A/N: Well, this is my first challenge! I figured it was appropriate, since Ars Amatoria is closing! :( But, here's the first! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Power Rangers.

Takes place after "The Letter."


Kim Hart was laying on her bed, flipping through a magazine, a bowl of popcorn on her bed. She was wearing her old pink flannel pajamas and her fluffy pink slippers, and her hair was in twin French braids. Why? Because she and some of the other girls on her floor-Polly, Jordan, and her roommate, Veronica-were having a pajama party in her room, complete with nail polish, pillow fights, and cheesy romance movie. The movie of the night was When Harry Met Sally. Veronica was in the shower, and Polly and Jordan weren't there yet. As she read about how to get perfect cuticles, her cell phone rang. She threw a piece of popcorn in her mouth, then answered her phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, Kim!" her best friend, Jason Scott said on the other end.

"Jase! Hey!"

"How are you?"

"I'm great! And you?"

"Pretty good. Kinda missing home."

"Yeah, speaking of which, how are you calling me right now? Aren't calls from Switzerland to America, like, really expensive?"


"Seriously, Jase! Are you crazy? Your parents are gonna KILL you!"


"My GOD, you must have a death wish!"



"I may be closer than you think." At that moment, there was a knock on Kim's door. Figuring it was either Polly, Jordan, or a keyless Veronica, she went to the door and opened it. She was looking down at her slippers when she opened the door, then heard a deeper voice than she was expecting. "Surprise."

Kim looked up to see none other than Jason Scott, grinning like a five-year-old on Christmas morning. "Jason!" she yelled, a smile as big as his on her face. "What are you doing here?"

"Something I should've done a long time ago," he said. At that moment, he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers briefly. When he pulled back, he looked at her, waiting for her reaction.

Kim simply smiled and said, "What took you so long?" She pulled his face back down to hers and kissed him, this time with more passion. When they separated, she smiled and bit her lip, then looked down and she realized what she was wearing. "Oh my God!" she yelled, tugging at her braids. "I'm a mess!"

Jason chuckled. "No, I like it." He twirled one of the braids around his finger. "I like you better like this, anyways."

Kim raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"Al natural," he said, still smiling. "When you're not trying so hard."

She frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing!" he said quickly, holding his hands out in front of him. "I like you no matter how you look. This look's just my favorite."

She kept frowning for a second, then when she couldn't take it anymore, she broke out into a grin again. "I'm just kidding, Jase," she said, punching him in the shoulder. "Now, get out of here! I'm having a girls' night!" She pushed him out the door and closed it behind her, barely able to conceal the smile that wouldn't be leaving her face for quite a while.