DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the thoughts rolling around in my head.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay so here is my third Clois story. I've been working on this one for quite awhile! I didn't want to post it until I had at least half of the chapters done but I have rewritten the 2nd Chapter like 20 times already and finally have the story going in the direction I want it. It's only going to be at the most a 5 chapter story. The inspiration for this story comes from something that happened to me in high school so it may seem a little sappy to some. LOL!

Set in Season 6, around the time of Crimson. I will be writing my own Valentine's Day for Clois! :D

Review if you'd like and I hope you enjoy the story.


Lois stopped short as she came to her desk at the Inquisitor. There sitting on her desk was a lily with a ribbon tied in a bow. A tag hung from it that simply said 'from a secret admirer'. She picked it up and looked around. Where had this come from? She glanced around the room but everyone else was busy doing their own thing. She walked up to a woman who sat in the desk next to her.

"Did you see who left this on my desk?" Lois asked holding up the flower.

The woman scoffed, "I barely have time to finish my assignments you think I'm going to have the time to focus on who comes to your desk?"

"Geez, I was just asking." Lois said and walked back to her desk.

She sat at her desk and set the flower down. She had a lot of work to catch up on and would worry about the flower later. Lois turned on her computer and took out her notes. Lois sighed as she read over them. She wasn't really happy with the stories her editor was making her write but she loved the whole investigating part of being a reporter. She saw the Inquisitor as a stepping stone anyway and knew someday she would be the top reporter for some big newspaper.

Lois was working as Chief of Staff for Senator Martha Kent when she was approached by the editor of the Inquisitor offering her a job. At first she had hesitated because Martha had taken a big chance on her when she had made her the Chief of Staff. In the end Lois had decided to accept the job and also continue on as Chief of Staff for the Senator. She did a pretty good job balancing the two. Her computer powered up all the way and Lois set to work on her article.

Lois chuckled out loud every now and then as she wrote her story. She couldn't believe it when her editor told her she was being sent to track down a possible mermaid. Lois had fought against having to write the story but her editor had won in the end. She followed every lead that was given to her and had come to suspect a college girl by the name of Lori was the mermaid. As Lois remembered that she had actually at one point believed there was a real mermaid she groaned. She had followed Lori day and night but the girl never did anything to confirm Lois's suspicions. Lois shook her head and laughed. Her editor told her to write the story anyway but Lois decided to leave Lori out of it. The last thing the poor girl needed was for people thinking she was a fish.

As Lois finished typing her story she glanced back at the flower. Could it be from Ollie? Wishful thinking Lois thought. He had ended their relationship months ago when he left Metropolis. She was starting to really fall for Ollie when he decided that he needed to leave the city including her. Lois focused her attention back on her story and away from Ollie. Lois put the flower into her bag being careful not to smash it. She didn't know who it came from but it was her favorite flower and she was going to take it with her. Lois printed out her story and took it to her editor. He didn't have a new story for her so Lois decided to go home and work on some stuff for Mrs. Kent. Picking up her purse from her desk she strode out of the building. Lois called Chloe and told her she was on her way home.

"Please make sure you and Jimmy are fully clothed when I get there." Lois said laughing. She could imagine Chloe's face turning red.

"Once," Chloe said her voice filled with amusement. "That happened once."

"Once is all I need, thanks." Lois said chuckling. "It's not something I ever want to see again."

Chloe laughed into the phone, "Okay. You be careful driving."

"Sure thing," Lois said. "See you in a bit."

Lois hung up the phone and then decided to call Mrs. Kent to discuss the final plans for a fundraiser she had been invited to. She waited as the phone rang into her ear.

"Hello." A sleepy voice answered.

Lois smiled and said, "Sheesh Smallville, don't tell me you are sleeping right now, it's only four in the afternoon."

Clark and Lois had become very good friends these past months. Lois was spending so much time with the Kent's because of her job they grew close. Lois thought of Clark as her best friend. Plus, Clark had been there for her when Ollie left and Lois was the one to cheer him up when he would get mopey because of Lana.

"Hey Lois," She heard as he yawned. "I didn't get much sleep last night so I dozed off for a quick nap."

"What do you do all night Clark?" Lois asked. "You got a girl you are hiding?"

Clark laughed and said, "Wouldn't you like to know."

Although Lois laughed with him she felt a strange feeling shoot through her heart.

