Author's Notes: Oh my lord I am SO sorry for the delay in getting this up. It's been almost 3 years now and I seriously don't know how the time got away from me! Again, my sincerest apologies. This is the final part, there will be nothing more after this. It's been edited so much that it's pretty much a different ending from the original I had written. I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you for sticking with me and waiting patiently for me to finish this story!

Hmm, he hummed against my lips. I felt the vibrations tingle across my lips, so soft yet magnified because of my enhanced senses. The taste of Edward's blood lingered between us—I didn't know if he found his own blood as intoxicating as I found it, but at the very least he certainly didn't mind it.

Every dream feels empty when you finally experience the real thing—and this was no different. I couldn't imagine how I suffered so many years thinking I could live without this, without—without Edward, my imprint. When we were apart from each other, when he continually pushed me away, it was such a difficult thing to deal with but now, together as we were, it just felt so simple. Things that were real were easier than contemplating on what could be. That was a lesson I learned the hard way.

Edward moaned against my mouth, as though agreeing with my stray thought. I couldn't help but smile against him. Now that I'd fed and the thirst was gone, I could enjoy the moment for what it was. We had come to a point in our lives we wouldn't be able to go back from. Regardless of how long it had taken us to get here, with its sudden acceptance everything was so much clearer. So much easier to take on. Life didn't seem so bleak or endless for me, and I hoped it was the same for Edward too.

Edward's cold lips were so wonderful against mine. I wrapped my arms more tightly around his body, snaking a hand beneath his shirt and sliding my other hand in his hair to curl around the fiery strands of hair. Every sensation was so intense, everything from the softness of his hair to the marble cold touch of his skin. Even his scent, which had always been alluring and delicious, had taken on a more perfect quality.

I surged up, forcing Edward to sit up. My hands sliding down to curl easily around his waist as he straddled my lap, it suddenly hit me just how much my larger frame dwarfed his. I knew of course Edward was far from small or breakable—fragile was definitely not a word to describe him—but with my arms around him and my mouth moving furiously against him in a deep, unrestrained kiss, I felt something shift in me.

Why had I always put myself in the odd position of prey? While my imprint on Edward forced me to acquiesce to his needs, that didn't necessarily mean I had to bow to him. And with the abilities afforded me since being bitten—well, I no longer needed to play the hunted.

Hadn't Edward proven that I was his? Didn't that mean he was mine as well? My grip on him tightened at the thought. I could play the role of predator just as Edward. I was born for this after all. Wolves were made for the single purpose of hunting Edward's kind.

I growled as fire burned through my body, different from the constant fire coursing through my veins. With ease I flipped Edward onto his back, pushing his legs apart and settling between them in one easy motion.

"Jake—" he gasped, our mouths pulling apart finally so that I could sink my teeth into his neck again. Now that I was accustomed to it, I knew how much pressure to bite down with on the first try and tore through his skin easily. Anyone—anything—else and this would have killed them. Hell, would've killed me. But Edward and I were made for each other. We were made for this kind of savagery. There was no need for delicacy or finesse. Anything Edward could hit me with I could take. Anything Edward had to offer—

I would take.

"Yes—" Edward shouted. "Yes, Jacob, yes!"

I licked away the blood on his neck and moved back to his mouth, meeting his eager mouth in relish. I wanted to consume Edward. Not just his blood but everything. All of him. His legs slid up and wrapped easily around my waist and his hands couldn't seem to sit still; constantly massaging my back, tangling in my hair. I didn't realize we were rocking against each other until I became aware of the steady rocking of his bed.

I was slipping. I felt my control, held so tightly over the past several weeks from constant crippling fear I could push Edward too hard, slipping away from me. I was reminded of that time in front of his house, almost a month ago now, when he and I first met after so many years. With him beneath me and all I could think about was claiming him. Making him mine. Possessing him.

When I had nothing left to live for it was okay to feel that way. And even now it felt like it was alright for me too feel so possessive of Edward because in the end, I knew it could never last. The Volturi would be coming to get me if when I didn't return to them. In a few weeks, maybe less, they would come and I would meet my end.

"No!" Edward interrupted my thoughts, voice fierce. He framed my face with his cold hands to hold me away. "Stop it with those thoughts. Nothing is going to happen to you Jacob. I promise you that."

I shook my head, wanting to believe him but unable to because unlike him, I knewthe Volturi. Hell, I was one of them, wasn't I? I knew how they worked; the calculated, unhindered way they caught their prey and made them suffer. Sooner or later they would find me and I would be finished, now that I'd exhausted all that I could offer them.

