Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
The first Time
How to start? Does anyone know how to begin when they're about to tell their life story? How can one talk about years of pain, of constantly being in emotional turmoil? Or how to describe their savior, the one person to reach out a helping hand? I guess I should start with when I first met him.
I was tiredly lying on my hospital bed. My thoughts muddling over the lecture a nurse gave me about taking better care of myself. That was the second lecture that that nurse had gave me, for this is my second overnight stay at the hospital. I'm here for the same reason too. I'm here because I am an idiot, an idiot who passed out while working at my job in the library. The doctor said it was from lack of sleep and neglecting to eat regularly. But I know that I passed out because I'm pathetic, a waste of space. I'm the type of person that doesn't deserve to live. I would have committed suicide by now if I weren't such a coward.
It was thoughts such as theses that where running around in my head when he came. "Excuse me", were the first words I ever heard him say in that kind-hearted voice of his. Turning my head to face him I took in his appearance as he did the same. Not that I really care, but he looked different from everyone else. With such bushy eyebrows, big round eyes, which where being complemented by his clothes, made out of green spandex. It fit his like a second skin, outlining all of his muscles. It's a safe assumption to say that this guy wasn't your typical next-door neighbor.
He stood in the doorway, a frown on his lips and his brow furled, as he looked me over. It's the same look that I always get when someone sees me for the first time. This one look always means the same thing. When someone looks at me with that look they are thinking, 'what a pathetic girl.' Not that I can get mad at anyone for thinking this. It's true, I am short, and a stick with absolutely no curves, completely flat, stringy brown hair, and plain dull brown eyes. There's nothing good about me.
"Excuse me", He started again. "I'm looking for Naruto Uzumaki's room. Do you happen to know where that is?" He asked ever so politely.
Mutely, I shook me head. I've never spoken to any other patients. The only people I really even see are that nurse and doctor.
The feeling of being stared at washed over me. I ignored it. I get stared at a lot. Stared filled with either disgust or pity. "Uh…" he mumbled, searching for the words that he wanted to use. "Are you okay??
There was concern in his voice, which is odd because we don't even know each other. I kept starring at the wall in front of me, not answering. I couldn't answer. What is the difference from being okay and not okay?
A few moments ticked by in awkward silence. Why was he still here? Why was he still wasting time on someone like me when he said that he was looking for something?
The guy in green spandex was just about to say something else when another voice spoke out. "Lee". It was the nurse that likes to lecture.
"Hello, Sakura-chan", Green spandex, now Lee, greeted, making a half turn to face the loud mouth nurse.
She also appeared in the doorway, shooting a brief glance in my direction before replying to Lee. "What are you doing here?"
"I heard Naruto was here, so I'm looking for his room. Do you know where it is?" He asked her. Probably forgetting all about me. I'm always easily forgotten.
Sakura smiled at him. "Sure", then she looked at me again, remembering that she was still working. "Just give me one moment Lee." And she walked into the room and up to my bed. "Azami-san, you should really be resting." She scolded, placing her hands on her hips. "Lie down, and go to sleep. It will be a while loner until you're discharged, so please take it easy."
She wasn't saying this for my well being, but so it is less work for her. Though I didn't accuse Sakura of this. In fact I didn't make any verbal response, and just laid down like asked, thinking. 'Who cares what I do.'
"Naruto is right down the hall, Lee". Sakura informed him while walking out of the room, taking Lee with her. One last thought flickered through my head before I closed me eyes. 'So his name is Lee.'
Third Person
The two chunin where walking down the hospital hallway when Lee broke the friendly silence they had been walking too. "Who is that girl back there? She seems to be very sad."
Sakura paused, a sigh building up in her throat, "That's Azami Watanabe. She's here because she passed out while working". A frown graced Sakura's lips as she thought about that particular patient. Failing to notice Lee looking back in Azami's direction. "It is also her second time passing out. We think it's because of lack of sleep and not eating properly, however; she does always seem depressed. And no matter what type of prompting we can't get her talking. One of the doctors is considering calling in a shrink". Sakura finished, looking at Lee. Azami almost had the whole hospital staff worrying about her, and she seemed to lost to notice.