AN: The revision is done! It took a 11 maybe 12 weeks, school has been killing me, but I did it! I added a whoooooole lot! Now I feel a lot better going in the direction I want to! So hope everyone likes everything added. I totaled it up and added 62,000 words worth of stuff. Phew hope everyone enjoys! I am halfway between the new chapter as well! I am making it a goal to make each chapter between 8,500 and 10,000 words! Just a personal challenge for me! The final chapter has basically a new chapter added!

I have added and edited and then went through to proof read a second time! So I am really hoping that i caught most all the grammar issues as well as the typos, but alas I am human. So if i missed any I truly apologize! I would really love to have a beta if anyone is interested! I know I am tough to beta for because I write a WHOLE lot of material, but if anyone is up for it let me know! I like the constructive criticism as well as ideas. I have had betas in the past that would make suggestions, which I love because it is a good challenge for me!

I also added alot of new content at the end, which basically is a new chapter woot woot!

So an author of a great book series I have been reading did this and it was the first time I had ever seen. But, when she published her new book she also put on her blog the songs she listened to while writing her recent novel! Which I thought holy smokes I totally cannot write without musical inspiration. So for fun I put at the bottom of the chapter and will put on the remaining ones the music I listened to while writing! If that might be any fun for anyone else!

Please Review and let me know what you think of the changes. I really feel happy and confident with them!

Warning; This story i rate M for mature, there is language, violence, and explicit sexual situations. I don't wish for anyone to be offended so please if you do not like to read these things please refrain, and if you do like to read it then please proceed!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the music mentioned!

Chapter One: Don't Make Me Wait

Our raven haired protagonist was once again unpacking her belongings. She had grown accustomed to the grueling task over the past years. Several suitcases and boxes were strung across the small room in slight disarray, while a few suitcases were pushed to the corner of the room, left untouched.

"Kagome?" a loving voice yelled from down the stairs on the first level of the small house.

Kagome sighed, 'now what? If Mama asks me one more time if I'm alright, my head will spin.'

"Coming mother!" She yelled discarding the clothes currently in her hands, which she had been taking from the box next to her. Kagome traveled through the hallway, down the stairs, and through the small hall leading into the kitchen.

Her mother stood in front of the stove cooking the contents in the frying pan. She had short black hair and was dressed like a typical mother this day and age would be. She had on a simple knee length navy skirt, along with a white sweater, protected by a plain yellow apron, and topped off with simple black slip on shoes. Although she tried to put up a front, it was obvious that her smile was forced.

"Yeah Momma what do you need?" Kagome asked letting her presence be known.

"Oh, dinner is almost ready dear. I just got off the phone with your new school director everything is all set and paid for. It was kind for them to allow you admittance, with it being past the deadline. You should be happy for tomorrow. I real accredited University!" She again forced a smile.

"Yay, I can hardly contain my excitement Momma." Kagome's voice dripped with evident sarcasm. This had been the fourth time this year that they had moved and it was only the middle of August. Was this how life was going to be for the rest of their lives, constantly running? Her pride was scarred and perhaps would never be healed like some of the scars left amongst her flesh.

Kagome's mother watched the same pained looks cross her daughter's troubled face. The last year had been very tough, more so, than any of the years prior that. The one year anniversary of her father's, Kagome's grandfathers, death had past but only two months ago. With all the trouble they had been going through it had been icing on the cake.

"Kagome maybe this time, this time will be different honey. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart that things have been so rough."

"Momma why give my hopes up? That was what we thought the last two, no three times, would have been like. Our family has fallen apart. I feel like I am never going to have a normal life. I'm almost twenty-one and I feel like I haven't even lived yet!" the angry girl yelled with tears swelling in her eyes. Regret filled her just as fast as the anger had fueled her outburst.

'Great, now I'm being a huge bitch.' Kagome mentally chastised herself.

"I'm sorry mother. I'm just tired, really it's been a long few days, and I'm sure I'm just nervous about tomorrow."

Kagome's mother kept to herself. Kagome had every reason to be upset the way she had. She had every right to take her anger out on her as well. It broke a mother's heart to see her child have to grow up so fast, because of such hellish situations. This was supposed to be the best time of a girl's life, where it was filled with love and fun.

She sighed, "Kagome I am so sorry if only I made more money. I would have sent you to boarding school along with your brother. Then you would not have….that is I…you would not be…these past few years it has been all my fault." Her mother choked on the words that she was trying to form to complete her sentence.

"Stop Momma," Kagome walked over to her mother to give her a comforting hug. "You're already working two jobs as it is. It's not like your just sitting around doing nothing. Besides, I have no regrets that Souta is in boarding school. It's been good that he's been over there really." Kagome took a deep breath and smiled a real smile. "Stop beating yourself up, I shouldn't take my bad mood out on you either."

"You know what? I feel really good about this place. This time it is going to be different. You just wait and see." Her mother put on a smile that suggested she was ready to speak of more uplifting things, rather than dwell. "So have you decided if you are going to stay in that dorm honey? Don't you think that you should at least try for the real college experience? You'll be with your cousin and I'll be okay here. I think your Aunt and I are going to do volunteer work together, and you can always come here for dinner anytime!"

Kagome looked up at her mother with conflicted eyes. In truth she really did like the idea of living on campus. She yearned to have a normal experience in life, finally, but her Mother needed her more. She didn't want to be selfish.

"Momma, I don't think we can afford it. Plus despite what you say, how could I possibly leave you here by yourself."

Her mother smiled at her with a real smile of her own. Her daughter was strong and would get through anything. She was happy about that. No matter what had happened to them, she knew Kagome would make it. She truly was a daughter that any parent would be proud to have.

"Kagome, you went to a community college for your first two years. This is your first time at a real college. I want you to have the experience. You deserve to have the experience. The dorm is all taken care of if you want to stay in it. I just cleared it with the dean."

Kagome watched her mother deep in thought. She took in everything that her mother offered. The money had been a major concern as well. Was there enough scholarship to actually cover those types of expenses? What about the university itself?

"Thanks Momma, just give me a few days to be sure." Kagome smiled softly, before turning heel to head back upstairs, might as well pack a suitcase just in case.


"Yes Mother?"

