All he never knew :

Part 3:

Dimitri POV :

Its been two days since I found out that I have a son, and now Roza, Dimka and I are a family. I finally feel whole and I feel like nothing could take my happiness away, I have my Roza finally and she still loves me, I must be the luckiest man alive. I talked to Rose today and she thinks that I should go and talk to Tasha , so that's what I'm doing right now I'm on my way to her room. I got to her room and knocked a minute later Tasha answered, " Oh Dimitri come in!" she said and I followed her inside.

We sat down in her living room and she looked at me with a knowing look, " So Dimitri what brings you here, not that I'm not happy tour here just I thought you would have been busy." I thought about what I wanted to say, " Well Tasha, I know you know that Dimka is my son and I came here to tell you that I won't be coming back with you. I'm staying here with my family, I'm sorry but my son needs me in his life, I cant be your guardian anymore." Tasha just sat there with a smile on her face, " Well its about time you told me. I knew from the moment you saw them that you wouldn't let again. Don't worry Dimitri I know you need to be here and it's fine with me, I just want what's best for you." Tasha really is a true friend, " Thank- you Tasha it means a lot to me that you will just let me go. I have to go pick Dimka up from school I'll see you soon." I said and I stood up and hugged her and left to pick up my son.

Rose POV :

Almost ten months later……

I sat by my window waiting for Dimitri and Dimka to get home for school and work, It was something I did a lot of lately. Waiting around for everyone because they wouldn't really let me go anywhere because I was due any day now with our second child, a girl; I remember the day I told Dimitri that I was pregnant I was scared that he might want to leave but now looking back on that day I don't know why I could have ever thought that about him. Dimitri loves his family meaning Dimka and I, and we love him and I know that he will love our daughter just as much as he loves our son. But I still couldn't help but be scared at everything .

I was getting bored waiting for Dimitri and Dimka to return home from their busy days, Dimitri had taken over my classes since I couldn't really do the teaching at this point and Dimka had school all day, so left me home all day while Lissa and Christian were at work as well. I started to wonder where everyone was because it was getting late and by now Lissa should be home, I got up and walked down stairs to put my shoes on so I could go looking for everybody.

As I walked out into the brisk night, I looked up and saw all the beautiful stars in the Montana night sky. I was walking and thinking about how much my life had changed in just a few months that Dimitri had co me back into my life and I couldn't help but smile and the thought of our new baby girl on the way. We had finally agreed on a name and I know it was making everyone crazy, Lissa in particular that we wouldn't tell them the name we had picked out. Every day Dimka would ask me, " Mama, What am I going to call my baby sister?" I knew Lissa had put him up too finding out the name because I asked him once, " Dimka why do you want to know your sister's name so badly?" His answer was simple, " Auntie Lissa asked me to find out for her because you won't tell her." And after he said that he walked away.

I was standing out side of the cabin before I really knew where I was going, the cabin was only a short walk from our house and I truly loved to be here, It was where both of our children were conceived. I looked inside and saw that there was some light coming from within the cabin, so naturally I went inside to see who was there. As I opened the door I saw all of my friends, " Surprise ! They all yelled, I just stood there and looked around the room was decorated in all different shades of pinks and purples, with it's a girls things all over as well.

And of course at the very moment I feel a rush of warm water flow out from between my legs, I just look down and then up at Dimitri, " Well thanks for the party guys, but my water just broke so if could move the party to the hospital that would be great." I say, trying so hard to not laugh at everyone's expressions. All at once they come running at me, only then do I notice that Adrian was here too. I smiled at him as he ran over with the rest of my friends I yelled, " Adrian! You're here, how are you and how is life at court?" Everyone stopped and looked at me, then Adrian said, " Little Dhampir I don't think right now is the right time to catch up, If you haven't noticed your kind of having a baby." I laughed at that , " Yea I kind of got that far thanks Adrian." I looked around the room to everybody who was standing still and said, " What the hell are all of you guys standing around for I'm having a baby over here." And with that everybody started running around again, and before I knew it Dimitri had picked me up and started running to the clinic.

While Dimitri was running I looked at him and laughed, " Dimitri, slow down I'm having a baby not dying." He wouldn't listen and I started to think and remember that this was a first time thing for him, " Comrade stop." He did and he looked at me with a look that said I better hurry before he starts running again, " Dimitri, please calm down everything is going to be fine. You don't have to run and I can walk, I'm not in any pain yet but wait till later you going to wish that you took your time getting there." I said the last part with a smile. " Oh Roza, how can you be so calm right now your going to have a baby soon." He was right I was having a baby but I've also done this before, " Well Comrade I've don't this before, so I kind of know what I'm going to have to do." And as I said that I saw his face drop then I remember that he still hasn't forgiven himself about not being there when Dimka was born. " Dimitri, I'm sorry I for got this is your first time, don't feel bad please." just as I was about to finish telling Dimitri that it was ok, I felt some of the worst pains in my life; contractions.