"Not really." Lois told him and heard him laugh. "Anyway, is your mom there?"

"No, she went to some meeting." Clark answered.

"What are you doing?" Lois asked him.

"Nothing much," Clark told her. "Just going to hang out here at home."

"Bor-ing!" Lois snorted. "Come by the apartment and we will do a movie night. Jimmy is there with Chloe and I need to have someone there to talk to because all they do is suck face."

Clark laughed into the phone loudly making Lois pull the phone from her ear.

"I don't know if I want to see that all night." Clark told her.

"Please!" Lois pleaded softly. "I'll even show you the flower I got from my secret admirer."

"A secret admirer huh?" Clark said. "Okay, I wouldn't miss an opportunity to see who is brave enough to woo Lois Lane."

Lois laughed and said, "Shut up! I'm not that bad."

"I'll see you later at the Talon. I have to get going, there is something I need to do." Clark told her rapidly. "Bye."

"Bye." Lois rushed out but he had already hung up. He was so weird sometimes she thought.

When she finally reached Smallville it was already close to six o'clock. She needed to get her work done fast if she wanted to have her movie night. Lois pulled up to the front of the Talon and saw as Jessica, one of the workers was closing up. She saw Lois and smiled and held the door for her.

"I was just locking up." Jessica told her as she walked into the building.

"Okey dokey, have a good night." Lois said and waved good bye and walked up the stairs.

She made a lot of noise as she unlocked the door making sure that Chloe knew she was home. She walked into the apartment and noticed that it was dark except for the glare of the T.V. Glancing in that direction Lois saw Chloe and Jimmy making out. Lois stomped in further and laughed as they jerked apart from each other.

"Please, my eyes can only take so much." Lois said and threw her purse onto the table and turned on some lights.

Jimmy blushed and Chloe stood up from the couch to walk over to the kitchen. She glared at Lois as she poured herself a glass of water.

"Don't look at me like that." Lois said chuckling. "I told you I was on my way."

"How was your day?" Chloe asked her with a smile. "You get any more crazy stories?"

"Not really." Lois said and sat at the table and pulled out her laptop. "I hope I won't have one for a while because chasing an invisible mermaid was more than enough."

Lois heard Jimmy snort out a laugh and turned to glare at him and he instantly sobered and stared at the T.V. Jimmy was a good guy and Lois liked him for Chloe. He was a little afraid of Lois though and at times she used that to her advantage.

"I hear you." Chloe said as she sat next to Jimmy on the couch. "I haven't gotten a decent story in weeks."

Lois nodded her head and turned back to typing out Mrs. Kent's speeches. Lois glanced and saw Chloe snuggle into Jimmy. Lois sighed; she missed not having someone like that. She pushed those thoughts away and went back to business. She would focus on her work that's all that is important right now she thought.

"Oh yeah," Lois said looking to the couple on the couch. "Clark is coming over for movie night."

"Cool." Chloe said from Jimmy's side.

"Good." Jimmy said laughing. "I get tired of hearing your girl talk all the time. It will be nice to have a guy to talk to."

"We don't always talk girl talk." Lois told him.

Jimmy just looked from Chloe to Lois and blushed. He had heard some pretty horrifying stories thanks to them.

Lois was just finishing up typing out the last of Mrs. Kent's speeches when there was a knock at the door. She looked to Chloe and Jimmy expecting one of them to get up and answer the door but they were oblivious to everything but each other. Huffing Lois got up and looked through the peephole of the door. Outside Clark stood with his hair tousled and his clothes looked like he had slept in them. Shaking her head Lois opened the door.

"Geez Clark," Lois said as she looked Clark over. "Did you just wake up and come over?"

Clark shook his head, smiled at her and said, "No, I've just been busy with things. I didn't have time to go home and change."

Lois let him in and laughed as he passed by her and she got a good whiff of him. Was he wearing perfume?

"So," Lois told him as she shut the door. "You sure you don't have a girl somewhere that you've been seeing?"

Clark looked back at her startled and raised his eyebrows. "No, I don't. I would tell you if I was seeing someone."

"Why do you smell like a magazine insert then?" Lois said chuckling.

Chloe walked to where they were standing and heard what Lois had said. She turned to Clark and sniffed and then proceeded to sneeze.

"Ugh Clark," Chloe said sneezing. "She is right. You reek of perfume."

