Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended

Chapter 18

The Mobster's Ball


Tonight was the night he had announce to the mafia world that he was engaged, and Edward was filled with reservations as he arrived at Bella's home, a floral box in his hand, and a forced smile on his lips. As he waited for someone to answer the door, he could not help the feeling of uneasiness that washed over him. Ever since they were engaged, he could never get rid of the felling of foreboding, some inner voice that mocked him with possible complications over which he would have no control. What if Lucas or his grandfather tried to make trouble or one of the other Dons' demanded his attention and whisked her away from him the moment his attention was diverted? A beautiful woman like Bella would be very attractive to many of the men at the ball. Though they were warned to keep their distance and their mouths shut, he was still a man and had a right to feel nervous. He was brought out of his thoughts when the door opened.

"Anthony, please come in" Bella's mother greeted him with an appreciative look down the length of his tuxedo-clad body. Then she gave him an approving wink, and ushered him into the living room, "I'll tell Bella you're here."

He could not help the sly smirk that formed on his lips at the thought of Bella's mother checking him out, and wondered what his fiancée' would think about her mother giving him the once over. Then again before Bella he would have made a move on her married or not. Now he would never be able to do such a thing, he thought as he prowled around the small living room looking at pictures of Bella when she was younger. A small smile spread across his handsome face to think that a wee woman could hold so much power over him a ruthless mob boss was laughable; but true. She could destroy him faster than any enemy ever could. It was a risk he was willing to take, now that he realized what she meant to him.

Bella was as nervous as Anthony was when she entered the living room. He flashed a bone-melting smile, and both stood there looking at each other. She expected him to look handsome but she was not prepared for her heart to quicken, and the rush of hot passion that was more wanton than well mannered. She could feel herself grow weak at the sight of that damned sexy smile of his, and those smoldering emerald green eyes that she could get so lost in. She closed her eyes to try and bloke the sensual memory exploding in her mind of just how much she explored those tantalizing lips of his with her tongue. She flushed as sexual desire sent hot hunger through her. In that moment she would have much rather invited him to her bedroom than do anything else.

When the silence that had fallen between them became unbearable, she slowly opened her eyes to look upon him again, and tried with difficulty to read his thoughts. Only to find that she came up with possessiveness and hunger; it just seemed to be his nature to keep himself distant, after all isn't that what he'd told her when they'd first met.

Edward watched the flush rise in her face and wondered what was wrong? So he voiced his concern, "Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"No nothing's wrong," she hastened to assure him, trying to restrain the urge to jump him.

"Good, for a moment there I thought…"

"No-no…everything's perfect, you're perfect."

He took a step closer to her, "And so are you." His breath was heavy as hers as his gaze drew in her loveliness. Her lustrous dark brown hair fell in soft waves to her shoulders, making a perfect contrast to her fair skin and the gown's delicate blue color. A simple strand of pearls and matching tiny earrings were her only jewelry. She looked elegant and yet utterly unpretentious, so unlike a mobster's girl. He could not believe that the devastating woman who was looking at him with such soft, loving eyes was his. He stood there, mesmerized by her loveliness, forgetting that he was holding the florist box in his hand.

A beautiful smile lit her face and she nodded. "Is that for me?"

He came to a jolt. "Sorry. Yes it is for you," he said opening it to take the single blue rose out of the florist box.

"A blue rose?' she asked.

"I chose the blue rose because it suited us and also, it matches our outfits." Though what he was not telling her was that the color blue stood for his position of power in the mafia world and that this blue rose signified that she was Edward Cullen's girl.

"Well I think that it is perfect," she assured him as she moved closer to him, so close she could smell the spicy tonic of his clean-shaven face.

He was surprised that his hands were steady as he fastened the blue rose to the bodice of her gown. He hoped that she could not tell that he was fighting the raw urge to draw her into his arms and crush her in a fierce embrace, and to hell with the ball. With the slightest encouragement, he would have been happy to spoil the whole evening if it meant time spent in bed with the woman he loved, and knew he was going to have a hard time-sharing her with anyone tonight even for a brief moment.

"I suppose we have to go," she said softly as if reading his thoughts.

"Yes we have to go," he said firmly, as much for himself as for her.

A black limousine was waiting for them as they walked down the stairs of her front porch, as they approached, a uniformed driver quickly opened the door, nodding and smiling at them.

As they drove through Forks, and headed toward the View Point Inn, Edward could tell that Bella was not feeling comfortable about going to the ball. He feared that the closer they became, not everything they have experienced with each other still was enough sometimes. He just wished he could let her get to know the real him and not the Anthony Masen he presented to the outside business world. That thought of the ever present lie had his guard up once again, and caused him to move so a respectable space was between them.

Bella adjusted the lacy shawl she had around her shoulders, chilled by his sudden change of mood. A sense of defeat settled on her. Any attempt at conversation between them stilted and soon died. By the time they reached the fashionable View Point Inn, they emerged from the limo like two people escaping from a stifling situation. She hoped that he wasn't thinking about changing his mind and not marry her.

Even before they had taken a dozen steps Bella and Edward were surrounded by guests and family emerging from cars and limos that were also being parked.

"Bella, darling, how wonderful to see you," Esme said in greeting reaching out to fold her into a tight embrace.

"Bella, Anthony! You're here," squealed Alice as she made a beeline for both of them, and wrapped them both in a hug from the opposite side, her mother was on. Once they let go they started to proceed toward the entrance of the Inn.

"How are the both of you?" Carlisle asked walking up to them and took his place beside Esme. Alistair stood at the entrance waiting for them with a brooding frown upon his old wrinkled face, glaring at the small procession of his family members.

