
Chapter 15: Start

"Hikaru! - It is Hikaru, right? - Darling, just the person I needed! Which do you prefer? Vanilla or Crème?" Yuzuha Hitachiin asked, holding up two cloth samples in each hand.

Hikaru pointed to the cloth in her right hand and his mother glanced to her secretary who noted down the choice. "I've been so overwhelmed with the final preparations for the fundraiser" she sighed, "we're nowhere near done and I have to rush off soon for another Board meeting"

Hikaru stepped into the room depsite knowing all too well that his mother was dismissing him, "I refuse to marry" he said point-blank as his mother continued to shuffle through various papers and material samples, seemingly unruffled by his declaration.

His eyes narrowed, "I'm serious, Mother" he reiterated.

Yuzuha sighed and waved her secretary out. She then turned her gaze to Hikaru, observing him for a minute of silence before finally asking, "Why not?"

Hikaru tried to surpress his outrage at his Mother's nonchalance, keeping his voice relatively even, "Mother…Kaoru and I are not pawns to be sacrificed at your convenience."

His mother's eyes softened slightly but her gaze remained stern, she reached out a hand placing it on her eldest son's shoulder comfortingly, "Oh Hikaru, surely you understand we all have sacrifices we need to make for the family…. Think about the future of the Empire or if you care nothing for a legacy generations of Hitachiin had sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears to build then…at least… think about Kaoru, your only baby brother…He loves the Empire, he would be absolutely devastated should it fall to ruins."

Hikaru looked away from his Mother's glossy eyes, the last thing he wanted was to be trapped in her convincing guilt trip. He could not believe she had brought Kaoru into this! She sure knew how to effectively manipulate him but there was no way he would play into her hands. He had long since outgrown his ignorant naivete.

"I apologise" he said in a low voice, "you'll have to find another way."

"I'm afraid there isn't one" his mother repied evenly. "Though you've dissapointed me time and again for damaging our brand with your shameful antiques, I've always been willing to turn a blind eye. I know how hard it is to be born with a title and duty you did not ask for."

Hikaru clenched his fists, his gut twisting uncomfortably. He had always mantained an amicable relationship with his mother, but it was Kaoru who seemed to develop a deeper attachment when they had come of age and began to be involved in the business. Growing up, the Hitachiin matriarch remained an elusive mystery, mostly absent with only the occasional appearance with which the twins were treated with detached familiarity. Whilst he and Kaoru shared a bond so deep that he loved Kaoru more than life itself, he barely knew a single thing about his mother, and that sometimes, he was hard-pressed to believe they shared the same blood if not for their identical amber eyes.

His mother now stood before him, a remorseful expression on her face, "I didn't want to resort to this but…If you do not comply with my request, I will have no choice but to disown you and declare Kaoru as my heir in your place. You will be banished from our Empire and you will never be allowed to speak to nor see us again."

Hikaru's jaw hardened, voice shaking with anger "You would forcefully separate us for your own gain?!"

"For the Hitachiin Empire" his mother replied without missing a beat. "it must be done."

"But we're your sons!" Hikaru slammed his fist down on the desk, fully enraged.

A brief flash of guilt appeared on his Mother's face before turning expressionless. In a cold measured voice, she began,"-and I've provided well for you and Kaoru and will ensure that continues. I'll make you a deal…" she pulled out a chair and took a seat, lacing her hands together under her chin, "I will do everything in my power to ensure Kaoru is happy and that he is free to make all of his own decisions. In return it is time for you to accept your duty seriously, as the heir to the Hitachiin Empire."

Hikaru's eyes widened at her ultimatum. It had come to this; it was his or Kaoru's freedom.

"So…" she prompted finally, a knowing look in her eyes "What'll it be?"

The bell tinkled and Haruhi turned automatically, "Welcome" she greeted, bowing low. Barely sparing a glance at the new customers, Haruhi resumed her task of slicing cake pieces. A few moments later, she felt the presence of a tall figure waiting silently at the counter.

"How can I help you?" Haruhi asked, lifting her gaze for the first time.

"Mitskuni would like a slice of the strawberry cream cake with extra strawberries, a green tea panecotta with white chocolate truffles and a banana milkshake." Takashi answered, his stoic expression seemingly indifferent despite the face that he was acquainted with Haruhi.

Haruhi smiled knowingly, "Right away Mori-senpai. Will you be having anything?"


