By Dinah

Genre: Drama/Humor

Rating: K+

Disclaimer: I do not own the Enterprise characters. I do, however, claim ownership of the characters that are the products of my imagination. I have not benefited monetarily from writing this.

Author's note: Silverbullet's challenge was to write a story in which T'Pol watches the Disney cartoon "Beauty and the Beast" with Trip. I've turned around Silverbullet's challenge just a little bit. I hope it meets with his approval. I want to thank BlackN'Blue for being a terrific beta!


When T'Pol first learned that Valla had spent her entire life in the confines of the Vulcan science station on Ma'Lo'A, she was concerned that the child might not be able to cope with a ship full of Humans, but so far – after spending one full day on Enterprise – her visit had gone quite smoothly. Valla was studious, precocious, and showed an admirable ability to adapt to her environment. Both Ensign Sato and Doctor Phlox had been impressed by her quick mind.

T'Pol looked down at the PADD in Valla's hands and noticed an error in her mathematical calculations. She pointed to the problem and asked Valla to add the figures once again. This time, counting out loud, the little girl came up with the correct answer.

Before T'Pol had a chance to commend her for a job well done, the comm sounded. It was Captain Archer.

"Our Vulcan 'friends' have just informed me that it's going to take them at least three more days to wrap things up down here, maybe more," he said with disgust in his voice. "I'm coming back to Enterprise, but Reed and the MACOs will be staying here."

"We have been carefully monitoring the planet's surface," T'Pol said. She glanced at the little girl. Fortunately, Valla's attention was focused on her lessons. "Over the past three hours, our sensors have picked up a number of explosions; one was detected in your general vicinity."

"Yeah, I know. We heard it – way off in the distance. It looks like the violence is heating up again. Reed thinks the Ma'Lo'Asi may be getting ready to destroy the mines."

"I believe the Lieutenant's assessment of the situation may be correct. Have the scientists reached a point where they can finish their work here on Enterprise?" T'Pol did not like the idea of endangering three members of the crew, even to advance the cause of science.

"Evidently not. The only information I can get out of them is that their research is vital – something about isolating a new element."

"I can try talking to them again."

"Don't waste your breath. I've already given Lieutenant Reed his instructions. If their position is discovered or if the explosions get too close, he's been ordered to stun these people then transport up immediately. We'll deal with any diplomatic ramifications when and if they occur. Keep someone on duty in the transporter room around the clock until this mess is resolved. I don't want any casualties on our hands, if we can avoid it."

"I will see to it."


"Please tell Solic and T'Lal that their daughter is well and in good spirits."

"Okay. I'll contact you as soon as I'm back on board – probably within the hour."

"Very good, Captain."

T'Pol had barely finished signing off when Valla said, "I am finished. Do you want to check my work?"

"It is time for lunch." T'Pol walked over and took the PADD Valla held out to her. As she looked into the earnest eyes of the child, she was grateful that Captain Archer had been able to convince her parents to send her to a place of safety. It would not do to have any harm befall her. "I will look this over after we have had our meal."

The little girl rose from her place on a large pillow on the floor of T'Pol's quarters and adjusted her gown. When T'Pol held out her robe, she slipped it on and headed for the door.

The walk to the mess hall was uneventful. Several crewmen greeted her and her small charge, but one person continued to be conspicuous by his absence. Last night, for the first time in months, Trip had not had dinner with her. He had missed breakfast this morning, as well.

Could it be because of Valla?

T'Pol found it hard to believe that he could be so upset by the presence of this child that he would purposely avoid his bondmate. Trip was not that kind of man. She could not deny, however, that he was shielding his thoughts from her.

As soon as they walked into the mess hall, one quick look told T'Pol that they would, once again, be eating alone. This was clearly unacceptable. When Valla went to sickbay for her lessons with Doctor Phlox, T'Pol decided that she would find Commander Tucker and put a stop to this nonsense.

T'Pol filled two trays – plomeek broth, small green salads and tea – then got Valla seated. The need for a booster seat had never arisen on Enterprise, but fortunately a small crate Chef produced from the galley proved adequate for the child's needs. After placing a napkin across Valla's lap, T'Pol went over the ingredients in each dish with her so she would understand the nutritional value of what she was consuming.