Bella's rising panic communicated to Edward as her steps faltered, and he felt the muscles of her body stiffen. If there was one thing he knew about Bella was that she didn't like to be the center of attention and she was uncomfortable right then. Also having his grandfather glaring at her did not help the situation. Alistair was still upset that he was going to go through with the announcement tonight, and make Bella his bride. Protectively he slipped an arm around her waist, and held her firmly against his side as they walked past his grandfather; giving him a warning look before moving through the gawking crowd into the building followed by his family members. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle, and looked around to see if he could detect any threat.

As they, entered the party, people stopped and stared. Edward knew the reason for the stares was Bella being on his arm and adorned in his colors.

She looked breathtaking tonight, and could not help the lustful thoughts of claiming her once they returned to his penthouse. He could not stop the onslaught of jealousy that formed inside him from all the stares, even though there was nothing to fear because every man in this room knew that she was his woman and would be leaving with him.

Eat your hearts out fuckers…She's mine. He thought as a dark, possessive smirk played upon his lips.

They would be fools to try and take what was his. He pulled Bella closer to his side and glared at any man that dared to stare at her, as he guided them toward there table.

Emmett glanced over at him, and Edward leaned in to whisper, "Keep your eyes and ears open tonight."

Emmett nodded his head, as his eyes scanned through the throng of people who had turned to watch them all enter the ballroom.

"You think something might go down tonight?" Emmett asked softly so Bella could not hear.

"I would not put it past him, or anyone else for that matter," Edward whispered back. He had been on pins and needles for the last three months after his grandfather threatened him, and made sure that the bodyguards were loyal to him and not Alistair. Then there was the fact that Lucas dropped off the radar for the last two months. No one had heard or seen him, and people were becoming suspicious that something was going to go down.

"I'll take care of it. If anything is heard or seen you will be the first to know."

Edward nodded before peaking down at Bella to see if she had heard any of the conversation, only to find that her attention was on the sight before them, and smirked for the wonder on her face was priceless. He forgot sometimes that Bella was from a middle class family and not used to seeing such expensive extravagant things, such as the way this ball room was decorated tonight.

"Felix do not let Bella out of your sight at all tonight especially after I make the announcement…I do not want to take any chances," he said still not able to shake the feeling of foreboding.

"Sure boss, I'll take care of her."

Edward gazed back down at Bella and leaned toward her to whisper in her ear, "Bella, love what do you think of the ballroom so far?"

The large ballroom was a glittering occasion, the reception area was packed with patrons in evening dress, the lights occasionally catching diamond sparkle or dancing off a sequined dress. Beautifully set tables surrounded a center dance floor, and a group of musicians occupied a raised platform at the far end of the room. Bella recognized some of the people in attendance and wondered once Anthony and she were married if they would have to entertain these people all the time.

She looked up into Anthony's emerald green eyes and said, "It's beautiful…I never saw anything like this before."

He smiled, "I am glad you like it."

There came a delighted squeal to the left of her and when she turned her head, it was too see a woman she did not recognize, winding her way through the crowd with a glass of champagne in her hand, halted before them with her blue eyes widening in surprise and said, "I wondered if I'd see you here tonight."

Glancing up at Anthony, Bella thought he had a very odd look on his face. She was not sure what it meant, except that he was suddenly tense and definitely not pleased as he said, "I might say the same thing, Jessica."

Jessica? Why did that name seem familiar to her, perhaps an old flame? She looked closely at the woman. About Anthony's own age, she took note at the beauty of this woman with her flowing blondish brown hair and luscious if slightly overripe figure encased in the form fitting strapless, red gown that barely covered her full breasts, an array of diamond jewelry flashing on her neck, ears, and wrist.

"Everyone has been talking about you," she blubbered. She gave Anthony a once over and then smiled as if pleased with what she saw.

"Who brought you here tonight?" Anthony asked in a tight voice.

"I'm here with Marcus," she answered him.

"My Cousin Marcus," Anthony said woodenly.

"Oh, don't look so disapproving," Her reddened lips assumed a pout, as she flirtatiously batted her eyelashes at him.

"I'm surprised that he brought you being that I didn't think you were invited."

Jessica laughed, "Why darling you underestimate me."

"Yes it seems that I have," Anthony, said in a hard tone his eyes narrowing on the beautiful woman.

Jessica laughed prettily, although there was a raw edge to it, "Who's your little friend?" She asked looking curiously at Bella.

With obvious reluctance, Anthony said, "This is my fiancée', Bella."

"Your fiancée'," the woman squealed with artificial joy, so that several people near them turned to look at them, "Really…I didn't know that you had gotten engaged. It must have been a quick engagement?" Her eyes skimmed quickly over Bella's flat stomach.

Bella felt herself stiffen at this woman's words how she dare insinuate that…that they were engaged because he had gotten her pregnant, the nerve of this woman. Bella thought angrily.

"Fairly," Anthony said, his eyes warning her not to say another word, "It was three months ago."

Jessica put her head on one side, smiling up at him. "I'm happy for you," she cooed in a fake attempt at excitement as her eyes filtered up at him. She took a step forward and placed her hand on his chest, "I wish I'd have known so I could have congratulated you personally," she purred.

Jessica turned her attention on Bella and held out her hand. Bella took it in hers. "I hope you'll be very happy. And you Anthony," She whispered his name wistfully as she went up on tip toe to kiss his unresponsive mouth, leaving a trace of red lipstick and almost spilling the wine in her hand as she stepped drunkenly back.

Bella felt the stirrings of jealousy form in the pit of her stomach. The nerve of this woman to think she could kiss him in front of his own fiancée' was beyond her.

