Hold me, hold me
Breathe the light into me
Hold me, hold me
Mother dawn
Mother dawn

Dancing 'round the fire
Circling the flame
Listen to the shadows calling out my name

They say
Rock me like a baby
Cradle me in the light
Bathe me in a rainbow
Sun restore my sight

Hold me, hold me
Breathe the light into me
Hold me, hold me
Mother dawn

Look into the light

Come and take a journey through the land of night
Darkness strokes the face and
Steals away the sight
Night is all around me
Stars are in my hair
I feel them tangled in the secrets we'll
find hidden there
Reaching through the madness
To the other side
Where the sun is rising
With her arms held wide

Hold me, hold me
Breathe the light into me
Hold me, hold me
Mother dawn

One star flew against the tapestry of the night
And the earth revolved in perfect symmetry
To a symphony of sun
The moon danced its final bow
As the birth of day
In my eyes

Reaching through the madness
To the other side
Where the sun is rising
With her arms held wide

Rock me like a baby
Cradle me in light
You're gonna bathe me in a rainbow
And the sun restore my sight

Hold me, hold me
Breathe the light into me
Hold me, hold me
Mother dawn… -Billy Idol

My Brother's Keeper

Ch 1

"Maxwell…my son…," the misty blue image of a beautiful woman with golden hair stretched out her ethereal hand to her reclaimed child, still reeling from all he had recently endured at the hands of the special unit. Warmth seemed to radiate from the queen mother's glowing form even as the light from the orbs glistened in crystalline azure.

"Mother?" came the shaky reply from Max, eyes glazing with tears at the overwhelming revelation. Liz clutched his trembling hand to help steady his already weakened body. Max's lifelong quest, to discover his origins was finally coming to fruition, and his tortured frame nearly buckled at the release.

A knowing smile and simple nod was given in response before turning to the others, standing amazed in the primitive podchamber.

"My beautiful Isabel…," the queen mother regarded her daughter who instinctively carried herself with regal poise. A range of emotions played over the normally stoic face—joy…wonder…relief in at last seeing the yearned-for image of her mother, mixed with a modicum of guilt, fearing that the happiness she felt in this moment was somehow a betrayal of the mother whom she had known since she had left this very place.

"My brother's son…Michael…ever the warrior," the queen softly acknowledged, having witnessed glimpses of her nephew's recent struggle with the death of Agent Pierce. Michael could only look on in confusion at his aunt's greeting though some part of him inwardly smiled at the familial bond.

"And your mates," the queen gave a broad smile to each human in turn. "Elizabeth…so intelligent…seeking…brave."

Liz blushed, smiling gratefully at the complement. Max, somewhat restored, pulled Liz to his body, wrapping his arms low around her waist as she leaned back against his chest.

"Alexander…undaunted…disarming…just the young man to melt the heart of our ice princess," the queen teased her daughter good-naturedly while with a playful swagger, Alex pulled an astounded Isabel Evans close to his side.

"Maria…though guarded at first…you have proven yourself so fiercely loyal and protective…the perfect complement to our Michael. Michael turned and kissed Maria's forehead that leaned on his shoulder as his hand drew soothing circles on her back.

"How do you know about us…and our friends?" the normally secretive Max inquired, his paranoia forgivable considering his recent experiences at the hands of a secret government agency.

The image of his mother grinned in response. "Just as you can transmit images and memories to each other; the communication orbs and the granolith, housed beyond the pod chamber, help communicate your images and feelings back to me. The closer the three are together, as they are now, the more fluid the communication. Also, the closer you are to this place, the more effectively those tools work," the queen mother explained.

"Um…you know about the…* flashes* we send each other?" Max stammered, his ears reddening at the thought of facing his and Liz's parents earlier that spring in the principal's office after a noisy round of "research" in the eraser room.

The image of the queen mother flickered briefly as she chuckled. "Max, you all are growing up…I tend to disregard anything that seems… too 'private' in nature," his mother intimated with a sly smile. "New places, people…high emotion…happiness…pain," the queen looked at her son in compassion for his recent trials and pride for his enduring strength. "These are the 'flashes,' as you say, that are the most easily transmitted. Until today, that communication was merely one-way. I am so glad to finally be able to speak to you."