"Just try not to get into any fights or anything tomorrow. It is your first day. Lay low and enjoy it" She expressed in the most hopeful voice she could. Kagome was a sweet girl. It just seemed like she needed to control her temper better at times.

Kagome sighed and shook her head.

"Thanks a lot mother."

"It has happened in the past Kagome. That is the only reason I said anything. I don't want you to always live life like it's a war. Now, go on and finish up unpacking what you don't want to take, I'll call you when dinner is finished."

Kagome shook her head again. It was not that she was a violent person or anything. She was just so tired of being pushed around she had already dealt with enough to last her a lifetime. No she would not be pushed around again. Kagome was not the type of person to go looking for a fight but she was never one to back down from one, be it verbal or physical, even if she did not stand a chance. Her independence had gotten her this far.

"Oh and Kagome I went ahead and asked your uncle and cousin to come by for dinner but they had to decline. They are really helping us out when you see your cousin tomorrow be sure to thank him!"

Clearly done with the conversation her mother returned to her cooking. Kagome turned on heel to head back up the stairs. So that was how they were paying for the University. It made a lot more since now.

Kagome flung herself on the bed, "Hope I'm not making a huge mistake."

She knew tomorrow would be a long day. The first day at a real university, it was probably going to feel like freshman year all over again.

Inuyasha groaned, when the buzzing noise of his cell phone infiltrated his ears, for the eighth time that morning. Did people not understand how to take a non-subtle hint?

"Fuck what do ya want? This is the eighth time you're fucking calling." A harsh groggy voice yelled into the receiving end of the offended cell phone.

"Inuyasha, you've already missed orientation. Where the hell are you?" an equally aggravated voice yelled back.

Inuyasha winced, casting his white fuzzy puppy like ears down to the crown of his head, in hopes of drowning out the loud voice. His ears were actually ringing.

"Well shit Miroku I can't help it if it was a long night. It was the last day of summer and the two chicks' I brought back kept me up all night." He growled rolling into his covers cocooning himself with the warmth it had to offer. He had been thankful the women had left early that morning. He didn't care for the awkward morning goodbyes.

A chuckle was heard from Miroku.

"Everyone used to tell me that I was a sleaze. For crying out loud Inuyasha I am not your mother. I can't believe I'm actually calling you to get you out of bed. Never mind last night, remember me telling you I had something to take care of this morning and that I needed you to pick up my orientation packet when you grabbed yours. Remember you also agreeing to that? You would think with your heightened sense of hearing that you would actually listen to me every once in a while."

Inuyasha groaned, "Whenever I do listen to you all I hear is how your pussy whipped by a woman who wants nothing to do with you. I can't exactly help it if I switch to auto mode every once in a while," which was technically how he was feeling right about now.

Miroku sighed once more, "I can't wait till you find your mate man. I hope she is able to put you in your place! No better yet I hope you turn into a love sick puppy!" He couldn't help how he felt. When a demon found their intended all coherent thoughts went to mush.

Inuyasha grumbled, kicking his comforter and sheets off his body, ready to finally start the day. He stretched his lean sculpted body across the mattress. Welts and scratches marred his back, neck, and forearms, but, those would all be healed within the next few hours. His red boxer briefs fit snuggly and road low on his hips as he moved side to side to listen his sore limbs up. What a crazy night it had been.

"Whatever Miroku, you know just as well as I do no one wants to truly be with a half-breed the rest of their lives. If anyone wants me it's only for my money or skills in the sack, which is just fine with me because I don't want anybody either." Inuyasha stood, heading to the bathroom, and stopped to look in the mirror to inspect his back and torso carefully. "It ain't my fault that women just come crawling into my bed. We live in a town full of skanks and whores, might as well have a little bit of fun." He yawned, done with scrutinizing over meaningless things.

Inuyasha reached into the shower to turn the handle that would spark the warm water. He turned the heat up as much as he could stand. He might as well scorch the filth from his tainted body.

"Why Inuyasha, your attitude is rather appalling as usual. If you do not change that soon you really are going to end up alone." Miroku argued. His best friend tried to put up a front, but he believed more than anything the half-breed really did want to have a mate one day.

"Psh you're one to talk Miroku, don't even try to act innocent! We both know you use to do the same shit I do. Thought we had the same mentality till ya ruined it. Maybe I really don't want anybody did you ever think of that?" Inuyasha shot back with ridicule.

'This topic was getting old,' Inuyasha thought to himself. It seemed like Miroku brought it up more often than not. It was like he thought talking about finding a mate would make it happen. Inuyasha returned to his bed sitting upon the soft mattress waiting for both the water to heat and this conversation to end.

"No one is going to stick there neck out for a hanyou, Miroku. I learned that the hard way. Again, I'm a thing of convenience and money that's about it. So stop with you ridiculous notions. "

"Now, now Inuyasha not everyone is like that. I mean I personally can think of one such person." Miroku interjected.

"Oh hell, here we go again, see this is what I'm talking about. Why don't ya just ask that girl out already? Or is your tail going to be stuck between your legs for the rest of your life?" The half-demon quirked, he listened more intently however, when muffled voices could be heard on the other end of the phone. Was Miroku with a girl now?

"Inuyasha as much as I would love to continue this I have to go, things to do. Now hurry up and get out to the courtyard. Some of us want to get done with this school and its utmost extensive trainings." Miroku finished hanging up the phone.

Inuyasha sighed. It was the beginning of senior year might as well start it off right.

"Miroku!" Kagome yelled once more watching her cousin from across the courtyard that was still on his cell. He held up his index finger signaling her to wait a second longer. Kagome smiled and sat down on one of the stone benches.

One of the only perks in moving to this place was that her closest cousin was here. Miroku and Kagome had been close since her tender age of three. He was a few years older than her and always acted more like an older brother. She could not help but smile remembering the past, before it all went sour. Miroku and his family had lived a little away from the shrine. Her late grandfather had a dojo there. Miroku and Kagome were among his top students. Kagome had always looked up to Miroku he was the first person to ever really take care and look out for her.

Miroku was special rather was different than Kagome. She did not know much about demons. It was still hard for her to wrap her head around the idea. Kagome's father was the elder half-brother of Miroku's mother. They were successors to a family of wind demons that practiced spiritualism. Kagome's father was born out of wedlock between a half demon and human.