Then she gave Bella a playful shake of her finger. "And you can't keep him all to yourself. You have to share."

Bella, tried not to grimace at her boldness. She had only been there less than five minutes and she already felt nauseated. Though as nauseated as she was she detected a glitter of some hidden emotion in Jessica's blue eyes, as she watched her hand slid down to touch his arm almost possessively, and wondered just how close the two of them have been. For Jessica was acting as if they had been lovers, and she did not like that one bit. She thought.

Edward stiffened as soon as Jessica dared to kiss him in front of Bella. What the fuck did she think she was doing? She knew that he'd put a stop to there so called fling over a year ago, but the cold hearted bitch was still being clingy and he did not like it. She seemed to not be able to take no for an answer. He grabbed her hand and roughly flung it away from his arm, his jaw clenched as he tried to control his temper.

"Yes we both will be very happy, won't we love?" he asked Bella, as he turned to look upon her a breath taking smile formed on his handsome face as he gazed into her eyes. But quickly fell from his face as soon as he saw the look upon hers.

If looks could kill Jessica or he would be dead right then and there. Imagine his surprise when his shy, meek Bella turned into a hell cat before his eyes.

"Who do you think you are putting your hands all over my fiancé' as if you owned him." Bella said heatedly, drawing the attention of some of the guests including his mother, sister, and a couple of their guards. Her arms crossed in front of her chest as she glared daggers at Jessica.

Felix moved to protect Bella, but Edward shook his head in warning to stay back, he was shocked by Bella sudden character change, as well as a little turned on seeing this new side of her.

"I was just congratulating him." Jessica said with a fake giggle.

Bella took a step forward her arm extended and poked a finger into Jessica's shoulder. "He's my man, my fiancé' keep your hands to yourself."

"Bella, love…" Edward said placing his hand on her arm to get her attention.

He was three minutes away from throwing her over his shoulder and sprinting out of the ballroom to fuck her senseless, he was so turned on by the possessiveness in her voice. He leaned down to whisper in her ear; unable to help himself he began to kiss her neck, and down along her shoulder.

Jessica felt like she was about to gag, as she watched the affection between the two, and fought not to make a retort back to the bitch. She had no idea who she was toying with. Jessica thought.

With a fake smile plastered on her face she raised her glass up in mock salute to the both of them, taking a large gulp, then laughed again and said as if Bella's words had no effect on her, "Well it was nice chitchatting with you but I must really be going, Marcus will be wondering where I am."

She turned away from them, a smirk on her lips as she heard Bella ask Edward "How do you know that woman?"

"She's no one important."

The smile quickly fell from her lips at his answering words, as she headed in no particular direction. She felt hurt and angered at his parting words, that he could think so little of what they had shared together to discard her like that.

She had made it to a darker part of the large ballroom to pout when a large figure suddenly blocked her way.

"Enjoying the festivities tonight, Jessica?" James Lucas voice broke into her thoughts, leaning towards her out of the shadows, his blue eyes bright with hostility and wicked amusement.

"What are you doing here?" she murmured, and he grinned.

"You and I have an agreement."

"I know that!' She lowered her voice, almost whispering, "I just ran into Edward and his whore!"

"You did?"

"You know I did."

"Fuck that, what does it matter. Don't forget you have a loyalty to me to make sure you see our plan through."

"Her being with him complicates things."

James moved threateningly toward her and gripped her upper arm tightly, "Have you forgotten where your loyalties lie, Jessica?" James interrupted and she stiffened, paling.

"Of-of course not, but-"

"It's too late to back out of this. Either you go through with it or there will be consequences for your disloyalty." James threatened.

"I do, I am," she stammered, yet with all the anger and jealousy, she still felt guilt weakening her because she knew after all the months of their planning that she was still uneasy about what she was here to do tonight.

James reached inside of his suit jacket and pulled out the small vile that had been hidden inside, "Good." He said holding it out toward her. "I hope for your sake you mean that, Jessica, because this will be the night you prove it," James said, and she frowned, staring uncertainly, before reaching out to take the vile.

"Is this what I think it is?"

"Yes, you know what to do, just make sure no one sees you slipping it into his drink."

"Are you sure this will work?"

"Believe me when I say in ten to thirty minutes he'll be all yours… and she will be mine."

"That's all the time it will take?"

Before he could, answer there was a roll of drums and lights went down amid a hushed murmur of excitement. A spotlight appeared, and its blue circle stood out in the center of the room drawing her attention to the man dead center.

Edward Cullen.

"Don't disappoint me…" James whispered harshly from behind her. She whipped her head back to look at him but found the space he had been standing to be empty. She looked around but was unable to spot him it was as if he had never been there.

"I wanted to welcome everyone attending the ball tonight…."

Edward's voice drew her attention back to him as he addressed the hundreds of people scattered throughout the ballroom, his voice flowed through her mesmerizing her, making her love him more than she already did.

"Now that I have your attention I have a special announcement to make, concerning my bachelorhood. As of this moment I am officially engaged." He stopped and turned his attention toward Bella who stood off to the left side of the ballroom his hand extended toward her. "Everyone I would like to introduce my bride to be Miss. Isabella Swan."

There was collective murmuring around the ballroom as everyone's attention landed on a glowing embarrassed Isabella. It was well known in the mafia world that her father was a renowned officer of the law and for a Cullen to be engaged to his daughter was unbelievable. In that moment other Don's sat up and took notice of the shy beautiful woman blushing beside one of the most powerful mafia lords in America.