Yesterday at lunch, Valla had revealed that her meals had consisted primarily of ration packs and dietary supplements. Vulcan cargo ships transported supplies into the science station every other month, but the station only had one small stasis unit, leaving little room for fresh fruits or vegetables. Evidently, the scientists didn't see this as a problem since they knew their nutritional needs were being met by other means.

T'Pol understood the logic behind their decision, but she still wanted to give Valla the benefits of fresh foods for as long as possible. At just under one meter in height, the little girl was slightly undersized for a child her age. While there were a number of possible explanations for this, T'Pol thought it might be in the child's best interest if she arranged for Doctor Phlox to have a talk with Valla's parents about proper nutrition.

They had just finished their broth and started on their salads when T'Pol felt a familiar presence. Looking up, she saw Trip walk through the mess hall door. As soon as he saw her, his face lit up, and he quickly came over and sat down next to her.

"Good day, ladies," he said in a cheerful voice.

"Good day, Commander." T'Pol was pleased to see him, especially since he appeared to be in a good mood, but she didn't let it show. She'd take the edge off her voice when he explained why he'd been ignoring her for the past 24 hours.

"I've got good news."

She put down her fork and leaned back. "Continue."

"We found the problem with the environmental system. It's all fixed."


"Captain Archer came down to check on the repairs early this morning. He told me that you're planning to send a science team down to help out."

"They will be transporting down in forty-two minutes."

Trip nodded. "I thought you'd like to go along. Do what you can to hurry things up."

The silly grin was still there. He was obviously planning something that he thought would please her. Most of the time he succeeded admirably, but this time, for some reason, she had her doubts.

"As you know, my duties will keep me on the ship." She looked over at Valla, who was slowly chewing her lettuce. The little girl had both eyes locked on Trip as though she wasn't quite sure what to make of him.

Trip waved a hand. "Not a problem. I'd be happy to take care of Valla this afternoon."

After taking a moment to study his face, T'Pol finally decided that his offer was sincere. She didn't want to discourage him – he obviously meant well – but she wasn't sure he understood that Vulcan children and Human children were not the same in all respects.

"Your offer is very generous, Commander," T'Pol began slowly, "but I really think it would be best if…"

"Don't worry," Trip said. "I've got it all figured out. We're going to have a great time together."

"You've got it all figured out," she deadpanned.

He nodded his head.

This did not bode well. "If you are intent on doing this, I have prepared a schedule of lessons and activities for Valla, in accordance with her parents' wishes."

Trip waved her off. "She can do that tomorrow. Everything's already arranged."

"Commander, Valla's parents want her to engage in activities which are educational."

"The things I have planned are educational." Trip gave her the same affronted look he used when she cast aspersions on his Hawaiian shirts. "And besides, what's wrong with having a little fun? She's just a kid."

"She may be just a 'kid' as you call her, but she is a Vulcan kid. Vulcan children require discipline and structure, something from which Human children could undoubtedly benefit as well."

"Why don't you let me tell you what I have planned before you say no," Trip said with a touch of testiness in his voice, "unless that's too much to ask?"

"It was wrong of me to prejudge your plans," T'Pol said, tossing out a figurative olive branch. "I apologize. Please continue."

"Okay." The smile was back as Trip sat up straighter and folded his hands on the table in front of him. Knowing her husband, T'Pol didn't think those hands would stay folded for long. "As you know, the movie for tonight has been changed."

"I made note of that when I looked at the daily schedule," she replied.

"Blaster Morgan, Vigilante may be a classic of its genre, but it isn't something meant for little girls, so Hoshi suggested the Disney cartoon, Beauty and the Beast."

"I'm not sure…"

"My sisters both enjoyed it when they were little. In fact, Lizzie was about Valla's age when she saw it for the first time."

T'Pol hadn't seen the movie in question. She would have to trust Trip's judgment on this. Turning to the little girl, she asked, "Valla, would you like to attend the movie this evening?"

"What is a movie?" Valla asked.

"A movie is a series of images in which people appear to move and speak," T'Pol replied.

"Will you be there?" Valla asked T'Pol.


Valla seemed relieved. "Then I would like to see it."

"Good." Trip slapped a palm lightly on the tabletop. "This is going to be perfect." He turned to T'Pol. "Lieutenant Waverly has done some cartooning. I've asked her to explain the process to Valla. We'll draw a little – get Valla ready for what she's going to be seeing tonight."