Genetics between demons and humans had become something wildly researched over the past decades. Her father was part of the five percent, whose demon allele had not been carried correctly, thus making him a human. Despite this he was treated as an equal to the family. Miroku's mother had been born a full-fledged demon and mated with and equally full-fledged wind demon. Thus, this made Miroku a prominent and strong wind demon.

Kagome chuckled again to herself. She was fifteen, before she really started liking boys, and Miroku chased boys away from her. He had declared that she was too young or they were no good for her. At the time it always angered her, but now she could not help but smile. He really did care about her. Miroku had been her biggest back bone when her father had passed away. She was four months shy of her sixteenth birthday as she recalled the day. The two cousins had been in the middle of sparing when her mother burst into the dojo tear stricken.

Kagome shook her head ridding herself of the memories. Half a year after the incident Miroku and his family relocated, his sister no longer being able to stand the town that her dear brother had passed away in. Several times Kagome found herself wondering how life would have been, if Miroku had never left, but a part of her felt guilty having such thoughts.

"Sorry about that. Ready for me to show you to your classes I'm assuming you've decided on the dorms since you brought that enormous yellow suit case." Miroku smiled separating Kagome from her thoughts. The said girl smiled up at him with a nod.

"Miroku if you have things you need to do I can fend for myself honest." Kagome smiled.

"Nonsense," Miroku reached out to grab hold of Kagome's hand. "I haven't spent any time with you in years. I'm not about to waste any time now. This place is huge I at least want to give you a descent tour. It's much safer for you to be with me as well."

Miroku tried to hold his smile as he escorted his cousin to her class, but couldn't help but worry about the girl. He had known her and his Aunt had been going through some rather rough times. He had tried on several occasions to keep in touch with Kagome about it, but she usually just shut down, which would have never happened before her father had pass. Miroku silently sassed himself. He said he would always protect her and felt like he had done a piss poor job.

"Well I still haven't decided on the dorms yet. Think I can leave my suitcase in your car and come back for it once we're done with the day?" Kagome glanced over at her cousins Jeep. "It at least gives me a little extra time to decide.". She sighed looking at the large magnificent campus. It was incredible and for now she really just wanted to get acquainted.

Miroku nodded taking her suitcase and hoisting it over his shoulder. Once getting to the jeep he opened the back door and tossed it in with ease.

"Miroku?" Kagome called out to him.

"What is it?" He grinned over at her.

"I don't want you to always feel like you have to escort me around. I mean I want to spend time with you. It's just I am a big girl, ya know?"

He chuckled, "Oh I know little cousin."

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders in a bear hug type of grip shaking her slightly.

"However, I also know about your temper! This place is very different from anywhere you have lived. You my dear are not use to schooling with demons, witches, mikos, and other gifted individuals. I had to pull a lot of strings to get you into this university mind you, and I can't be having you piss any of them off with your attitude, now can I?" He held her head in his arm rubbing her hair enough to mess it up.

"Miroku stop it!" she struggled, grabbing hold of his arms.

"Miroku right now I mean it!" His hold loosened on her. After gaining back her freedom, she fixed her hair up the best she could. He again chuckled at her, his modest cousin. She smoothed out her slightly baggy navy t-shirt. She wore equally loose gray sweats and held in her hand the matching hoodie set. For footwear she chose simple white sneakers. Kagome did not like bringing attention to herself and something like this was comfortable.

They walked around the whole campus. First picking up her orientation packet, this was in a different area than Miroku's. Everything at this school was based of classification. Not your ordinary freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior classification. Instead it was done my human or demon, then from their broken down into what type they classified as. How Miroku had classified her as a spiritualist was beyond her.

When Kagome began having second thoughts, they continued to tour the University. It was certainly arranged like a college town. There were eight restaurant quality dining facilities, three gymnasiums, a library fit for a brilliant scholar, five large court yards with ponds, and that was just all she caught while they hurried along. There must have been over fifteen academic buildings. The campus was also surrounded by thick forestry, just in case she felt a hike was needed, o a good getaway.

"Alright well here is your feudal history class, enjoy learning about feudal era Japan and be on your best behavior." He informed taking leave his cousin to make his own personal class, knowing that if a certain half demon was not there he was going to be angry. Surely with his speed he would make the first class of the week.

Kagome watched as Miroku exited the door way. The set up was typical of a college, all the building we're made up by department. It should prove to be easy enough to get around. Thank goodness her classes weren't set up close together, in case she had a thirty minute walk in between classes. Kagome walked into the classroom. The professor turned towards her. He was an older looking, smaller man, with gray receding hair. His nose threw her off at first, it was long and narrow like something a tic or flea would have.

"Ah, Ms. Higurashi I presume yes, yes, please, please, do come in. We'll begin orientation in a moment. Everyone has just introduced themselves. I would like you to introduce yourself as well to the class, if you don't mind. This is Feudal Japan I am Myoga Flea but I am much fine with my students just calling me Myoga." He nodded grasping Kagome's hand in his shaking them up and down in excitement.

Kagome could not help but groan. She hated this part. It was the part of her that was shy and awkward. This not being like any normal University, she had gone to, made her feel even more apprehensive. Each class she wondered what type of people and demons she would meet with.

"Calm down now class. This is a transfer student with much prestige. Ms. Higurashi?" He motioned with his hands.

Kagome bowed in front of the class.

"Hello my name is Kagome." A series of hoots, whistles, groans, and hellos could be heard as Kagome stood back up.

"Go on ahead and find yourself a desk Lady Kagome, I'll be right back with everyone's hand out for today. I must have left them in my office." Myoga motioned her to find a seat, before turning toward the door and making his exit.

Kagome passed through the nearest row heading for the last and only available desk. She nearly tripped, catching herself, but dropping her book bag in the process. She turned around to see what it was that she had nearly fallen on her face for.

"My, my, not only lacking in looks but seem to be quiet the klutz as well." A shrilling voice cackled, erupting with it a few laughs. Kagome glanced at the girl that the voice belonged to. The girl had long flowing black hair that was straight as a board. Her long legs were delicately crossed, not hiding very much skin, for her short white mini skirt left little to the imagination.