"It's okay Ed. It's fine," I tried to reassure him, swallowing thickly. "I'm not afraid of them you know. Nothing they've ever done has hurt me like—" I broke off but we both knew how I was going to finish. My traitorous mind finished it for me. Like you've hurt me.It was a completely fair statement, and it was the honest truth. Even if it did hurt Edward to hear it.

"This isn't about them Jake. It never will be."

I smiled at him, meeting his intense gaze and feeling the fire in me slowly receding again. "It was never about anyone else but you and me. I've carried you in my heart for so many years no one else ever came close. The Volturi…They might have controlled everything I did all these years but they never had this," I unwound his hand from my back and put it over my chest, holding it there firmly. "This is yours."

"You honor me with a gift I'll never be able to repay you for." Something about the way he said it made me realize that the words meant something more than how they sounded. It was more than just Edward not wanting to give me the last part of his devotion. It was like…like he didn't think he actually could.

"You're asking for something that doesn't exist. I can't give you something I never had."

I released his hand and slowly forced his legs to release me so I could settle more comfortably on top of him.

"I'm not asking you for anything," I argued.

"I accept you Jacob Black. I accepted you a long time ago. With that acceptance I understood that it meant I had to offer you something to prove the genuity of my choice. But I can't give any part of the soul you think you've claimed because I don't have one. Whatever soul I had disappeared with my humanity."

"That's not what I want from you though. I've never wanted your soul or-or your humanity!" I felt frustrated being unable to say properly what I meant. "It's only ever been just…just you. That's all I want or need. Not just your blood, or your lo…your affection. I just need you. To acknowledge me, and to accept me. To know me."

He reached up and cupped my face with one hand. I didn't realize I was shaking until he shushed me softly and leant up to touch our lips together again. Just held like that. No urgency, no movement. Just our mouths pressed together. It was heaven.

Please let me have you,I begged him with my thoughts, knowing he heard them as clearly as if I'd spoken them aloud. He nodded against my face, kissing my cheek, nipping at my chin.

Within the span of an unnecessary breath, Edward disappeared and reappeared again, pushing me flat on my back. My long legs dangled off the foot of the bed, feet comfortably on the floor.

He pushed my knees together, standing to the side of me. He put something on the table right beside the bed but before I could take a look at it I found myself shivering in sudden anticipation. The look in his eyes was so intense it almost made me nervous.

He leant down and began to undo the button on my jeans. By the time he had the zipper all the way down I finally found the strength to grab his wrist.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, mouth suddenly dry.

He didn't answer. He paused for a second then, as though steeling himself, then tugged my jeans down, pushing them all the way until they pooled at my ankles.

Then, there before my eyes, Edward slowly but confidently took his shirt off, throwing it carelessly down. I stared at the broad expanse of his pale chest, covered skimpily by the white undershirt he was wearing.

I wanted to ask him what he was doing—no, not what, but why. But I was afraid to speak, afraid that anything I said would break the spell he'd woven. I barely paid attention to the fact that the sheets were bunched tightly in my hands, fingers curling into the mattress. He looked up, caught my gaze, and gave me that infuriatingly devilish smirk of his, that slanted grin, just a quirk of the corner of his mouth and I swear I felt like fire raced through me.

Reaching down, Edward undid his jeans and pushed them down and stepped out of them. Now we were almost even. I didn't stop to think as I shed my own shirt, leaving me in nothing but my boxers. Edward still had his and his undershirt on, but he slid that off as well before climbing onto the edge of the bed again, crawling up until he could sit comfortably atop me.

"If this isn't what you want, tell me now," he warned, voice low. "Because we won't be able to stop after this."

I swallowed thickly, voice caught in my throat. I wouldn't have been able to speak even I'd had anything to say, so I said nothing and just jerked my head once in a mock nod.

Where he'd been slow and calculating before, this time Edward worked as fast as the wind when he pulled both our underwear off, leaving us naked and hard against each other.

Even though I wanted a chance to admire him, wanted to feel every part of him with my fingers and my tongue and rub my cheek over every smooth surface and cover Edward with my scent, I knew instinctively this would be fast and we wouldn't bother with anything soft or gentle this first time. I didn't mind though. I would take what I could get.

"Next time," he interrupted my thoughts. "Next time we'll go slow. For now…Just trust me."