T'Pol had to admit that that didn't sound too bad. It would be educational, and drawing was an acceptable pastime. "That should be all right."

"Then Hoshi is going to read a few children's stories. We figured that Valla should be introduced to fairy tales before she sees Beauty and the Beast."

"Good." This might actually work. Trip had obviously given this a great deal of thought.

"After a quick snack…"

T'Pol quickly held up her right index finger. "A nutritious snack."


"Anyway after our snack, I thought we'd listen to a little music…the kind she'll hear in the movie tonight. Maybe do a few simple exercises, get the blood flowing again."

"Nothing too strenuous."

"Of course not. Just a quick ten or fifteen minutes."

T'Pol wished that he had made his response in a less cavalier manner.

Suddenly, Trip raised both hands, fingers splayed. "And then the piece de resistance." He paused dramatically. "We're gonna build a birdhouse."

When T'Pol's only response was a blank stare, Trip evidently felt the need to explain further. "A birdhouse is the first thing my dad and I built together. It's simple, easy to do. It requires some measuring, some basic calculations – that's math. Putting it together should help with coordination." He smiled disarmingly. "It'll be great. You'll see."

T'Pol turned to Valla. "Have you ever seen a bird?"

The little girl shook her head, her straight light brown hair brushing against her shoulders.

"Do you know what a bird is?"

"No," Valla whispered, wide-eyed.

"I've got that covered," Trip said. "Doctor Phlox is going to give her a short introductory lesson on birds before we begin. He's got pictures, diagrams – the works. Maybe someday when her parents are reassigned, she'll even be able to find a bird to take up residence. My birdhouse had a steady stream of occupants for years."

T'Pol closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, Trip was looking at her expectantly.

"So what do you think?"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked him.

"Absolutely. I've been looking forward to it all morning."

Valla didn't look quite so certain.

T'Pol swiveled in her chair to face the little girl. She didn't want the child to be exposed to more than she could handle. "Valla, would you be comfortable spending the afternoon with Commander Tucker?"

"Well… my mother told me to observe Humans while I'm here," Valla said half-heartedly.

The smile on Trip's face slipped a bit. Perhaps it had just crossed his mind that another Vulcan female was getting ready to reduce him to the lowly status of lab rat.

After carefully placing her fork on the table, Valla folded her hands and continued as though she was reciting from memory: "This experience will demo… demonstrate once and for all why uncontrolled emotions are dangerous. It is a well-known fact that Humans are slaves to their emotions."

"Do you understand what that means," T'Pol asked softly.

Valla scrunched up her face, deep in thought. "I understand some of it. I don't know what slaves are, but I know they must be bad."

"If you would prefer, I can stay here with you."

Valla looked over at Trip.

His eyes had the same pleading look that Porthos often used when begging for a slice of cheese.

"I like to draw and I like stories," Valla said hesitantly, "so I guess it will be all right."

"If you agree to do this, you must follow Commander Tucker's instructions. He will be responsible for your safety. Do you understand?"


T'Pol still had her doubts about the situation, but she knew that as long as Valla consented, she could not say no. Trip was trying so hard to please his wife. Now it was up to her to step aside, proving that she had faith in him.

"Very well. I will inform Captain Archer that I will accompany the science team."

"You won't regret it," Trip said sincerely. "I think you'll be surprised by everything she learns."

T'Pol crossed her legs and tried to relax. "That's what I'm afraid of."

"And here I thought Vulcans weren't afraid of anything."

Trip looked down at the half empty plate of salad in front of Valla. "Why don't I give you a few minutes to finish your lunch?"

The little girl swallowed hard before murmuring, "I'm done."

Trip got to his feet and rubbed both hands together. "Then why don't we get started." He walked around the table and reached for the little girl. Before he made contact, though, he stopped and looked over to T'Pol for permission.

"She will need assistance getting down," T'Pol said quietly.

With a comforting smile on his face, Trip lifted Valla off her make-shift booster seat and set her gently on the deck.

As they started out of the mess hall, Valla looked longingly over her shoulder at T'Pol one last time. Then she turned her attention back Trip, who had just posed the question, "So, how do you feel about big hairy creatures?"

To be continued…