
A HUGE thank you to Cori, for being such a great and dedicated beta reader! Without her and her constant input, this last part to The Climb would never have been finished!

A great big MASSIVE thanks to the readers who keep reading and reviewing! I'm really happy that you love the story so much to let me know what you think, and I hope I haven't disappointed!

Now for a few warnings - the violence in this chapter, although tastefully written (even if I do say so myself) may offend, so please, remember this as you read because you now have advanced warnings! Another warning is that there is an implied character death in the story, so for all of you who wish it doesn't happen, it does! So no burning torches and pitch forks coming to my door! There's also some relatively hot M/M action, so if same-sex couples don't interest you, it's your choice to carry on reading!

So, here's the last installment for The Climb, and I hope you enjoy!


Owen stared up at the great expanse of white wall, jaw set and eyes burning with hatred. The guards who walked across between archer posts looked down at him, and Owen could swear that he heard them laughing. Sir Galahad had left him here, under their watchful eyes, as he went to secure a cart and driver to transport Owen far, far away. No doubt rumours about his being cast out of Camelot had already spread like wildfire. Blasted Uther, Owen cursed. He would have believed me if Arthur hadn't gotten all sentimental. Yet he knew he shouldn't blame Uther, not when Arthur stupidly accepted that blatant lie Merlin had told. Owen let out a small laugh then, causing the guards above to slow their pacing momentarily. Merlin. Merlin, the little snake in the grass that seemed to ruin all of his plans, especially when Owen had been telling the truth. Owen's mind drifted to why he had been willing to risk his life so that Merlin would be killed. Elizabeth. Just thinking of the beautiful temptress sent shivers of fear down Owen's spine, as well as shivers of anticipation for what she could offer him.

There was something about Elizabeth that caused Owen to suddenly feel very sick in the pit of his stomach. Seeing a large rock beside the path led down into the surrounding forest, Owen sat down upon it, feeling as though he were going to faint. Running a hand through his fiery red hair, Owen bent over and breathed deeply. Fear began to ebb through Owen's body, starting from his stomach and spiralling outwards. He had told Elizabeth that he would make sure that people watched Merlin use magic, so that his claim was backed up by others. And what had happened? In the middle of the fighting, he had been the only one to witness Merlin magically throw the spear that killed the serpent. What will she do to me?

"Nothing, Owen. Not when you can still redeem yourself."

Looking up suddenly, Owen felt the blood drain away from his face as the ever elegant Elizabeth walked out from the shadows, flanked by two of the snake demons from earlier. She was beautiful as she stood in front of him, the light from the moon playing across her features. Elizabeth was dressed in soft brown leather breeches, with knee-high riding boots polished brightly. A bodice made from melting black silk clearly defined her perfect structure, breasts near enough exposed to be considered indecent. From her neck hung the silver pendant of a snake, with the tip of the snake's tail disappearing between her breasts. Allowing his gaze to filter upwards, he was startled to see that Elizabeth's hair was pulled back into a tight pony tail, held together by a piece of blood red fabric. Her brown eyes, once warm during their encounter in The Cloaked Woman, were now icy cold. A line of sweat suddenly appeared across Owen's brow.

"Elizabeth, I can explain..."

As Owen stood up, the two snake demons lunged forward, hissing and deploying their large fangs threateningly. Jumping back and stumbling over the rock, Owen fell, landing with a thud. Elizabeth tutted quietly as she stared at the snakes, almost affectionately, before moving to stand in front of them, becoming a human barrier between Owen and the demons.

"You seem to make an awful lot of mistakes, Owen," Elizabeth stated and motioned for her guards to slither to the wall. The demons did as commanded. "First, you go back on your word to have Merlin revealed as a sorcerer, and now you made my guards think you were trying to do me harm. You have caused me a great dishonour, Owen, because now my plans need to be hastened and bloodied for them to continue."

"Please, I beg of you, spare my life..."

Elizabeth laughed then, and Owen felt icy chills travel down his back.

"You have nothing to fear, Owen. You are more use to me alive." Elizabeth looked around then, almost as though expecting someone to be hiding in the shadows. "Afterwards, however, I may kill you if you don't do exactly as I say. Do you understand?"