He is mine! Jessica thought venomously. Wanting with all her being for him to look at her the way he was looking at Isabella. Yearning for him to take notice of her once again as he used to. Taking her out to lunch, on business trips, in his bed…she let him use her in so many ways. However, she had loved every minute of his attentions and kidded herself in thinking that what he felt for her had been love. Bella Swan was in the way and as soon as their plan was set in motion she would not have to worry about the bitch any longer. After she got through with Edward, there would not be an engagement she just had to abide her time and wait for the perfect opportunity to make her move.

He will be mine. She thought wickedly a sadistic smile played about her lips, as she saw the perfect opportunity to get closer to him. Edward had just excused himself from Bella and his family members to start mingling amongst the guests. She sat her glass down vowing that he would have no choice but to talk to her.

Edward decided to excuse himself after the guests had given there congratulations, allowing Bella his mother and sister to talk. As he made his way around the ballroom, he would stop to chat briefly with some of the other Don's. He had not noticed Jessica until it was too late. Still furious with her from earlier she was the last person he was in the mood for. He told himself he would try to be as polite as possible and hope the conversation would not last long.

She approached slowly in her form fitting strapless, shimmering red gown that was excessively low cut in the front. An array of diamond jewelry flashing on her neck, ears, and wrist, and she wore too much make up on her face. How she believed that made her attractive was beyond him, but then again Cullen before Bella you know you would have banged her.

Lost in his thoughts he did not realize how close she was until she touched his shoulder softly with her fingertips, appraising him.

"Edward," She purred.

"Jessica," He tried to stop himself from rolling his eyes.

"I must say I am disappointed that you are now engaged." She nodded with a smirk.

"Yes, I'm sure you are," Edward said trying to get a read on her not sure what her angle was.

"I don't know what you see in her. I mean you could have been with me." She waved her hand in the air at herself, as if she could compete with Bella.

He caught sight of Bella talking to Alice by a table. Her dress fitted perfectly to her shapely body. Her long brown hair looked so attractive the way she styled it. Those pouting lips pursing as she spoke; her makeup subtle, enhancing her features to perfection. He could fill himself growing hard just looking upon her.

He turned his eyes back to Jessica "I can see that you did not take my warning seriously the last time we spoke at my office. So let me make this simple and to the point," then raised his hand to remove hers from his arm, stepping back from her, "There will be no chance you and I will ever hook up again…So stop trying." He said, not waiting for a reply before walking away from Jessica and toward his Bella. But was stopped when Tanya called his mane to get his attention, waving him over to where she and her girlfriend sat at the bar.

"Edward, congratulations," Tanya said and gave him a big hug. "She is a very beautiful woman….you are very lucky."

"Hey," Tanya's girlfriend whined, from beside her.

"Oh don't worry baby I still love you." Both women giggled and Edward found himself smirking and shaking his head in amusement.

"Thank you, glad to see you were able to make it."

"Thank you for inviting us," Tanya said her arm around her girlfriend.

"Well, I do consider you part of the Cullen clan…even though your father is an asshole," Edward replied.

Tanya smirked ruefully, and took a sip from her glass of whiskey, her eyes narrowed.

"Be careful with that woman I do not trust her." Tanya warned as she nodded toward her right.

Edward turned his head in the direction and set his eyes on Jessica.

"Why do you say that?" he asked curiously.

"I feel like she's up to something, the way she was looking at you; just be careful." She warned.

"I'll take that into consideration."

"No Edward, I mean it. That woman is up to something…she has that look my father always had when he was up to no good."

Edward looked at her and shrugged his shoulders, "Thanks for the warning Tanya. She is just having trouble letting go; nothing I can't handle."

"Maybe you do not know her as well as you think."

Edward smirked and gave her shrug of his shoulders, Jessica was the least of his worries tonight. There were far worse people attending this ball that he was keeping tabs on.

"Like I said I'll take what you said into consideration. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to my beautiful fiancée." He said with a wink, before turning to walk back over to where Bella was seated with his family.

He was stopped once again when he heard his name being called. He turned to see it was one of the Seattle mob bosses.

"Cullen," the man at the bar greeted him.

"Demetri," Edward said in acknowledgement nodding his head. Not pleased at all to see this particular mob boss, whom had been known to work with Lucas in the past? He was someone not to be trusted.

"I hear congratulations are in order…never thought you of all people would finally take a wife." Demetri said derisively.

Edward shrugged, leaning against the bar. "Well you know we all have to make the sacrifice at some point." He said as he signaled to the bartender to poor him a drink.

Demetri laughed, "Yes, don't we boys?" He asked the other four men sitting around the bar; all answered with a laugh or nod of their head. "Though if you tire of her anytime soon send her my way."

Edward fought hard to control his emotions from this man. This is what his father and grandfather had warned him about. That Bella would be in danger if for any reason other mob bosses thought she was a weakness to him. So he swallowed down his anger and biting words and played it off as if he did not care.

"Fuck that it's for appearances sake. You know of all people how it is to have pressure put on you to extend the family line whether you agree with it or not."

"So tell me Cullen does she keep it interesting between the sheets or is she one of those Ice queens and just lays there until the deeds done? Would not surprise me being she's a fucking pig's daughter." Demetri said, and the other men snickered behind him.

Edward's hand tightened around the glass he now held in his hand wanting to punch this asshole for disrespecting his girl, but he knew he could not.

"That's what mistresses are for," he said with a sly smirk.

"You got me there Cullen…you got me there." Demetri said before taking a drink, then slamming his glass down on the bar. "I like you Cullen always a step of the game."

"Yeah, I'm a fucking genius." Edward muttered sarcastically, as he walked away from the five men laughing behind him.

