Disclaimer: The characters I don't own - but the methodically typed out lines I will claim ownership of - though it be only for entertainment and not in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

Rumor Has It

Alex clenched her teeth as yet another paralegal darted into her office, interrupting her train of thought, interrupting her first day back on the job. She had multiple piles of incomplete folders stacked neatly on her desk - evidence of the absolute lack of talent in the people the DA had used as her replacement - and now she was expected to come in and clean it all back up.

This morning had been the hardest she'd had to deal with in a very long time. She had lain awake, her arms wrapped around the slender firm body that pressed so deliciously to her own. Alex had wanted nothing more than to gently wake the beautiful woman and make love to her until their bodies fell back into exhaustion. She was more than willing to start her first day back with little to no sleep so long as she was allowed to relive the sensation of Olivia in, on and around her. There was no chance of that happening for at least another few days. Alex found herself chuckling at the memory of a very irritated Olivia asking the doctor pointedly exactly how many more days she would have to restrict her movements. She still couldn't believe the daring way the older woman had answered when the doctor had laughingly asked why she was in such a rush to get well. Olivia had stared the young resident down as she answered his question with one of her own - inquiring as to whether or not is was possible for a woman to experience blue balls without, technically, having the balls in question. Alex had to clamp a hand over her open mouth to stop the laughter that threatened to bubble to the surface as the shock on the doctor's face. She had flushed when he leveled his gaze on her and then back to Olivia before slowly responding that while the terminology was different women were capable of experiencing the same discomfort. Alex could still here the sarcasm that dripped from the detective's voice.

"Well then Doc - you better make sure it is only a few more days or I am going to be back in this examination room with something a lot more embarrassing than a groin injury and I am going to make sure that you are the doctor I see - so once again, how many more days do I need to limit the movement in that area?"

A knock at her door pulled Alex from her memories and she felt her lips turn downward as she called for her visitor to enter. She looked up, surprised to see the SVU captain in her doorway.

"Don, to what do I owe this visit? Are you here to help me sort through the mess my replacements left me?"

She saw the hesitation in the older man's face and watched with growing trepidation as he slowly shut her office door, taking a seat in the chair across from her.

"I've heard an interesting rumor Alex - one I am hoping you can clear up."

Alex felt her heart stop for a moment before beginning again at double the speed, as she fought the widening of her eyes - shock and fear mingling in her mind. She felt her hands grow cold and clammy as a bead of sweat formed at the base of her spine. She cleared her throat and looked back at the police captain.

"What rumor Don?"

Cragen studied the cool blonde across the desk. He had nothing but respect for the attorney. She had started her position, fired up and gung-ho at the prospect of getting her name in the headlines only to find things weren't so black and white in the sex crime world. She had lost a lot of disillusionment but had gained an iron will and determination to put the offenders his detectives collared behind bars for the longest amount of time the law would allow. He had also heard rumor that she had drafted several requests for the penalties associated with sex crimes to be placed under review, as well as a review of current law vs. current technology to ascertain if changes were needed to bring the laws, their penalties and statutes up to a standard at which they could compete with the advances of the future. Both drafts were under review by the state's supreme court in Albany, a daunting task for a lawyer as young as Alex was. He felt the stare of piercing blue eyes and brought his attention back to the reason for this visit.

"Agent Huang has brought it to my attention that you may be losing the objectivity of your position. He feels you have allowed yourself to grow too close to the victims, the cases and the detectives that are working them."

Alex paled and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"I admit to a lapse in judgment when it came to the Cavanaugh case, but I hardly think that constitutes this sort of conversation. Tell me what is really going on Don?"

He leveled his gaze on the young ADA.

"Huang thinks there is something between you and Olivia?"

Alex felt her mouth fall open in shock and fought to contain the harsh indignation in her response.

"What exactly does he think is going on? Does he think we are sleeping together? Is that it? Because if that is the case then you can tell Dr. Huang he can expect to see his ass slapped with a lawsuit for defamation of character so fast his head will spin. The idea that Olivia and I.."

She stopped when the captain held up a hand.

