I am SO sorry! I have had a ton going on lately, but now summer vacation is here! Also, I basically hit a wall after the wedding... Please, please forgive me. But anyway, here's the next chapter!

Chapter 15: One Year After...

Chelsea's POV

I woke up that morning, with winter sunlight streaming in the window. Vaughn was still asleep, his arm wrapped around my waist protectively.

However, I had chores, and got up reluctantly, noticing the little note on the calendar. Dang, it had been a year already?

I walked outside, the light bright and sparkling. While I was in the barn, I reflected on everything that had happened this past year...

Natalie and Pierre were now getting serious... However, it was still funny watching them go down the street, hand in hand (They looked more like big sis with little brother).

Mark and Sabrina were married now... Regis was furious when they told him they were engaged...

Julia and Elliot... I'm not sure if he'll ever have the guts to propose...

Denny and Lanna... They married shortly after we did, and already had a child...

Bessie mooed loudly, and I looked down to realize I was brushing her face.

"Sorry, Bessie girl!" I said quickly. "I was distracted..."

She was still cranky when I left the barn. I walked in the coop, where the three chickens I had surrounded me.

After feeding and gathering their eggs, I sat on the ground, leaning against the wall, with Carlie in my lap. She squirmed as I stroked her soft feathers, still thinking.

That is, until Julia burst into the coop.


She shut up when she saw me on the ground, covered in scratches and feathers.

"What happened?"

"You did," I said, rolling my eyes. "Now what was so important you had to bust down the door of my chicken coop?"

"Elliot proposed," she said, her eyes tearing up. "The wedding will be in a week. Would you be my maid of honor?"

My brain was still processing the information. He actually proposed? Then what, he fainted?

"Yeah!" I said.

"Great! Come by the shop later, I want to start planning right away..."

"Alright," I said exasperatedly, and figured I should do something about those scratches...

I got back to the house, and walked in to the smell of breakfast cooking.

"Thank Goddess," I said, flopping down into my seat.

"What happened to you?" Vaughn asked, chuckling.

"Julia," I said, rolling my eyes. "She ran directly into the coop, freaking out the chickens."

"Typical." he said, shaking his head. "What was so important?"

"The unthinkable has happened," I said dramatically, throwing my arms into the air. "The nerd proposed."

He raised his eyebrows in suprise. "I suppose he fainted afterwards?"

"I forgot to ask," I said, trying not to laugh. "Anyway, I have to go by the shop later, she wants to start planning, because they've decided a week was enough time..."

Vaughn put a plate of food in front of me. "As long as you still have your sanity afterwards, I really don't care."

I remembered the planning for our wedding. Julia drove me up the wall, calling me at midnight because she'd just thought of something.

I wolfed down a few bites of food, then felt suddenly nauseous. I ran into the bathroom and puked, thinking What the hell?

"Chelsea?" Vaughn said worriedly, putting a hand on my back. "Are you okay?"

"M'fine," I mumbled, a little dizzy. "Healthy as a horse."

He gave me a look. "Nice try, Chelsea, but I'm getting Dr. Trent."

"I said, I'm fine," I insisted.

"I'm still going, Chelsea."

"Urgh." I sat on the couch, scowling. He could be so stubborn...

I sat there for a few minutes, Bandit keeping me company. Vaughn finally came back in with Dr. Trent.

"So what seems to be the problem, Chelsea?"

~A few minutes later...~ (I am so lazy...)

Dr. Trent was going over the notes he'd made on his little clipboard, nodding and muttering to himself.

"Well, I have good news," he said, smiling. "You're not sick."

I blinked.

"You're pregnant!"


I had barely registered this information before Vaughn fell to the floor in a dead faint.

"My tough, emotionless cowboy," I said jokingly, rolling my eyes and smiling.

Dr. Trent got some smelling salts out of his bag. Vaughn came to very quickly.

"S-seriously?" Vaughn asked, his eyes wide.

"Yes," Dr. Trent said, chuckling. "You're due around midsummer."

I was shocked. I had never really imagined Vaughn and I as parents. But hey, why not?

TADA! Again, sorry to have kept you waiting, folks, but it should go fairly quickly from here! Thank you for all my regular reviewers, your comments make me smile!

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