A/N: still not in charge. Darn.

Quick note: The primary relationship in these one shots is Kellwolf. As in, Superman-X and Timberwolf. As in, slash. Fair warning. Then again, I'm really lazy. So it's highly possible that they'll just stay friends because I never get around to them getting around to it.

Sorry all you Phantomwolf fans. I'm a firm believer in the Ultra Boy and Phantom Girl relationship. Even if this isn't comic book verse and Ultra didn't really get any attention. But yeah. There are like 14 billion verses and in all of them but cartoonland Ultra Boy and Phantom Girl get together. So, in my brain, Phantom girl and Timberwolf will always be just friends.

Also, special thanks to Mirror's Mirage, Bluebamfergirl, Devilbunnyxox. My first three fans ever. I really appreciate your comments. So, This little miserable thing is dedicated to you three. A gift!

Legion22: lots of people ask that. I titled it Snapshots because it's a series of one-shots that are pretty unrelated to each other, except that they are all about Kell-el and Timberwolfs relationships. Yeah… also because I can't think of creative titles. This one's also for you. There will be more grammar issues. Sorry. Feel free to edit in your mind? Or… in reality, and then I will resubmit it?


Uhh. You were talking about the main title, right? I titled the chapter Bulletproof, because… we'll because he's not and that was the issue? I don't really know, but it made sense to me.

In case you cannot tell, I am not the most dedicated of writers. Or talented. But it's all good fun to me. And, well, my best friend threatened me with a big metal pipe to post when I finished this one.

In that same vein of fear, this will probably be the fastest update you ever see. Expect to normally wait years. Or like… decades. It's a gift for y'all. It was supposed to be funny…. But it—well, it isn't.

Uhm… sorry?

But I wrote it for you! Sooo. Uhh. Thanks!

"I am not sulking. And I am not pouting. And you can go tell Lightning Lad to go suck it."

There was an awkward pause.

"You know what, I think you're being a little too defensive."

"Phantom Girl, I swear to god if you don't shut the hell up I'll—"

"Okay, okay. Gosh." She lets out a disgruntled huff and leaves. Her cape swishes dramatically as if to emphasize the unsaid jerk in the air.

The doors slid open with a small pfft of air, and almost instantly Timberwolf feels guilty. Phantom Girl was one of his best friends. She may annoy him sometimes, but Brin wouldn't trade her for anything. She's… well, she's pretty awesome.

"Tinya… wait."

She pauses in the doorway, not even turning around.

"You know, it's okay to miss him. " and then she walks out

Brin stares blankly at her retreating back. Her cape and her hair swishing back and forth in freakish symmetry, making Brin think that maybe they have a life of there own. It's a testament to how out of it he is when that thought doesn't even bother him.

But then, the door slides shut and Brin is left staring at the metallic gray and black walls of his room. He sinks slowly back into his chair.

Phantom Girl is a wonderful friend. Actually, Phantom girl is a pretty fantastic friend, and she doesn't cheat with a psychic powers (or a psychic girlfriend), but she still somehow says the right things. He is instantly gripped with the desire to something really nice for her.

Maybe he'll bake her cookies.

Or, better yet, she'd said something about that new guy, Ultra boy? Maybe he'd help with that.

He could play wingman. Wingbeast? Kinda. Yeah. Well, he'd figure it out. How hard could that be?

Images of pink dresses and nail polish float in his head.

Maybe not. The cookies seem like a good idea.

It's okay to miss him

Timberwolf snorts. Miss him? That's funny. He's never had a friend to miss before. Besides, they weren't really friends. So, he can't miss him. He doesn't miss him.

He gets up.

And then he sits down.

This is pathetic, he decides.

He gets back up.

Man, I promise. I'll be nicer to Tinya, lord knows she deserves it. I'll listen more to Saturn girl. I'll stop yelling at Garth to get a room. I'll never make fun of Brainy's superman-obsession again. I get it now. I'm sorry. I just- I just—

Timberwolf blinks. I just- what? What does he want?

To bring Kell back? No. He wanted to be in the future. He wanted to leave. If Kell wanted to leave, he's welcome to it. To see him one more time? That's stupid. That wouldn't change anything. Plus, it's not like he miss him. He doesn't. He doesn't miss him.

It's just- everywhere he goes, anything he does, there's this scent. His scent. Everything smells like Kell. Everything. Everything around him reminds Timberwolf of Kell (His smell, his eyes, his smile) and that kind of hurts.

But no. Timberwolf is not pinning or wallowing or pouting or any of those other girly things that Lightning Lad keeps saying. And maybe most importantly, Timberwolf is not missing Superman X.

So he closes his eyes, breathes in, and opens the door.

Days have passed. Weeks have gone by. Life goes on without Kell-el, and that surprises no one. A peace has settled over the team. No major dramas, no life altering sacrifices, no major fights with each other (major fights with the other guys, but that's so routine, they're almost beginning to find it comforting). Even Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad seemed friendlier then normal.