"Alright, please have a seat. I will bring it to your table shortly"

Takashi inclined his head slightly in acknowledgement and proceeded to a window table that Hunny had secured.

Haruhi shook her head slightly at Hunny's overexaggerated waving. She was grateful that both senpai's had treated her somewhat similarly- post the whole Hitachiin twin debacle - when they visited the Café. Albeit Hunny frequently invited her to join them for cake to which she repeatedly declined on account of having to work during working hours. The perceptible duo now visited towards the end of her shift, where they knew they could trap her into sitting with them for a few minutes.

As Haruhi balanced the cakes, milkshake and tea on a tray, she couldn't help but feel slightly pleased at her senpai's arrival as it meant her shift was almost over. As much as she'd like to deny it, Hunny and Mori were pleasant company and by far the most… normal… members of the Host Club. She was rather fond of their regular chats.

"Here you go" Haruhi said, placing the two cakes and milkshake in front of Hunny and the tea in front of Takashi.

"Sit Haru-chan! Let's share this cake" Hunny exclaimed, patting the seat in between him and Takeshi.

"Oh…it's alright…" Haruhi protested weakly but had already been tugged towards the seat in Takashi's light but firm grip.

"Have some strawberries!" Hunny exclaimed, pushing a plate of strawberries in front of her.

Haruhi picked up her fork and tentatively poked a strawberry, popping it in her mouth and chewing slowly. Her eyes lit up slightly at its surprising sweetness.

Mori and Hunny exchanged a glance. Mori silently added more strawberries onto Haruhi's plate.

"How did you find today's Advanced Corporate Law lecture, Haru-chan?" Hunny asked, taking a bite of his strawberry cream cake.

"It was interesting… " Haruhi answered pensively, thinking about how she was lucky to be able to take on the extra credits, "Wait. Hunny-senpai, I didn't know you were taking that course"

"I'm not!" Hunny chimed happily, "but Takashi is"

Haruhi looked to Mori and bowed her head in embarrassment, "I'm so sorry Mori-senpai, I hadn't noticed you were in the same class"

Mori reached out at ruffled her hair, "Do your best"

"That's right! Advanced Corporate Law is a third year's course that only exceptional first year's can attend. Haru-chan you're amazing!" Hunny exclaimed.

"Oh, no…I had trouble understanding a few of the topics in today's lecture. I'll need to study more later." Haruhi mumbled, shifting a little in her chair.

"I will help" Mori unexpectedly offered.

"That's right, Takashi can tutor you on anything you don't understand" Hunny added, smiling.

"I couldn't possibly…" Haruhi started to politely decline. Although their intentions seemed good, she definitely did not want to trouble her senpais. Not to mention she had been having too much contact time with the Host Club already.

Mori nodded his head, not wanting to force her, "The offer stands" he said simply and returned to sipping his tea.

Haruhi felt a tinge of guilt but was relieved at her senpai's considerate nature. Out of all the Host members, she was most at ease around Hunny and Mori senpai. Unlike a certain Hitachiin, they treated her respectably, always asking her opinion on topics and never once had they forced their feelings on her.

"Haru-chan, will Hika-chan escort you today?" Hunny asked taking a sip of his milkshake.

Haruhi automatically glanced out the window. It had been awhile since her shift ended and usually the brooding form of Hikaru could be seen taking a drag of his cigarette as he waited for her to come out. However, all that could be seen was the soft drizzling of rain, pattering quietly on the cobblestone.

"Hika, what will you do about… Haruhi?" Kaoru asked as he followed Hikaru into his room. They had left campus straight after classes and had come home directly. Kaoru sent a message to Kyouya apologising that they would have to miss Host activities due to a sudden onset of flu, though he knew such an elementary lie would be quickly found out by Kyouya and that he would demand the truth in due time. Hikaru looked like he couldn't have cared less that he pulled a no-show. He was filled with a tumultuous storm of emotions ever since he had relayed to Kaoru his agreement with their mother, sans the deal of Kaoru's freedom. Of course, if Kaoru knew the true nature of his sacrifice he would never accept Hikaru's decision. So he had resolved to bring it to his grave. There was also the matter of Haruhi, no matter how hard he tried to convince himself to leave her; he knew there was an internal fire in him that wanted her more than ever. Could he selfishly keep her even if it would only cause her pain and suffering?