'I'm already on sensory overload. The last thing I want to deal with is a bitch!" Kagome gritted her teeth.

"Come again?" She asked annoyance evident.

"Oh dear, are you deaf as well, how sad. Hm, or maybe just slow, well ill simplify it for you charity case. You're unwelcomed, what could possibly be so special about you anyways?" The girl laughed again, along with her posse sitting next to her.

Kagome took a deep breath again, 'Special, how about my special right hook? Bet I could knock your head so hard that you'll be feeling special.'

"Kikyou, do you really have nothing better to do with your meaningless life than torment the new girl." Another girl spoke from the back of the room. She also had long straight hair with a brown tint to it. She wore it in a sporty pony tail. This girl had a simple pair or blue jeans on with a sporty tight white and pink baseball looking tee.

Kikyou picked at her perfectly manicured nails with a bored expression upon her face.

"Oh dear Sango, taking pity upon another lost soul or are you, that desperate for friends?"

"Now you wait just one damn-" Sango arose aggressively from her desk, beginning to shoot back another retort.

"No-that's quite alright." Kagome finally spoke up, walking towards Kikyou, gaining the whole classes attention.

"You see it's not Kikyou's fault that she tripped me." Kagome continued leaning against the student's desk right next to Kikyous.

"You see, she's just so damn big, that she can't help but hang out into the isle. Kikyou it's alright it happens to the best of us. A little bit of advice though for the future try not to wear your clothes so tight, so it might cover up some of the bulges." Kagome finished looking straight into the girls wide eyes.

The whole class began to laugh and snicker about the girl. Most everyone in the University had a good grasp on all those in attendance or to be attending. Kagome's presence was uncommon. It was rare for someone to transfer and be human nonetheless.

Kikyou was one individual who was well known throughout the university. In more ways than just one, her promiscuity and popularity went hand in hand.

"Ergh! Do you know who you are TALKING too!" Kikyou screamed.

Kagome waved her hands in her face with a smile.

"With a squeaky ass voice like that, I'm not so sure I want to know, smoker maybe? Is that why you're so hostile, have that problem with other people? Well here," Kagome reached into her bag pulling out a small notebook dropping it onto Kikyou's desk.

"I always like to help poor souls. So maybe if for now on, instead of actually talking, you just write your feelings down. That might keep people around you just a tad bit longer." Kagome smiled turning on her heal.

Kikyou reached out to slap Kagome, her motion stopped abruptly. Kagome caught hold of her wrist, and eyed her with a bone shattering glare with blackening eyes.

"You do not want to do that!" She spat with finality. She let go of Kikyou's wrist, continued to the seat she had earlier been heading towards, and silently sat down.

The class watched Kagome with an array of thoughts, with the exception of Kikyou who still sat frozen with her arm in the air. As if on cue, from the moment Kagome sat down, Myoga entered into the room to find all the students staring in her general direction.

"Now, Now, class I know Lady Kagome is indeed a beauty but I need your attention up here!" He spoke gaining the attention of the class, as he went on with his discussion.

Kagome watched in boredom. Maybe she should not have gone so overboard. But the girl just really pissed her off. She had every opportunity to smear her heavily make-up coated face, with her fist, and didn't right? She swore to herself that she was not a violent person. No, usually Kagome really did keep to herself. But the last year had just changed her so much. It was like something in her just snapped.

A piece of paper folded up flew to her desk from her left. Kagome looked over to see Sango, the girl who had stuck up for her earlier, as she nodded at her with a smile. Turning her attention back to the paper Kagome unfolded it to read the contents.

"Wow that was quite the entrance. I have to say I like you already. Anyone other than me that hates on Kikyou is certainly alright in my book."

Kagome smiled writing her reply.

"I assure you I'm usually not that hateful, just people like that I can't help it. Do a lot of people normally stay clear of her? You can't tell me that she has a lot of friends?"

Kagome passed the note back allowing the chocolate brunette to read it, before replying and returning the paper.

"She comes from money and has a lot of pull. Besides, she is a miko so most demons steer clear. To be honest she is nothing but a slut. That girl would make a full time escort blush, but it's one of her many ways of manipulation. I despise her and anyone like that."

Kagome read the contents trying her hardest not to laugh. She really liked this girl, blunt and to the point.

"I'm not going to lie, I don't know much about demons and mikos and such, so I'm not really sure what you're talking about. But I for one am not scared of a weak whore."

It was Sango's turn to try and not chuckle.

"I'll explain more to you later. Class will be over soon maybe we can grab lunch? The little café outside this building is amazing."

Kagome smiled and looked over to Sango nodding, trying to listen to the last of Myouga's introduction to the class. She couldn't help but think to herself that she was excited. It felt like she was actually making a friend, when had that ever become such a foreign feeling? Sad or pathetic though, she never felt she made friends that quickly. Whatever friends she had made after Miroku's departure didn't last, with no thanks of the nightmare she lived with. Still she felt a little uncertain, afraid to get too close to anyone, afraid they may fall victim to her phantoms.

Class hadn't been very long but it didn't curve his irritation, but at least that was the nice thing about the first week of college, classes were relatively short. Miroku exited his classroom.

"Yo, Miroku!"

Miroku turned around to find the reason for his current annoyance.

"Inuyasha in case you haven't noticed class is over!" He berated his so called best friend, who was walking down the hall towards him, sporting a red wife beater tank and light pair of holey blue jeans. Miroku shook his head again. Inuyasha often acted like he cared about nothing, not even himself.

"Well I'm starving." Miroku decided it wasn't even worth arguing with the hanyou.

"Hmph, I can always eat!" Inuyasha smiled a toothy grin.

Miroku sighed, "Don't I know."

"Where ya want to go to? You know I heard the new-" Inuyasha began, but stopped a second, sniffing the air with interest.

Miroku took note of his odd behavior. Inuyasha rarely stayed interested in things for very long though.

"You do know Inuyasha. When you do that, you really do look like a dog. You plan on completing your thought?"

"Uh, yeah heard the new waitress at Cross Jacks is really hot, a freshman!"

"Not interested," Miroku stalked down the hall heading towards the courtyard.