"Wait Alex, I don't think was what he was implying at all. I know Olivia well enough to know where her preferences lay. I think the doctor is concerned that the two of you have grown a lot closer since the Cavanaugh trail - hell we all know you offered to take care of her after she was attacked by that suspect - and he is concerned that a friendship between the two of you would undermine both of your judgments and credibility. He is just cautioning that you be careful. He doesn't want cases thrown out because some defense attorney got wind that you two had lunch one day or spent several weeks together, simply because of what it implicates."

Alex was torn between fuming at the FBI psychiatrists assumption, and sitting in silent relief that things were not as bad as they appeared to be. The doctor had a valid point - it was one she had agonized over when she had first realized what it was exactly that she felt for the female detective. Of course the squad knew she had agreed to help out Olivia - but she could quickly blame that on boredom and being the only other female even remotely associated with the squad. She realized her silence was only giving Don time to puzzle over her reaction or lack there of she stood and walked to the door of her office. She looked pointedly at the former beat cop as she opened the door, her voice chillingly cold.

"I appreciate the heads up Captain and I will make the necessary adjustments to my actions as I see fit. You may tell George Huang that the next time he has a concern for the conduct of this office he better address it with me directly."

She watched as the older man started to say something more and then thought better of it as he stood and bade her a good day, leaving her office as abruptly as he had arrived. She shut the door and leaned back against it - Monday's were hell.

Olivia yawned and wrapped her arms tighter around the pillow she held. She buried her nose against the fragrant linen that smelled so strongly of Alex and sighed. All this time off had accomplished was to catch her up on her sleep. At this rate the next all nighter she had to pull would be hell to deal with. Slowly she stretched her arms over her head and gently reached into empty space - stretching her muscles carefully. The healing wound on her side flared slightly but appeared to be on its way to recovery. She bent her good leg at the knee and pulled it to her chest. The movement place pressure on the wound along the edge of her groin without actually stretching the skin. The area throbbed in protest but gave no great stab of pain. She did a few more exercises, pleased that she had regained some movement in the area.

She laid flat on her back, thinking of the blonde that had left the bed this morning as she slowly spread her legs - wincing as she drew them back together. Ok. So maybe she hadn't regained enough movement for that particular position. Frustrated she sighed and beat her closed fist against the solid wood of the headboard. How could she have been so careless? Her injuries had ruined what little time Alex had left of her suspension. Now that she had to report back to work there was no telling how much time they would have for one another. She knew she had to learn to not care, she had to learn to ignore the way she felt for the ADA at least until they were behind closed doors. All of that was going to be hard enough without having to deal with this sexual frustration. They could have fooled around a hundred different times, a hundred different ways but Olivia didn't want their love-making, fucking, whatever they wanted to call it to be hindered by the restrictions placed on her movements. She hadn't been joking with that doctor earlier in the week - she was seriously beginning to hurt from the lack of attention being given to the parts of her body that screamed to be touched.

She sat up and slid both hands through her hair, curling her fingers around her short locks and tugging them upwards before letting go and sliding her hands down her face. She glanced at the pile of case files Elliot had been so kind to bring by. She had been finishing up DD5's the last few days - her boredom making her completion rate much faster and now she had nothing to do to occupy her time. Wanting to do something physical to burn the need from her body, Olivia stood, turning in place before sitting down at the side of the bed. She lifted her legs and braced them on the mattress as she laid back and slowly began to methodically sit up pushing her breath out roughly, inhaling as she lowered her back to the hardwood beneath her - repeating the process again and again. Within minutes her abdomen burned, the wound in her side throbbed and her body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat - but she continued, rolling to her stomach when the throbbing became to constant to ignore. She slid her hands shoulder width apart and locking her feet, she began the first set of push-ups. She focused on the steady sound of her breathing and tried to block out the pain that was beginning to creep into her conscious.

Alex slid her key into the lock, her arms full of files. After speaking to Liz, she had opted to take the case files back to her apartment - although being around Olivia was distracting, at least she knew how and when to be quiet. She had been getting nowhere fast in her office - her concentration had been obliterated by the captain's intrusive visit. Needing a friend or even just a sounding board for her bad day, she had left. She entered the apartment as quietly as she could - knowing that Olivia may still be asleep. The steady sound of harsh breathing drew her attention as she laid her files down and her immediate thought was that sound had better not be what she thought it was.