Owen nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Gracefully, Elizabeth sat down on the rock and leaned forward, lowering her voice to a hushed whisper.

"We will make our way through the castle to Uther's chambers. Anyone who gets in our way along the way will be silenced, permanently. Once we get to Uther's chambers, you and you alone will go in with this knife." Elizabeth paused to show Owen the knife. It was a long blade, made of silver, with a simple hilt etched with a snake. "You will go to Uther's bed, and you will slit his throat, Owen, and you will wait beside him until he is dead."

Owen couldn't believe what he was hearing, but before he could speak a word, Elizabeth added, "If you fail in any of these details, you will die immediately. Now come, do not make a sound."

Owen nodded slowly. Elizabeth stood up, handed the knife to Owen and walked over to the wall. Owen quickly got up, dusted himself off and crept as quietly as he could to the wall. Once there, he tried to avoid the snake demons. Elizabeth raised her hands, eyes closed and lips moving silently. A ball of red, crackling light formed between her hands, and bringing it closer to her, Elizabeth whispered something before throwing it up into the air. Owen looked upwards, and before he could fully see what was happening, the archers and guards dropped to the ground. Their bodies looked as though they had been flailed, pieces of flesh hanging off in bloody strips, whilst their arms and legs stuck out at unearthly angles. The snake demons lunged suddenly for the fresh kills, and within a matter of minutes, all four bodies were devoured, nothing left behind. The demons returned to their positions whilst Elizabeth turned around to touch the wall that was now unguarded. From her hands, alternating slabs of stone began to push themselves away from the wall, becoming a stone ladder that she began to climb. Pausing for a brief moment, Elizabeth looked down.

"Come along, Owen. Your destiny awaits."

Taking a deep breath, Owen began to climb the side of the wall, whilst the snake demons slithered up the wall silently. As Owen heaved himself over the wall, Sir Galahad returned with the cart and driver.

Merlin walked quickly and quietly towards the chambers he now shared with Arthur, a spring in his step but the weight of the world on his shoulders. Although the Great Dragon had given him hope, Merlin knew that to keep Arthur from dying, to stop Morgana's dream coming true, he would have to break the very promise that he had made only an hour before. A knot of fear crept into Merlin's stomach and he slowed his walk, suddenly thinking that maybe telling Arthur everything was a good idea. Yet his mind drifted to what the Great Dragon had said - You need to ready him, young warlock, because the only way you will defeat these warlocks is with him by your side. Merlin prayed that the Great Dragon knew what he was telling Merlin to do, because it could backfire extremely badly. No, stop that, his inner voice demanded. Arthur loves you, he wouldn't harm you because you kept a secret. If anything, he'll take you into his arms and make you forget you ever worried. Realising that he was at their chamber door, Merlin took a breath and walked inside.

The moment he stepped within the room, Merlin's breath hitched in his throat. There, standing by the window, was the handsomest man that Merlin had ever met. Arthur was dressed in his finest clothes and stared out into the night sky, left fist clenched as his body rested against the wall. Merlin stepped further into the room and found his breeches tightening with every step. It seems like it's been weeks since we last made love, Merlin thought. But it's only been a day or two at the most. Gods, if only you knew what you do to me, Arthur. He swallowed loudly as Arthur turned to face him then, a white aura surrounding the young prince as he smiled warmly at Merlin. Merlin found the smile infectious, and he smiled back, his heart and shoulders feeling lighter as he stared at the man before him. It was in that moment that Merlin felt he could tell Arthur anything and not have to worry about Arthur hating him.



They both chuckled as they both spoke at the same time. Merlin looked down with a smile on his face before looking back up at Arthur, their blue eyes shining brightly.

"Go on, Arthur. You can start."

Merlin watched as Arthur walked to his side. He felt a strong hand take his slender one, Arthur's left fist still clenched as Merlin was guided to the bed. Sitting down, Merlin looked up at Arthur.

"I'm not really good at this, Merlin. The whole talking about my feelings that you seem to be able to do so well. I have things that I want to say to you, but I'm not quite sure how to," Arthur began and Merlin smiled at him, offering encouragement. "The last week... it's been unforgettable, and I wish from the bottom of my heart that it had happened sooner. I've never felt this deeply connected with anyone."