Inuyasha shook his head trying to alleviate the scent he had caught that still tickled his nose. He smelt the most delicious scent, like hazelnut and cinnamon, no, that wasn't quite what the scent was either. It was earthier maybe brazilin nut? He groaned inhaling it again, where in the hell was that coming from? It was definitely coming from a female and was causing an uncomfortable pull in his pants. He had never smelled that scent from anyone in the school before, that he was sure of. There had only been sixteen freshmen, seven that had been females. It wasn't one of them.

"Hey man, is there a new-"Inuyasha looked around for the first time realizing the wind demon had left him. Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders heading down the hall.

Inuyasha smirked, 'Maybe I'll just do a little eavesdropping.' Inuyasha's sensitive ears caught random chitchat from the hall. Concentrating he tried to pick up individual sentences.

"Have you heard about the new girl yet?"

"Yeah, she's a real babe."

"Trouble maker if you ask me?"

"I heard she got kicked out of her old school?"

"She practically picked a fight with Kikyou."

"She totally humiliated Kikyou."

"Man, I'm totally gonna get a piece of that."

"She's totally human, not even anything special about her."

Inuyasha listened in carefully as he continued walking down the hall. So he was right, there was a new girl.

'Wonder if that is the scent that I've been smelling?' He smirked to himself. Well he was just going to have to make this another one of his conquests then. There was nothing more entertaining than having a spitfire in the sack. Not to mention the humans were so much more fun to tease than the demons.

"Okay witch craft and dark magic I get. All demons are different. Many have an animal like trait, different powers, and codes they go by. They are broken down into genius, then classes, some humanoid and other er, not. Mikos have spiritual powers and can purify slash kill demons so they fear them." Kagome repeated back the information to Sango, who was shaking her head. "Okay I understand. So, then you are…?" Kagome questioned. She had been learning as much as she could from the knowledgeable girl. It be important if she wanted to have a chance at making it here.

They sat outside, near a tree, eating burgers and fries from the café. Sango had insisted it be her treat as a welcome to the school. Kagome had felt terrible, but learned that Sango was quiet stubborn. Kagome's family didn't have a whole lot of money. She was already certain that Miroku's family were the ones giving them the funds for this school already. She liked to keel over when she saw the prices in the café.

"Well I'm neither. I come from a long line of demon hunters. You see for the most part demons have learned to coexist with humans. However, if ever there are problems, then my family and I come in as a means to subdue the said rogue demons." Sango explained with a large smile on her face. The fact that she was proud was highly evident.

"I guess you could say most demons have nothing to do with me either. Since I have no real spiritual powers, usually I get kind of shunned from this place myself. Mainly demons are a little afraid of me, or the other extreme, I'm not good enough. Either way it is imperative to my work that I learn as much as possible and be around their kind."

Kagome listened intently still not missing the slight sadness in Sango's voice. She knew the kind of sadness, it sprouted from loneliness.

"Well hey if it means anything I have no real powers either. My cousin just talked the principle into letting me come to this school. I think he just wants to keep an eye on me."

Sango looked up at Kagome a bit apprehensively, before giving her a small smile.

"Hell I don't think you need any special powers. You seem like you can handle yourself just fine Kagome."

Kagome blushed slightly. The compliment made her feel good and was welcomed. She felt like she was really being independent and making it on her own, finally.

"Hey so are you staying on campus?" Sango asked curiously.

"Um, well I originally wasn't going to. My family doesn't really have much money, to be honest, I should just be happy to be here." Kagome fumbled with her clothes a bit self-consciously. "I know this is more of a rich person's school, but I'm on scholarship. My mother insisted I stay though. After making it through the day and seeing the campus, I'm going to go ahead and stay, give it a try ya know." Kagome was ashamed to explain this. This school was evidently higher class and it was awkward, but better to be honest with Sango.

Sango was really intrigued by Kagome. So many, no practically all the students here had more money than they knew what to do with. Most did not even understand the value of a dollar or how people less fortunate lived. Sango was lucky now. The family business had brought in a lot of money making her family rich. But it hadn't always been that way.

"Oh, idea!" Sango yelled in excitement as something dawned on her.

Kagome looked at her curiously.

"Let's go out and celebrate this Thursday! It's the best day to go out in the week, its ladies night." Sango nudged Kagome playfully. "We can do like a welcoming celebration. Come on what do you say?" Sango smiled brightly.

"Uh, go out?"

"Yes, you do go out don't you Kagome?" Sango laughed. The sheer thought of having a new person to go out with was shining on her face. It was certainly going to be an awesome year.

Kagome gave Sango a sheepish yet odd look.

"Oh boy."

"This is all kind of new to me Sango. I've spent a lot of high school and up till now helping my Mother out as much as possible. Plus I still haven't really moved into my dorm yet, which was what I was planning to do tonight." Kagome awkwardly supplied. It was the truth. She still didn't even know where her dorm was located.

"That's admirable Kagome. Hey, just stay with me in my dorm tonight, and come tomorrow I'll help you move into your dorm. Now if that isn't a win-win situation I don't know what is. If this is a new chapter in your life, why not start living it? We can just hang out and get to know each other better."

'Huh, this girl really doesn't know when to give up!' Note to self, Kagome thought.

"So something low key tonight?" Kagome thought about it for a moment, "and go out where on Thursday?" Kagome asked.

"There's this new club that just re-opened up! I hear it is supposed to be more amazing than the last one!" Sango's eye twinkled with excitement.

"A club," Now Kagome was starting to feel a little apprehensive to agree to this. Going to a bar would be one thing, but a club, where people can rub up on her. That might not quite be her scene.

"Um, Kagome you're at least twenty-one right? Tell me you've been to a club before?"

"Well I'll be twenty-one in a few months, but no I haven't been to a club before. Not that I never wondered what it would be like. I guess life just kind of got in the way is all." It had been truth enough.

Sango grabbed hold of Kagome's hands genuinely.

"Well now we have to go! I swear you'll have a blast Kagome. My other girlfriend's mate has been hogging her lately. Honestly it's been awhile since I've been out, so what do you say Kagome?" Sango pleaded.

'How could I possibly now say no?'

