AN: Thanks for the reviews guys! Answer for (-ATwinklingStarInHisEyes: According to Christy, Bella actually is in fact 20 and still going to school! lol. But as wierd as that is, just be creative and have an open imagination about it. :) Okay, that's all for now. WARNING: This chapter has Edward and Bella's first full lemon! Please review and let me know what you think! -Evie Lynn Rose:)

Previously: I moaned softly as his teeth lightly grazed the tender skin of my neck, tracing small circles where it was most sensitive and shivered in pleasure.

"Edward" I said breathlessly as he laid me down on the golden duvet covers, his whole body pressed fully against mine perfectly.

"My love for eternity" He returned, kissing the hand that I caressed his face with.

He cradled my face in his hand as his lips met mine in a gentle, passionate kiss. I tugged at his shirt and he slipped it over his head with the slightest hesitation. I knew he was afraid of hurting me, but what mattered was that we were two soul-mates expressing the love we had for each other in a special way.

One way that would alter us in permanent ways, although I'm sure Edward already was since the day he met me. Three long years ago, in Forks High School, biology.

"Just let go..." I whispered, and pulled his lips back to wear they've always belonged.

I ran my hands across his smooth chest, and down his deliciously defined six pack while he caressed my neck with his mouth.

My breathing hitched slightly when I felt Edward's tongue flicker against my skin, tasting it. I basically tore at my shirt until it came off and Edward immediately buried his face in between my breasts.

He began nibbling and nipping at them, occasionally dragging his icy venom-coated tongue along the tops. A moan escaped my lips as he removed my bra, taking my taut nipple into his mouth and sucked greedily on both of them.

"Oh, god!" I gasped, his body sliding lower until his face was level with my flat stomach. His tongue circled my navel, dipping in and out unexpectedly and making me jump.

I rubbed my thighs together desperately, but not able to stop the throbbing within my heated core. His eyes darted to mine again and started lower, sliding off the rest of my clothes with ease.

I started to panic.

I squirmed, trying to move away but his strong hands held me firmly in place. "Really Edward, You don't have to-"

"I want to." He insisted, his hands loosening it's grip on my hips. "I want to taste that sweet aroma that has been driving me so close to insanity all night long" I moaned while he said it, and he took the advantage to dive into slick folds, tongue first. Pleasure spread through me like fire. The feeling of his tongue licking up and down my slit was amazing. I felt him nudge my clit gently and I shuddered. "Fuck, Edward that feels so damn good!" My fingers instinctively dug into the soft sheets, struggling to get a grip on it. I growled in frustration and found a better alternative.

My fingers fondled around with his hair as he continued to pleasure me. Then he found my clit again and began sucking on it like it was the best thing he'd ever tasted.

"Ahhh!" I screamed in pure ecstasy as he shoved a finger into me, using his useful superhuman speed to pump in and out of me quickly. His tongue swept around my vaginal area, licking up all the pre-cum that seeped out of my tight hole.

He groaned and said, "Your juices tastes lovelier than your blood, my love. I can't decide which one I want most though." He pumped me faster and faster and soon I couldn't hold on.

"Fuck, Edward!" My orgasm shot through me and my cum squirted all over his face. He opened his mouth to catch most of it, and swallowed the rest. He licked me clean and I pulled him to me.

I attacked his mouth with my own and he accepted it willingly, letting me get a sample of what I tasted like.

"I'm ready" I breathed against his lips, rubbing my bare core against his irritatingly clothed thigh.

"Are you sure you want this? If we go any further there's no turning back" He warned me, but I could see it I his eyes that he wanted it just as badly as I did.

"I'm sure" I replied confidently and reached for the zipper of his jeans. He slipped out of them and tossed it to the foot of the bed where the rest of our clothes were tangled together.

I stared at his member curiously. It was the first time I'd ever seen one. It was strange, not ugly as I thought all were, but beautiful? It stood straight up, pointing directly at the ceiling. Edward growled and suddenly I was hovering above him with his seriously hard erection poking at my entrance.

I knew this was the part where it would hurt, the moment I loose my virginity forever. But it will always be Edward who took it in the first place, and that is definitely worth everything.

He pushed himself into me slowly, trying to watch closely for any signs of discomfort. He eyes darkened more if that were even possible as his head was sliding into me. He was trying extremely hard to maintain his control.

"Oh, hell!" I gasped as he hit my barrier, causing me to tense up a little. He froze warily. "Am I hurting you?" He asked, small lines creasing his face in concern.

I rolled my eyes, breathing deeply. "Don't beat yourself up over it. It isn't worth it. Plus, doesn't it hurt for everyone's first time?" He nodded and pushed again gently.

"Argh!" We both shouted as my protective walls finally gave in and his length came through, filling me completely for the first time.

"Ah!" I moaned/gasped as pain and pleasure swirled around inside me, making my head spin.

"God love, you feel so tight!" Edward gasped, his hips bucking uncontrollably under mine.

The stinging pain faded and was replaced with the most pleasurable feeling anyone could've ever imagined. I swerved my hip in a circular motion, making us both moan loudly.

"Come on, harder!" I ordered as he began moving in and out of me slowly. He sped up, thrusting into to me with force and I felt my muscles beginning to tighten around him.

"Fuck, baby!" I screamed, sinking my teeth into his shoulder as I came violently, milking him.

He came soon after, panting below me as I continued to ride my orgasm out. I fell on top of him, my body glistening with sweat as he pulled the covers over our heads.

"I love you" He said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer. He nuzzled me neck lovingly and I sighed in pure happiness.

"I love you too"