She strode to the bedroom with the intention of telling the brunette off and paused at the site of Olivia, dressed still in her cotton tee and shorts - now damp with the efforts of her work-out, pushing her body up and down in a slow rhythm that matched the harsh breaths she was expelling from her parted lips.

Lust arose in the tall blonde and Alex slowly slid the tip of her tongue over her lower lip - her eyes raking over taunt muscles and sweaty skin. She wasn't sure how long she stood there watching the detective but the low groan that resounded around the bedroom made her snap out of her haze and she was startled to see Olivia laying flat on her stomach, her breath coming in short gasps. She took a step forward and found herself staring into a single brown eye as Olivia turned her face, pressing her cheek against the floor.

She heard the soft chuckle and watched the single brown eye disappear from view as the brunette turned away - her voice slightly raspy.

"How long have you been standing there?"

Alex took a seat on the bed as Olivia pulled her body up to a seated position and leaned back against its side. Alex smiled and shifted closer, her knee bumping the bared olive toned shoulder as she teased the damp short locks with her fingertips.

"Long enough to get really turned on."

Olivia leaned into the touch and turned her head up to look at the tired women beside her. She grinned and shrugged at the vague answer.

"I guess that means you were only there a couple of seconds counselor."

Olivia felt the light smack against the back of her head and turned to look at Alex again, laughing at the indignant expression on the attorney's face.

"Very funny Olivia… news flash for you babe… you aren't that hot,"

Olivia sat up slightly, feeling her lips twist into a mischievous smirk as she got to her knees and turned to face the beautiful blonde. She placed a hand on the bed against the expensive skirt currently covering the toned thigh she knew lay beneath the layer. Slowly she trailed her fingertips up the bared calf and then back down - delighting in the pulse that beat even harder at the base of Alex's throat. She dropped her voice a teasing octave as she slowly moved her fingers higher.

"I bet if I go high enough I will find proof of what a fabulous liar you aspire to be counselor."

Alex felt her stomach clench at both the tone and the touch. She felt a shiver travel up her spine as her nipples tightened beneath the dark silk blouse she had worn today. Christ, she was hungry for this woman. She locked eyes with the teasing detective and leaned back on her hands, her legs opening slightly - a silent dare to continue. She lifted an eyebrow when Olivia hesitated and smirked.

"Afraid to test your theory Benson? Thinking you might have misjudged my reaction to you? Maybe all this time off has had an adverse on your detect…"

The last part of her sentence was cut off by the heated press of an open mouth to her own and she eagerly participated in her own seduction. She felt the hard grip that held her mouth in place as Olivia hungrily invaded her. There tongues slowly tangled before Alex felt her own being sucked greedily into the brunettes mouth. Its release gave her pause to sample the detective before the hand that snaked between her legs caused her to break their kiss. She threw her head back and gasped the older woman's name.

Olivia nuzzled the long neck that had been exposed before leaning back, her fingers dancing over dampened panties as she smirked up at the ADA.

"I think that proves my powers of observation have not suffered from my time off the job - admit it Alex, this is from watching me earlier."

Olivia grinned as the attorney told her to shut up, before long fingers curled around the back of her neck, jerking her head forward for another heated exploration. She leaned into the blonde, resting her body between long spread legs. She pulled back, her voice a breathless whisper.

"I've missed this, missed you."

Alex leaned forward, biting the full lower lip before gently sucking it into her mouth - releasing the wet swollen flesh with an audible pop.

"I want you."

Olivia felt her lips widen in a smile. The sentiment was stated with such surety and delivered on the wake of another passionate kiss. She felt the hem of her shift being raised and Olivia leaned back to allow Alex to divest her of the rumpled garment. Reaching forward she teased the edges of Alex's tailored jacket over her slim shoulders and stopped as pain knifed down her leg at the feeling of Alex's heel digging into the small of her back. The movement had knocked against her left leg, setting fire to her healing wound. She grit her teeth and shut her eyes trying not to voice her discomfort and immediately felt Alex wrap her arms around her, whispering that she was so sorry over and over again. Olivia relaxed into the touch and too a shuddering breath before raising her head to plant a soft kiss against the corner of Alex's lips.

