
Ok, this idea has been bugging me for a while after I found a book on conspiracies in the religious section in my local library (haha the irony, love it lol). Anyway there was this one theory that caught my eye, undoubtedly due to my ever-growing obsession.
Hope you enjoy it! x

Arthur lay face down on his bed, weeping angrily into his pillows; mourning the loss of the King, his father. He couldn't believe that his father had left him here, all alone. It was hard enough without the added pressure of having to be a good king for his people, to protect his people, to make the best decisions for his people. His people, who he doubted were even upset about his father's passing.
'No' he thought angrily, 'they're probably outside celebrating!'
Arthur threw a pillow violently across his chambers before pounding the remaining ones viciously with his fists; new, hot, angry tears running down his face.

There was a gentle knocking at the door.
"Go away!" Arthur screamed, his voice hoarse from crying.
The door opened slowly to reveal a concerned looking Merlin who moved quietly into the room, closing the door silently behind him. Merlin walked slowly over to the bed where his Prince, no King, lay. He paused slightly to pick up the pillow strewn on the floor and placed it carefully on the bed before sitting down next to Arthur who had pulled himself up and was furiously trying to wipe away any evidence of his tears.
"Arthur" Merlin started.
The soon to be King turned away, averting his eyes. Merlin sighed sadly. He took Arthur's chin in his hand, turning it gently before kissing away a tear left on his cheek that Arthur's wiping had missed. Merlin rested their foreheads together and sighed again. They sat like that for a long time before Merlin finally broke the silence.
"Come on" he said taking Arthur's hand and pulling him to his feet, "I've got something to show you"

Arthur allowed Merlin to lead him blindly out of the castle and into the out-lying forest. They walked in silence until they reached a large clearing. Arthur inhaled loudly, gasping at the sight before him.
"Merlin, it's..." Arthur trailed off, unable to find the right words as his hands reached out to touch one of the large rock columns that inhabited the area.
The rock structures stood imposingly in a rough circle, some simple pillars others square arch ways. Merlin smiled at the look of wonder on his partner's face.
"Did you... did you build this?" Arthur stammered still unable to believe it.
"With a bit of help" Merlin replied with a slight smirk.
Getting the huge monuments over the sea hadn't been easy but with the use of some magic, and some strangely obliging giants, Merlin had managed it and he knew all of the trouble had been worth it, just to see Arthur smile again as he reached out to touch the rock once more. Merlin wrapped his arms around Arthur's waist form behind and whispered in his ear.
"It's for your coronation".
Arthur whipped round to face him, still in his embrace.
"I love it" he replied hugging Merlin tightly. "Thank you" Arthur whispered.
He pulled back from Merlin's embrace, "Did you really go through all this trouble for my coronation?" Arthur asked, genuinely touched before quickly covering it up, "You do realise that the castle has a Great Hall for that type of thing, don't you?"
Merlin laughed, "Of course I know that, I just wanted it to be special"
"I love you", Arthur said, kissing him lightly, "idiot".
"I love you too" Merlin replied, "prat".

Ok, I might not have made it very clear but the stone monument thing is supposed to be Stone Henge. The theory that I read was that Merlin had built Stone Henge for Arthur's coronation and I was 'awww'ing over this idea for days and I finally got round to writing something about it. Hopefully I will now stop randomly going 'awww' and melting every time I think about it lol.
Let me know what you think. =)