Well, a new chapter, and Alex is finally accepted into Cherub. Thanks to everyone who reviewed, and I do apologise for taking so long to update.

Disclaimer: I don't own Cherub or Alex Rider, damn it all to hell.

Chapter 11

Alex Rider


Alex smiled – he'd now successfully infiltrated Cherub.

"I do believe my only other choice would be to go back to that children's home, right? Not much of a choice if you ask me. There's nothing to think about."


"Excellent!" Zara boomed. "Now then, Alex. As I'm sure you'll understand, you can no longer be Alex Galloway – if anyone in your past was to hear that name whilst on a mission, it could have drastic results. Have you thought about a new name? You could have a completely new one, or just a change in surname if you'd like?"

"Do I have to think about it now, or can I have a bit of time?" He asked.

"It'll have to be now – I need to give the new name to our other members of the Cherub team so they can sort out new bank accounts – you'll be paid for every mission you go on plus pocket money – create new records for you, and of course it will be the name you go by here at Cherub. All forms to do with you will then have you new name on it. So, what shall it be?"


"Well, who's your favourite sports-star, or famous actor or musician, or how about your idol?" She asked.

"Well, I really like bikes, and there's this company that provides a lot of performance based ones – the best ones. It's called Harris. Can I have that one? Alex Harris?"

Of course, whilst those facts he gave were true, the main reason why he wanted it was because of Tom. He wanted to feel closer to home, and didn't think having the surname of "Starbright" wouldn't go without any questions.

It was only after his meeting with Zara that he wondered if he'd done the right thing. Maybe he should have just used his real name, to make him feel even more "real." But then, maybe getting a new name would be like having a new start. He could do with a new start, away from MI6. Only now working for MI5, willingly. Then there was also the worry that on one of his missions someone, as Zara had said, from his past would recognise the name and try to take him out when he was away from the secure location of campus.

He decided not to worry about it for the moment, as he'd be on campus for quite while, he presumed, and followed Zara as she led him away.

Alex was housed in the main building with the other Cherubs, and led back to the same room he'd been in when he'd woken up.

He told Zara that he didn't have much at the children's home, and she replied that what stuff he did have would be packed up in a bag and brought to him when the Cherub's based there returned to campus within the next hour or so. He needn't have worried, though. In the following weeks, he wouldn't have much of a chance to wear them; inside of his room were seven pressed Cherub's light blue training shirts and army bottoms. He wasn't given an extra pair of the boots, and after he'd asked Zara about it she'd told him that there was no point – the boots were sturdy, made for tough situations. There was no risk of them breaking, so he'd only need the one pair. There was also the fact that army boots hurt for the first week or so until they'd been broken in. No point in trying to wear in two boots for a longer time frame when only one was needed.

When he questioned her on the whereabouts of the clothing he'd worn whilst being transported to the base, she'd replied that they would be brought to him if he wanted to keep them, and if not then they could be given away. He asked for them back, telling her that the clothing was things his mother had bought him, not something from the care home. It wasn't much, but it was something to remind him of 'better times'.

"Someone will be along soon for you, Alex, to take you to dinner so you can make new friends. In the meantime, look around your room, hang up the clothing, watch some TV or whatever you want to do. Stay in your room for now, though. Oh! And make sure you get out of the orange shirt. You're now a Cherub, not a visitor." She said to him as she stepped out of the door, leaving him alone in his room.

He did as she said, changing his top, hanging up the spares and watching TV. He'd already explored the room when he'd woken up, and besides the addition to his clothing, couldn't see anything else that had changed. Just under an hour later, and after a much laughed-at repeated showing of Only Fools And Horses, a knock on the door had Alex getting up off the bed and opening it.

He was met by a boy his age – or rather, the age of the boy he was portraying – leaning casually against the wall opposite of his room. He was a bit smaller than Alex, with light brown hair and a crooked nose; obviously broken at some previous time. He was wearing the same trousers and boots as Alex, although his shirt was grey to his blue.

"Um, hello?" Alex greeted the boy, wondering if this was the person who was to take him to get some food.

"Alex, right? I'm Andy, I was told to bring you to dinner." The boy said to him. Alex wasn't sure whether or not Andy was okay with being tasked with the duty of taking the new kid anywhere or not.

They walked quietly to the elevators, and once inside, Andy broke the silence. "So how'd you beat Lauren?" he asked.

Alex wasn't surprised at his knowledge of their fight; there were plenty of kids in the dojo when Alex fought Lauren. They would have seen him exit the private room without injury, and Lauren bleeding, he was sure. It wouldn't have taken them long to deduce what had happened.

"Surprise attack. She wasn't expecting me to know how to fight, so she let her guard down. Simple, really." He didn't boast about how he'd won, just stated simple facts. He didn't want to make any enemies here, and the Cherubs would have known Lauren longer than Alex – he didn't have any friends to back him up just yet.

He asked other questions, though Alex tried not to give away too much.

