I know that this is a fanfiction no-no so please don't flag or be upset with me! I know it's been a long while, but life has been really tough and is now settling down! I just relocated for work and am on my own for the very first time! So you know what that means! I have a whole lot of extra time on my hands and plan to use it to WRITE, WRITE, WRITE! So I am rereading this story to be sure I have all of it down since its been a while and then have all my notes for it so I can start squeezing out chapters and hopefully get it finished. My goal is to try for a chapter once a week but even if I can every other week, since I will also be writing and finishing other stories I have! :) So bare with me! I promise this time I am for reals back! I need something to keep me sane out in the boonies where I moved! I have been fighting a touch of depression and think the best way to get past it is to do something I love! What a better way to do it!

Mysterious Flame