Fucking bastards, what he wouldn't give to of been able to pull his gun out and put a bullet between there eyes, but everyone had to be on their best behavior tonight. He sighed and ran a hand through his unruly hair. He had not realized how hard behaving was going to be, he just hoped it did not end in catastrophe.

JESSICA was among the many occupants sitting at the large round table, along with Edward and Bella; on numerous occasions she bit her lip to keep herself from saying something spiteful out of jealousy when Edward showed Bella any kind of affection.

It should be me at his side accepting his kisses and caresses, she thought meanly, as she watched Edward lean down and kiss Bella full on the mouth for the hundredth time that night. The gagging sensation was back full force when she'd watched little miss innocent blush three shades of red and lower her head to look down, followed by the drunken chuckles from Edward and the rest of the occupants at the table.

She was still upset for the way he had treated her earlier; being so abrupt that he had literally brushed her off. In her sick and twisted mind, she believed that he acted that way because he was jealous of the fact she had shown up with his cousin Marcus, the two of them were close but always had a rivalry between them, and Edward wanted her for himself. She fantasized that having Bella attend the Ball with him was just a cover up to hide his true feelings toward her. She needed to get closer to him, to get him alone so she could make her move, make him see that she was the only woman good enough for him, and to give her a reason to break up the two of them.

She looked around the table to see if anyone was paying her any mind, and realized half of them had moved there attention to the band playing on the stage or was too drunk to take notice. It was time to implement phase one. She slowly reached into her purse and pulled out the vile James had given to her. Her eyes quickly flew around the table again and hoped no one observed what she was doing. She looked to the left of her to see Edward's and Bella's attention was also on the band not paying any attention to her. She smiled slyly as she quickly drew the lid off the vile and hastily poured it into Edward's whisky glass, putting the vile back into her purse and sat back into her chair to wait patiently for the effects to begin. James had said it would take about twenty minutes…

Edward watched Bella watching the live jazz band on stage and smiled until he noticed the small frown marring her beautiful face. He grappled for his whisky glass, and took a long swig, letting the liquid burn a path down his throat. He knew he was drinking too much but with all the tension tonight and trying to keep Bella from finding out she was at a mobster's ball, he could not help himself. He was aware of Jessica sitting to the left of him and the yearning glances she kept throwing at him all evening; it was starting to irritate him. She knew he no longer wanted anything to do with her, yet she seemed unable to take the hint and wondered if Jessica's persistence for his attention was the cause of Bella's unhappy face, and demeanor.

He leaned over and whispered in her ear. "What's wrong?"

Bella shook her head, "Nothing, don't worry I am fine."

Though he could tell something was bothering her he decided to let it go for once and sat back in his chair, he noticed that Bella kept staring out into the crowded dance floor.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked remembering the last time he had asked her to dance.

"Anthony you know I am not a good dancer."

He smirked as he stood and held out his hand, "Believe me love, I remember all too well, and would be more than happy to escort you out of here and do unspeakable things to your beautiful body."

Bella blushed at his teasing and took his hand he guided her to the dance floor where he pulled her into his arms and slowly swayed them back and forth to the music. As he spun them around he was suddenly hit with the overwhelming feeling of lightheadedness…wondering how much he had had to drink. He tried to shake the feeling but it did not seem to want to go away. As they continued to sway back and forth, he could feel his forehead breakout into a cold sweat. He raised his hand to swipe the sweat from his brow. It was such an odd sensation, and the sudden spinning of the room caused him to stumble a little.

"Sorry," he murmured, as he continued to move about the dance floor, only to stumble again when another wave of dizziness struck him, and more sweat dampened his brow.

"Anthony you alright," Bella asked worry in her voice.

"I'm fine." He murmured as he fought another wave of dizziness. His eyes widened in surprise as his body tensed when a burning hot heat flared up inside of him, the severity of it making his arms tighten around her; for he recognized the felling all too well and was mystified at the intensity of his sudden arousal.

Felling the tenseness in his body, Bella became alarmed. "Anthony, maybe we should go back to the table."

"No, no, I am fine," he slurred into the curve of her neck as his hands caressed down over her ass pulling her tighter against him, and he could not stop the moan escaping him as he rubbed himself against Bella.

Bella wiggled out of his grip and took a step back, "No I think you had too much to drink. Come on lets go back," she said concerned taking his arm. He did not put up much of a struggle as the lightheadedness struck him again, and he let her lead him back to the table where he fell into his chair.

Bella leaned toward him, her hand against his forehead, "Anthony you're burning up," concern lacing her voice.

Edward groaned at her touch, his body stiffened with need for her, and he licked his suddenly dry lips.

Their conversation drew the attention of Felix, "Everything alright?" he asked noticing how much his boss was sweating.

"I'm fine…Just thirsty," he slurred not sure if it was for wanting something to drink or for wanting Bella's body. He was openly undressing her with his eyes, and he could not bring himself to stop.

"I'll go get you some water, please stay here until I get back."

Edward nodded his head, his eyes meeting Felix's to follow her, and watched as they both were swallowed up in the throng of people on the dance floor. He sat back in his chair as the room began to spin, quickly followed by a wave of pure lust making him grip the edge of the table to keep from losing control. It was so strong a sensation he was shaking from it. He could not help but reach down and stroke his hardness in hopes to relieve the tension, though it did not seem to help; only intensified. He knew he should alert his father or one of his men that something was wrong, but when he tried to talk, he found it was hard to form words.

Fuck…cannot think…so thirsty…so hot…

He was aware of someone leaning into him helping him bring his whisky glass to his mouth for a drink. His eyesight blurred in and out, as he looked at the woman leaning into him.