Arthur sat down on the bed beside him, left fist still clenched. Merlin raised an eyebrow slightly, wondering what the prince held in his hand. Arthur took Merlin's hand in his right, and from the intensity beneath the stare, Merlin momentarily thought about jumping Arthur there and then.

"It's like I can tell what you're thinking just by looking at you, what you're feeling. I even get feelings about where you are in the castle, even if you've not told me where you are. It's strange, but it's nice to know I'm in love with you that much. When Owen accused you of having magic tonight... I realised two things," Arthur continued, and Merlin suddenly blurted out—

"Arthur, I can explain. I didn't mean to lie..."

Arthur laughed, and Merlin felt himself on edge. He knows. Icy tendrils of fear weaved around his heart. Oh gods, he knows.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" Arthur smirked. "I realised that you've enchanted me, Merlin, more than anything ever could. When I'm away from you, it feels like I'm not really myself, like I'm living a lie. Yet when we're together... you weave your magic on me and remind me again why I'm with you."

Merlin opened his mouth but a quick kiss silenced him.

"And I realised that I can't live without you, Merlin. I know that people will expect me to have a child, a wife, the things a future king should have. But now, right at this moment in time, I don't care if I never have a child or wife," Arthur continued.

Merlin couldn't believe his ears. Had he heard Arthur rightly? He'll never want a child or wife? Merlin instantly corrected that thought, He said 'at this moment in time', big difference. But he's happy just being with me? I wonder if he'll feel the same way once I've come clean? Not wanting to prolong the inevitable, Merlin spoke up.

"Arthur, I need to tell you something. Something really, really important..."

Arthur smiled at Merlin and dropped to the floor in front of the tall brunette, on one knee. Merlin's heart beat accelerated at that moment and he could see his electric blue aura twisting and wrapping itself around Arthur's white. Merlin watched as Arthur unclenched his fist and held the object up for Merlin to see. A small wooden box stared up at Merlin, and his hands shook as he picked it up. Looking at Arthur, Merlin tried to speak again.

"Hush, Merlin. I'm sure that whatever it is that you want to talk to me about can wait. Open the box."

Swallowing, Merlin gingerly opened the lid, scared of what was inside. There, nestled in some shreds of silk, was a silver ring band, attached to a leather thong. Merlin's eyes quickly flicked to Arthur, who remained on his knee, smiling up at him. Merlin shakily lifted the ring up and looked at it from all angles. It was made of silver, and knowing Arthur like he did, Merlin knew that it would be made of the purest of silvers available. Inlaid into the precious metal were two gems, a deep blue and milky white pair. Merlin felt his mouth go dry and he looked up at Arthur, who now had a worried expression on his face.

"Will you be mine, Merlin?" Arthur asked quietly, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Before Merlin's thoughts could catch up with his impulsiveness, Merlin propelled himself off of the bed, sending Arthur sprawling across the floor.

Owen quickly walked across the wooden boards at the top of the wall, Elizabeth and the demons silently following him. Although they made no sound, Owen could feel their eyes on his back, and he fought to keep the bile down in his stomach. It was 300 paces until they would reach the large archway, the one that had stone stairs leading down to the level where Uther slept. Fear grasped at Owen as he suddenly realised that each step he took brought him closer to what Elizabeth wanted him to do. I have to kill Uther, Owen thought. Just another 200 paces and we'll be making our way down to him. They neared a new archers' tower, and Owen managed to hold back a squeak as the snake demons surged forward, straight towards the tower. Owen watched as the beasts stealthily slid up the wooden posts, and before the archers could do anything, Owen heard the crunching of bones as the demons ate their live prey. He squeezed his eyes shut, because in the moonlight, he could clearly see the blood running from the innocent men that got in their way. A sharp prod in his side made Owen open his eyes, and he saw Elizabeth walk on ahead. Not wanting to be left behind with the demons, Owen quickly strode after Elizabeth, who had just finished incinerating the next two archers. The smell of burnt flesh exploded into Owen's nostrils as he walked quickly past the tower. Just 100 more paces, and we'll be inside. The thought became a mantra to Owen that he said to himself every time he took a pace. The snake demons slithered ahead and disappeared into the archway.