That, probably, should have been the first tip-off. There's never really harmony for heroes. Whenever a calm settles, it's always right before the storm

Lightning Lad thinks it's appropriate that it's happens on Thursday, the 26th. It's like the one day in the entire year that no president ever has assigned a single holiday. So, it's Thursday the 26th, and The Legion is doing nothing when suddenly a wormhole opens in the middle of the meeting room and a dark figure steps out.

Immediately they all jump to attention. Well, almost all.

"Man, with the way those things keep popping up you'd think we'd get used to it."

Inwardly Garth agrees completely with Chameleon Boy, but his reflexes have other ideas. His left hand is already coated in mini-lightning bolts, ready to be fired.

The wormhole clears and closes behind the figure. The light shifts, the figure is uncovered, and a very familiar face appears.


In his shock, Lightning Lad doesn't even notice that his hand has dropped down to his side, empty and uncharged.


Everything has stopped; the entire room is just standing there staring.

Kell-el feels very uncomfortable. There's too much attention, too many eyes rooting them to where he stands. He swallows and then shrugs awkwardly.

"History said I came back." I missed it here

Silence. Kell-el would have commented on his the ability to hear a pin drop, but he can normally hear a pin drop, so he doesn't really feel like that gets the point across.

"Yeah. Sure man. History made you do it" Chameleon boy scoffs, breaking the silence "You totally missed us. You're just not man enough to admit it."

Kell-el just glares at him

"That 'glare of death' thing isn't going to work anymore. I know you're just a big fluffy cuddly little cute adorabl—"

He's cut off by Kell-el demonstrating why his glare was called the glare of death, and Chameleon Boy's feet are instantly encased in green crystal.

"uhhmm. Manly, manly stoic awesome warrior of good. "

Interestingly, Kell-el trapping one of their fellow teammates to the floor actually puts the rest of the legion at ease, which speaks to a deep level of psychological issue. But hey, they're teenagers who dress up in costumes and fight evil, this sadism is probably the least of their worries.

And that's how, on Thursday the 26th; Kell-el left the future and came home. All of the legionaries swarmed to greet and welcome him, knocking over desks and chairs and whatever was in their path. It's a happy little reunion that's nicely wrapped up and soon everyone will return to his or her regular (or as regular as life is in the league) lives.

Or that's what Lightning Lad thought until Phantom Girl suddenly squealed.

"Ohhh! Wait to Timberwolf hears about this!"

well…. Shit.

The shower is cold. Actually, the shower is a frigid. It couldn't be colder if it was spewing ice cubes, but Timberwolf isn't really thinking about that. In fact, he's thinking 'god dam fucking hell.' Which may seem unnecessary but Timberwolf has been in the shower for three hours, so he feels justified.

'Note to self, The next time the enemy is an oozing slime ball of gross green goo, no matter how angry you are, do not, I repeat do NOT slash it apart."

"Did you get that crap out of your hair yet, man?"

There is the sound of rustling fabric as Timberwolf pulls on his uniform and steps out of the shower. His hair is already dry thanks to Brainiac's incredible patented dryer technology, which also interestingly pays for a good deal of the food that they eat.

The irony is not lost on Brin that with all the things that technology has achieved, they haven't thought of a way to stop the shower from running out of hot water.

"uh. Your uniform is kinda… uh… well… it's kinda mine."

Timberwolf does not respond to the statement. He doesn't even look down to check. Instead he glares at Ultra-boy as if to say 'I do not want to talk about it' and promptly rips the right uniform from Ultra-Boy's hand and walks back into the shower stall.

Ultra Boy stands there kind of awkwardly. It had been there first mission together and clearly Timberwolf was not happy. Which makes sense, because they had flown 3 hours to get to the planet that was being "terrorized by The Menace." Yeah. Capital T and M. It was that evil.

Only it wasn't, because Timberwolf took it down in like 3 seconds. Ultra Boy didn't even get a chance to do anything (which he's actually kind of glad about because the whole exploding green puss ball factor), and then Timberwolf had to sit for three hours while the puss solidified from oozy green mucus in his… uhm, fur? before he could get to a shower, and then it took him 3 hours to get the crap off of him. And then, you know, Ultra Boy had handed him the wrong uniform.

So Timberwolf was understandably pissed.

"Lets go." He said. Well no, actually he growled, but that's probably because of the whole angry-beyond -all-reason thing and not because of the whole my-father-is-a-psycho-scientist thing.

"Yeah. Okay. Sure."

There was an awkward silence as they just stood there, not actually doing anything to leave. Timberwolf was staring with disgust at the shower, which was coated in the goo, while Ultra Boy was doing his best to stare at anything other than the shower. Both of them were trying to think of a way to bring up Phantom Girl in conversation.

This whole wingman thing was harder then Timberwolf had anticipated. Ultra Boy was just doing that whole 'I'm a teenage boy thing and therefore am incredibly cowardly when it comes to my crush."


Speak of the devil… Phantom girls voice cut through the unbelievably awkward silence. In retrospect, this would have been the perfect time to bring her up without seeming totally random, but they were a little busy running to the entrance of the showers to defeat/fight/epic battle whatever had caused Phantom Girl to yell like that.

That is how they came barreling out of the locker room to come face to face with…


Phantom Girl was just standing there, totally normal.





