The Next Day

Naruto sat on the edge of the hot spring trying to sort out his thoughts. Since early morning he had been feeling like something was going to go wrong. He was also a little freaked out by all the looks he was getting from most of the men that where in the room with him. He got up and out the water to go back to his room. Unknown to him he was leaving a lot of people with major nosebleeds behind him.

When he entered his room he sighed in relief. He walked over to his closet and picked out one of the many Yukata's Tsunade had gifted him. He had been a little surprised when he had opened the closet this morning to find a note attached to one of them.


Try wearing these instead of those ghastly orange training clothes. You'll look better.


Naruto had blushed and crumpled the note in his hand. He picked out a black and white Yukata with Sakura petals on it. Sluggishly, he put it on and looked himself over in the mirror.

"Maybe Baa-Chan is right, these clothes do look better on me", he said aloud to himself. When he finished getting ready he took one last look at himself in the mirror and opened the door to leave his room. The sight that greeted him left the blond blushing and desperately trying to form coherent thoughts.

Sasuke was leaning against the opposite wall, a smirk plastered on his face, apparently waiting for him. The Uchiha looked gorgeous in his all black Yukata. "It's about time you finish getting ready, I've been standing here for half an hour", he mockingly said. Naruto lowered his head in embarrassment. Sasuke pushed himself off the wall and went to stand in front of his future lover.

The raven was in shock to see that he was a head taller than the Kitsune. He tilted Naruto's chin up to meet his eyes and his smirk widened a bit. A sense of pride washed over him when he saw the blonds blushing face and sky blue watery eyes. "Hn, dobe make sure not to show the face to anyone else but me, it's too cute", Sasuke whispered and leaned down to kiss Naruto's cheek.

Naruto's eyes widened and his head shot up to look at Sasuke. There was a hint of a blush on the Uchiha's face and Naruto couldn't help but smile. The raven looked so adorable in his eyes.

"Hai, Sasuke I won't show this expression to anyone but you", he replied and mimicked Sasuke's earlier action by kissing him on the cheek. Sasuke took Naruto's hand and laced their fingers together. "Come on, lets go get some breakfast", Sasuke said.

That Afternoon

They walked around the village hand in hand, stopping every once in a while to look around odd shops. They were discussing their last mission when suddenly Naruto stopped abruptly. Sasuke looked over to see what had made the blond suddenly become quiet and could not help but smile. In the window display of one of the shops was a frog necklace with a very big resemblance to Gamakichi. He had only met the talkative toad once but he knew by the way they interacted that Naruto had a sweet spot for him." You want that necklace dobe?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto looked back at Sasuke shocked and felt his cheeks flame. He cursed himself for being so obvious. The Raven had already done so much for him; shaking his head Naruto looked up at Sasuke and smiled. "Nah, its ok I don't want it", he assured.

Letting go of the Uchiha's hand, he walked ahead and pretended to look around the different shops.

Sasuke chuckled at the Kitsune's antics and sprinted over to where he was. Grabbing his hand he pulled Naruto to his chest and rested his chin atop of his head. "Well, I think it would look cute around your neck", he insisted. He lifted the blonds chin, looking into those deep blue eyes, and kissed him. It was not a passionate kiss but a quick peck that gently expressed their feelings. When they pulled apart their cheeks were flaming red. Naruto buried his face on the crook of Sasuke's neck.

"If you say so...", Naruto murmured.

They stood there for a while, trying to calm their rapidly beating hearts, until Sasuke cleared his throat. "Come on, let's go get you that Necklace", the Uchiha stated. They let go of each other,and hand in hand, entered the small shop.

It was a small shop but pretty none the less. Different accessories adorned the walls along with some scattered around on the tables.

They were looking around the shop when suddenly they heard someone cough behind them. Both jumped up, startled by the sound, and turned around. Greeted by the sight of a beautiful woman they let down their guards, but only slightly. The same thought running through their heads. "How did I not sense her?"

The woman in question was gorgeous. She looked to be in her mid-twenties. Her long midnight hair cascading down her back and lavender eyes that seemed to analyze every move you made. An elegant Kimono was draped over her body, probably hiding a beautiful figure. All in all, she was stunning. When she spoke both ninjas were snapped out of their trance.

"Welcome to my lovely shop, my name is Amaya, is there anything in particular you have your eyes on?", she asked.

Her angelic voice flowed out as naturally as a waterfall. Sasuke was the first one to speak, since Naruto had gone back into a trance.

"Yes, I would like buy that frog necklace you have on display", he politely answered.

But Ayama was not paying attention to him anymore. Taking a few steps toward Naruto she stopped in front of him. Lifting her hand to cup his chin she examined him like a rare object. As if on cue Naruto snapped out of his trance and looked up at the woman. Fear was evident in his eyes. "Yes, you would be a perfect wife for my son", she stated. Sasuke was about to intervene when he felt pain shoot through his spine and was swallowed by darkness, His body lying limp on the floor. Naruto was about to scream his name when he too was knocked out.

Ayama looked down at the two Bishonen laying the floor unconscious and smirked. "Are you sure you want to do this, Kakashi-San", she asked. Stepping up to where Ayama could get a better view of him the Copy-Nin smirked, or at least she thought he saw him smirk. "Yes, I'm sure". Kakashi bent down, picked up the soon to be lovers, and set them over his shoulders. "But, they seemed to be getting along just fine without you interference", she countered.

"Yes, but it'll be a bit boring if they got together without a bit of drama".