"Bella," he groaned.

"Relax, darling it won't be long," he hears her whisper in his ear making him moan with want and need. He felt as if he was having an outer body experience as he tried to fight the fire licking in his veins growing more intense by the second, all he wanted to do was take his straining erection out of his pants and let Bella relieve him right there in front of everyone. To slam her down on the table and be balls deep inside of her to relieve the tension.

Edward laid his head back against the wall thinking that he most definitely had had too much to drink and that was what was affecting him. He closed his eyes for a moment trying to relax when all the sudden the fire licking through his body turned uncomfortable, slowly burning from the inside out.

"What the fuck," he slurred as he shot straight up in his chair and turned his head to look back at Bella; everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, his vision was blurred.

"What's wrong, Edward?" she asks her words sounding off confused as to why Bella was calling him by his rightful name.

"Not sure?" Edward said trying not to worry and reached up to rub his forehead in confusion.

"Let me help you," she cooed in his ear, as she brought his whisky glass back up to his mouth so he could drink. He moaned, liking the coolness from the dissolving ice sliding down his throat helping to relieve some of the fire. "There is that better?''

As he sat there in his confused state, his vision blurred, almost giving the effect that the room was throbbing. He could not figure out what was wrong, he just felt out of control, desperate, irrational.

"Edward maybe you need some… fresh air. You don't look so… well." Bella said to him but her voice seemed so strange as if her words were echoing, around the room.

"Fresh air," he slurred trying to think clearly, he was trembling now, as he fought his body's sensation in wanting to rip off both their clothes and fuck her senseless on the table. He was going to explode from the agony of wanting her so badly.

"Yes Darling." She purred as her hand rested on his thigh close to his painfully erect manhood, caressing in small circles, rubbing, squeezing so close but never helping to relive the tension, and the want.

Want. Oh… yes he wanted her to touch him everywhere so bad.

Her fingers slowly caressed up his thigh to the top of his pants where his pristine white buttoned dress shirt met the waist of his dress pants and agonizingly, slowly slipped her fingers between the opening between buttons where they made contact with his heated flesh. Before he could stop himself, he leaned into her, his lips finding the bare skin of her neck.

"I want you," Edward slurred in her ear as his teeth bit down on her earlobe, his body a blaze with arousal demanding action before he exploded. "Now…"

Jessica was shocked at first and could not believe that he was so out of it that he did not even comprehend that she was not Bella, and then realized that the drug was doing what it was supposed to do. Quickly she glanced in the direction of Marcus to see that he was not giving her a bit of attention for he was too busy flirting it up with one of the many skanks attending tonight. Her eyes scanned around the rest of the table and realized other than Marcus no one else was sitting with them at some point they had all left the table to dance and mingle.

Jessica turned her head back to look up into Edward's eyes glazed over from the effects of the drug. He was looking at her as if she was the answer to his prayers, and without further thought as to what she was doing, she reached up and hungrily pulled his mouth down to hers. Edward groaned and was more than obliging to give her what she wanted.

"I want you now," he slurred into her ear half leaning on her and the back of his chair.

"Yes, Oh yes!" Jessica hummed in contentment when he started paying homage to her neck.

God this is where she wanted to be; in his arms again to have him love her again.

It seemed like an hour had gone by, but it had only been a few minutes from the time Bella had gone off in search of water for her fiancé'. She had to make her move now before Bella came back and anyone else noticed what she was doing.

"Come with me?" She whispered in his ear.

He nodded his head in agreement, and she stood pulling on his hand to have him follow her. She swayed a little realizing that she might have had a little too much to drink but did not let that stop her from leading him toward the doorway near the back of the ballroom. Neither aware of a quick flash going off to capture there heated moment, as they made their way out of the ballroom. Jessica continued to pull him behind her guiding him toward the elevators, that would take them to one of the many hotel suite's that belonged to Edward. Once in the elevator he pulled her flush against him and began, nipping and sucking on her neck.

For just a split second, Edward blurred vision disappeared, and he was able to recognize that the woman in his arms was not his beloved Bella.

"What are you doing?" he slurred out his voice sounding like it was coming from far away, as he fought another blast of lightheadedness, and confusion.

Suddenly her hand moves down to his crotch and she openly squeezes his straining erection her thumb brushes over the very erect and hardened tip. He gasped in elation and pleasure, his hips thrusting forward.

"I am going to take you to our room and we are going to fuck each other senseless." She purred, her hand rubbing, squeezing him making his body jerk in need.

His mind protested with what Jessica was doing to him, but just as suddenly, clouded up with confusion once again, as his vision blurred. Edward's entire body relaxed, a moan escaped from his lips as his eyes dilated. He could feel her hands caressing all over his body, and he was letting her, not stopping her, inviting her to continue. In his confused state, the woman in front of him morphed back into Bella, and she was driving him wild. He could not control his need to be touched, and he was not sure he even cared anymore. All he wanted, all he needed was to find release from the raging desire and heat flowing through his veins causing him to go insane.

He wanted her, needed her now.

With his head against the thin metal wall of the elevator, he could see the sinister grin she gives him as her hands continue their relentless caressing, and groping.

"So good…" He moaned as desire licked through him, his arms going around her.

"You like that don't you, darling?" her voice reverberates with the echo in his head. "I am doing this for the both of us…so we can be together."

The doors open and once again he lets himself be pulled down the hall toward his suite. He groaned again as he felt her hand moving along his thigh and then the tinkling of his keys as she pulled them from his pants pocket.