Elizabeth walked by his side, and Owen risked a glance at her. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the moonlight, and she seemed completely oblivious to the eight murders that had happened within the space of a few minutes. I'm going to Hell, Owen realised, and he suddenly felt like crying. All I wanted was to get back at Merlin for leaving me for Arthur. As though the woman could sense his thoughts, Elizabeth touched his arm, and Owen suddenly found it hard to remember why he had the feeling of unease in his stomach. He felt sudden rage as thoughts of Uther dismissing his claims filtered through his consciousness, and he couldn't wait to get his hands on the king. The two of them walked under the archway and made their way down the stone stairs. As they descended, Owen could hear muffled sounds and then silence.

Upon reaching the level where Uther's chambers were, Owen saw the snake demons wrapped around two unfortunate men who were one of the two pairs of guards patrolling this particular area. Their feet and hands were shaking, whilst their heads were stuffed inside the demons mouths. Owen watched in morbid fascination until the feet and hands stopped twitching, his eyes wide and mouth dry. The demons released their prey, and their long, pink tongues flicked out into the air for a few moments whilst small fire balls cremated the two bodies. A strong gust of wind suddenly blew, and the torches flickered in the corridor and the ashes dispersed. Owen felt a cool, metal object get pushed into his hands, and upon looking down, saw that it was the same knife that Elizabeth had handled earlier. Flexing his grip on the hilt, Owen turned left and walked down the stone corridor with murderous intent in his eyes.

After a moment, Owen spotted the last of the two patrolling guards walking towards him. The pair slowed, and Owen guessed that they had spotted Elizabeth, which gave him an opportunity to get the knife positioned against the back of his arm. As he walked past them, Owen spun around and, using all of his considerable strength, thrust the knife into the neck of one of the guards. Blood spurted outwards from the man's mouth, and the second man tried to scream out for help as he attempted to draw out his sword. Seeing what was happening, Owen quickly thrust the dying man away from him and grabbed hold of the second man's neck, squeezing down hard on his windpipe. He lifted the man up against the wall so that the weight of his body worked against the now thrashing man, eyes wide and face a bright red as he tried to fight off Owen's grip. From the corner of his eye, Owen could see Elizabeth smiling, and the snake demons dove for the fresh kill, licking up at the crimson blood. Returning his attention to the man in his hands, Owen noticed that the thrashing had stopped and now a glazed look covered the man's eyes. Owen suddenly stepped back, as though he had only now realised what he had just done. At the feel of a hand on his shoulder, Owen looked down and saw Elizabeth smiling, as though proud at what he had done.

With a small nod, Owen and Elizabeth continued down the corridor, moments away from Uther's chambers.

Arthur was on the floor in front of the fire with Merlin hugging him tightly, their bodies pressed firmly together. With a slight wriggle that allowed Arthur to embrace Merlin more fully, Arthur bit back a moan of pleasure at the feel of their hard members rubbing against each other through clothing. Instead, he buried his face into the crook of Merlin's neck and kissed that soft patch of skin gently, enjoying the sweaty taste that touched his lips. He's mine, Arthur thought gleefully. I can't believe that he's all mine! Arthur suddenly looked at Merlin worriedly as the slender man pulled away, blue eyes searching for unknown answers to unspoken questions. Slowly, Merlin raised his hands over his head and pulled the leather thong over his head, silver ring shining brightly in the candlelight. Arthur watched as it fell against Merlin's chest, and the worries that had been etched onto his face began to fade away. I shouldn't have doubted, Arthur chided himself. Not with Merlin.

"I'm never going to take this off," Merlin whispered, and Arthur smiled as he lifted up his hand to stroke Merlin's cheek. "No matter what happens, this is never coming off."