"Alright, but promise nothing to crazy alright?"

Sango squealed with excitement over the victory.

"Say Sango? You said that this was the reopening of what use to be a club right? So what happened to the other club exactly, did it go under?"

"Oh," Sango paused. "It blew up. Big fight broke out and you know how demons are." Sango laughed before looking up at Kagome's whitened face. "Er, or maybe not, well don't worry, really it'll be fine. I'm sure security has really tightened up to avoid another blow out."

"Kagome!" both girls turned their attention to the young man making his way to them. His short black hair pulled back into a small ponytail. He had a simple plain black button up, khaki shorts, and tennis shoes. The look her wore on his face was not pleasant.

"Miroku!" Kagome yelled waving towards him. Miroku took notice that the girl of his dreams was occupying his cousin's attention. Well now if that wasn't fate knocking on his door, but he couldn't think about that right now, because he had bigger fish to fry.

Kagome stood dusting herself off of any dirt. Upon making his way towards the two girls he nodded at Sango to acknowledge her presence.

"Well hello there Sango, looking lovelier than ever I see." He smiled.

Sango rolled her eyes at the man and laid herself back into the grass to stretch, acting like she was ignoring him the whole time. Secretly she was wondering what he wanted with her new friend. He better not be making passes at Kagome. She already had to deal with Kikyou's bullshit today.

Miroku pouted.

"Why Sango I am deeply hurt." He looked over to Kagome his expression becoming serious again, like a flip had switched in him. He grabbed hold of Kagome's arm pulling her none too gently away from Sango, for privacy.

"Please excuse us, I need a moment with your friend" Miroku threw over his shoulder at Sango in his haste.

"H-hey wait…um Kagome Kappa Hall room 25. I'm done with classes at 3:15. You should come over when you're done!" Sango called out hoping Kagome heard.

'Is Miroku already hitting on the new girl?' Sango wondered to herself? Why did it bother her so much? Wait, she did not care either way what he did. Right? Right. She knew one thing though. Miroku would never harm an innocent human, so at least Kagome was safe.

Miroku had been groping her and making passes at her since freshman year. Despite all of that he had never even asked her on a proper date and be my woman certainly did not count. So how did he expect her to act? As much as she tried not to think about Miroku whisking Kagome away it did still bug her, but what kind of life would there be for a human and demon anyways?

Once away from other ears length Miroku turned around quickly to face Kagome, who was pulling at his strong grasp. When had her cousin gotten so ridiculously strong?

"Miroku, what is your problem let me go!" Kagome yelled. Although she already knew what he was going to chide her about. Sigh, Momma Miroku was about to make his grand entrance. Some things never changed. She had the familiar feeling of being eight again and had just got caught climbing up the great tree.

"What did I ask Kagome? Stay out of trouble. Geeze I thought Aunt Kun-Loon was just joking about you having a habit of trouble making What happened to my innocent sweet cousin?" He crossed his arms over his chest showing his best annoyed look he could possibly muster.

Kagome shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

"She grew up Miroku! I'm still me but I can't be that weak little girl anymore. I have to be tough. We're not kids any more so don't treat me like one. She made me mad I verbally retaliated. It's not like I threw a desk at her." Kagome looked away appearing slightly defeated by his judgmental glare.

"I'm going to assume the thought did cross your mind though?"

Miroku studied her. When had she become so hard? It tore at his heart somewhat not wanting her to have to feel that way. This certainly wasn't his care free gentle cousin. Had her father's death really had this lasting impact on her?

"Look be tough, I get that, but you do not have to put up a front all the time. Rely on me here. Like you did when we were kids? There isn't anything childish about that." He hoped the encouragement would help her.

Kagome nodded slightly. She honestly was trying, she really was. She was just a little apprehensive. Maybe she was over thinking things too much. It would be so nice to have Miroku in her corner again. To tell him everything and seek comfort from him like the big brother he always acted like.

Kagome sat in the courtyard along the water fountain. Students passed by her many stealing glances as she tried to sit patiently waiting for her cousin. She was trying as hard as she could to read a new art book she had gotten. It was to be her major. Art and music had been her two greatest passions and quite frankly what got her through the toughest of times.

This damn place reminded her of high school. She wasn't sure if she was going to fit in. She wished that Sango didn't have a second class today. It would have been more fun to hang out with her instead of waiting on Miroku to do whatever it was he was doing. Kagome took a deep breath glanced back down at the book trying to lose herself with in its brilliant contents.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" gruff voice inquired.

Kagome stole a glance above her book. A man was bent over, peering at her a little too close for comfort. He had piercing blue eyes that were bright against his tanned skin. His hair was midnight black pulled up into a high ponytail. He radiated demon just by the way he held his snide smirk. The said demon was clad in brown basketball shorts and a sheer white wife beater. Looked like a typical jock.

"Uh, can I help you?" Kagome said uneasily.

The day was almost over with, without too much trouble, and this guy radiated it. By the way he was staring at her Kagome had a bad feeling about the upcoming situation. It would probably be in her best interest to make a quick getaway.

The demon snatched the book away from Kagome so quickly she never had a chance to pull it away.

"Well bookworm what do you have this for?" He asked looking at the book like it was a vile monster.

"Please give that back or I'm going to lose my patience." Kagome was surprised at her calmness. On the inside she could feel her insides begin to tighten in a sickly fashion. She wouldn't admit it but it was fear. She couldn't place it but this demon radiated something that was deeply dark and promised harm.

"Oh I see. Look gorgeous you don't have to make the effort to smarten yourself up when you have a fine body like that." He smirked not even hiding the fact that he was checking out every inch of her body out. The clothes she wore were a bit loose but he could make out enough of her to get a feel for her body.

'Pretty sure I just threw up in my mouth.' Kagome thought standing up from the cold cement that had been serving as her bench.

"Look, leave me alone. I get it demons don't really care for humans. I've been picked on enough today," Kagome stated simply grabbing her book from the snide man. It had been the truth. Class had only been the beginning. She got grief when she picked up her books, when she looked into clubs, when she checked in with the dormitory admissions office, and when she got water out of the vending machine. She turned to remove herself from the current situation just as she had the last others.

