Disclaimer~I don't own DBZ okay? I just own my own made up character Halo and the song in this chapter.
Author's Note~I've made this fic so that the Androids never appeared in the future timeline, but did in the present.

Dragonball Z

The Mirai Stars

Chapter 1-Fate Of This World

"Trunks, play gentle with her now." Bulma called.
"Don't worry Bulma, Trunks isn't hurting her. In fact, Halo likes it even when he does." Gohan said, leaning against the tattered Capsule Corps wall.
"That's all very well, but we have to be careful, with the Demondroids and all." Bulma said, walking back inside.
"Of course Bulma, but what's work with play?" Gohan teased.
"Oh stop it Gohan and go play with Trunks and your sister! Bulma said, laughing and walking into the kitchen.
Gohan grinned from ear to ear as he walked over to Trunks and Halo. 3 year old Halo was happily sitting in Trunks' lap, holding her chubby hands out to a butterfly which promptly tickled her nose.
"Oh man Gohan, Halo's a little bundle of unlimited energy!" Trunks said, laughing as Halo sneezed.
"Do you mean that in work or play?" Gohan asked, his voice becoming serious.
"Both." Trunks replied. "She'll be the one Gohan. When we can start training little Halo here, she'll be the one to help us defeat the Demondroids once and for all!"
"I have no doubt your right Trunks." Gohan said, bending down getting Halo's attention. "Hey there lil' sister."
"Goan! Goan!" Halo giggled, grabbed the loose piece of blue Gi cloth where Gohan's right arm should be, but wasn't.
"And hello to you too Halo." Gohan said, picking up his little sister in his left arm.
Halo giggled and wrapped her arms around Gohan's neck and rubbed her cheek against his. Trunks stood up from the ground and walked inside his home.
"Hey mom, what's for lunch?" Trunks asked, sitting down just as Gohan and Halo walked in.
"You'll see in a minute." Bulma said.
"I hope it's not that salad you made us have yesterday." Trunks said.
"Salad icky yuck!" Halo said, scrunching up her nose and sticking out her tongue, providing some light comic relief for the fighters.
"No, it's not that so don't worry." Bulma replied.
"Then what is it?" Gohan asked.
"Will this do?" Bulma asked, setting out some burgers and chips out for the hungry bunch.
Gohan and Trunks began drooling from the mouth and Bulma wisely took Halo out of the way.
"YOU BET IT WILL!" Trunks and Gohan yelled at the same time, both getting well stuck in.
Bulma just sweat-dropped while Halo laughed loudly.