Merlin pushed his face into Arthur's palm and pressed a warm kiss there, his blue eyes gazing into Arthur's. Arthur suddenly began to feel all tingly, with heat blossoming across his entire body as he looked back at Merlin. He felt his breeches become incredibly tight, tighter than at any other time he had been close to Merlin. For a split second, Arthur saw a gold flash appear in Merlin's eyes and just as quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared. Arthur placed his other hand on top of Merlin's bulging erection and rubbed gently. Merlin moaned and Arthur rubbed again.

"Coming to bed?" Arthur asked and was all but yanked up from the floor by Merlin, who then crushed their lips together in a searing kiss.

Arthur kissed back with equal ferocity. While his left hand went down to Merlin's buttocks and squeezed, his right hand went up to tangle in Merlin's short hair. He could feel himself being guided backwards, towards the huge bed that was their own. When the firm touch of the mattress pushed against his knees, Arthur reached back with his left hand and sat down slowly. As they lowered themselves onto the bed, Merlin straddled Arthur and ground himself against the prince. Merlin's lips began to burn a trail of heat across Arthur's face before reaching his ear. Arthur shuddered as he felt Merlin's lips press against his ear, and he squeezed Merlin's buttocks more firmly.

"Move up the bed, Arthur."

Needing little encouragement other than the deep, husky voice that had just whispered in his ear, Arthur obediently got himself to the top of the bed. He propped himself up with his pillows and watched in anticipation as Merlin pulled his tunic over his head, allowing the ring to fall against his pale skin. Arthur bit his bottom lip as he watched Merlin strip off his breeches and undergarments, his own breeches becoming incredibly tight at the show. Arthur swallowed loudly as Merlin crawled up the bed and pounced on top of Arthur, pinning the stronger man down.

In the pit of Arthur's stomach, in the depths of his soul, Arthur felt completely and utterly safe and secure with the feel of Merlin above him. He looked into Merlin's eyes and felt an inner calm, unlike anything he had ever felt as he stroked Merlin's cheek. This is all that matters, Arthur found himself thinking. Nothing else. At that moment, Arthur knew exactly what he wanted to happen between them.

"Make love to me, Merlin," Arthur whispered. He saw Merlin's eyes widen at that statement before a small smile fell across his lips. "Please..."

Anything else that Arthur was going to say was lost because Merlin captured his lips, stealing his breath as well as his heart. Arthur felt a slender leg nestle itself in between his own legs and slowly, bit by bit, Merlin spread open Arthur's legs with his own. Arthur ran his nails over Merlin's back, scratching gently, and Merlin moaned into their kiss. A pout quickly formed on Arthur's lips as Merlin pulled away, but it disappeared when Merlin pushed his tunic up and pressed his lips against Arthur's skin. Closing his eyes and relaxing into the touch, Arthur felt Merlin kiss a feather light trail upwards, nipping occasionally here and there. Arthur bit his lower lip again as Merlin's mouth closed around a nipple, an experimental tongue seeking Arthur's appreciation at the stimulation. With the moan that escaped his lips, Arthur felt his breeches being undone, and he raised his hips upwards in an attempt to help. Yet Merlin pushed his hips downwards, and Arthur grumbled in frustration, his hardened member straining to be released from its tight confines.

"Be patient," Merlin chided, and as Arthur opened his mouth to respond, Merlin quickly pulled Arthur's tunic over his head and flipped Arthur onto his stomach.

"What are you doing?"

Arthur looked to the left and saw Merlin standing beside the large cupboard beside their bed, rummaging inside for something. He heard a triumphant gasp and then the gentle clink of the bottles that they kept in the back of the cupboard for moments like this. Merlin looked over at Arthur with a devilish grin that promised many things. Arthur licked his lips, closed his eyes and felt the bed dip as Merlin climbed back on and straddled Arthur.

"What are you doing?" Arthur repeated.

Arthur realised he wasn't going to get a reply, and he opened his mouth to say something when a cool liquid pooled into the middle of his back, making him gasp. The scent of sandalwood permeated the air as the long, slender fingers that Arthur adored began to rub the oil all over his back. So this is what he wanted to do? Arthur quickly breathed in sharply as Merlin's hot breath blew right between his shoulder blades, before a slender finger drew circles with the faintest of touches. Arthur ground his hips into the mattress as Merlin began to move downwards, searching for the precious thing that Arthur would give him in a short while.

