AN: Sorry that it is a tad late but I had to do a lot of re-watching to get this chapter right. And I hope that you all remember who Lisa is from Mayhem (she is Garcia's assistant-person!). Thank you all for the great reviews and I promise another update by the end of the month. Happy reading!

It was only about an hour into a new day, but to Morgan, it felt as if the nightmare from the previous day didn't recognize the change in time and didn't quit. A simple pay raise wouldn't be enough nor would an extra week of vacation compensate for the hell this case had put them through. All Morgan wanted was to relax on a beach, soaking up the sun with a martini in one hand and his Baby girl's fingers intertwined with the other. But, he knew that wouldn't be happening anytime soon when he heard that the person the Secret Service was protecting was still in surgery. Deciding to end this, Morgan broke away from the team to find the ambulance before the Unsub came back.

When would this nightmare end? This entire case had been hell for the team. It started bad enough with the random murders and then worsening when it was discovered that terrorism was behind it and now finally hitting, what Morgan presumed was, rock bottom when Hotch and Kate were nearly blown up. He stormed down the stairs wondering what more mayhem the terrorist could cause.

He drew his gun, listening to the echoing silence as he entered the basement. He knew that the Unsub wasn't down the, yet, but he didn't know who else might be down there; he had to check all possibilities. Sweat ran down his face, highlighting his fear of this unknown disaster. Through his comms unit, he heard Garcia's innocent voice say, "Morgan?"

"Yeah, baby," he replied, while each step he took brought him closer to the deadly vehicle.

"You sound stressed," she noted picking up on his tight, controlled voice.

"Do I?"

"Where are you?"

"Not where I wanna be right now." He jumped off the ledge, edging ever closer to the ambulance. "Garcia, take this down for me: F.D.N.Y. 108."

"That's and ambulance, are you okay?" she asked worry seeping into her voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just track it for me." Morgan glanced through the back window, sighing when he saw the bomb. He put his gun away then carefully pried the back door open. Nothing exploded.

Crouched in the ambulance, looking down upon what was not a bomb, but a delicately crafted disaster, he knew disabling this was something they never taught you on Bomb Squad. The only three words he could utter in his awe were, "Oh my God." Getting his senses back he asked, "Garcia, how long can you keep jammin' the cell phone lines?"

"A-A few minutes max, why?"

"' Cause I'm gonna have to get this ambulance out of here."

"Or you could evacuate the building like everybody else." Her words came fast, anger rising inside of her that he could be that courageously stupid.

"No. As soon as the airways are clear, this thing's goin' up."

"Oh my God, that's in, like, three minutes because that's when the satellite moves position!"

Morgan ignored her panic, jumping out of the ambulance and gently closing the doors. He ran around the side quickly entering the front seat. His hands desperately searched to the correct wires while he said, "Garcia, listen to me. I need you to find and area-town I can drive this thing to and you tell everybody- I mean everybody- that I'm coming. C'mon baby. Do it. Go." Finally the car roared to life. "Alright, talk to me, Garcia."

"Okay, head north and floor it, I'll tell you when to turn."

Tires screeched as Morgan flew out of there moments before the Unsub reached the ambulance. The paramedic fired several shots at the vehicle in fury as the bomb sped further away. Garcia heard the deafening bangs and called in a panicked voice, "What was that?"

"It was nothin', it was nothin' Just talk to me," he quickly assured her. Once he was speeding down the road with the sirens blaring and lights flashing, he asked, "How am I doin', Garcia?"

"How's he doing?" she handed off to Lisa.

"One minute, fifty seconds."

"Why does it always have to be you? Why do you always have to do this?" She frantically questioned. Morgan just kept speeding through the streets.

Garcia tried again a minute later. "Derek, you don't have much time, please be smart about this. Signal is coming back online."

"Thirty seconds till full coverage," Lisa informed them.

"Derek, drive to the opening and then get the hell out."

"There's something I really want you to know, Garcia."

"20 seconds."

"Save it, just get out!"

"N-n-no, I'm not quite there yet."



"Just listen to me."


"Morgan, please."


"You know what you are to me, Garcia?"

"We just lost tracking."


A thunderous explosion filled her ears. She listen to its rage and tears filled her eyes as she tentatively whispered, "Derek?"

Static filled her ear in response.