Disclaimer: Castle belongs to ABC

There was no end to this day! She sat there hoping that the mountain of paperwork in front of her would somehow magically disappear. She heard the elevator doors open and wondered who else would be crazy enough to be here at this time of night, then again who else could it be.

"I come bearing gifts." He said as he dropped an extremely large cup of coffee onto her desk.

"Thank you." She said as she took a large sip of the coffee.

"So I see you have chosen to spend another night in the land of the midnight sun." She continued to scribble mindlessly, not paying him any attention," You know that's what they call my bedroom."

She shot him a glance that would make weaker men cry."Castle, shouldn't you be off in some fancy restaurant with a blonde bimbo?" He poked his lip out making a fake pouty face."You know, sometimes your words hurt Kate. Besides if I was with a blonde bimbo I wouldn't be able to tell you about the new Nikki Heat movie."

She worked very hard to hide her excitement. Even though she wasn't one for the lime light, she still enjoyed the publicity that the book got."So which famous bombshell are you going to get to play Nikki Heat?" "I was thinking Meghan Fox. She is so……" he paused when he realized that she was boring holes in him with her eyes.

"I was thinking that Rook could be played by Gerard Butler." She looked up at him and stifled a laugh. He gave a questioning look," What are you laughing at?" Before she had the chance to explain her phone rang.

"Beckett" Castle quickly shifted his interest to the phone call.

" I'm on my way" She closed her phone and began walking towards the elevator.

"What do we got" he said chasing after her."I have takeout food waiting for me" she said with a grin. He made his way onto the elevator with her." Well may I join you?" he asked sporting one of his famous smug grins. "What if I have a date waiting for me also?" she asked returning the smug grin."Then I would be very jealous."

She tried as hard as she could not to blush, but it happened all the same. He smiled in satisfaction.

"So I am guessing that is a yes" he said to break the silence.

"Fine" she said trying to hide her smile.