Dinner was brilliant: instead of the same weekly meals at the children's home, Cherub provided a variety of foods for the agents, from cold-cut sandwiches to roast beef to pizza and chips to Chinese and Indian specialities. Desert was amazing, too, with choices of ice-cream, jelly, cake or the healthy option of cut up fruit. He stuck with the typical London school-boy meal of pizza and chips with chocolate cake for after.

He'd sat with Andy originally, but Callum and Conor had arrived by that time and had come to join them.

"So, you agreed to join, eh? Knew you'd want in. You're one to like mischief you are, and this is the perfect place for it." Callum smiled at him conspicuously.

"Yeah, but don't forget he has to go through basic training first, Cal," his brother piped in.

"Ah, basic training," Callum said dreamily. "Feels like it was only yesterday we were puking our guts up, freezing our balls off and standing up all night on only one foot, doesn't it?" he looked at his brother.

"Yep. But don't worry, Alex. I'm sure they won't break any of your bones like they did ours, right Callum?"

"Very doubtful... although, pretty much all of the activities you'll do will get you cuts that need stitches. You'll be very unlucky to get a broken bone, but at least one person per trial always gets something broken."

Alex was sure they were over-exaggerating. He might have gone through a load of bad things which had resulted him many broken bones, and even been shot, but he was sure this place wouldn't be in any way as bad as those times. Cherub needed them. Although, those that were weak wouldn't make good agents, he reasoned. If you couldn't get over cuts and bruises, then there was no chance you'd be able to fight in a real situation where things could get ugly fast.

At least here he could get immediate medical attention.

"I'm sure it's not that bad," he said. "A few cuts and bruises here and there are easy to mend."

His only reply was laughter for the next minute, until Andy took pity on him.

"Don't worry, pal. It might be the worst one hundred days of your life, but you've got a month to prepare for it, and if you pass then the rewards for it far surpass any of what you had to go through. And besides, you'll forget all about it when you get that grey shirt."


The next day started with Alex waking up at six in the morning after his alarm had gone off – he hadn't even realised he had an alarm until he'd woken with a shock at it's bleeping. After shutting it off, he opened his curtains and looked around the room. The newest addition, besides the alarm clock, was a map on his bedside table, right next to the clock. Someone had snuck into his room while he was sleeping, despite him putting the lock on it the previous night.

He wasn't sure how he felt about that, wondering who had watched him whilst he slept, but he knew that he had to let it go - no point in worrying about it when he was in a safe place where no one was conspiring against him. Well, to kill him, anyway. He was sure those teaching basic training would be conspiring against him as well as all the other agents-to-be taking the course.

He wasn't sure how many were taking the course as he'd only just joined, but he'd seen six Cherub's in the same blue shirt as he in the dining hall when he'd eaten with Callum, Conor and Andy.

He looked at the map of the campus before turning it over to see where he was to head to first: medical unit.

He found himself twenty minutes later being told to take his top off and to step on a treadmill by the doctor. It was a different man than the one who'd made him weight-lift the day before, a sturdy man with greying hair but a six-pack of muscles clearly shown beneath his shirt. He was uncomfortable at first; he wasn't proud of the scars he'd received by his various missions, not least of which the bullet wound. He hated them, hated what they stood for and what he'd lost because of them – his innocence and his childhood.

The doctor and nurse tried to hide the quick looks to his chest, but he wasn't fooled. No thirteen year old child should have had them, and especially not one that hadn't even gone through basic training yet.

He'd changed out of his army boots and trousers into shorts and trainers, making it easier for him to run in. After being wired up to a machine, he was told to start and run for as long as possible or until the doctor said to stop. After three kilometres, Alex was starting to sweat and pant. He'd been running on the machine for just under tweny minutes, and at the twenty five minute mark the doctor finally ended the session.

"You're in much better health than what we normally get through the doors, but you still have a way to go before you're up to Cherub standard. No more puddings for you I reckon, Mr. Harris, for a while yet." He'd chuckled.

He was then passed on to another room in the medical unit, this time being told to sit on the plastic thin bed that was often in GP's offices and school medical rooms.

The nurse pulled out a plastic tray with sixteen needles on that Alex countered before it was placed on the desk behind him out of his sight.

"What are all these," he asked, alarmed.

"In this business, you can be sent anywhere at any time. These are just the basic shots you'll need for the most frequented places. Influenza, Cholera, Rubella..." he named a few more, but Alex interrupted him.

"But I've already had most of those!" he protested.

The nurse and doctor frowned.

"You have, when?"

"Within the last year or so. Well, I don't think I've had the Japanese one you said, but I've had the Influenza, Cholera, Hepatitis A and C and I know I had the Rubella jab when I was a baby."

"Well, we'll just have to get you the booster set then." He nodded to the nurse, and she ducked into the cupboard beneath the tray.

"This wont hurt a bit, Alex. Now stay still..."

"Owwww! I knew I hated the doctors for a reason," he mumbled.

After having six new injections and eight boosters, he was taken to the dentist in another room of the medical wing and told to lay down on another plastic thin bed.

He was given two fillings and his tongue was left feeling numb for three hours.


A small chapter, I know, but oh well. I felt this had to be done, as it was in the books. Hopefully next chapter Alex will be starting basic training, which I know you're all looking forward to.