"You'll have to break things off with her before the announcement or she could get hurt…" Kaoru prompted, echoing his conscience.

Hikaru regarded his brother for a few tense moments, though it was the only choice he should be considering, voiced out loud, it made his blood boil irrationally.

"You will escort Haruhi to the fundraiser" Hikaru finally replied, "before the announcement, bring her to one of the empty dining halls next to the ballroom."

Kaoru's eyes widened, "Hikaru…"

Hikaru gave him a glare that silently conveyed that this was not up for discussion. He knew that he shouldn't leave it to the last minute but he had to delay it as long as possible so he could figure out a solution.

The fundraiser was just as she had dreaded. Men wore impeccably tailored suits and women donned exquisite gowns that, Haruhi had no doubt, cost more than her entire year's salary at the café. Although she had on a borrowed Hitachiin designer dress and looked every bit as luxurious as the patrons of the fundraiser, she was sure that she could never feel more out of place.

"Here, Haruhi" Kaoru offered a glass of champagne, smiling cheekily, "you look like you need it"

Haruhi accepted the glass reluctantly, "Not to be rude, but remind me; why am I here, again?"

Kaoru laughed heartily, "Might be my selfish desire to escort a beautiful lady for an evening"

"Is Hikaru-"

"Haruhi-hime!" a bright voice loudly interrupted, "you look absolutely gorgeous this evening" Tamaki reached for her hand placing a soft kiss on the back.

Chagrined that Tamaki's gesture had turned several heads, Haruhi pulled away quickly, noticing the other members of the Host Club trailing behind Tamaki.

"Tama-chan is right! Haru-chan you look extra cute today" Hunny exclaimed, Mori, who was beside him, nodded in agreement.

"I must say this attire suits you better than your normal rags" Kyouya added, sparing a quick once over glance at Haruhi before retuning to tapping on his phone.

Haruhi shifted uneasily; unsure whether that was an insult or a compliment, "Thanks…" she answered gritting her teeth.

"Are you hungry?" Tamaki piped up, "There are all sorts of international delicacy's, I shall summon the maître d to offer his recommendations"

"That won't be necessary Tamaki-senpai" Haruhi protested.

Tamaki smiled, "Then at least have some canapés" he said gesturing to a table lined with food.

Haruhi appraised the table with slight curiosity, "I wonder if there's any Ootoro…" she mumbled to herself.

"What's that Haruhi?" Tamaki asked.

"Ah, excuse me Tono" Kaoru cut in before Haruhi could reply, "I need to borrow Haruhi for a few minutes"

Tamaki looked to Kaoru questioningly. He opened his mouth as if to ask but caught himself, giving Haruhi another brilliant smile, "Of course"

Kaoru gently took Haruhi by the arm and led her away from the Host Club group. They exited the ballroom and walked down the hall, entering another room that seemed to be directly behind the ballroom.

Haruhi could hear the tinkling laughter and chatter of guests from behind closed doors. "Kaoru, what…?"

"Shh, Haruhi" Kaoru silenced her, softly placing his index finger to her lips.

Just then she felt two familiar arms embrace her from behind, "Haruhi" a voice breathed in her ear, "I've missed you"

Haruhi craned her head around in shock, "Hikaru…?" Hikaru grinned, releasing her. "Have you been enjoying yourself this evening?"

Kaoru smirked knowing Haruhi's true feelings, his amber eyes sparkling. "I'll see you later"

The door clicked shut behind Kaoru and in the seconds of silence that followed, Haruhi could feel a heavy shift in the air as Hikaru tightened his embrace infinitesimally, before letting he go with a breathy sigh.

Haruhi turned around to face him as he spoke. "Haruhi, I'm sorry I could not escort you tonight. I had some urgent matters to attend to." Hikaru said, stroking his thumb softly on her cheek.

"It's alright, I wasn't planning to attend anyway…" Haruhi replied.

"Oh? But here you are. I suppose you'll gravitate towards me no matter what. I do have that irresistible magnetism." Hikaru teased.

Haruhi couldn't help but smile, "Don't delude yourself"

Hikaru leaned in close and pressed his lips to hers, "In this delusion" he whispered, kissing her gently over and over, "you're forever mine"

His hand trailed slowly down her exposed shoulder blades towards her lower back, the light feather sensations of his touch a contrast heightened by his burning fingertips. As the kiss grew heated, his other hand slid down to her thigh as he pushed her back against the wall, lifting her leg to wrap around him.