"I guess it's too soon."

She saw the nod as the shadow of disappointment fell over the soft pale features that stared back at her. She bent her head and looked up into the hooded blue eyes, a smirk tugging at her lips.

"Lets change the subject - how was your first day back sweetie?"

Alex groaned and fell back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as she huffed out a breath.

"It was horrible Liv, absolutely horrible."

Olivia slowly slid her body onto the bed next to her ADA. She rested her head on her crossed arms and looked over at the stressed look on Alex's face and attempted to use humor to deflect some of the negativity.

"Its because I wasn't there - it will get better."

She watched as intense blue eyes met hers and cringed slightly when those same eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's not anything to joke about Olivia. Do you know I had an unexpected visitor today? Any clue to who might just drop by my office unannounced?"

Olivia scowled slightly as she thought whose visit could have pissed Alex off like this. She could only think of two people who had it in their power to ruin the blonde's day.

"Which was it - Petrovsky or Donnelly?"

Alex shook her head and turned to face the ceiling once more.

"Neither one. Your captain came by to see me, to warn me about a little rumor he'd heard? Any idea what he might be referring to?"

Olivia shook her head, confused by the sarcasm that seemed to drip from every word Alex spoke. She reached her hand down and grasped the attorney's - amused by the resistance Alex seemed determined to have at her slightest touch.

"Hey, what's wrong? I can't know what is being said around the precinct because I haven't been there and Elliot isn't really one for spreading gossip. He has been the only one I have talked to."

She paused for a moment, squeezing the reluctant hand she held until she coaxed blue eyes brightened by anger to look at her before speaking softly.

"I'm sorry about earlier - I'm frustrated too, and I really wanted to make love with you… we can still try later tonight if you'd like to."

Alex felt her earlier irritation and anger give way. She hadn't mean to let her bad temper bleed onto Olivia and she felt bad about hurting the detective in her haste to get closer. Smiling she turned to her side and looked into warm brown eyes. Trailing her fingertips along the defined jaw, Alex leaned forward and gently kissed the detective lying beside her, pulling back to whisper against Olivia's soft lips.

"How about you jump in the shower and I will order something in… and we will see where the night takes us."

She smiled at the lop sided grin the brunette threw her and leaned away as Olivia stood offering Alex a view of her bared upper body, and the blonde coughed as she tore her gaze away from the arousing sight.

"Dammit Liv, I'm trying not to want you right now."

Olivia laughed. Until that moment she had forgotten Alex had pulled her top off. She walked towards the large bathroom, knowing that blue eyes were tracking her every move. She looked back before closing the door and caught the attorney. Olivia rolled her eyes.

"Looks like you are trying real hard there counselor. I won't worry about saving you any hot water - you look like you could use a cold shower baby."

Alex glared at the closed door and childishly stuck her tongue out. Laughing in amusement as Olivia called out from behind the door - I saw that - which of course she didn't, but the automation of the response had the ADA shaking her head as she walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to find the cache of take-out menus. As she glanced over the wide variety - she settled on Chinese and called it in.

Leaning back she bit down lightly on the pen she held in her hand and wondered how she was going to keep her hands to herself and whether or not it was worth ruining their night by telling Olivia the reason behind Cragen's visit. She didn't think the older women would let her change the subject forever, especially after that little scene in the bedroom. She put the pen down and sighed - things with her and Olivia seemed to never be just easy. The sound of the water being turned off and the sound of the buzzer that indicated their meal had arrived pulled Alex from her melancholy and she decided to make the best of the situation that in her mind was far from perfect.

She handed the money over and took the sacks of food from the delivery service, turning to see Olivia walking into the room, dressed in a tight black tank and loose white pants. Alex swallowed as she realized that the pants were somewhat see through and the detective had left off a few items of clothing. She caught the mischievous glint in the dark eyes that smiled at her from across the room and returned it with one of her own. Well… perhaps she was wrong, perhaps tonight would be a lot close to perfect than she originally thought.

A/N - I apologize for the slight delay in posting this - I suffered my first brush with writer's block, which is over thankfully. Thank you for continuing to read, and for the comments you have posted. All is appreciated as it drives me to perfect my craft. You readers ROCK!