The obnoxious demon cut her off, taking quick strides to blocking her path. Kagome tried to pass by him, but he stepped in front of her again his smirk slowly growing.

"Huh, I'll be damn. You're as feisty as everyone's been saying. Heard you told Kikyou off new girl. What do ya say? Wanna be my girl?" He asked with the utmost confidence.

'What the hell? Was it asshole day?'

The demon inhaled deeply growling in a rather grotesque way, "Fuck. Don't you just smell all pure? That just makes the deal that much sweeter."

'What the hell did that mean?' When he said pure did he mean…

Kagome groaned feeling rather exposed. She tried pushing through him. The demon grabbed hold of her wrist spinning her around again to face him. He shook her roughly when she tried to pull away from him.

"Babe where are you going? I didn't give you permission to leave yet, but that's alright I'll train you. Now come on lets seal the deal with a kiss, what do you say?" He leaned in missing Kagome's lips as she turned her head and yanked her captured hand back and forth sporadically.

"Let go of me! Let go of me now you bastard!" Kagome yelled instantly feeling terrified of the predicament. She could not get away from his grasp. It felt like he was emitting energy that made her feel nauseated. Was that even a possibility?

"Awe, come on now new girl if you wanna squirm around this much save it for later and some place a little more private. Bet I could really make you squirm then. I mean what can I say I respect my belongings." He laughed watching her antics.

"I don't belong to anyone!" She hit him as hard as she could with her free hand. "Get your hands off me!" Kagome screamed. She brought her knee up with the intent of hitting him in the groin. But, his reflexes proved to be faster, earning her a back hand in the face.

"Let her go Kouga!" another voice chimed in. Clawed hands wrapped themselves around Kouga's wrist, which had been cutting off the circulation to her wrist.

Kouga winced as the grip upon his wrist tightened.

"Geeze Inuyasha go and find your own. I found her first mutt!"

Inuyasha growled, "Now!" he seethed tightening his grip till he could hear the popping of bones from the wolfish demons arm. Kouga released his grip immediately howling in pain.

"Fuck you damn mongrel!" He screamed out pulling away from Inuyasha as he began to stalk away.

"Keh, all this trouble for a simple nobody of a human woman. She looks flat chested and isn't even that cute. Why even waste your time wolf." Inuyasha threw out to no one in particular.

'Flat chested?' Kagome's mind yelled. Alright maybe she wasn't model attractive but there was nothing wrong with her figure. So what if she didn't wear tight clothes to show off her curves. The last thing she wanted was to bring attention to her body.

"Besides, her stench is making my nose sting." Kouga made his exit with his tail between his legs while holding his pained arm. The last time he had really gone, head on with Inuyasha, it had turned out poorly in his favor. The human girl, he decided, wasn't worth it.

Kagome gasped taking in the features of the new and even more unpleasant on-comer. She found herself mesmerized. He was for lack of better words beautiful. Long flowing silvery white hair with odd puppy like ears perched atop his head. His eyes were a striking molten gold color that was shadowed by thick black eye brows and dark bushy eyelashes which made him even more mysterious.

He didn't give off that sickening feeling the other demon had. Kagome blinked a few times. Wait a minute what? She glared at the boisterous man even though the other was obnoxious, he was not slinging insults right and left at her.

"Are you going to keep staring at me because it's ticking me off? If you got something to say, say it." He yelled at the girl.

Inuyasha was not sure why he was acting the way he was to her. This was the girl he had smelled all day. This was the girl that was invoking all these odd feelings in the pit of his stomach. The weird feelings he was getting were really pissing him off. No woman had invoked such a stirring and he didn't like it. She had to be some witch or something. Truth is, he wasn't sure he meant everything he said. However, if she was casting out spells maybe he was caught up yes that's what it was. Right? Right!

"Just what the hell is your problem you stupid jerk?" Kagome yelled out at the dog. He had no right to talk to her the way he did, he didn't even know her.

Inuyasha smirked at the spark in her eyes maybe this was going to be fun than he originally thought.

"What you can dish it out but not take it." Kagome tightened her fist trying to not lose her cool. She knew this university was going to be tough and she had held her cool all day from dealing with all these egos but this dog demon was trying her every last nerve.

"So what are you, a witch?"

Kagome made a noise of annoyance, "excuse me?"

"Yeah you're right you're much too weak of a human to be a witch. Aren't ya bitch?"

"I don't need to have anything special to knock your head off, which is what I'm going to do if you don't apologize you immature brat!" Kagome yelled getting into Inuyasha's face. She pushed at his chest as hard as she could, which had felt like hitting a brick wall, but she wasn't going to admit it left her hands feeling achy.

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed as he got even closer to her face. Was it a little sadistic to feel turned on that she struck out at him, probably so. But, the fact she wasn't cowering sure made him shiver with anticipation. Bet she was a real minx in the bedroom just pinning to be dominated.

"Admirable how tough you are, bet underneath it all you're quivering like a leaf on a tree. I would shut that loud ass mouth of yours if you knew what was good for ya bitch!"

Kagome pushed at his chest not liking how close he was. This time she didn't apply as much force. Getting away from him was key though. He not only smelled nice but his breath was tickling her face in a strange way.

"Make me?" She challenged, despite the butterflies circling in her stomach. He was not getting the best of her. Maybe if she just made him mad enough he'd leave in annoyance. Now would be a great time for Miroku to get back.

"Why you!" he clenched out grabbing her wrist much like Kouga had, but not as roughly as the other demon had. It was like he wanted to scare her, but not harm her. Kagome took her other hand fisting it, before pounding his chest a few times with it.

"ha, you're not even coming close to harming me girl."

Inuyasha smirked looking down at the firecracker. Surely she knew if he wanted he could take her life within seconds. Rule of the school was attacker beware. If a demon or any student for that fact picked a fight and was disposed of it was not faulted by the school. Safety was not important to this money hungry University as long as they got their wages each semester. It was such a prestige school there was always another willing to take the place of a fallen student. And let's face it she did hit him first. Inuyasha knew though he would never harm the girl whose fists were beginning to become rather obnoxious upon his chest.

"Ugh, why doesn't this hurt you!" Kagome mumbled.

