syaoran had no other choice but to return to his chair. "Need a toilet break kid?" asked Touya with a sneer.

"-- let's now welcome our fifteen lovely ladies from Seijuu Junior High, as they strut their stuff in casual wear, evening wear and swim wear! Here's the first round for judging, ladies, come on out in your casual wear courtesy of Daidouji Designs Spring Collection!" finished the host.

"Swim wear?" echoed Syaoran, the color draining out of his cheeks.

"SWIM WEAR?" yelled Touya, his cheeks flushed angrily.

"Wooohoooo!" hooted Yuichi as he enthusiastically clapped his hands.

The lights began to dance as the spot light trained on the girls who came out one after the other and walked on the platform to stand in the center with a pose. The music was "Lady Marmalade" by Pink, Christine Aguilera, Mya and Lil Kim making the audience come alive as the girls who modeled before them also projected with enthusiasm.

Claudette was the first to come out from their class and the boys went wild when Claudette posed in the center and shook her booty to the music. When Meilin came out, she was tossing her head in time to the music, her raven tresses eliciting ooohs and aaahs from the audience. Yamazaki stood up and clapped and cheered wildly when Chiharu posed in the center. Sakura came out next, her shoulders moving in time with the music as she smiled and swayed her hips. Her dance instincts came out naturally, and so did her grace in gymnastics as she walked down the runway. She paused in the center and posed with one hand on her waist, before tossing her hair and smiling at the thunderous applause she received from her audience. Tomoyo came out last and walked with natural sophistication, her classmates cheering wildly for their normally reserved friend. The segment ended as the lights dimmed once more, as the music faded, and when all the girls paraded in their casual wear one last time. The host announced that the girls are given five minutes to change into their swim-wear.

"I don't like this," said Syaoran fidgeting as he noticed the air of anticipation rising among the guys in the crowd. He scowled, overhearing the name Kinomoto from an unidentifiable source. Touya imitated his action, glaring at the eager boys. "I bet that Kaijou would look like a whale in a swimsuit," said Touya as he sniffed indignantly.

There were stars in Yuichi's eyes prompting Syaoran to swat his head. "Stop drooling hentai!" hissed Syaoran as Eriol flushed, thinking that Syaoran was referring to him. Unwittingly, Eriol said, "G-- gomen Li-kun, I've just never seen Tomoyo-san wear a swim suit..."

Syaoran shot him a look, an "I-don't-believe-you-what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about" kind of look. "I was talking about Aka-kun," pointed out Syaoran as Eriol turned red. Syaoran shook his head wryly, forgetting his trepidation for the mean time as he stared at the Englishman. "You should just tell her how you feel you know," said Syaoran, wondering at his own change of attitude in playing matchmaker.

"Tell who what?" asked Naoko, her eyes shining brightly after the energetic first part of the show.

"Iie," said Eriol as he turned away from Syaoran's knowing eyes.


"All right ladies! Having been given three selections for the swimsuit program, these beautiful girls will be appearing in the swim wear of their choice. Their choices were a one-piece white swimsuit with no back and an oval cut in the middle, the next is a black bikini and the last choice is a red scalloped-necked two-piece suit! Let's get ready to rumble...." yelled the host amidst the hoots and the catcalls as the song of Nellie, "Hot in Herre" began to play.

"I don't feel very well..." said Syaoran as he clutched his stomach, looking green. The last time he saw Sakura in a swimsuit, they were in grade 5 and the changes in Sakura's body can only be mind-boggling to him! Having embraced Sakura several times already, he can imagine the maturity time was able to give his cherry blossom.

Yuichi was cackling as he rubbed his hands and Eriol's eyes were absolutely riveted on the stage in anticipation. The first girls began to go out, looking very casual as they modeled on the stage, some of them dancing to the music, some of them were wearing sarongs in different colors, and the sarongs were long enough to look like a skirt. Touya looked tense, looking as if he'd jump on the stage the minute his sister came out to shield her. Oh please don't let Kaijou be wearing the black bikini!

"I don't think I can do this," wheezed Tomoyo hyperventilating as she clutched the curtains around her figure. Sakura, already dressed in the selected swimwear was pale with tension and anxiety. "Daijoubu Tomoyo... this is for your mom's designer company... you look great," said Sakura weakly. Meilin gave a nervous laugh as she said with bravado, "Think of it as just a walk in the beach! Sakura-chan, you wear a leotard in gymnastics so I don't think this will be that different from before!"

// Please don't go out wearing a black bikini // prayed Syaoran as he paled when he saw Claudette wearing the black bikini. Yuichi clapped and hooted when Meilin came out in the red swimsuit with a white sarong around her waist. Chiharu came out wearing a white swimsuit, still very sexy because of the low back and the oval cut revealing her tummy and part of her ribs. Sakura came out next, and when the crowd saw her, they all went wild as Sakura looked like a vision in the red-two piece suit, a pale orange sarong covering her legs but still managed to emphasized its curves. She was filled out pretty nicely, not too large on top but with curves that absolutely yelled 'I'm gorgeous!'. Her enchanting smile and the way she stepped to the tune made all the judges smile and the audience cheer.