I held his gaze steadily as I slowly lowered myself back to lie on the bed. Edward continued to smile at me, but it wavered just slightly when I grasped his hips between my large hands and swirled my thumbs in small circles over his hip bones.

The monster in me was roaring by this point, and I had no doubt Edward could hear every half-formed desire it was burning to do to him. I was almost frightened of myself, just picturing myself devouring Edward, having him squirm and cling to me as I took him in the most primal of ways. And I wasn't satisfied with the idea of just once. I wanted to do it again and again—I couldn't imagine myself ever being satiated. I wanted to have him—wanted to claim him in every way imaginable, possess him.

When Edward moaned involuntarily at that last thought, I snapped. Hands flying up to his shoulders, I yanked him down so his chest collided with mine and captured his lips in an unforgiving, unrelenting battle of tongues. Had he been human I would have already bruised him with how I dug my fingers into his skin as I rolled us so that he was beneath me.

My last thought, as I pulled away from his mouth to kiss down his chest and finally grab his nipple between my teeth was, 'It's not you I don't trust…It's me.'

Every time Edward moaned I felt a part of me swell in satisfaction. When I kissed my way down to his naval, down farther to his erection and took the head into my mouth without preamble, Edward keened so harshly I swore I felt the sound right to my fingertips. And I loved it—every sound, every inadvertent jerk, every hiss and unnecessary gasp and cry I tore from him as I sucked him off. I loved everything he gave me because it finally, finallysettled my wolf's soul, the part of me that had longed for more than a decade to bring nothing but happiness to my imprint. Everything Edward did that showed me he was enjoying himself was validation that I could please him. For someone like myself for whom that was the only thing in life that mattered, it made everything else in life seem banal and useless.

"Jacob please—" I had no idea what Edward was begging for. I doubt he even knew. But I was too busy trying to swallow Edward's cock down my throat as far as I could to care. His length was wet from a mixture of my saliva and his own precum, and I used that to fist the base of his cock that I couldn't get to with my mouth. I moaned and hummed, hoping the vibrations would feel good for him—they must have, if his shout of surprise was anything to go by. It felt like there was nothing I could do wrong.

I didn't care when Edward's hips began to jerk off the bed. I used my elbows to press his thighs down, but that only succeeded in spreading him wider, opening him up even more for me. My eyes had closed long before I'd started and I was going on pure instinct, moving my mouth and hands in perfect tandem and going wherever I thought would bring the most pleasure to my imprint.

Edward gave a moan of protest when I finally pulled away, somehow knowing he was close to cumming. Lips pulled back, I licked a stripe from his entrance to his sac, my fingers digging into the fleshy part of his thighs now trying to stimulate his dead nerves.

Finally, when I felt like I couldn't ignore my own need any longer, I pulled back and sent Edward the filthiest grin I could possibly conjure, in some way hoping it would cover my sudden nervousness. I couldn't help but wonder if he was alright with this. Would he protest to me taking him the first time? I couldn't explain it but it felt like that was what I needed most, right then. We could, and would, do it any and every other way afterward but just this first time, I wanted him coming apart beneath me—and know that it was because of methat he was losing himself.

Edward could barely meet my eye, his gaze so unfocused. My grin turned a little more genuine, a little more pleased.

"Grab the lube from the bedside table Jacob," Edward ordered. I was surprised that despite how utterly wrecked he looked, he spoke so smoothly. I shouldn't have been surprised though. This was Edward after all. The only time I could ever remember him being fazed was when Bella was in trouble.

I ignored the dark look Edward shot me as I moved to the bedside table at a normal pace. "Is she who you really want to think about right now?" he asked, just the barest hint of pain in his voice.

Having found the lube, I was back on the bed over him, giving him as uncaring a look as I could manage. "There's no one else on my mind but you Ed."

He chuckled. "Charmer."

"Only for you."

I leant down slowly and kissed him full on the lips. I knew I couldn't distract him from me as I tried to open him up so I didn't bother trying. I kissed him as hard as I could as I opened a small bit of lube onto my fingers and spread it around. Reaching beneath him, I found his entrance easily and circled it several times so he could get used to the feeling, before finally slowly pressing the digit in.

"I won't break," he breathed between us. I remained silent.

The moment I tried to enter a second finger I knew I had run into a problem. Edward's body, especially his entrance, was not made to be penetrated—by anything. He was built to resist any mark, any hit, any amount of pressure. While one finger went in with slight ease, the moment I tried to push in a second, his body's instincts kicked in and refused me entry.