"Cheap perfume." Lois bit out and Chloe and Clark turned surprised at the venom in her voice.

"Look there is no girl." Clark said and took of his jacket. "Can we please talk about something else?"

Jimmy stood up from the couch and walked over and asked, "So what movies are we watching?"

Clark gave him a grateful look for changing the subject. He looked over at Lois and wondered why she looked so angry and could see Chloe was still eying him suspiciously.

"Let's do an 80's movie night." Chloe said clearing her throat and smiling at Jimmy.

Lois decided to forget about everything else and said, "That sounds good. Let's each pick a favorite movie and the others have to watch them no complaints."

"Four movies," Clark said softly. "We will be here all night."

"So," Lois told him narrowing her eyes. "You got somewhere else you need to be?"

Clark shrank back at her look and shook his head and replied, "Don't you have to go to work tomorrow?"

Lois shook her head and Clark looked at Chloe who also shook her head.

"Okay fine," Clark said as he walked to the shelf to look through the movies. "I was just looking out for you two."

They each picked their movies. Jimmy picked The Goonies, Chloe picked The Breakfast Club, Clark picked Back to the Future, and Lois picked Die Hard. They all groaned when she pulled the movie out.

"Hey no complaints remember." She told them as she put the movie on the bottom of the pile. "We'll save the best for last."

"So what's for eats?" Jimmy asked rubbing his stomach.

"Pizza or Chinese?" Lois asked them and walked to the phone.

"Pizza!" They all shouted and Lois chuckled.

Before they got settled in to watch the movie Lois decided she wanted a cup of coffee so she would be alert. She went into the kitchen and was making it when the pizza arrived. Lois saw as the others attacked the pizza like they hadn't eaten in days. Laughing at them she picked up her cup of coffee and walked toward the couch.

"Ew, coffee with pizza." Chloe told her and wrinkled her nose as she walked back into the room sipping her coffee.

Lois stuck her tongue out her and sat down next to Clark on the couch. Jimmy and Chloe were stretched out on the floor chomping on pizza and watching the movie. Lois peeked over at Clark as he bit into a slice of pizza. The smell coming from him was making her head hurt.

"Um Smallville," Lois said holding her nose. "You need to do something about that perfume. It's giving me a headache."

"It's not perfume! What do you suggest I do?" Clark asked her as he took another bite of his pizza.

"Go jump in the shower." Lois told him. "I have some clothes here that might fit you."

Clark looked at her and raised his eyebrows at her and bit out, "I don't think Oliver's clothes will fit me."

Lois was hurt by his remark and turned away. Clark felt bad the second the words left his mouth.

"Sorry." He whispered.

"No worries." Lois said not looking at him. "Besides I wasn't offering you Ollie's clothes. I have one of your plaid shirts and a pair of your jeans here."

"Why do you have my clothes here?" Clark asked chuckling.

Lois blushed as she realized she just admitted that she kept some of Clark's clothes. She liked to sleep in his plaid shirt, it was soft and warm. She had no idea how she got a pair of his jeans to be honest but she knew they were his. Maybe they were left over from when Lana lived here.

"Just go take a shower I can't stand that smell." Lois told him and pushed him off the couch.

"But I will miss the movie." Clark whined as he walked toward the bathroom.

"It just started. You plan on staying in there that long?" Lois said laughing.

Clark glared at her and stomped into the bathroom and shut the door hard. Staring at himself in the mirror he sniffed at his clothes and winced. He did smell like perfume but that's not what it was. He turned on the shower and throwing off his clothes stepped inside and let the warm water hit him. His muscles relaxed and he sighed.

On the couch Lois watched as Chloe and Jimmy's heads leaned against each other and their feet entwined as they watched the movie. Envy shot through Lois and she looked away. She would never tell anyone but Lois wanted to have someone in her life. She had gotten a taste of it with Ollie and she wanted that feeling again. Sighing she glanced quickly to the bathroom door. No way, she told herself. Clark was way off limits. Not only is he emotionally unavailable he is your best friend, you can't risk your friendship.

"Lois!" Clark shouted jerking her out of her thoughts. "I, um, kind of need to the clothes you said you had."

Lois got up and walked in his direction and saw his head poking out of the bathroom door. She walked to her dresser and pulled out the clothes and turned and walked to him. She stopped short of the bathroom door and held out the clothes knowing he couldn't reach them.