Syaoran's eyes became spirals the minute Sakura left the stage. His face was bright red and he very nearly passed out on his chair. "Tomoyo-san sugoi," breathed Eriol, his eyes wide as he stared at Tomoyo dressed in the white swim wear. Naoko glanced at Eriol and conceded defeat. She smiled as she clapped along with her classmates, "Go Tomoyo-san!" she called out.

Her cheeks red, she walked a little briskly but managed to please the judges. Eriol then turned to Syaoran but upon seeing his descendant falling apart, asked Yuichi instead, "Was Sakura wearing her necklace? The one with the star pendant?" Yuichi stopped hooting and clapping a minute as the girls all began to walk out in a single line and give the judges one last look in their swim wear.

Yuichi craned his neck and saw Sakura just coming out and answered, "Nope. She's not wearing it."

"Brace yourself," Eriol said grimly as he held onto his pendant. At the exact minute, Syaoran sat up, his brows drawn together in a scowl as he looked around his surroundings. A split-second later, giant vines covered with thorns attacked, breaking off the roof and hitting people indiscriminately. It sped towards the girls, who were screaming onstage.

"SAKURA!" shouted Syaoran as he tried to make it in time to shield Sakura from the vines and the long and sharp thorns. He pulled out his ofuda, regardless of whoever saw him and began calling out his magic.

Sakura looked panicked as she reached for her star pendant but realized she wasn't wearing it. She saw the vines coming towards her viciously and saw the other people being attacked and tossed like dolls against the wall. People were screaming in pain and panic and it caused a stampede towards the entrance. She gritted her teeth and tried to find a way to escape. The giant vine was coming at her in such speed she didn't know how to evade it save take the blow and hope to come out of it alive.

"KASSHIN SHOU RAI!" shouted Syaoran as a blazing fire erupted from his ofuda towards the vine.

"Cooked eggplant man!" said Yuichi as he sent out his own Holy Fire through his seal to save Meilin.

The fire engulfed the vine and for a moment, it writhed as if in pain from the blaze. Some of their classmates, who were hiding behind the chairs looked at the two in amazement. Panting, Syaoran reached Sakura and stepped in front of her and the vine. The other vines who were running after the audience began to slash forward at the stage.

"Syaoran, my key!" said Sakura as placed her hand against Syaoran's shoulder. "Where'd you put it?" asked Syaoran through gritted teeth as he cut off the smaller vines who were speeding towards them. He looked over his shoulder to see a sweat-drop over Sakura's head. A sweat-drop fell on Syaoran's face. "You left it in the dressing room didn't you?" Sakura's embarrassed Hoe, was all the answer he needed. He began backing off the stage towards the dressing room at the corner making sure that Sakura was behind him.

Eriol was standing on one of the chair, making sure that people who haven't gotten outside the auditorium are shielded from the tracking vines. He looked down to find Naoko staring at him in awe. "You're every fantasy novel come true Eriol," said Naoko softly, all her feelings in her eyes. Yamazaki, who was shielding Chiharu near the stage where he pulled her off when the attack started said, "This is beyond anything I know. Eriol, Li and Yuichi-kun have magic!" exclaimed Yamazaki as Eriol's Shield covered them.

Yue was shielding Touya and Touya said, "We have to go! Kaijou doesn't have her key!"

"Stay here. There's also danger outside," said Yue flying over to the direction of the people's screams. "YUE!" called out Touya as he watched Yue dodge vines and use his arrow against the attacks. Touya's eyes narrowed as he felt that familiar aura again. It was similar to the aura he felt around Scarlet. "Did she bring this attack?" he growled aloud as he evaded one of the vines going for him.

The aura grew stronger and as he came towards the dressing room, he noticed that the aura was stronger outside. / Oh no Yue... / thought Touya as he immediately got over to Sakura's desk and rummaged through the stuff to find her necklace. Danger! He gave a sigh of relief upon finding Sakura's necklace and hurried over to the front stage where the fiercest battle raged on.


"Syaoran-kun!" screamed Sakura when Syaoran took the blow meant for her. The vine lashed through Syaoran's uniform, cutting his skin. Protected within his arms, Sakura saw the shudder of pain Syaoran suppressed and his tightly compressed lips. She wiggled underneath him, "I have to get my star key!" cried Sakura as Syaoran rolled over, taking her with him to avoid another vine.

Eriol was tiring from shielding the people left inside the auditorium. He was also trying to fight the vines but the energy and magic spent on defense left his offense lacking. His school uniform was full of rips and tears and Yuichi was long run out of magic because he got hit by one of the vines. Yuichi, along with Meilin were under one of Eriol's shields.