Owen was standing in front of the doors to Uther's chambers, Elizabeth to his side and the demons slithering away to keep guard. The large doors were made of solid oak, sanded and varnished to a bright sheen. A large dragon was spread across both sides of the door, the emblem for the Pendragon name that meant so much to the people of Camelot. Large, black handles hung from the claws of the dragon. I've walked past this room so many times, Owen thought. Now I'm going to get to go inside. The blade of the knife that he held in his hand dripped with fresh blood from an unexpected maid that had been on the level in between patrol groups. Elizabeth touched his arm, and he looked down at her. She was now wearing a snow white dress with her hair tightly curled. He hadn't realised that she had changed her appearance.

"Go inside now, Owen. Kill the king. Make him suffer, Owen. I'll ensure that no noise escapes from within."

Owen looked back at the door and smiled coldly, flexing the knife in his hand. Stepping towards the door, Owen quietly turned the handle and pushed it open. A wave of warm air quickly enveloped him as he closed the door behind him. For a moment, Owen had to stop to take in his surroundings. The large room was superbly decorated, with a large rug made of the finest threads that Uther's money could buy. A large wooden chest, a gift from a neighbouring kingdom, stood against the far wall, and Owen wondered what was inside it. His eyes took in the other items from paintings to pieces of furniture, until they rested on the reason he was in here. Uther, looking angelic in his sleep, laid on his bed, completely oblivious to what would happen.

Owen began to walk quietly towards the enormous bed, taking great care not to tread too heavily on the floor boards. A sinister smile crawled across his face as he edged ever nearer to Uther. Just then, Uther turned in his sleep, rolling onto his side so that the light from the open window illuminated his face. Owen paused, holding the blade up to his face and looking at the congealed blood that stained its blade. Noticing that Uther had settled back into sleep, Owen walked the last few steps until he stood by the pillow where Uther's head rested. Owen slowly reached out with his left hand, just as he put the blade up against Uther's throat. The king's eyes opened instantly at the feel of the cool blade, and he stared up at Owen.

"You and I have some unfinished business." Owen stated and smiled grimly.

From outside the room, Elizabeth smiled as her plans came together.

Merlin's body was flushed with colour as he fell down onto the mattress, Arthur quickly following suit. Their limbs tangled on the bed amongst the now stained sheets, bodies heaving with deep breaths. Merlin's body tingled, and he could feel another huge swell in his magic, the seventh now since Arthur had given himself to Merlin. When he looked over at Arthur, he could see a bright light coming from within the blonde's body, and Merlin knew in his soul that it was because the magic within each of them called out to each other. With a smile on his face, Merlin kicked up the blanket and pulled it up over them, before pulling Arthur closer to him.

"That was..."

"Perfect, more than I could ever have..."


They chuckled then, amused at how they had just finished each other's sentences. Merlin stared into the blue eyes and was momentarily caught off guard when he saw a flaring of gold within Arthur's eyes. The gold flare quickly passed, and Arthur stared at him in mild confusion, before Merlin quickly recovered.

"I didn't mean to stare. It's just... I never noticed how nice your eyes looked, this close up," Merlin explained, and Arthur smirked back at him.

"You find me sexy," Arthur stated, and Merlin felt a hand run up from his thigh to rest on a buttock.

"I find you intolerable and irresistible, all at once," Merlin clarified, earning a chuckle from Arthur. Merlin pulled away from him then as his thoughts drifted back to why he had come to their room in the first place. "Arthur, about the thing that I needed to talk to you about..."

"Can't it wait until morning?" Arthur asked. "All I want to do now is have you in my arms as we go to sleep."

Merlin looked at Arthur and felt his conscience wrestle with his desires. Tell him right now, Merlin's conscience cried,.Tell him now so that in the morning, you can start afresh. Yet Merlin's desires cried out, Tell him when the time comes, not before! Why spoil something so precious with something so sinister? As Merlin rolled onto his side, he pulled Arthur flush against the length of his body and held Arthur's hand tightly. A soft kiss was placed on his ear as Arthur relaxed completely. The heat from his muscled body began to have a soporific effect on Merlin, who felt his eyelids droop.