"Lo-is!" He exclaimed. "I can't reach them from there. Bring them closer."

Lois bit down on her bottom lip and raised an eyebrow and teased, "You come and get them."

Clark narrowed his eyes at her and decided to call her bluff. She didn't need to know that he had a towel wrapped his waist. He rarely got the chance to one up Lois so he went for it. He stood up straight at the door and said, "Okay fine."

Lois saw as Clark went to open the door and squealed and threw the clothes at him and rushed out of the room. As she walked rapidly back to the living room she heard him laughing behind her so she turned and glanced back to see him with a towel wrapped around his waist. Her eyes narrowed and she bit her bottom lip as she thought of how best to get him back for this.

Lois had refused to look at him ever since he got of the shower. Clark didn't understand if she was mad at him or what her problem was. He shot another glance at her and saw she was watching the movie intently. They were watching the movie The Breakfast Club. The scene that was playing was when Molly Ringwald showed everyone what she could do with her lipstick.

"Psst Smallville," Clark turned as Lois whispered. "I can totally do that too, you want to see?"

Clark nearly choked on his own saliva as he gulped when he heard Lois ask him that. He looked at her sharply trying to determine if she was teasing him or not. Lois just stared back at him with a serious expression and waited for his response.

"Uh, I think I will pass." Clark choked out. "Let's just watch the movie."

Lois chuckled softly and called to Chloe. "Chloe, Clark here doesn't believe that I can do the lipstick trick."

Both Jimmy and Chloe turned from the movie to look back at the pair sitting on the couch. Chloe had a smile on her face and Jimmy looked at Lois in disbelief.

"No way you can do that." Jimmy told her.

Chloe laughed as she saw Lois stand up and go to her purse. Clark was staring wide eyed at Lois as she came back and sat on the couch and held up a tube of lipstick. Lois moved to lift her blouse off and Clark gasped and tugged it back down.

"Get a grip Clark." Lois said batting his hands away. "I have a tank top on underneath. Did you actually think I would flash you and Jimmy?"

Clark turned red as he pulled his hands away and glanced at Chloe who was trying to reign in her laughter. Jimmy looked at him and gave him a small smile and turned his attention eagerly back to Lois. Clark was a little annoyed at the look of awe on Jimmy's face as he watched Lois. He cocked an eyebrow at Chloe and nodded Jimmy's way and smiled when he saw Chloe slap him in the back of the head.

"Ow." Jimmy said rubbing his head. "What was that for?"

"You just seem a little too eager to see my cousin's boobs." Chloe huffed out.

"No way bright eyes." Jimmy said pulling her into his arms and kissing her. "I just want to see if she can actually do the trick."

Chloe sighed and melted into his arms. They stared at each other and completely forgot about Lois, the lipstick, and Clark.

Clark looked back at Lois as she pulled her blouse off leaving her in a navy blue tank top. She stared at Clark as she took the top of the lipstick off and rolled it up. When he saw Lois reach into the front of her top with the lipstick he shifted on the couch trying to alleviate the pressure building in his jeans. Once she had the the lipstick in place Lois glanced up to him seductively and smiled. Clark's mouth fell partly open and his breath hitched as Lois bent her head to her chest. Before Lois could complete the trick Clark shut his eyes tight at the sensations rolling in his body and stifled back a moan. Lois heard as he gurgled from the repressed moan and shot her head up and looked at him with a smirk.

Clark bolted up off the couch and practically ran to the front door, "I gotta go."

Lois was startled by that. She had only wanted to tease Clark for what he had done earlier. She watched as he stalked out the door and jumped from the couch to go after him.

"Clark!" Lois called out. "Wait!"

Clark didn't stick around and ran out of the Talon as fast as he could without using his super speed. Lois ran down the outside stairs and saw as Clark bolted out of the Talon door. Once outside Clark went into super mode and sped away before Lois could catch up to him. Lois pushed open the doors of the Talon and looked around for Clark but he was gone. Lois slapped a hand to her forehead and groaned. Lois walked back into the Talon shaking her head. Geez, I was only kidding with him she thought. She walked back into the apartment and noticed that Jimmy and Chloe had locked themselves in the bedroom. Lois groaned out loud and walked back to the couch. She sat down and picked up a slice of pizza and bit into it. So much for my movie night she thought and turned her attention back to the movie and finished watching it alone.


To Be Continued....
Stay Tuned