"But…who are we? Our names…what are they?" Isabel spoke up, a little taken aback at the familiarity. "Where exactly are we from? Why did you send us to Earth?" the questions that had never before had an answer came spilling out, one on top of another.

The queen looked to her daughter with sad, sympathetic eyes. "Your lives on Antar were so far removed from those you've lived in your time…that I've always thought of you by your Earthly names, the ones I first heard the Evans call you soon after you left this chamber. While you have always known you were different, your lives have been shaped by those who love you. Your learning, your experiences have largely been Earthly ones. To me you are Max, Isabel, and Michael," the queen smiled at each in turn before the longing in her eyes spoke of her pain.

"The people you were before lived…and died on Antar." An uncomfortable shudder went round the cave, anxious eyes cutting from one to another in apprehension over finally hearing the story of their origins.

"Your father was betrayed by his most trusted adviser, Khivar, who thought that your deaths would destroy the monarchy," the painful memories plagued the poor mother who had seen her children cut down before her eyes. "Unfortunately, he was very nearly right. Your father and I live in exile. My brother and his wife were lost shortly after your essences were salvaged and sent to Earth," the queen turned to her nephew in grief-stricken sympathy. Michael nodded solemnly in acknowledgement as Maria held him closely.

"Your 'protector,' Nasedo, was sent with you, but he grew restless and neglected his duty, deciding that he could leave the pod chamber to explore the region and return later when it was time to bring the pods out of stasis. However, once he left, he discovered he could not re-enter without one of the Royal Four to open the barrier."

Confused, panicked looks shot quickly around the room at the queen's words, as they had never considered that their group could be incomplete.

"Four? Mother, what do you mean by 'four'?" Max queried in baffled astonishment. He unconsciously stepped toward the image of his mother, as if moving closer might somehow gain him clarity.

The queen's gaze locked with her thoughtful son as she explained, "Of course, Isabel…Michael…you, Maxwell… and the *other* prince of Antar…your twin brother."


The queen's countenance again clouded with grief, the joy at finally speaking with her family overshadowed by the tragic tale she needed to tell. "We sent you to Earth for your safety, hoping that the great time and distance away from Khivar's rebellion would provide you some protection and allow you the opportunity to reach adulthood, far from our enemies' hands.

"Although Nasedo was supposed to bring your pods out of stasis many years ago, his departure meant that the pods would not activate until the fail-safe mechanism engaged, beginning your rebirth. This process required several years due to the nature of the pods, but it was during the final year that your unique powers and ability to rapidly heal were developed.

About a year before the three of you left the podchamber, a small earthquake occurred, and your brother's pod was damaged. The casing gave way, and your brother was born, though far too early," the queen looked up to an unknown sky wishing that she could have protected her missing child.

"Where is he? Do you know his name?" Max scrambled for any other questions that might help them find their missing brother. "Has the Special Unit found him, too?"

The queen smiled patiently, understanding her young son's panic. "Unfortunately, he is so far from the Granolith, that I haven't received any clear images from him since he first left the podchamber," the queen sighed heavily in her frustration. "I do know that when he first departed, he went toward your setting sun. He must have been rescued soon thereafter because the images grew fewer and fainter very quickly," their mother's eyes glazed with tears as she continued. "All I could sense as of late are extreme emotions and sensations."

"Mother," Isabel interjected, remembering with sickening clarity Max's recent torture that she witnessed during her dreamwalk, trying desperately to locate her missing sibling, "What have you felt? Our brother, what is happening to him?"

"For many years, he seemed happy…confident…a little reckless sometimes, much like the young man I remembered on Antar," the queen remarked with a wistful irony, "but lately, pain…sickness…despair…that's all that he has known," the tears that coursed over the queen's cheeks glittered in ethereal blue.

"If we can find him, maybe Max can heal him. He healed Liz…and Kyle…they would have died from those gunshot wounds," Michael urged bluntly, recalling the events that forced the three aliens to trust an increasing number of human beings with their secret.

"Yes, Max was particularly brave and quick-witted that day at the restaurant. And saving the sheriff's son showed great faith and selflessness. I was very proud of you, son."

