'Mhmm... Chocolate glazed donut.' Alfred stared at the donut through the glass. Its beauty was captivating him with its glossy texture.

He looked at his hamburger in his hand, then at the donut, and at the hamburger again.

'I could always get another hamburger!' he walked towards a trash can, 'I'm sorry Mr. Hamburger, you were a good hamburger.' And threw it away, he reunited with the donut again.

Suddenly the hamburger emerged from the trash can and looked at Alfred and the donut. Feeling hurt, the hamburger decided to stay where all the dead food lay, for he had become one of them.

Alfred took a bite, and spitted it back out. It tasted too sweet, he liked his hamburger better. Disappointed, he threw the donut in the trash and bought another hamburger.

For now on, he will only eat hamburgers.