If you have yet to read my disclaimers for the last 7 chapters I hate you. =P

Kachie Says: Sooo, I've thought hard on it, and I had this chapter plotted, and I actually have the end of my story plotted, it's just a matter of throwing it all together and making it make sense! Though I believe it should work out smoothly!

Without any extra babble, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 8

Nadie and Ellis settled into their little camp site for the night. After getting a campfire going Nadie began to cook them something to eat. "Now.... It wasn't like I was really going to play through with the whole sell myself for sex. It was suppose to be an in and out job. Shoot the guy and leave. But... things turned out much differently, and I was up against something I didn't think of." she explained to Ellis as she propped up large sausage dogs on sticks to cook.

Ellis cocked her head to one side. She never heard of such a concept, and Nadie didn't entirely feel up to explaining it. Ellis just sat there with her legs hugged up to her chest as she watched Nadie. The night was quiet, accept for the June bugs which was the only thing that kept it from going dead silent. No wind, the skies were as clear as clear could get. A peaceful night in the desert lands.

Nadie smiled, if only slightly as she looked up at Ellis.

The car ride, for the most part, was silent. Nadie expected more questions, due to who they were taking her to. Perhaps she blended in too well? She wasn't sure, but her gut was telling her perhaps something misty was on the horizon. At least they didn't suspect her of being a cop, or bounty hunter... right?

The trip didn't even take that long. She found them pulling into a private estate mansion, hidden away behind tall brick walls and a front drive in gate. She felt her muscles tense as she thought about what was to come. She wasn't sure how she could pull this off now that she was here. Her mind raced as she looked at her situation.

She muttered to herself as she gained a serious expression. She should have thought this through better. She pictured a shabby cheap hotel room not a fully loaded mansion! Was it too late to back out now? She sighed as she knew better then to wonder such a thing.

The mansion was surrounded with people. Guards, thugs, big guard dogs... The lawns were nicely kept, tall shaped trees and bushes, a giant water fountain glowing with low lights in the middle of the court yard. The house itself was outrageously huge. Compensating for something, Nadie wondered.

Finally the car came to a stop in front of two large doors. The front entrance, and one man got out, opening the back door for Nadie. She placed a fake smile on her face as he led the way. Really, what WERE you thinking..? She began to have her doubts. Would she pull this off and make it out alive or would something else entirely occur? She would admit to feeling nervous now.

She silently followed the man down the hallways and up a few flight of stairs and down more hallways. Finally they stopped in front of large wooden doors. He knocked once. "Ya, let her in." came another man's voice. Nadie gulped as the doors opened allowing her entrance. She suddenly felt VERY nervous.

The doors closed behind her, the body guard left her alone. Cortez came out of a luxurious bathroom, walking past her towards his bed. He then sat down, peeling off his night shoes, keeping himself covered with a long bath robe. "You're just a kid." he muttered.

Nadie glared at him. He was a murdering prick and he was going to comment on how young she was? "So?" she asked crossing her arms over her chest. He chuckled as looked her over. "You're like was? 16?" he asked. He was close, but she wasn't going to dignify him with an answer. She wasn't here for that anyways.

"I don't do kids." he then muttered as he got back up wandering over to his personal bar. She scoffed at him. He dug through the mini fridge, pulling out a wine bottle before he poured himself some. "Though, that isn't why you're here, is it... Nadie?" He asked, without looking behind himself. He focused on the task at hand, closing his wine bottle before putting it away.

Nadie's eyes widened. What the hell? He KNEW who she was? She almost began to reach for her gun, in her boot but as he turned around, only a single look stopped her. He sipped quietly at the wine in his wine glass as he eyed her. "Oh yes, I know who you are. Ask allot of questions and word gets around." he went on as he moved over to a luxury chair before sitting.

She still stood there with a dumbfounded look plastered on her face. "I know you killed Chavez too, though he was a real piece of work anyways." he commented without sounding like he cared. He stopped focusing on Nadie as he swirled the wine in his glass. He fell silent, waiting for this girl to recollect herself enough to say something.

Nadie then gritted her teeth as her face slowly phased from shock to anger. "So why bring me here?" she asked as her hands curled into fists. He looked back up at her finally as he chuckled at her display. "Oh I have my reasons." he muttered as he stood up walking to an oak desk. He opened the top drawer as he pulled out a couple of vanilla colored files, tossing them onto the surface.