She felt like she was hitting a concrete, while he was acting like he was being hit with a pillow. She heard his chuckle, before his other arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her rather close to his chest as he still held her wrist. The notion stopped her pounding hand, both because it was now stuck between them, and also because of her shock. Either way it was probably a good thing her hand stung to the point of feeling numb. She could though, feel every last bit of his perfectly muscled flawlessly chiseled chest as hard as he was holding her body against him. Kagome just knew her cheeks were heating up and prayed that maybe he would not notice.

Inuyasha noticed and smiled as well at least her movements had ceased.

"I figured if you wanted to touch me so damn bad that this would be a lot more comfortable for the both of us." He chided just hoping to get the reaction out of her that he wanted.

"Grr…"Kagome growled out trying to move her body but stopped almost as soon as she started. He was so damn strong she was going nowhere, with the exception of embarrassment road, as she only succeeded in rubbing up against him.

Inuyasha had to release her a little bit.

'Did she really just grow at me?'

He was not a hundred percent sure that would be what he would call it, but it was sexy as hell. And not a moment after that she rubbed up against his body only sending tingles down to the pit of his stomach and to a certain other body part. He knew it wasn't her intention, but it didn't change what it did to him. He couldn't place the difference in her smell, it was, well pure. She even had blushed. He hadn't seen a girl blush in a long time.

Inuyasha inhaled her once more, wait she really did smell pure, there was no way.

"You smell…untouched." Inuyasha hadn't even realized he had whispered it.

Kagome felt her heart race. That damn wolf had said the same thing.

"Do all demons smell those kinds of things! That's personal you jerk!"

Inuyasha stared at her for a moment not really sure what to say. Perhaps a little bit of him felt bad. She looked really uncomfortable and even vulnerable.

"INUYASHA! Release my cousins and back the fuck off if you don't mind?" a voice spoke up breaking up the tension filled moment.

Inuyasha felt goose bumps go down his back. Holy shit.


He turned to look into the direction of the earlier voice to see Miroku making his way down the court yard steps. He easily pushed through the crowded group. Inuyasha turned back to an equally surprised Kagome.

"Inuyasha? What are you doing? Really already, I know I have a hot cousin, but seriously." Miroku asked looking at the dog demon with annoyance.

"Keh, I was just putting your cousin in her place." Inuyasha spat letting her arm go almost roughly. He was trying his best not to show his surprise. He never knew Miroku had a cousin of this caliber. He certainly never mentioned it before anyways. It clicked, the girl on the other in of the fund earlier. It must have been Kagome. Miroku must have been picking her up that morning. Inuyasha pushed Kagome away from his body but not too harshly this time.

Kagome retracted her hand giving the dog demon a glare of her own. Her heart still pounded roughly against her chest. She felt really riled up in the strangest of ways.

"Miroku you know this flea bag!" Kagome demanded.

"Why you!" Inuyasha growled.

Miroku sighed and shook his head.

"Kagome of all people for you to decide to pick a fight with you choose one of the worst demons here. Trust me, you do not want to get on his bad side dear cousin." Miroku was trying to smooth out the ordeal. As well as he knew both parties, this could very much get ugly.

"As for you Inuyasha, you're supposed to be my best friend, do you mind?"

"Yeah did you hear that bitch! You don't wanna go and piss me off!" Inuyasha crossed his arms and smirked the smirk of all smirks as his eyes danced with a certain victory. He completely ignored Miroku's notions about him also being troublesome. But he did notice Miroku's confused look he gave him.

Kagome clinched her jaw glaring at the infuriating demon.

"Look my name is KAGOME…KA…Go…ME since apparently you're so illiterate that you can't seem to process simple lingo. I'll say it one more time a little slower….K-a…Go…M-e!" She articulated her name as if talking to a small child.

"Great a hot head and a block head." Miroku rubbed his temples trying to ease the tension building. He did not know if he should be annoyed with Kagome's antics or angered by Inuyasha's passes.

Kagome laughed.

"Yeah block head knock it off already you're annoying me as well." Kagome yelled.

Inuyasha studied Kagome for a second.

"Alright little miss hot head…" Inuyasha began grabbing hold of her arms slinging Kagome over his shoulder like she was nothing more than a sack of potatoes.

Kagome screamed and struggled, "Let me go you brute!"

She beat upon his back and kicked her legs with as much force possible in hopes of catching a certain body part of his.

"Let's ease your cousin's mind a little and cool her off!" Inuyasha spat towards Miroku. The amusement in his voice could be heard as he released Kagome straight into the fountain, which she had been sitting next to before this whole fiasco began.

She screamed falling into the cold water.

"You…you…" Kagome was so angry she couldn't even form a sentence.

"Just stay away from me girl if you know what's good for you."

Miroku watched the scene unfold with a frozen look of dread. He had a feeling that life just was not going to be the same from here on out. If only he knew just how right he had been.

AN; the first chapter I really just bulked up! But hopefully it was more informative and flowed better! Please review with your thoughts love to read them! Really have been trying my best to fix my poor grammar. Its been hard to keep betas, but its understandable everyone is very busy!

Chapter 2 Preview:

Perhaps it was out of fear or it was from the comfort he offered, but she wrapped her arms snuggly around his neck. It felt like they glided through the air, his landing equally soft, so Kagome wasn't even sure when they had landed.

When he finally let her go, Kagome slid down his body till her feet hit the ground. It was almost unbearable how warm it made her own body feel. The feeling was unlike anything she had ever experienced in her life.

Chapter 1 Playlist; Here are the songs I listened to for inspiration! Can you guess what went with what scenes :P

Blue Stahli; Metamorphous (Life Theory Remix)

The Birthday Massacre; Red Stars (Another perfect Kagome Song!)

Wideband Network; Dangerous (Inuyasha themed song!)

Hurts; Illuminated

Sixx A.M.; Life is Beautiful (Acoustic)

Breathe Carolina; Blackout

Sugar Cult; Pretty Girl (Another Kagome Song for this fic)

Metric; The Twist

Just Surrender; I Can Barely

Hopes Die Last; Keep Your Hands Off (truly amazing song! Awesome for Inu/Kag for this fic!)

This World Fair; Don't Make Me Wait (Feel like this is how Kagome feels)