Disclaimer- While the plot is mine, the characters are not… I'm just playing with them.
A/N- Well, here starts the corrections and reposting. I do hope you like.
With that in mind, I decided to try something new. I know that there are some out there that didn't care for my short summery and some select others that got a preview of the longer version of a summery that had been originally intended (but discarded) as the prologue. I decided to include both for your enjoyment… *snickers*
The Great Elf War; Prologue
"The defendant, Harry James Potter, has been found guilty of all crimes."
The boy in question lowered his eyes in dismay as the toad-faced witch gleefully read off the verdict of his underage magic trial. Most of the present witches and wizards were devoid of all expression but some of them, like Fudge or Malfoy, whom were pleased with what was being read.
This did not mean well for Harry.
'Where was Dumbledore? He should have been here.'
"For the third offense of Illegal Usage of Magic by a Minor, the defendant, Harry James Potter, is expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His wand shall be broken and he is forbidden from taking another one."
Harry promptly grimaced as the wizard that had taken his wand as the beginning of the trial stood in front of the courtroom and made a show off snapping his holly wand into two. If he knew the officials in front of him, then he would not be able to keep the pieces either if he asked for them.
He stayed silent.
"For the Illegal Usage of Magic in Front of a Muggle, the defendant Harry James Potter's magic will be sealed to prevent another occurrence even accidentally. The sealing will be scheduled for three days from now."
"What?" Harry gasped, horrified.
"Finally, for the crime of spreading lies and creating discord amongst the citizens of the Wizarding World, the defendant, Harry James Potter, is forbidden all contact with the Wizarding Community also scheduled to begin in three days.
"Have a good life as a Muggle, Mr. Potter, as you are no longer welcome here."
Harry left the courtroom disheartened under escort only to be found by an anxious Arthur Weasley to whom the Aurors were glad to turn him over to.
"How did it go?" He asked but the boy's upset demeanor more than answered his question. "Come, let's get you back."
Harry nodded numbly. Right now, he desperately needed a shoulder to cry on.
And here's the original- (a/n- Nope, the fragment below has not been edited, nor was ever intended to be.) Aren't you glad I decided to change my mind and NOT use this?
I knew from the first time our eyes met that our paths would intertwine, possibly for eternity. He was probably the most beautiful creature I had ever seen, sitting there at the Head Table aloof and unaffected by the activity around him.
I would later learn the Wizarding folk young and old alike shunned him, never seeing past the image of wretchedness and hatred he molded and later perfected during his years in the Magical World. Naturally, the house-elves adored him while annoying everyone else they could. I let my desire to fit in to this new world override my longing for this perfection and forced myself to see what the others saw. Over the next four years, I let the lies and glamours we both created sway my actions and decisions. That was my first and perhaps greatest mistake.
My second mistake was thinking that the Wizarding Community was different than the Dursleys
and the Muggle World. Fear begets panic and chaos which Voldemort's name did in droves as rumors of his resurrection spread. Fame became a double-edged sword when the envy and corruption of the Ministry of Magic and its Minister had the Boy-Who-Lived-To-Speak-The-Truth's wand snapped and banished from the Wizarding World for breaking the Underage Magic and Illegal Magic Usage in front of a Muggle Rules. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Order of Merlin First Class, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Defeater of the Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald, Champion of the Forces of Light and Leader of the Order of the Phoenix), the man that could have saved Harry James Potter, son of James and Lily Potter, from this fate was no where to be found.
I was at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place when the house-elf, Kreacher, informed me of the fact that Severus Snape (Potions Master and Professor of Hogwarts, Ex-Death Eater and Spy for the forces of Light) never came back from the Death Eater meeting at the end of last school year, a little over a month ago. The members of the Order of the Phoenix presume that he's either dead or a traitor to the cause but I happen to know that he's still alive, and in very good hands. House-elves, while underappreciated by the Magical World, see everything and their loyalty can't be bought, only earned. When Dobby came for me from Number 4 Privet Drive twenty minutes after my return there, I knew it was time to act.
The wrath of a house-elf is devastating but the wrath of the Cwn Wybir is deadly. The Magic World will pay for hurting one of our own. Our Lord wouldn't have it any other way.