Nadie watched him suspiciously. "Tell me, weren't you Carlos' kid?" he asked curiously as he stood behind the desk still before finishing off his drink, and setting the emptied glass quietly onto the desk along side the files. She narrowed her eyes, as her eyebrows furrowed. What was the deal with this guy?

"Well if you know who I am, then you know why I'm here." Was the only thing she said. He shook his head. Kids these days. So impatient, and rude. Though he could hear the confusion in her voice. She was right to be. "Oh yes, I know. I'm not stupid. I've been running the show ever since the Boss has gotten old and ill." he muttered.

He then pulled out a small pistol, a glock, and sat it on top of the files. "If you want to kill me, go ahead, use this if you'd like. Or hell, how about that gun hiding away in your boot. I'll even give you the names of whomever you're after next." he said as he looked at her seriously. She was REALLY confused now.

Nadie didn't reach for any gun. She wondered if it was a trap of some kind. She watched at him, as he watched at her, the room full of silence. "Or I could kill you, and end your own miserable existence instead, really the choice is yours." he then said, of course in a side noted tone. She continued to gawk at him in confusion.

"What the hell is with you?" She suddenly cried out. This was not how she wanted it to be. She wanted to see his fear, and instead he was giving her the chance to kill him. She felt a sudden mixture of feelings. Self doubt crept over her. She didn't have as much confidence when she didn't have control over the situation.

"A man can do allot of self observation when he gets older. A man can have many regrets." he said, as if shrugging it off. She just watched him. He shrugged at her. "If you killed me now I wouldn't care. If I killed you now, I still wouldn't care." he seemed to finish. No, no this cant be that easy. No way!

"Why did you kill my parents?" she asked, her voice low, frighteningly so. She glared with seething hatred. He shrugged again. "Your father arrested my boss' son, who was put to death for his crimes. That sort of thing is like stepping on a pissed Rhino's foot when it comes to a Drug Lord. He wanted revenge. Just as you do." he answered calmly.

Nadie slowly reached down and pulled out her gun. "Ah, but I warn you.. you'd probably piss off a bee's nest around here, wouldn't see the light of day again, if you shot me. But if you feel it's worth it." he muttered as he spread his arms open, as if saying go for it. She felt her eyebrow twitch at his words.

She didn't think of that either... She pointed her gun at him anyways. "What's in the folders?" She asked as she stepped closer to the desk, her eyes darting between him and the files under the gun. "The names I mentioned before." he replied as he moved to sit in his office chair. He was growing bored with her hesitation. "Make up your mind, Nadie. Kill me, die, or leave."

She grabbed the files, looking inside a moment catching a glimpse of the names. Gomez, and Carter. She then began to back away from him. She held her gun steady. She had some form of an escape plan in mind.... if they all didn't know who she was. She grabbed an extra robe as she threw it around herself, tieing it off as she tucked the folders away.

Cortez watched her, not making any sort of move. None what so ever. "Any last words?" she muttered as she made her way to the door. He smiled. "Just do it, if you're going to do it." he replied. It was an eery calm. A look of like he was so close to being released from a tormented state of mind. "You lost your marbles." she muttered feeling confused at her own actions.

She felt conflicted, this wasn't so easy anymore. She just let out a noise of frustration as she bolted out of the room without firing her gun. She couldn't bring herself to do it suddenly. She starred him straight in the face, and he threw her off guard. She panicked, and she ran down the halls, tears threatening her. What am I doing...?

She ran out of the mansion, and down the long drive way, no one attempting to stop her. She managed to get through the gates and out onto the road where she stopped. Just as a car pulled up. "Don't tell me you did it.." came her aunt's voice. She gasped and shot up, her gun in hand, startled at first.

Lita could see the tears that were hanging on by a thread against her blue eyes. Nadie didn't say anything as she quickly got into the car as Antonio drove off. "I couldn't.." she muttered quietly as she curled against the seat. She didn't understand, what was she doing this whole time. She felt so confused by that man's actions....

Lita sighed in some form of relief. "We'll get a hotel for tonight." What was Nadie going to do now? No one knew, not even Nadie herself. She pulled out the folders and starred at the blankly. So much was going on in her head. So much hate, and suffering.

Well.. I felt my last chapter didn't go as well, so I decided to change things around again. I hope this one is better... Though things will only get interesting from here on, though I think I'm a few more chapters away from wrapping this to a close. I hope it's been enjoyable so far, I know it got a little dark, but I will shed light at the end of this long tunnel! I promise.