"SAKURA!" shouted Touya as he ran over, holding the star necklace up. A vine rushed towards Touya, making Sakura scream. "Onii-chan!!!!"

Touya grunted in pain as the vine threw him back but he managed to toss the necklace over near the front row. Tomoyo, who was in a shield nearby crawled away from her protection to get the necklace and turn it over to Sakura. "Hold on Sakura-chan!" said Tomoyo, ducking as she crawled, trying to avoid the vines. She winded in pain when one f the smaller vines sliced across her bare shoulder.

Eriol and Sakura shouted when they saw a sharp, pointed vine hovering above Tomoyo's back, ready to stab the girl.

Tomoyo grabbed the key and whirled around to see the vine over her. She automatically stood up and ran, before tossing the key towards Sakura's direction. "Take care Sakura-chan!" shouted Tomoyo, knowing that the vine would stab her now. Something crashed against her, knocking the breath from her and taking her down.

Woozily, she opened her eyes to see Eriol hovering above her, blood dripping from his wounded shoulder where the sharp vine was still sticking through. The giant thorns in the vine were bloody and Eriol gave Tomoyo a pained smile as he slowly slumped down over her. Against Tomoyo's ear, Eriol whispered, "Did-- I ever-- tell you---how-- beautiful---- you are?" With that, Eriol lost consciousness and fell over Tomoyo.

"ERIOL!" screamed Tomoyo as all the other shields faded and the vines began to attack the students in frenzy. The vine was still in his shoulder and with tears of rage, Tomoyo seized the fat thorny vine and tugged it away from Eriol's shoulder, unmindful of the thorns sinking in her hands.

"SHIELD!" shouted Sakura as a bigger Shield engulfed her classmates who were now bloodied and injured. Naoko was crying as all the other stared at Sakura in amazement. "Sakura-chan has magic too?" asked Rika as she held her wounded hand. "How dare you hurt them!" shouted Sakura as she stood before the vines, her body trembling in anger.

All the vines began to go for Sakura who was standing in the middle of the stage. She was holding a single card, her eyes dark with rage. As the vines approached her, she threw the card up and commanded, "SCORCH!" Immediately, black fire surrounded her and then rose up to completely obliterate every single vine. It raged in the auditorium, its fire so darkly hot that it was cold.

Sakura left her Scorch fly outside and when smoke began to rise from the dismembered vines, she began to transform the raw energy into a Sakura card. "Forces of darkness, discard thine old form and be reborn again. Under the name of SAKURA, thine new mistress!" commanded Sakura as the black smoke immediately formed itself into a SAKURA card. The moment it transformed, it immediately flew over into Sakura's hand.

"Sakura's becoming more and more powerful," observed Meilin as she held Yuichi against her. Yuichi looked at Sakura with troubled eyes. "But such unnecessary force," murmured Yuichi as he stared at the slight flare of darkness around the Card Mistress.

Somewhere outside, a figure dressed in black with her companion smiled from their location in the tree. "Yes, feel the rage, the anger-- let it corrupt your starfire," the woman murmured.

One of Scorch's flames reached outside and began to finish off the vines Yue was fighting. Scorch even managed to hit the Dark Mistress who cursed, calling Yue's attention to her. The Dark Mistress disappeared as gray mist engulfed the area.

Yue tried to fly after the Mistress and he followed after a distinct aura of magic. As he flew by the tool shed near the auditorium, he saw a lady holding a sword, standing in the middle of the vines Scorch has destroyed. One of her blouse's black sleeves was torn off and her arm was bleeding.

Yue flew down and the lady looked up, meeting the Guardian's eyes squarely. Yue saw her face for the first time and noticed the huge aura of power the lady has carefully concealed all this time.

She looked even more beautiful, gripped by the incandescent aura of magic. Her aura was cold and icy and Yue felt drawn to her. Disturbingly drawn to this woman he felt had both the aura of darkness and light. He stared at the haunting face of the woman everyone knew as Kanezuka Scarlet.

Author's Notes:

WAI! I finished chapter 10, which is really, really long. Whew! Hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for the late Christmas gift but hey, it's the thought that counts. Cliffhanger! Do you hate me? Please REVIEW!!!! Review! Review! Review! Onegai! Thank you so much to my kind reviewerss! MWAH! I love you guys! This is rather shameless of me but it's christmas and I would really be happy if my reviews reach 90 for this chapter. Wow, demanding no? Please don't be a free loader and review my story, I promise to write extra fast if my reviews reach that number. Ja ne and season's greetings! ^_^

P.S. Another shameless plug but please read my Inuyasha fanfiction, Crucify My Love. If you're a fan of Sango and Miroku, you'll love this fic. Plus, another thick-faced shameless plug, read Rukawa's Seven Seal Sister if you're a fan of X 1999 by Clamp and Slamdunk. Just click on my name and you'd find those stories. REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW!
