Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Chapter 7: Our Special Evening

After another long day at sea I had fully recovered from my battle with Talus. Our boat entered the port in Athens. We docked and prepared to disembark. Annabeth and Percy were both smiling, I knew they couldn't wait to go to the museum. We caught a taxi at the port and headed to the museum with our bag of artifacts. When we reached the museum Percy and Annabeth literally jumped out of the taxi and ran to the entrance of the museum. That left me to pay the cab driver and carry the heavy bag of artifacts. As I entered the museum I grabbed Percy and Annabeth and directed them to the curator's office.

"Mr. Jackson, young man and lady, I see that you found some artifacts on your trip." The curator said.

"Yes, we found some interesting artifacts I believe you will be pleased." I said.

I opened the bag of artifacts an separated the artifacts into categories. There were thirty silver coins with the picture of the minotaur on them and fifty gold coins with a picture of King Minos on them. Four ceremonial jars with images of Minos and the minotaur. Four gold necklaces, one with rubies, another with diamonds, another with emeralds and the last with sapphires. Lastly, there was the gold crown of King Minos himself. The curator's eyes widened as he saw the crown.

"I can't believe it you found the crown of Minos." The curator said.

"It was an incredible surprise." I said.

"Incredible job, Mr. Jackson. We will be glad to pay you and your companions the agreed upon price, thirty percent of the value of these artifacts." The curator said.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Alright, based on my calculations, thirty percent of the value of these artifacts is $1,267,500.00. Split three ways would be $422,500.00 each." The curator said.

"Yes!!" Annabeth and Percy said at the same time.

"You'll have to excuse my young friends they are pretty excited." I said apologetically.

"I'm sure they are, on behalf of the museum I want to thank all of you for your assistance." The curator said as he handed me the check. We said our goodbyes and left the museum.

"Theseus, this has been an incredible trip, I can't believe we have that much money available for college now." Annabeth said.

"College, right!" Percy said, somewhat disappointed.

"Your going to college Percy, your not blowing this money on something stupid!" I said before Annabeth could say anything. Annabeth just looked at me and then she stared at Percy and smiled.

"Let's get back to the hotel. I have to get ready for my date tonight." I said.

"What date?" Percy asked.

"A date with a certain goddess of wisdom." I said happily.

"Your going out with mom, that's great!" Annabeth said.

"I hope so, but I have some planning to do." I said.

"So does that mean that Annabeth and I are free to go out on our own tonight." Percy said.

"Hades no! Poseidon will be watching both of you." I said.

"Thats not fair, when can we have some fun." Percy said.

"When your eighteen." I said.

I made several phone calls and iris messages while Percy and Annabeth ordered room service and watched some television. When I finished with my preparations, I went into my room and got ready for my date. An hour later I heard a knock on the door.

"Percy get that for me!" I yelled from the other room.

Percy walked to the door and opened it.

"Percy it is good to see you son." I heard Poseidon say from the doorway.

"Dad!" Percy said as he hugged our father.

"Lord Poseidon, how are you?" I heard Annabeth say from the couch.

"I'm fine dear, it is good to see you and Percy together as usual." Poseidon said, I'm sure Percy and Annabeth were blushing fiercely.

"Where is Theseus?" Poseidon asked.

"Here dad" I said as I walked out of the other room.

"You look great!" Annabeth said, I guess she liked my black tuxedo and sea green cumber-bun.

"Theseus you do look great, Athena is going to faint when she sees you." Poseidon said.

"Brother you look awesome." Percy said.

"Thank you." I said.

"Did you get all of your preparations completed?" Annabeth asked curiously.

"Yes, I did." I said.

"I best be leaving, I told Athena I would meet her in front of the ballet." I said.

"Your going to the ballet?" Annabeth asked.

"Yes we are" I said.

"She'll love that." Annabeth said.

"I hope so, dad I've got to go. Annabeth and Percy be good and don't make my dad blast you." I said as I smiled and walked out the door.

I left the hotel and took a taxi to the ballet. As I exited the cab I saw Athena standing in front waiting for me. She was dressed in a silver off the shoulder gown that was stunning. The dress was just above the knee. She looked absolutely beautiful she had a diamond and silver necklace that was almost as beautiful as her intense gray eyes. I was speechless as I walked up to her. When Athena saw me her eyes grew wide and she smiled incredibly, I guess I looked pretty good in the tuxedo.

"Theseus, you look incredible." She said.

I finally composed myself long enough to say, "You look beautiful, I never thought anyone could look so gorgeous." I said with awe clearly in my voice. Athena's face became an intense red that made me smile even more.

"Thank you." She finally managed to say.

We entered the ballet and headed for our seats. As the ballet started I couldn't keep my eyes off of Athena. She mesmerized me, she was so beautiful. I think she finally noticed after several minutes. She leaned over to me and said, "Your missing the ballet."

"Sorry its just, your so beautiful." I said.

"Don't make me blush." Athena said.

