A/N: Alright, now so Castle/Beckett fluff, kinda... Keep the reviews comin! I love them! I read every single one! Even though I've already told you guys that...

Anywho, here you go!

Castle was surprised when Beckett asked him over that night. More surprised when he found that she had cooked a lovely Thai dinner, and blown out of his mind when she asked him to cuddle with her and watch some TV. However, this next move made him feel as though he was in a dream, a crazy Beckett filled dream.

"Castle?" She asked looking up from her place in the nape of his neck.

"Hmm?" He asked quietly looking down at her.

"I'm tired." She replied, stating the obvious.

"Well come on, I'll tuck you into bed." He said beginning to move, she didn't. "What's wrong?" He looked down at her worried he had done something wrong. He wanted to hold on to her, physically and relationship wise for as long as possible.

"Tell me everything's gonna be ok."

"Everything will be ok." He told her just like she wanted to hear.

"Are you ok?" She asked. She didn't want to hear that he was fine with everything because she knew he wasn't.

"Honestly," He began. He could tell she was getting ready to face what he was about to tell her, but he also knew she needed to hear the truth. "I'm somewhat hurt that you didn't tell me that it might not be mine at first, and I think that's what hurt me the most. Either way, I want to be here for you, and this baby, whether it is mine or not, because, well Kate, I love you."

She had to let his words sink in. Those were the same things Will told her, it was a completely different situation, but look how they turned out. Every guy that said those same words seemed to leave her, and as much as she wanted to believe Castle history repeats itself.

"No." Was her only reply.

"What?" He hadn't known what had happened before, what happened with her and Will completely, and he was utterly confused.

"Don't tell me you love me." She told him in tears. She wasn't about to explain to him why though. She would never do that.

"But Kate I do, I lov..." He began, he really did love her, but he didn't know just how much those words meant to her.

"No, no you don't, so stop. Please, don't." She told him makng a b-line for her bedroom door.

"Kate, I don't know what I did, but whatever it was I'm sorry honey."

After a few minutes of silence, Kate finally spoke. "It's not your fault. Just don't tell me you love me anymore. Please."

Castle still didn't know why she would want him to do that, why she wouldn't want someone to tell her they loved her, but she could be the mother of his child. Even if the child wasn't his, he still cared a great deal about her and her happiness and if she didn't want to be told she was loved, she then didn't have to be.

"Ok." He wouldn't say it anymore, but she never said he couldn't think it or show it.

"Alright, well, I'm gonna go to bed." She said slowly trying to look everywhere but in his eyes.

"Alright, um, sleep tight Kate. Sweet dreams." He told her bedroom door as she closed it shut in his face and walked out her front door.

He walked out of her apartment, quickly and silently making sure the door was locked on his way out, even though she would check it before she went to bed, everything was in order.

He didn't think of anything of the smiling mid-thirties man walking into Kate's building as he left. He didn't know about the earlier phone call, and he was too far away to hear the door crashing down and screams as he got into his cab.

A/N: Sorry this was short, but I really want some ice cream from McDonalds, even though I'm supposed to be saving for Demi Lovato tickets who will be in my here a week after my birthday! After I buy my ice cream only... $245 more dollars to go! The tickets are only $247, that's the sad part.