I walked on the sidewalk quickly to get out of the pouring rain. I hadn't taken an umbrella with me because when I left the apartment it hadn't been raining. But then when I was already way too far to turn back it just started to pour. It was like standing in a shower.

Plus, the platformed pumps I'd put on were so not helping. I'd had to walk out quietly so that I wouldn't wake up my brother Nick.

Well, I guess I'd just have to deal with it like a grown up 20 year old woman. Oh screw it. I knew I looked stupid to anyone who was watching me in my attempt at running.

And then, as soon as it had started raining, it stopped. I looked up and squinted at the bright sky thinking, What the hell?

And then, out of nowhere, I heard this car honking like crazy.

I turned only to find out this was a big mistake.

The cherry red car made a sharp turn and threw a wave of water at me, drenching my navy peacoat, my shoes, and my hair.

I stood there not knowing what to do, holding my hands out to the side. "Oh my God." I gasped.

I heard a car door slam shut and then someone yell. "Grant! You are such a dick!" And then. "Excuse me, lady?!"

I looked up at the guy who was walking from the red car. He had nice brown hair and green eyes. "Oh man, I'm so sorry. My friend here," He gestured behind him. "Is an egotistical ass."

"Hey! I heard that!" A voice, Grant's probably, called.

The guy in front of me ignored him.

I shook myself out of my dazed state. "Oh, it's fine. I liveā€¦" I trailed off and sighed. "20 minutes away." I laughed. "That's what you get when you want fresh air, huh?"

He gave an uneasy laugh, obviously still feeling guilty. He held out his hand. "I'm Zach, by the way. Zach Goode."

I shook his hand. "Cammie. Cammie Morgan." I shouldered my bag and gave a tight smile. "I should go. Get some dry clothes on."

Zach perked up for a second and then said to me. "Wait here. Do not go anywhere." He walked back to his car to where his friend was sitting.

I could hear Zach saying. "Get your ass out of the car and go find a cab."

His friend responded not so quietly. "Dude! You just met this freaking woman and you're choosing her over me!"

"Grant, just get out of the damn car." Zach gave his friend one last shove and then looked up at me apologetically.

He came back swinging his car keys. "Sorry about that. Anyway, Cammie, to make it up to you, how about I take you to my place, you can get cleaned up and I'm pretty sure my ex left a dress or something there."

I gave a tight smile. "I don't think so. I've had experience with guys who've wanted to take me back to their place. Didn't turn out so well."

He laughed. "You think I'm trying to get you to sleep with me? No no no. I promise." He made an X over his heart. "I criss cross my heart and pinky swear or whatever else you want me to do." He lifted his eyebrows. "Please? It would make me feel better." He made a puppy dog face and I had to give in.

I laughed and pushed him to his car. "Okay, okay, I'll come. Just stop making that face, you're making me feel guilty."

He raised his fists up to the sky. "Yes! Success!"

He opened the shotgun door and then closed it behind me before getting in the car himself.

* * *

I can pretty much say I have never seen a messier house than Zach's.

"Oh man." Zach groaned. "I'm so sorry. Living with Grant is like living with a pig. We also live with another guy, Jonas, but he's out somewhere in the city."

I stepped over a pile of clothes and followed Zach into a bedroom. There were two beds. Also, there was a clear division between the rooms. One side was clean; the other was the polar opposite. Zach's side was thankfully the clean side.

All of the walls however were covered in posters of a band called Death DIEmundz.

"Wow, you guys fans?" I said gesturing to the posters.

He glanced up at me from the bottom of his closet. "What? You don't like 'em?"

I grinned. "I used to be obsessed with them. I had this whole craze with the Death DIEmundz. I'd wear all these crazy outfits to look like them, and I died my hair black, and always used this heavy, dark make up. I had this dream of following the band's concerts."

He squinted at me, giving this mock mysterious look. "What happened to this obsession?"

The heaviness in my heart that would always stay with me forever seemed to get even heavier. I sighed. "I had to start living a real life. Be a real person instead of a crazed fan."

He frowned at me. "You can't like something and lead a normal life at the same time?"

I cleared my throat and gestured at his position at the floor. "You think the dress will be there?"

He understood that I wanted to change the topic. "Uhhh, I'm not sure how long it will take to find it, but you can go take a shower for now and I'll hang the dress on the bathroom handle."

I ran my hand through my disgustingly wet hair. "Yeah, okay, thanks."

He led me to the bathroom and gave me a clean towel. "It doesn't lock but I'll make sure no one comes in."

"Thank you."

I closed the door and started undressing when I noticed another small Death DIEmundz picture sticking out of the corner of the mirror. My breath caught when I examined it closely. There were three guys. Two were on the guitar and one was on the drums. You could tell who the lead singer was, as they stood in front of the other two. And that lead singer was Zach Goode.

I jumped when I heard a door slam.

"Dude! I scored us a concert in New York for next month, dude! Isn't that sweet?" I heard a voice say.

I heard Zach let out a happy outburst.

The door slammed again. "What's all this girly love for?" That was Grant.

"We're going to New York in a month! Dude, we're gonna be freaking legends!"

"Jonas, you are my man!"

I quickly decided to take the shower. I pushed the shower curtain away and there was silence outside the door.

"Dude, is that girl here?" Grant asked.

My face reddened. I only then noticed how thin the walls were. I could hear everything they were saying.

"Man, there's a girl in here that you didn't tell me about?" The other guy, Jonas, exclaimed.

"Dammit, Jonas, shut the fuck up will you?" Zach said.

"So on a scale of one to ten, ten being the hottest, what would you rate her?" Jonas asked.

I blushed even harder.

All I heard was a thud and then a "Dude! What's your problem?".

I hopped into the shower and rinsed myself off trying to be as fast as possible.

When I finished I wrapped the yellow towel around me and opened the bathroom door to get the dress. Unfortunately, when I opened it, Zach was just hanging it up. And I banged his toe.

He was about to curse but he held it back and handed the dress to me.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry!" I said.

He shook his head. "It's not your fault. I should've knocked or something to let you know I was here."

His two friends came into view and they both widened their eyes at me.

"Daaamn." Jonas said under his breath.

I took the dress with one last thank you to Zach and closed the door.

I hurriedly put it on. It was a nice, simple, sky blue and long sleeved dress. Zach's ex had good taste. I exited the bathroom after drying my hair as much as I could with the towel. I peered into the bedroom and thankfully found Zach, with Grant pawing through a mess of dirty clothes.

I shyly held the towel out to Zach. "Thanks again. I really appreciate it, Zach."

He smiled at me. "No problem." He walked me to the door. "Again, sorry about earlier."

I shrugged it off. "Don't worry."

I shouldered my bag and opened the door. Just before I left I said. "Oh, and for the record, I never really gave up on Death DIEmundz."

Right before the door shut I heard Grant yell. "Dude! There's a freaking mushroom growing in this shoe!"

Okay, so this is a one shot... But I'm having so much fun writing in I'll probably continue it. What do you think? Is it any good?