"Haruhi" Hikaru broke off the kiss, placing both hands on her shoulders to look her in the eye, "I know I've always forced myself on you" he said seriously, eyes looking down in shame, "but you know I care about you and… I want you to care about me too"

Haruhi blinked in surprise. Hikaru had relentlessly pursued her to the point that she no longer refused his advances. When had she let her defense slip? Hadn't she pledged to do everything in her power to stop herself from being involved with the type of rich, egotistical, troublemaking guy that Hikaru was the epitome of? It terrified her that somehow, caught up in her contentious emotions; she had come to accept Hikaru's invasive presence.

Haruhi stifled the stubborn defiance she felt brewing in her chest. As much as she wanted to deny how her feelings had shifted without her consent, she owed it to herself to be honest so she could gain back some modicum of control.

"I…I do care" she said finally, tentatively, "I'm just not sure that this is a good idea…"

Hikaru grinned; a smile filled with genuine happiness that Haruhi was slightly taken aback, "That's of little importance. After all, forbidden love is the best love of all"

Before Haruhi could decipher the meaning behind his cryptic words, Hikaru was kissing her once more this time with deeper passion than before. His actions turned bolder after receiving somewhat of a confession as he hiked her dress up reaching his right hand to palm her inner thigh. His left hand trailed to the curve of her breast; thumb grazing the underside with barely any restraint. Haruhi caught off-guard by the borderline violent ministrations gasped in repressed anticipation allowing Hikaru to run his tongue along the roof of her mouth, twining with hers as he intensified the kiss.

In the ballroom, the chatter of guests died down as Yuzuha stood at the top of the double stairway, "Thank you esteemed guests for attending the Hitachiin fundraiser, we appreciate your generous support and hope we will be able to continue to depend on your patronage for many years to come! We hope you've enjoyed the evening so far and as always we will begin the dancing shortly with the tradition of a waltz. But before we commence, this year the Hitachiin family have a special announcement to make…"

Kaoru rushed to the dining room where his brother and Haruhi were. He prayed that Hikaru had told Haruhi the truth and that he had cleanly cut her off. However, a gut feeling told him otherwise. When his mother had started the announcement, he felt a strong uneasiness overcome him. He knew that logic and reason were naught to his elder brother but Hikaru had made a promise to his mother that Kaoru knew he intended to keep.

"Hikaru!" Kaoru exclaimed urgently, bursting the door open, "The announcement!"

Sure enough, Hikaru and Haruhi were in a compromising position, much to Kaoru's dismay. Hikaru abruptly broke away from Haruhi giving her an apologetic glance.

"What's going on?" Haruhi asked slightly breathless, her eyes still glazed over.

Hikaru looked at Haruhi, his eyes filled with pain. Softly, he trailed his thumb down her cheek as if memorising her face "I'm so sorry" he whispered and tilted his head to give her a chaste kiss that lasted barely a second but was filled with a lifetime of emotions.

"Kaoru - stay with her" he commanded before rushing out the room. Silently Kaoru noted the unspoken order to keep her away from the ballroom. He tried to stifle the panic he felt at his brother rushing headlong into danger, wanting only to rush after and protect him.

Kaoru was brought out of his turmoil by a soft hand on his arm, "Kaoru, what's happening?" Haruhi asked, her eyes darting from Kaoru to the door, "Maybe we should go back to the ballroom…"

"No!" Kaoru protested, grabbing Haruhi's arm with more force that he was aware. "You have to stay here, Haruhi"

Haruhi flinched slightly, her eyes hardening, "Let go"

"I can't do that" Kaoru replied, unrelenting in his grip "Please Haruhi," he pleaded, his voice desperate, "If you even care for Hikaru then you must stay away."

"What? Where is this coming from Kaoru? Is Hikaru in danger?" when Kaoru remained silent, Haruhi yanked her arm out of Kaoru's grip, her voice hard, "Tell me what's going on"

Kaoru let his hand drop lifelessly at his side, "I want to tell you but I…I… can't Haruhi"

Without a word, Haruhi turned around but before she could make it to the door, Kaoru flung his left arm around her shoulders. Haruhi stilled as she felt his lips press lightly against her clavicle. Before she could react, his right hand pressed on the pressure point at the base of her neck.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, as Haruhi fell limp in his arms. Kaoru didn't know who he was apologising to anymore.