Felix followed Bella down a dimly lit, deserted corridor and watched her disappear into the first door on the left. Felix paused in front of the closing door, noting Ladies emblazoned on the front of it. He stepped to one side to wait until she would come out, baffled as to why she had picked the bathroom to get a glass of water when the bar would have been able to provide her with what she needed. He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall, reminding himself it did not matter what Bella did he was assigned to be her protector. It was his job to keep her safe. And he would do that above all else no matter what he may think.

Inside the bathroom Bella was filling her glass with water from the tap when she took a deep breath and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She felt like an idiot to be filled with jealousy over Jessica when her fiancé' was not feeling well. She was concerned for him…but at the same time she could not shake the feeling that Anthony and Jessica had known each other before. Anyone would have to be blind not to notice the way Jessica flirted with her Fiancé' all evening. It had gotten to the point of wanting to do the woman bodily harm, and that was just not her style. Bella prided herself on being a calm, level headed woman. But Jessica was pulling something out of her that she thought she was incapable of and that scared her.

Bella squeezed her eyes shut and wished that Anthony was standing behind her comforting her. She didn't like it when she felt confused, and this new feeling of jealousy confused her. She knew she had to get a grip on her emotions and let Jessica know her advances toward her Fiancé' had no effect on her. It was only a few more hours surely she could ignore her for that long, couldn't she? All she had to do was get her emotions back under control.

Still holding her eyes closed tightly, she counted to ten. She had to go back out there because Anthony needed her…and all the rest would fall into place.

"Hello, Bella," a distinctly male voice whispered.

An arm instantly closed around her neck. Bella's eyes snapped open. The lights were out. The room was pitch black, and the glass she'd been holding fell into the sink.

Fingers of steel closed over her mouth before she could scream. "I would not do that if I were you," the voice told her.

Bella struggled to identify the voice. Had she heard this man's voice in the crowd tonight? Had he been one of the many men Anthony introduced her to? Her heart slammed against her rib cage. Fear ignited inside her. No she did not know him. Then another thought struck her mind…

Where was Felix?

"He doesn't know that I am here. I knew if I waited long enough you would eventually come in here, just had to bide my time," the voice assured her as if he'd just read her mind.

Her fingers clamped instinctively around the arm tightening on her throat. An agonized moan echoed in the darkness. The sound came from her. Tears spilled past her lashes. The salty droplets slid down her cheeks now only to pause on the fingers held tightly over her lips. She didn't want to die or be raped.

"Every move I make is deliberate in bringing me closer to you. Those protecting you believe they are foiling my attempts, but, as you can clearly see-well, maybe see is not the right word," he mused sardonically. "As you can feel-''

His arm tightened to the point of cutting off her breath, "You are very easy to access if I want to get to you, even under his nose. I could take you, keep you all to myself if I so desired."

His arm loosened. Air surged into her burning lungs. She needed to gasp, but his hand was still on her mouth holding her silent and right where he wanted her.

He hummed a note of sympathy in her ear. "It's such an unpleasant feeling not being able to breathe isn't it? Though I can't have you screaming now can we." He jerked her head back hard against his shoulder, his lips caressing the side of her cheek, her neck and stopping at her ear. "Know this Isabella Swan you will be mine when the time comes." He laughed softly menacingly. "No one can protect you from me. No one can save you not even him."

There was a knock on the door, then the sound of Felix's voice. "Bella, are you all right?"

Help! She wanted to scream. But before she could act on the impulse, his fingers pressed into her throat, against her carotid artery, and filled her with ice cold dread. The urge to scream, to fight, was overwhelming. She needed to get away! All thought ceased as she slumped against him.

Felix glanced at his watch once more. Nine full minutes has passed since Bella disappeared behind that door. It did not take someone that long to get a glass of water. Something was wrong. He straightened and turned back to the door technically off-limits to the male species.

He lightly knocked on the door, "Bella, are you all right?" He did not care if there were other women in the restroom with her. He had to know that she was safe or Edward would have his hide.

No answer.

Frowning, he considered his options. Knock again or open the door and find out for himself. His palm flattened on the door just as something at the edge of his vision snagged his attention. The crack under the door was dark. He frowned knowing in that moment that something was definitely wrong.

Withdrawing his weapon tucked into the back of his waistband, Felix leaned against the door but met firm resistance. It was locked. Adrenaline slid through his veins. He swore under his breath and readied himself to force the door open. He slammed hard against it once, twice, then pushed into the darkness.

He felt for the switch. With one flick of his thumb light filled the room. He blinked as his gaze adjusted to the brightness.

Greeting him was a small sitting area. It was empty. Listening intently, he eased across the small room, and listened for several seconds. There was complete silence. Holding his weapon with both hands, he swung into the tiled area where the stalls and sinks lined both sides of the walls.

Bella lay on the floor not moving.

Fear surged into his throat. Fuck Edward was going to kill him if she was hurt. He thought keeping an eye out for any movement, he knelt beside her just as she moaned. She made a sound half sob, half whimper.

"Are you all right?" he demanded, surveying her for damage. Her hair was mussed, but appeared to be the extent of external damage, until he saw the beginnings of bruising on her neck.

"What happened?" he asked when she didn't answer quickly enough. "Who did this to you, and where the hell are they now?" Dammit why had he not checked the place out before he let her come in here?

"He…he-'' Bella tried to say touching her throat, as she slowly sat up "Tried to choke me and I blacked out." Her eyes rounded with remembered fear. "Did you see him?" She whipped her head from side to side. "Where did he go?"

"I did not see anyone leave the bathroom," he said as he helped her to her feet, swaying a little bit. "Are you sure it was a man that attacked you?"

"Yes, he had a beard I felt the roughness against my cheek, and neck when he tried to…to." Her voice sounded raspy.