Max nodded humbly, his hand instinctively covering Liz's stomach, where the silver handprint had lain so many months before.

"I do believe that Max could heal his brother…if he can be found quickly. Are your powers restored, my son? You, yourself, have suffered so much lately. Am I asking too much of you?"

"In a few days, my strength should return, I believe," Max assured.

"That is good news," the queen's smile seemed restored at Max's progress. "Unfortunately, I have no name or location to help you in your search. The only advantage you have is that you should recognize him on sight," the queen grinned at the prospect of her twins finally meeting face-to-face. "My best advice would be to look in the west. I'm sorry I cannot help you with more."

"What about us returning to Antar? Is there a possibility that we could come home?" Michael asked, not noticing how Maria stiffened in his arms at the question. The young blonde tried to be understanding-- as Michael had no real home on Earth, it was understandable that he would seek one elsewhere, though that knowledge didn't soothe the sting of his excitement.

"Michael, I am sorry that your time on Earth has been so difficult—that was never our intention when we sent you there. Please try to find solace in the friends who love you so strongly. They will help to ease your journey, wherever fate may guide you.

"That being said…it has always been my hope to see the Royal Four restored, and that one day I might be able to see you once again, hold you in my arms, meet those you've chosen," the queen smiled knowingly at the three humans, "Watch my grandchildren grow," she sighed hopefully at the thought. "I have also dreamed of your return and the defeat of our enemies—to see you once again take your place in the kingdom," the mother's gaze fell on each of her children in turn, "To lead our forces against the tyranny of Khivar," she looked pointedly at Michael whose dark eyes shone with a steely resolve, the instinct to defeat his enemy inherent, regardless of the world where he found himself.

"However, the Royal Four must be intact for the Granolith to make the initial return journey home. This was a security precaution designed to help prevent our enemies from splitting up your group and using you as pawns in their traitorous plans. We could not have the power of the Granolith fall into the wrong hands," the queen mother explained.

"After the first journey, the security precautions would disengage, and you could travel back and forth between worlds…bring your mates with you…"

"You mean we could survive on Antar?" Maria inquired incredulously, astounded at the prospect of visiting another galaxy.

"Just as our Antarians survive on Earth, the same is true for the three of you on Antar. If the Granolith operates according to its design, you would also be able to return to Earth whenever you wished," the queen assured, trying to soothe the worries etched on the young faces.

An air of cautious speculation swam about the room—while the prospect of seeing Antar and their family was thrilling, so many Herculean tasks had to be accomplished beforehand that there was no sense in raising their hopes too high. The prospect of trying to raise an army, defeat a powerful dictator, and restore the monarchy of a planet was more than a little daunting for the group of teenagers to consider.

"Please don't be discouraged," the queen begged, afraid that her family was feeling bombarded with overwhelming expectations. "I'm just so overjoyed at finally seeing you here…just to know that you're loved… and safe," the queen looked upon Max with such sorrow at being unable to protect him during his horrible ordeal. "I know I've given you a nearly impossible task, but, please, Max, try to find your brother…he needs you…."

"I will do everything in my power, Mother," Max promised, giving a slight, solemn bow to the now-flickering image.

The queen glanced cautiously at an unseen warning, "I must go, but, please return again at the rise of your new moon and tell me of your progress," the queen encouraged, then looked at Max, Isabel and Michael in turn.

The queen knew that although her children were very nearly grown, their first memories—of being alone...naked…frightened, still plagued them. Fears of abandonment and exposure ran deep within the three, creating walls nearly impenetrable except by the humans holding them closely. Even though their upcoming quest was beyond the scope of most adults, the children inside them still longed for assurance.

"I want you to know that you have always been loved and have always been wanted…."

Tears filled the eyes of everyone in the room, so many dark questions finally answered.

"And I am so grateful for all those on Earth who love you as well," the queen looked from each human back to Max and Isabel, indicating her gratitude towards Philip and Diane Evans, and the silent understanding that the love that she felt for them did not mean they had to love the Evans any less.

Isabel and Max nodded in understanding, their expressions pained as the fading blue image grew ever more transparent, till only a thin, pleading whisper could be heard--

"Go and find your brother…his heart is growing dark…you must hurry…"