"Sorry, I can't help it." I said, I tried to pay more attention to the ballet.

When the ballet was over Athena and I applauded. It was a beautiful show. Athena smiled at me and said, "The ballet was beautiful, thank you for taking me."

"It was my honor, my love." I said as we stood from our seats and headed for the exits.

"Now where are we going?" Athena asked.

"Well I have this little night club that has some great Greek appetizers and entertainment, I thought we could go there before we go to dinner." I said.

"Sounds interesting." Athena said.

We grabbed a taxi and took it to the night club. This club catered to American and other English speaking tourists but it had incredible Greek food with a nod to American entertainment. It was karaoke night but I had one special piece of entertainment lined up for us. We entered the night club and sat at a table near the front of the stage. I ordered our appetizers and we watched several decent renditions of American pop songs. We received our food and then I excused myself to go to the rest room at least thats what I told Athena. I had other plans, however. I went back stage behind the curtain and met my two cohorts in this plan, Apollo and Hermes. We prepared ourselves and then the curtain opened. There we were, I had a guitar in my hands, Apollo sat in front of a keyboard and Hermes sat behind a drum set. I thought Athena was going to fall over with surprise when she saw us. She smiled as we began to play 'Soul Sister' by Train. I sang lead vocals, yes I can sing. Athena was smiling and I saw her laugh to herself when she looked at the three of us. As I sang the song and the lyrics sank in I saw the look on her face, she was blushing profusely as a I gestured to her and sang,

Your sweet moving

The smell of you in every

Single dream I dream

I knew when we collided

You're the one I have decided

Who's one of my kind

We finished the song and the crowd cheered and we walked backstage.

"Hermes, Apollo thank you for helping me. Do you think she liked it?" I asked.

"Your welcome Theseus, glad to help." Hermes said.

"I think she did" Apollo said.

"If you ever want to play together again let me know, take care guys." I said.

"Good Luck" Hermes and Apollo said at the same time.

I walked back to our table and sat down across from Athena, I was really nervous. She looked at me and smiled.

"That was great, I didn't know you could sing." Athena said.

"Well I had plenty of practice in the void." I said.

"Your ready to go to dinner?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm starved." Athena said.

We left the night club and grabbed a taxi. We drove up to the top of the Acropolis where the taxi dropped us off at the main gate.

"What are we doing here? Athena asked.

"Well I have a surprise." I said.

The guard at the main gate let us into the Acropolis and we walked to the Parthenon. As we walked into the parthenon in the area where Athena's statue once stood there was a table for two. A waiter and a chef were there at a cooking station preparing dinner.

"You set all of this up?" Athena asked.

"Of course, I wanted my last night here with you to be special." I said.

We ate dinner and talked about the past, the present, the future, and us. We were both smiling at each other throughout the entire meal. It was great! We finished eating and the waiter and chef left us. We were alone in the Parthenon with one hundred candles to light our evening. We walked out into an area behind the Parthenon and there was a small garden with hundreds of flowers that I had setup for the evening.

"This is beautiful" Athena said.

"You really like it?" I asked.

"Yes, how did you do this?" Athena asked.

"I called in a few favors and spent some money of course." I said.

Athena looked around the garden and looked up at the Parthenon, it was aglow in the moonlight. When she turned around to look at me, I was on one knee staring up at her.

"Theseus, whats going on?" She asked.

"Give me a minute and I'll explain." I said and she nodded.

"I have loved you for over three thousand years. My time in the void without you was unbearable but I knew I had to be there in order for us to be together forever. Now that we are together I don't want to lose you again. You are the best thing in my life and your the most beautiful women in the world, in history. Your smarter than anyone I know, your incredible, you make everyday special. I love you Athena. Will you marry me?" asked.

As I said that last part I held out a special ring that I recovered in the cave at the bottom of the ocean. This ring meant more to me that anything except Athena. The ring had waited for over three thousand years for me to find it again. The ring itself was a beautiful mix of gold and silver, intertwined. There was a large gray pearl and a large green pearl in the center. On one side of the band was a an owl made of diamonds and on the other a trident made of emeralds. On the inside of the band was inscribed Athena, my love, my life, Theseus. Athena looked at the ring and examined it. Her eyes grew wide and she smiled the most beautiful smile in the world. Then a tear ran down her cheek and she said, "This this is the most beautiful ring in the world. Where did you get it?"

"I had it made by Athenian craftsman over three thousand years ago. It has waited all this time for this day to happen." I said.

"Theseus, yes I will marry you, forever." Athena said with tears of joy running down her cheeks.

I raised my hand to clear away her tears and said, "Please don't cry, I can't handle seeing you cry." I said.

She smiled and said, "Your such a wimp!"

I smiled back and said, "Only around you my love." I stood up and leaned down and kissed her. It was the most wonderful kiss ever. For the first time in my life I felt complete, whole. It was the best feeling in the world.

The End

Sorry for the delay in getting this out. I hope you liked this story. Not sure I will have a sequel or not.