"Don't move," Felix instructed. No one came back out the door, which meant her attacker could still be inside with them. He quickly scanned the bottom of each stall and pushed each door inward just to be certain, ready to fire if anyone moved.

The stalls were empty.

"He was here," Bella insisted. "I'm telling you he turned out the light and tried to choke me to death. I didn't imagine it."

"I didn't think you did." He glanced at her, still concerned by the ever darkening bruises on her neck. Felix scanned the ceiling, his gaze landing in the corner above the row of sinks. One of the tiles was angled slightly, not resting in the frame as it should.

"I want Anthony…where is my fiancé'?" Bella whispered as her body started to shake going into shock.

He reached into his pocket for his cell phone. Without taking his eyes off the ceiling he punched the speed dial number for Edward.

"Boss we're in the ladies room, Bella was attacked." Felix left a message when Edward's phone went to voice mail.

He dialed Emmett next and said the same to him, not giving him time to respond.

Within minutes Emmett and Jasper barged through the door guns drawn, causing Bella to scream and jump.

"Fuck you idiots you're scaring her," Felix said then wrapped his arm around her to try and calm her down.

"What the fuck happened," Emmett boomed hotly when he took notice of Bella's agitated state.

Felix pointed upward, "Miss Swan was attacked by a man while she was in the bathroom, and that appears to be where her attacker escaped. Neither of us got a good look at the man." There was a small pause, "Where is the Boss?" Felix asked looking between both men.

"Not sure he disappeared a few minutes ago." Jasper answered. "Thought he was with Bella."

"Fuck," Felix huffed. "He's not answering his cell."

Jasper moved forward and climbed onto the counter and pushed the large, rectangular tile to the side disgusted to see that whomever had attacked Bella was long gone, Jasper was certain.

"We need to tell him what happened here," Jasper said in a low voice, his eyes on Bella worried that she might be going into shock as she appeared to be shaking.

"We need to get Bella to safety first. Then we can find out where Ed-Anthony is," Felix said nodding, as he took Bella by the arm and slowly proceeded to escort her out of the door flanked by Jasper and Emmett. Their eyes scanning wearily in every direction making sure that Bella's attacker wasn't waiting in the shadows ready to assault her again.

"Please, I need Anthony," Bella begged.

"Don't worry Miss Swan, everything will be alright we just need to get you to a safer location," Felix tried to soothe her as they continued to walk down the hall and toward the entrance of the building. Emmett had already called ahead to have Edward's limo driver meet them at the entrance, along with Edward's mother and sister. Everyone else would be staying behind to get answers, and find Edward who was missing. All thinking the same thing at that moment…It had been a set up and Edward and his new fiancée' had been the target.

Once they had Bella safely at the Cullen mansion the three men tried in vain to get a hold of Edward and became even more worried when he did not answer there calls, hoping he did not have a run in with his own attacker, and was lying in a back ally somewhere mortally wounded unable to call for help.


As soon as they were inside Jessica knew Edward had lost all control and reasoning and immediately attacked her pushing her up against the door grinding his erection into her. They kissed hungrily while his hands kneaded and groped at her breasts making Jessica moan loudly in his mouth. His fingers then spread out over the back of her thighs yanking her up against him. Jessica's breath stuttered at the sudden feel of his erection pressing against her heated core. His lips continued to kiss, lick and suck at hers and she instantly opened her mouth to him. She giggled happily when she heard a groan from him once she did. His tongue thrust past her lips and started exploring her mouth ruthlessly. She wanted this, missed this with him and suddenly could not get enough. She forgot in that moment he was under the influence of a drug, and thought she was Bella. In her twisted thoughts he wanted her had always wanted her, and nothing was going to get in there way of having each other.

Breaking the fevered kiss his lips grazed down her throat. As Edward kissed down her body his hands slid down to the hem of her dress top and slowly slid it up over her head; dropping it somewhere to the side. His lips had now reached the swell of her breast as his hands slid around to her back quickly unclasping her bra before pulling it from her body discarding it on the floor.

"Mm mm…" Jessica moaned out as he reached out with his left hand to roll one of her pebbled nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Jessica gasped, lips parting as her head fell back against the door.

With a small groan, he moved his right hand to her heated core and swept the satin of her thong to the side as he took her bottom lip in between his thrusting two fingers inside at the same time his tongue slid past her lips.

"Yes Edward, god darling you feel so good." She cried out, as she hurriedly helped him out of his clothes and the rest of hers. In that moment she was not, concerned about her actions over a half-hour ago that now led them to this room. She only reveled in the explosive reaction of their mingled body chemistries while he slammed her body up against the cold, shiny surface of the big floor length mirror. Her body straining as he plunged in and out of her.

"Bella!" he cried in the heat of his heightened orgasm.

The fleeting image in Jessica's mind was ruined when he called his bitch of a fiancée's name over and over as he came inside of her. She lost the battle against the wave of betrayed anger that swept through her body, clenching her hands into fists. Then she raised her hand to his face holding his chin and pushing his head back so he could look at her with blurred and unfocused eyes.

"I'll make you forget that Bitch's name before this night is over," she snarled pushing him toward the king sized bed. He fell back onto it, she on top of him attacking his mouth, it did not take him long to become erect. Within moments, she had straddled him and he was fiercely thrusting into her once again, and it continued that way late into the night until the effects of the drugs and alcohol in his system caused Edward to pass out.

Jessica laid there a manic smile plastered on her lips as she caressed his face, happy to know in that moment she had won, and in the morning Edward would be hers. With that knowledge she quickly fell asleep draped over her beloved Edward.