Seven hours later and I'm still in labor, as I look around the room I see Dimitri sitting in the window looking out he looks lost in thought. " Dimitri," I say and he turns around and starts to walk to where in laying when he gets to me I say as I take his hand in mine, " Here come sit with me, the doctor said it's going to be awhile." He smiles down at me and sits on the bed, rubbing my back every time the god awful pain comes.

More hours past and the pain grew and every time the doctor would come and check me and the last time he was in here he said, " Well Rose hopefully it will be soon, I know your tired why don't you try and sleep." My mind yelled at me SLEEP so I yelled at the doctor, " SLEEP! DO YOU REALLY THINK I CAN SLEEP?" I felt Dimitri rubbing the small of my back most likely trying to kept me calm, but it wasn't going to work right now. " Do you any clue how much pain I'm in? no you don't because you're a man, and men have it easy so don't tell me to go to sleep." The doctor smiled and said, " Rose how right you are my dear." and he just walked out of the room. Ugh the doctor just makes me so mad I wanted to yell and of course right on que the pain comes back , " AAAHHHHH." I yell as Dimitri rubs my back, " Just breath Roza, your doing such a great job." He says in a low loving tone but me being me and in pain I have a little bit of my mind to tell him, I look at him and I see him move back just a bit, " Don't you dare tell me to just breath Dimitri Belikov, You have no clue how much pain I'm in right now. And if you tell me to breath again they are going to have to put you in the bed next to me because I am going to hurt you. This is all your damn fault." I say as I yell again from the pain.

I don't know how much time had past I just know that the pain was getting worst and worst, and by the time the doctor came back into the room I was ready to kill somebody; It had gotten so bad that everyone who wasn't Dimitri had left because they were most likely scared of me. The doctor came back in and said, " Well Rose looks like it's time to start pushing are you ready?" Was this guy dumb or what I decided that I wasn't even going to answer his question instead I just looked at him and he walked over and started getting everything ready.

After about an hour of pushing out daughter was finally here, as I watched the doctor and nurse clean her up and check her out I looked over to Dimitri and saw that he had a few tears coming down his cheeks. " Dimitri." I said in a low voice because I was so tired from everything today, he turned and came right to me and I pulled him down into the bed with me and I just held him there while the doctor looked over our baby girl. " I love you Roza more then anything in this world, you've given me something I have thought I would have." he kissed me after that, and I could feel just how much he loved me. Its truly amazing how threw one simple thing such as a kiss you can tell just how much someone cares for you.

The doctor came over with our baby and said, " Well she is perfectly healthy , who wants to hold her first?" I looked over at Dimitri and said, " I think her daddy does." The doctor handed Dimitri the baby and then turned and walked out of the room. I watched Dimitri hold our daughter and I saw just how much like him she looked already, she had my almond shaped eyes but with Dimitri's warm brown eye color. She had my tan skin and from the looks of it she was going to have my awesome hair but with Dimitri's coloring. I loved my daughter so much and I hadn't even held her yet. Dimitri look over at me with a smile that could say a million things at once, " I love you Comrade." I said, " I love you too Roza." " Dimitri why don't you go get the others I know Lissa must be going crazy out there," He handed me our daughter and walked out of the room.

I looked at my little girl and I felt the tears of joy come over me, as I thought to my self; I have a family. I have a wonderful son and a beautiful daughter, then I thought well if I have them then maybe once day me and Dimitri will get married and we could truly be a family even though we really already are.

Dimitri soon returned and my quite time was now over as Lissa ran into the room and almost threw her self into my bed where my self and my now sleeping baby were. I looked up at Dimitri and he nodded he head so I said, " Guys I want you all to met Katina Anastasia Belikov." Everyone came closer to get a better look and Dimka came and sat on the bed and said, " Hey baby sister wake up I want to play with you." Everyone laughed at that, " Dimka, Katina is just a baby she can't play with you just yet sweetheart." He made a pouty face at me and got up off the bed and walked over to where his father was sitting. Everyone took turns holding Katina and soon it was time for them to go and time for me to get some rest.

2 months later…….

I sat in our cabin watching Dimka open all his Christmas presents, while holding my now almost two month old daughter Katina. With Dimitri sitting next to Dimka on the floor and everyone else all sitting where they could there was a nice fire going and presents every where. I thought to my self my life could be more full of love and happiness, this is how life should always be. Dimitri and proposed to me the week before and we are now planning a nice spring wedding in Russia with his family and where he grew up. I have my friends and family my like is perfect and I wouldn't change any of it for the world.

Well here's the end of the story, a lot of you said I should write another chapter so here it is. I hope you all enjoyed it. don't forget to review and let me know what you think.