Disclaimer: Making Fiends belongs to Amy Winfrey and Nickelodeon.


With every step he took Marvin's heart sank even further into the pit of his stomach. He swallowed nervously as he waited on the pier, the growling of several fiends ringing through the night and sending shivers down his spine.

He thought of all that had occurred, their meeting, their unexplainable love, and the consequences for all involved on this travesty of a relationship. Most of all he thought of Charlotte, never without a sunny disposition, so utterly devoted to him. They were Clamburg's most praised couple- such a perfect match, everyone said.

Marvin wished more than anything that he could love Charlotte the way she loved him, the way everyone thought and expected that he felt. The blue girl would be so much healthier for him, but he just couldn't draw himself away from...her…

A cold wind whipped through the air, sending the waves crashing against the shore, stinging Marvin with spray. At night, the ocean looked to him like a huge, gaping, plunging expanse of despair. Who knew what lay within the depths of its blackness?

Being here frightened him to the very core of his being, but he had to come, he had to see her again.

The plank behind him creaked and he turned, his heart pounding in his ears. He could feel his breathing speeding up as she approached him, his throat twisting as a battle of emotions played out inside him.

The girl fixed her green eyes on him and he knew his time was up.