Disclaimer~I don't own DBZ okay? I just own my own made up character Halo.

Dragonball Z

The Mirai Stars

Chapter 2-Arrival Of A Mirai Fighter

"Halo, you do realise that Chichi and Goku are gonna go spare when they find out that you're here, don't you?" Bulma asked.
"I just wanna go spar with Trunks and Vegeta." Halo replied.
"Sometimes I really don't believe you Halo Son." Bulma said, shaking her head.
"Yeah, but you all love me more for that fact." Halo replied, giving Bulma the traditional Son grin.
Bulma smiled and shook her head again before walking into the kitchen.
"Hiya Halo!" Tyler said, bounding down the stairs with Bra. "Back to spar with me, my brother and dad huh?"
"You betcha!" Halo said.
"Now don't you encourage her! You know better than that Tyler James Briefs!" Bulma said, folding her arms.
"Aw mom!" Tyler moaned.

She watched the laughing group from a distance within the shade of the trees. She felt her heart twinge with sorrow at the scene, sorrow for her own losses. For never did she have such a happy and carefree life as the people below her. She slowly brought her arm to her face and wiped away the silver droplets spilling from her eyes. She tried to get the sad thoughts from her mind, but she couldn't shake them. All her life she had had to live with the demons locked away inside her.
Her head spun around as three figures approached the Capsule Corporation building. Her mouth opened a little as she took in the look of the figures. One she recognised instantly, the other she barely knew from old photos and pictures.

"Halo Angel Son, what in hell do you think your doing here?!" Goku said, Gohan standing next to him giving his sister the same sharp look.
Halo winced, she knew she was in for it now. She hadn't expected her father and older brother to catch on so quickly about what she wanted to do.
"Um…play with Tyler and Bra…" Halo said, silently praying that she could fool them.
"You know full well what me and your mother have said about hard training schemes with Vegeta and Trunks." Goku said.
"Aww gosh dad, why are you always so protective of me?" Halo moaned. "It's so annoying! I get no space to do what I want, when I want, how I want. I have no freedom! You always let Gohan and Goten do what they want. It's so unfair!"
"You know, she has a point." Tyler said bravely. "Mom and dad are the same to me."
Bulma glared at her youngest son and gave him a gentle whack on his head.
"Ow! What was that for mom? It's true!" Tyler growled, rubbing his head.
"Just because I am a girl, that doesn't mean I'm weak." Halo said, pouting a folding her arms.
"Now you know I never said or meant that!" Goku said, kneeling down to his daughter. "It's just that I worry a lot about you Halo. You're my only daughter and you mean so much to me."
"And Gohan and Goten don't?"
Gohan rolled his eyes and turned around, trying to stifle his tiny laughs at the situation, even tough it wasn't funny in the least.
"Besides, Goten is the same age as me." Halo added.
Goku sighed and took Halo's arms in his hand.
"We'll talk about this later at home, hopefully your mother won't appeal for the death sentence on you and me." Goku said.
"Why you too dad?" Halo asked.
"Cause she'll blame me for not looking after you!" Goku replied nervously.
Gohan couldn't keep his laughter in anymore. He burst out laughing which made Tyler laugh along.
"And what's so funny?" Goku asked.
"It's the way you said that dad!" Gohan replied, holding on to his chest. "It was so funny!"
"And I'm laughing cause Gohan is laughing!" Tyler said, leaning against a wooden table.
Slowly, Bulma and Bra began laughing too and Halo started giggling. Goku sighed to himself and walked outside with Halo.

She watched from her spot in the trees at the unfolding scene. When she had heard Gohan burst into laughter, she couldn't help but smile. It awakened distant memories for her. When she saw Goku walking out with Halo, her heart skipped a beat.
"That's…how it was meant to have been…how it should've been."

As soon as he had dragged Halo out from all the laughing, Goku's head jerked upward towards the tall trees nearby.
"Hey dad, apart from you being angry that I came here to train, what's up?" Halo asked.
"I can sense something over by the trees." Goku replied. "Halo stay behind me! Gohan!"
Halo, who had decided that getting into trouble for disobeying her father was quite enough for the day, complied and stood behind Goku. Gohan came running out seconds later with Tyler, Bulma and Bra following. As Goku looked around, Vegeta and Trunks approached.
"Can you sense that Vegeta?" Goku asked.
Vegeta merely nodded and turned to look where Goku was.
"Come out now, whoever you are!" Gohan called. "We know someone is there!"
"If you plan on living then you had better show yourself!" Vegeta yelled.

Swiftly and almost silently, she leapt down from the tree and landed in front of the gathered group. She heard them gasp in surprise and move back a few steps.
"Don't be alarmed, you have nothing to fear of me."
"Hn, I don't know about the others here, but I fear nothing especially you!" Vegeta yelled, stepping forward.
She smiled a little.
"You must be Prince Vegeta, I'm sure there's only one of you with a stubborn attitude and pride like that."
Vegeta looked back at the group who were just as surprised as them.
"I demand to know how you know me!" Vegeta growled.
"That's quite simple. Gohan and Trunks told me."
Everyone turned to look at Gohan and Trunks. They're mouths were hanging down in shock.
"We did no such thing!" Gohan protested.
"Who are you?!" Trunks yelled.
"I can see you're easily confused, let me clear things up for you."
She slowly removed the cloak from her head, revealing her face. Everyone stood frozen in shock and disbelief.
"No way!" Tyler muttered.
"This…this can't be." Gohan said.
"How is this possible?" Goku asked, turning to look at his daughter who was staring in shock too.
Long black hair, soft ebony eyes, a gentle look about her and a distinct golden halo symbol on her forehead.
"I think you already know Goku."
"There's only one way…you must be…"
"I am Mirai Halo Angel Son, 10 years from the future."

Sorry that was so short, I wanted to do the arrival scene before doing the long explanation. Hope you like it and want more. Please R&R!