"Apparently you won't bend either," I muttered. He laughed again but broke off with a strangled sound when, in my determination to prepare him properly, I used the enhanced strength I had to force him wider so he could take both my fingers. I wasn't sure if it was a sound of pain or pleasure but something inside me urged me to keep going.

So I did. The lube was about as useful as a pair of pliers in opening Edward up. But I managed to stretch him open until he could take four of my fingers without too much struggle. I was pretty sure that anyone else and this motion would have broken their fingers. The thought had me smiling to myself.

"It's not funny," he huffed. My smile widened. "It kinda is," I said.

Just for the sake of propriety I added more lube to my length and covered it generously with the liquid. I didn't need to ask him if he was ready. I knew already. I had waited a lifetime for this and nothing, save for Edward's protests, would stop me. But I knew Edward wouldn't ask me to.

Pressing inside him was a relief of the most all consuming kind. I felt, for the first time in over a decade, like I could breathe again. It was a heady, intoxicating feeling, entering Edward like that. It was—It was humbling. This was it.

This was it.

I couldn't contain a loud, long moan of pure pleasure as I pushed all the way in. It hurt, God did it hurt because Edward's body was refusing my entry as it had my fingers, but it was such a good hurt. He was frigid cold and stiff as stone and I knew, down to my damn bones, that Edward was meant just for me and I was made for him. With no one else would I ever be able to take them roughly and know they wouldn't break. With no one else could Edward let himself completely go and know that they wouldn't get hurt. This was liberation.

I pulled back just as slowly, held myself still just for a second to truly relish the moment, and slammed in again so hard Edward cried out and moved several inches up the bed.

The beast inside me was truly, fully unleashed. I sat up and grabbed Edward's legs, bent them at the knees and held them as wide apart as I could. I was up halfway on my knees and not so much thrusting into him as I was jerking in and out, with every ounce of strength I possessed. His skin, every fiber of his being, broke apart and reconnected again with every thrust. It was the hardest pain and the most terrible pleasure converged together.

Edward was almost screaming, and he didn't seem to notice. He was biting down on his bottom lip so hard the skin around it was cracking into a spider web of divisions. His hair was a mess, his head thrown back and eyes closed as he clutched his bed sheets in his hands. They ripped easily in his firm grip—but that just meant he dug his fingers into his mattress.

I released an animalistic growl and sat up on my knees. I hauled Edward up until his shoulders were pinned by one of my hands to the bed and the other had his lower back and hips arching off the mattress, making it even easier to plunge into him. Edward ran his fingers through his hair in abandon, as if that action alone could ground him. But I refused to let Edward do anything but give himself over as completely as he could.

I pulled out and pushed him onto his front in the span of a blink before thrusting into him again. Leaning down, I covered his entire body with my more massive one, holding him down by just the breadth of my body. His face was pressed into the mattress and all I could think was that it was a good thing he didn't need to breathe.

I grabbed his hands and pushed them above his head, holding them there just by holding his wrists together. My face buried in the juncture between his neck and shoulder, I followed my instincts and bit down hard, teeth plunging into his skin.

Edward cried out. "Know this, my Edward," I whispered against his ear, knowing that even if he couldn't hear me verbally, he could hear my thoughts. "We belong to each other now. There will be no one else, ever." I grunted, feeling spikes of pleasure shoot up my spine. "For now until the end of time Ed. We're together. What we have—"

He turned his hands in mine until he gripped my fingers so tightly I felt my bones realign. "What we…have will never—never end," he finished for me, calling out my name in a cry of utmost bliss as he finally came.

I shouted, finding release inside him and knowing heaven. Perfection and heaven with my Edward beneath me—beside me. And it would last, of that I knew. Because we had each other—

And we had eternity.

I never did go back to Volterra. That isn't to say I escaped the Volturi's hold—it was just that, when you're staring down the road to eternity, a couple decades really meant nothing. Aro got in contact with Carlisle eventually, weeks after I had come back to Forks, and told him that they'd wait for me and Edward to return to them and provide them our services.

After all, he'd said, what's a century of forever?

Maybe when you've lived long enough a century means nothing compared to a never ending lifetime. But as for me? A century sounded like just enough time to devise a plan to get out of the Volturi's grip. And spend time with Edward of course. Because in the end, that was all that mattered. He was my life now. My whole world. Nothing—not time, not distance, not a government of blood sucking monsters—would tear me from him again. I was stronger than anything else the world could throw at me.

And even if I wasn't, I now had Edward to face the world with.