Phantom Girl actually jumped back. She shot Ultra boy a quick panicked look that he semi-relished in, and returned with an awkward shrug.

"Uhm… someone is here to see you?"

Timberwolf narrowed his eyes.

"Is it the Chrisionians? If it's the Chrisionians, I'll kill them."

"Tmberwolf, uh, man. Chill out." Ultra boy said in a placating tone, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Timberwolf whirled around knocking away Ultra-Boy's hand and then slamming him into a wall.

Clearly this is was bad idea, thinks Ultra-Boy, I should give up and move to any planet that was at least 3 galaxies away.

"Do nottell me to chill." He's growling again.

Yup, Ultra-Boy thinks, sure, definitely. No problem. Just don't kill me till I've at least kissed Phantom Girl.

Phantom Girl puts a hand on Timberwolf's shoulder.

"Brin. Chill."

Nooo! Don't do it Phantom Girl! He'll kill you! Ultra Boy readies himself to jump to her defense, fully aware that he probably will get his ass kicked, but hey, he's young and she's pretty, that's how it's supposed to go.

But surprisingly, he doesn't go ballistic and kill everything in sight. He huffs angrily, then closes her eyes, breathes in, breathes out and slowly turns around.

The anger is still there, but it's tightened into a coil, a snake tightly winding inside of him, waiting to strike.

Ultra-Boy can feel the anger radiating off of him, but Timberwolf has contained it, wrapped it tightly around himself.

"Fine. Whose here?"

Phantom Girl smirks.

"ahah! That's a surprise."

Timberwolf glares at her, but doesn't resist when she grabs his wrist and starts to lead him down the hallway.

Ultra Boy just stands there, his back still against the wall, his jaw slack and one thought reverberating in his brain.

Why can she tell you to chill?"

"So… you seem very… clean. Any particular reason?"

Timberwolf sighs wearily and glares at Phantom Girl.

"I don't want to know?"

Timberwolf just nods. The air smells like anger, bloodlust and home. It feels familiar, like Kell. But it isn't Kell. Kell is gone. Kell left. Kell chose to leave.

"hhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!" Ultra Boys voice sounds from the back of the hallway. Phantom girl feels the cords in Brin's wrist tighten as he makes a fist.

"You don't like him?"

Brin actually stop in confusion, blinks and turns to stare at Phantom Girl. She just raises an eyebrow.

"No. I like him." and the funny thing is, he's not even lying. Ultra Boy is fun guy, with a good sense of humor, a good sense of right and wrong. Timberwolf even thinks that him and Tinya would be a good match.

But this wingman thing was so fucking hard.

This time it's Phantom girl who blinks.

"Wingman thing?"

you think will all the other shit, my father could have included a brain-to-mouth valve

"Well. Yeah. You like him." there is an awkward moment of silence "you do like him, right?"

"Yeah… yeah. I do." And she smiles at him.

"Well. Good."

"Yeah. Good."

And then they stand there for a couple of seconds. Just staring at each other. Phantom Girl pleasantly surprised. She loved Brin, like a brother, but she never expected him to… well, to do something like this. It was nice. It was nice to know that he just wanted something nice for her, something that will make her happy and didn't require saving her life or some other crazy stunt. It was such a typical friend thing to do, and in there anything but typical life, it was nice.

Brin was just silently fuming, because, honestly, he's day just sucked.

And when the patter of Ultra Boys feet got close enough, they turned and walked on

"So, who are we going to go meet?" Ultra Boy had finally caught up with them, and had fallen in step next to Phantom Girl. He was smart enough to not stand between the two of them. Phantom Girl may be able to make Timberwolf control his anger, but the anger was definitely there.

"That's still a surprise."

But by the time she had finished that sentence, they were standing in front of the meeting room, waiting for the doors to slide open automatically.

In retrospect, Phantom Girl probably should have known better then to try and surprise Timberwolf. The guy doesn't react well to surprises. In fact, none of them react well to surprises.

Then again, surprises normally mean that evil people are taking over their minds/bodies/base, so that's probably understandable.

For example, Phantom Girl was surprised when after two steps in the room; Timberwolf launched himself at the shadowy figure in the corner. And it wasn't for a hug. In fact, they way his claws were out and he was growling, Phantom Girl wasn't even sure why she thought it might be a hug. I mean, how often does Timberwolf hug people?

Of course, she wasn't surprised when the shadowy figure flies up to meet him and they collide in a flurry of kicks and punches. Because Kell-el is nothing if not a warrior, and Kell-el does not back down from a fight.

It takes her a couple of seconds, but she figures out what exactly is going through Timberwolf's mind. The meeting room is completely trashed, because of everyone running to meet Kell. Chameleon Boy is still standing in the middle of the room, incased up to his neck in green crystal. Lightning Lad is lying with his eyes closed on the back of an upturn coach, looking like he was knocked unconscious. He's just sleeping, but the meeting room looks like a battlefield. A battlefield where Timberwolf's friends had been attacked.

I mean really, it's no surprise that he attacked mysterious dark figure number one in the corner.

If, after the impromptu fight turned spar, Timberwolf was smiling… well, Ultraboy knew better to comment.

This is home.