Hidden Love

An Alternate 100th Episode

A Bones Fanfiction

"How long did this affair last?" Sweet's mind was completely blown. His eyes were wide and his chest was heaving in shock. The idea that his entire book was wrong, that this crucial element, this key point had been overlooked, no, had been deliberately kept from him, was causing him to rethink some things that had seemed set in stone. He was having thoughts, strange, half-created ideas, and his watched the pair of them closely as they shared a conspiratorial look.

Bones smiled faintly. "Should we tell him?"

"Yeah, okay." Booth's eyes were boring into hers, with an intense, smoldering fierceness that nearly took her breath away.

As one they turned to face Sweets, taking in his shocked, eager face. He was filled with both trepidation and anticipation- this was the moment he had been waiting for. This was the defining element of their relationship that had been lurking out of sight for so long.

Booth and Bones shared one more long, meaningful look, and then Booth spoke the words; "It never stopped."

Bones smiled knowingly and continued; " We knew the FBI would assign us different partners if they were aware that we were in a sexual relationship, so we kept it hidden."

"Well," Booth amended, "Until now."

Sweets was dumbstruck. Completely and utterly shocked. "You- you two have been romantically involved for all these years?"


"And this is the reason all my research has led to dead ends! This is why the chemistry of your relationship has always been questioned!"


"Oh... oh my god."

"Yes." Booth's lips quirked as he fought a smile. Sweets, however, was having a moment. In his mind he was going back on every moment they had been together, judging it with this new information as subtext. All those moments- all those cases, all were a back-story behind their secret romance. After those nights at the diner they wouldn't go their separate ways- they stayed together. Every touch was a fraction of an embrace. Every word spoken the hint of a whispered sweet nothing. Every second they were together a facade- a mere splinter of their love. They must really love each other to go through the pain of that lie for so long. He looked up at them, taking in the complexity of their emotions, the depth of their commitment to each other. They worked so well on their cases, with no hindrance from their relationship, simply enjoying the simple pleasure of spending time working together. He looked up at the pair of them. How could he take that away from them?

Booth fidgeted. "So, I suppose now you have to tell the FBI about our hidden love?"

Sweet paused, then smiled.

"What hidden love?"