*2 years later*

"Man I'm so boooooooooooooooooored!" Halo moaned to herself.
Now a young girl in training, Halo was prone to boredom spells. Usually, Gohan, Trunks and Bulma occupied the girl with more training, but this time they were all taking well-deserved naps. They had told Halo to stay inside and to do something herself while they slept. However this didn't go down too well with Halo, but she had little choice.
Halo walked downstairs and looked into the living room where Gohan, Bulma and Trunks were camped out. Bulma and Trunks were sleeping on the two sofas while Gohan rested in a chair against the wall. She did wonder how her older brother could sleep against a wall in a wooden chair, she knew she couldn't.
"Why don't they just use their beds?" Halo thought.
Halo gaze then turned to the door then back to her sleeping family.
"I suppose it can't hurt if I just trained myself for a little while outside." Halo whispered to herself. "I won't stray too far. I'll be done and back before they wake."
With her mind decided, Halo quietly opened and shut the front door.
Halo decided to train herself in a town which had massive destruction wiped upon it a few years before. She thought with all the rubble, Halo could teach herself how to fight in bad conditions.
Halo jumped from boulder to boulder, underneath some huge chunks of tumbled buildings and floating around in the air. It was a full hour and a half before Halo's senses perked up. It should've been an omen to what was to come.
Halo stood on the cracked earth, wiping the sweat from her forehead and breathing heavily. Suddenly, she jerked her head to the right. She could've sworn she'd seen a shadow flash past against the wall. A few seconds later, she jerked to the left. Something black had sprinted across the ground at unseen speeds. Halo suddenly became afraid, her hands and body shaking slightly and her breathing and heart rate working faster as adrenaline shot through her body. It became all too clear to her that she must've been working so hard that she had been oblivious to danger.
With an all mighty screeching sound, Halo turned to see a huge yellow blast heading straight at her. In the last few seconds, Halo jumped out of the way and landed with a big 'thud' on the ground.
"Well look who it is boys." A sinister female voice spoke.
Halo spun her head around and gasped.
"The Demondroids!"
There were four in total, one female and three males. They looked like large muscular dragons, which stood on two legs. They stood above Halo, glaring, smirking and sneering. They laughed to themselves, revealing an impressive set of dagger-like teeth that their entire race had. The female of the bunch, Derukukueenu, was thinner and more sly looking than the three males, Derukukingu, Ebirukingu and Deafuingu.
"It appears we have a little lost girl." Derukukueenu sneered, curling back her lips and exposing her teeth to make herself look more dominant and dangerous looking than she and her companions already were.
"She must be that girl we saw with Gohan and Trunks a few years back." Ebirukingu said.
"Of course she is moron!" Derukukingu yelled. "Look at her head! She has that halo mark on her head."
"Whatcha doing out here all alone child?" Deafuingu asked in a deadly tone.
Halo clambered to her feet and glared at the four 'Death Warriors', as they were known. Yet inside, she was terrified and shaking.
" I was training…to kill YOU!" Halo growled threateningly yet nervously.
The four warriors laughed at this, but failed to notice the girl's bravery for standing up to them. Everyone else they had come across had scream and fled in terror.
"Big words for such a small creature." Derukukueenu said in an almost soft tone.
"At least I'm not afraid to stand up for what's right!" Halo yelled, deciding to just go for it and let it all out. "At least I'm not afraid to stand up to killers like you!"
"You speak almost like a Saiyan, like Gohan and Trunks. I'm not surprised since you were raised by those pathetic fighters." Derukukueenu spat harshly.
"I would speak like a Saiyan!" Halo growled. "Gohan is my older brother!"
The three males all looked at each other, even Derukukueenu seemed surprised but she quickly brushed it away.
"Well it's nice to know who we're killing before we do." Derukukueenu said.
Snickering, she turned to the males.
"Ready boys?"
Halo seized her chance and sped off in the other direction in a bolt of light. She heard Derukukueenu yell in fury.
Halo dashed past buildings, leaped over boulders the size of a whale and crawled under the largest section of rubble. Just as she entered the small opening, a large claw grabbed her right foot. Halo cried in surprise.
"I GOT HER!" Ebirukingu yelled triumphantly.
Halo growled in her own deadly manner and brought her free foot upward and it smashed into Ebirukingu's chin. He fell backwards in surprise, releasing the girl.
"YOU BRAT!" Ebirukingu screamed, holding his now bloody chin.
Halo wasted not a second and crawled fast through the rubble. After 3 minutes Halo reached the exit and clambered out. Halo began running and turned her head around to see where the Demondroids were. Then, she collided with something hard and collapsed on the ground. Halo looked up and gasped.
"Surprise." Derukukingu said menacingly.
The large creature then grabbed Halo's left leg and hung her upside down.
"Put me down!" Halo yelled, half in rage and half in fear.
"Okay hold her still Derukukingu!" Deafuingu yelled, holding out his claw filled hands out at Halo's helpless form. "I'll finish her off!"
Halo's eyes widened in horror as a huge red ball of raw energy flew in her direction. She noticed that Derukukingu had already flown out of the way and left her to face the incoming death. But it never came, for with the last few seconds of impact, a massive yellow ball of power crashed into the red one and easily knocked it aside. Halo instantly spun around to see where it had come from, even though she knew already.