"I love you, Merlin."

"I love you..."

An almighty crashing sound broke Merlin's reply, and Merlin felt Arthur launch himself up from the bed instantly. Merlin sat up and saw Owen standing in the doorway with three other men, all large and burly like their leader. Hurriedly grabbing his undergarment, Merlin pulled it on just as Arthur began to call for his guards, pulling on his breeches, jaw set angrily at the intrusion. Owen stepped into the room, and it was only then that Merlin saw the knife in his hand, dripping with blood. Merlin was by Arthur's side in an instant, slender hand gripping Arthur's forearm tightly. Fear gripped Merlin as he realised that something was seriously wrong, because the guards that were normally patrolling would have been here in an instant after the doors smashing open.

"Get out of my chambers," Arthur growled out and stepped closer to Owen. Merlin tightened his grip even more, pulling back to keep Arthur out of the way.


"Or what, little prince? You'll scream like a woman for your guards?" Owen taunted and more fear wrapped its way around Merlin's heart. Owen held up the knife to Arthur, showing him the bloodied blade.

"When my father hears of this..."

Owen chuckled darkly. "Your words will fall on deaf ears, Arthur. Your father isn't here to come to your rescue."

Merlin felt Arthur's entire body begin to tense up, and the three men fanned themselves out, trying to enclose the two of them in a tight circle. Just below the surface, Merlin could feel his magic bubbling, and his anger rising as the situation continued to escalate.

"What do you mean?" Merlin asked, not trusting Arthur to say anything that wouldn't cause more bloodshed.

"I mean exactly what I said. Uther will not hear Arthur's screams for help, nor will he see me kill his son."

At the end of the statement, the three large, burly men dove for the two of them. Merlin was shoved unceremoniously into the bed by Arthur, who tackled one of the men to the floor and proceeded to rain a shower of blows onto his face. Merlin instantly went to Arthur's aid, grabbing a vase from the table by the window and smashing it over the attacker's head. Almost as quickly, the remaining man grabbed hold of Merlin and pulled him backwards, sending shooting pain up Merlin's arms and back. Owen walked straight over to Arthur and grabbed hold of the prince by his hair, Arthur still trying to fight off the flame haired giant. Arthur managed to get a few good blows in, hard enough to make Owen start bleeding. Dragging Arthur by the hair, Owen stopped when they reached the shattered doors and pulled the prince upright, pressing the knife against Arthur's neck. Merlin was suddenly released, and the three men went to stand by Owen's side. Arthur went still as the blade dug into his flesh. Merlin looked like a startled deer, eyes wide and mouth ajar.

Owen couldn't believe how well this was going. For the last few hours, Owen had fulfilled the task that Elizabeth had set him, and if Elizabeth's reaction was any indication, he had done well. Images flashed through Owen's mind as he held Arthur in his arms. Uther with a bloody mouth; Uther with his night clothes in bloody tatters; Uther with a probable broken arm and fractured wrist; Uther begging for his life... That was the image that Owen favoured most, the one where before Owen slit his throat like a lamb to slaughter. Uther had been on his knees begging for his life as well as Arthur's. Stupid man, Owen thought now and pushed the tip of the blade into Arthur's neck, causing a bloody rivulet to slide down his captive's chest. He glanced over at Merlin, who looked as though he were torn between running for help or staying where he was. With his eyes still locked on Merlin, Owen placed a slow kiss on Arthur's neck, causing the young man to squirm away from the touch. The knife dug deeper into the flesh.

"Your father screamed, Arthur," Owen whispered in his ear and smiled as the squirming stopped. "He begged me not to kill him, to let him live. He even begged me not to kill you, which I found amusing until I found that slitting his throat was even greater entertainment."

Small shakes began to rock Arthur's body, and Owen was impressed that Arthur tried his best to keep them in check, not wanting to appear weak. An arrogant prat until the end, aren't you Arthur?

"You're lying..."

"Am I?" Owen asked. "Then why do I have his bloody ring in my pocket? The one that only the King of Camelot wears? Take it out from my pocket and see."