The fighter, already in Super Saiyan mode, walked past Halo and stood directly in front of her, protecting her.
"Aww what do you want?" Deafuingu moaned angrily. "You had right to interfere!"
"Moron! Of course he has a right!" Derukukueenu yelled. "The girl is his younger sister, remember baka?!"
Defuingu still looked miffed, but said nothing and backed down.
"So Gohan, we meet once again." Derukukueenu continued, crossing her lean arms across her chest.
Gohan said nothing, but mearly glared as low growls emitted from his throat.
"My, my, we do have a temper today don't we?" Derukukueenu sneered mockingly.
"Shut it!" Gohan yelled, baring his teeth as a primitive show of aggression.
Halo had never seen Gohan as mad as this before, even when he had come back from fighting these monsters. She assumed he was mad on both sides, at the Demondroids for trying to kill his sister and at her for leaving in the first place when being strictly told not to.
"You keep your claws off my sister, you got it?!" Gohan yelled once again, breaking the silence and making Halo jump from her deep thoughts.
"You really should keep your temper in check Gohan." Derukukueenu slyly. "I really don't want to have more reasons to kill you."
This time it was Halo's turn to show her aggression. She ran forward, clenching her fists.
"You leave my brother alone!"
"So, you want some too huh?" Derukukueenu said. "Foolish girl! So be it!"
Suddenly out of the blue, Ebirukingu appeared behind Halo, grabbed her by her leg and flew into the air with her upside down again.
"Halo!" Gohan yelled, preparing to follow Ebirukingu.
He never got the chance, a solid bulk of pure muscle collided with his chest, sending him flying backwards. A few seconds later, Derukukingu and Deafuingu soared behind Gohan and crashed into his back, sending him high into the air. Halo could only watch in horror.
"Gohan no!"
Halo struggled with all her might to break away, but the grip on her foot was too great. Blow after shattering blow was thrown upon Gohan while Derukukueenu watched in pleasure and Ebirukingu held on to Halo. The young female Demi-Saiyan was becoming even more despirate as she watched her brother get beaten upon. She could feel her power level rising in anger.
"Give it up brat!" Ebirukingu smirked. "There's nothing you can do! Your brother is history, finshed! By the end of this day he'll be dead and we'll have one less problem off our backs!"
As Ebirukingu laughed loudly, Halo watched with tear stained eyes as her brother was what appeared to be nearing death. Then she cracked. Her Ki soared with no limits as she did the only thing she could to save her precious brother.
Her hands outstretched to Ebirukingu's chest, she instantly sent a massive bright yellow blast of energy straight through it. Blood sprayed everywhere as Ebirukingu's bulky body, now covered in the thick dark red liquid, was sent hurtling backwards and down into the wrecked ground. Everyone and everything became deadly silent. They were all in shock at the event that had just occurred.
Halo, who wasn't anywhere as strong as Gohan and Trunks, let alone the Demondroids, had just taken one out in a flash like a bolt from the blue. But it has been purely an automatic response to her brother's distress and the power was uncontrolled. By the time Halo had landed with a 'thud' on the ground, standing next to her brother, her awesome power had disappeared like a candle's last flicker of flame and the remaining Demondroids knew it. But Halo still looked as deadly as she had done when that electric energy blasted from her finger tips. She still looked like the beast with only one savage instinct, to kill. She just killed once, she could and would do it again if she was forced to and this too the Demondroids knew. The now three remaining Demondroids were still in shock, that and with Halo's now murderous, merciless and bloodthirsty appearance made them decide to leave for once.
After Halo could no longer sense the three Demondroids, she let her remaining power slip away from her body. She collapsed on to the ground on hand and knees, gasping for breath hard. Halo then looked up and gasped.
She spoke almost in a whisper as she looked upon her older brother. He lay motionless on the wet ground filled was patterned with silver puddles which were stained by ribbons of red. Halo's own liquid silver trails added to the carnage around them both as she crawled to her brother. She stayed kneeled at his side and gently put her arms over Gohan's back and across his chest and gently shook him to wake him.
"Gohan? Gohan! Wake up brother! Please wake up! Gohan!"
The rain continued to fall in bucket loads and the grey skies lit up only by the ever present thunder and lightning.

As the rain falls I know, I know
That you are long out of sight, oh baby
I cry tears for you, I cry tears for me
I cry tears for all of us
I'm sorry for the harm I've caused you
And I'm sorry for not being there when you've needed me
But no more I'll add to the bitter blades of ice
That stab through my crumbling heart
Trust me one more time and I promise you, I promise you
That somehow, someway, someday
Everything will be the way it used to be

Above the black clouds the stars shine through
Where I see light, you see them and I can't imagine
How I could ever hope to see them too
But I know when the hour of need comes
I'll look up at the sky and see their faces too
And they will give me, the strength to carry on
I'll do it for you and me, for them and us
Oh baby, now I see what I've been blind to for so long
I see them in the spark of the Mirai Stars
Oh baby, in the spark of the Mirai Stars

The Mirai Stars that shine for you and me and us

Want more? R&R and tell me! ^-^