Owen stood perfectly still as Arthur, with a shaky hand, put his hand backwards and felt for the pocket that supposedly housed Uther's ring.

Arthur's blood ran cold in his veins as the words sank in. It can't be, Arthur reasoned as best he could. There's no way that Owen would have been able to get to him. Yet his thoughts weren't enough to quell his fears as his hand slid onto Owen's thigh, a grimace across Arthur's face as he felt the other man's leg in a quest for the pocket. Arthur's eyes looked at Merlin, who looked so lost and confused. As he continued to look at Merlin, Arthur's fingers slipped upwards until they found the opening to the pocket. Trying to manoeuvre his fingers into the opening, Arthur became aware of the blade digging into his neck even more. The tips of his fingers touched something smooth and cool, with something sticky covering it. Slipping the tip of his index finger through the object, Arthur pulled it out and held it up to his eyes.

His hand trembled as he looked at the gold ring, covered in drying blood. Raising his other hand, Arthur rubbed off the blood as best he could to reveal what lay beneath the surface. In the middle of the ring was a square area about the size of a thumbnail, with a delicately etched dragon, now gory with blood. No... please, no... Arthur hastily wiped the blood-stained ring on his breeches and brought the ring back up to his face, beginning to feel violently sick. There, now cleaned so that there could be no doubt, was the Pendragon insignia. Arthur looked across at Merlin and tears began to spill over his cheeks. My father's dead.

No, this can't be happening. Merlin's mind was working overtime as he tried to comprehend the situation. Owen was standing by the splintered doors with Arthur in his possession, knife to the young prince's neck. Arthur was crying silently, eyes telling him things more than words ever could. Uther's dead, Merlin knew. The end of Camelot is near and there's nothing I can do to stop it. The three henchmen that belonged to Owen murmured something and then disappeared out of the door, leaving the three men alone. Merlin thought about rushing Owen, in the hopes that Arthur would be able to physically fight off the man while he tried to help as best he could. Yet Merlin feared doing this, because that knife was so dangerously close to the neck of the man that he loved. When the guards come, and they take Owen away, I'll see to it that he's never seen from again!

"Why?" Arthur croaked, his voice strained as Merlin edged slightly closer.

Owen laughed. "You know why, you prat. But don't worry, you'll be joining him in a few moments."

"Owen, don't. Please, I beg you," Merlin pleaded, although the sound of his own voice pleading with this monster made Merlin feel violently sick. "I'll do anything you want. Take me in Arthur's place, just don't hurt him."

Again, Owen laughed as Merlin watched him trace the tip of the knife down Arthur's torso. "So now you want me, Merlin? You should have thought about that before you rejected me. Now, it's too late."

"It doesn't have to be like this," Merlin pleaded again, and he battled with the magic that bubbled below the surface that wanted to burn the man right there on the spot.

"Oh, but it does. If only you had told Arthur the truth, Merlin. If only you hadn't lied."

Owen ran the tip of the blade back up to Arthur's heart and dug it in, causing fresh bloody rivulets to flow down the otherwise unmarked skin. Merlin edged even closer and Owen laughed as he dug the knife in deeper, causing Arthur to cry out sharply. Owen tutted loudly and turned Arthur's head savagely to the side before laying a bruising kiss on the his lips. Merlin could feel his magic burning to be set free, to rid this kingdom of the filth that dared to touch his lover. Owen released Arthur's mouth and stared back at Merlin as Arthur's head was turned back to face him, knife now aimed at Arthur's heart.

"What do you mean? What did Merlin lie about?"

"That's something you'll never know, Arthur."

With that, Owen raised the knife upwards and brought it down towards Arthur's heart. Everything seemed to go in slow motion then, because Merlin raised his hand and a bright blue glow came from his hand. He could see Arthur's eyes widen in a mixture of emotions, but Merlin couldn't stop now, not if the end result would be Arthur's death.

"Serpenat'is rehars!"

The blue glow shot out from Merlin's hand and time sped back up, just as the glow ploughed into Owen and sent him careening backwards. Arthur, however, kept his eyes on Merlin as the secret that had remained hidden for so long burned in the air between them.

To be continued!

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