AN: Sorry, sorry, for those who waited, thank you. I've been busy with work and moving and I'm a terribly slow writer. But to make up for it I'm gonna include things from the reviews and try my best to make this enjoyable. I'm not sure how I want them to address each other, whether it's like the dub ex. "Mr. Keichi" "Almighty One" or like the manga ex. "Megumi-san" "Kami-samma" I'll try to mix it till I or the reviews decide. I'll be using Norse deity names for any OCs, just wiki them for info.

Demons/Summons/Ubber Power Beings Speaking "I will eat your bones!"

Demons/Summons/Ubber Power Beings Thinking "Evil laugh or evil chuckle, hm?"

People speak "Dattebayo bitches new Hokage here."

People think 'Oh Naruto-kun, I've been a bad girl.'

Jutsus/Techniques "Harem no Justu! Futon: Rasengan!

(Author's funny comments)

CapGod: Oh My Megumi-sama!

Urd: Not you 'megumi-anything' your cheating bastard.

CapGod: Hey!

Urd: No ring and you go our with that flat chested bimbo

Naruto: I am not flat chested… or a girl.

CapGod: I have nothing to do with Naruto.

Naurto: Sniffs y-you said that we were bffs.

CapGod: There you go kids, don't own.

It's About Damn Time Something Good Happened.

In a brilliant flash of light, the hero of the Elemental Nations disappeared leaving behind only a legend to be told by the descendants of his surviving friends in the ages to come.

The light died down and Urd and was back in heaven with the wounded man in tow, "Hey somebody please hel-AK!". "Out of the way, out of the way!" Urd was shoved to the side as people started yelling out. "Oh, kami!" "What the!" "Damn! He looks worse then Skuld's cooking!" They were surrounded by a half a dozen healers in blue/white robes with a caduceus on the chest, most of whom seemed to be shocked.

"I want this person taken to the medical center now." There was just a stunned silence among the healers.(rookies) "COME ON, MOVE PEOPLE!". The leader who spoke was a tall man with pale skin, short golden hair and eyes, with overly elongated ears that stuck out a few inches to the side. The other healers who had froze at the sight of such a grievous injuries immediately shifted into high gear, after all a mans life was at stake.

Urd was speechless (being punted to the side does that to you), seconds after she arrived with him or who ever he was, had been quickly (through magical means) and gently moved to heaven's version of 'ER'. She couldn't have called it in more than a few minutes ago, damn that was quick. She had no idea that that they would be-well like that. "Uh… what I'm I supposed ta do now."

'The Almighty One will know what to do.' "I better go report this, that is if he doesn't know already." So as the busty goddess slowly and purposely made her way to the Almighty One's chambers she was stopped by a couple of snooty looking secretaries. Seeing them she became a little uncertain if she should of just left him and toyed with the idea of sprinting back the way she came. "Oh well, to late now."

The room was white, it had many glowing seals and runes inscribed into the walls and floor. People were running in and out of the room trying not to choke on the sent of burnt flesh. A blue robed young woman moved glowing blue hands over the fallen hero, "Severe burn damage left side, smoke inhalation throughout lungs. What? Heavy bleeding both internal/external; multiple fractures carpals, ulnas, radius, clavicles. mid to low vertebrae, ribs 2-7 cracked!". The man her opposite running glowing green hands over the patient,

"Numerous lacerations on pectorals, biceps, triceps, trapezoids; tendons severed. Skin, nerve endings, muscle all fried left side, arteries/veins cauterized. God he's hemorrhaging throughout his right side!" Another man with white glowing hands at Naruto's temple, "Jeez is he really alive, critical dehydration, BP 49/88, HR 56, he's going into shock, we need more people!" All around them healers were chanting the highest incantations they knew or casting their strongest spells in order to fix/heal/regenerate/reverse the damage as grave as it was, whatever they could do as fast as they could do it. And more were on their way the to add their own power or relieve those who had spent themselves.

Even by there standards it should be impossible for anything to still be alive in that kind of state, and what was worse wasn't even the severity of the wounds which they could heal it was the burns that seemed to resist healing which isn't supposed to be possible. They were heaven's healers damn-it, they were supposed to be able to he anything. But ego trip aside that didn't matter, what did was did was finding a way to fix the damage and helping this man brought to them.

"What the hell are they looking at like they know every dam thing." Was what Urd thought as she approached the incredibly smug pair. Sitting behind twin desks on either side of the closed doors to Kami's chamber were two women. They had mid length raven black hair the ends teased upwards. They had lean figures and midnight black robes, coal colored eyes and light smirks. "Huginn, Muninn I take it you know why I'm here." The duo shared a knowing look, "You could say a little birdie told us, about the man you brought, what do you think Muninn?" said Huginn in her floaty voice. "Doesn't he remind you of someone Huginn, what's the saying birds of a feather?" replied Muninn with her scratchy yet pleasant tone. "Well if your done sticking your fat beaks where they don't belong and being all cryptic, I have to speak with the Almighty One." To get the point across the dark skinned beauty crossed her arms under her generous bosoms and tapped her foot.

"Like a sparrow in flight," "Struck with an arrow's might."

"We guard the door," "You may not see him anymore."


"Until you fill out this paperwork." they said together deadpanned and monotone.

One faceplant later Urd dusted her dress off and snatched the forms while grumbling ("This is why I hate them, I hope they get avian flu.") to herself. "Stupid forms, a curse on the one who created paperwork!" It was a huge stack of forms, she had to write a report about what had happened when she left and an update on Yggdrasil and sign a bunch of things and all that other useless crap .

It would take forever and by the time she got it all done she'd have to go back the earth. Sneaky little trollops probably planned it that way so she couldn't see Kami-sama. Oh well her job was done and what ever happened had nothing to do with her anymore. So back to earth with her sisters and Keichi.

SMACK! "What's going on out there. Hm I wonder?" The almighty one silently mussed as his chief healer hurriedly approached him. "Eir what news do you bring about the one my daughter brought back." The man that had first appeared before the pair when they arrived stood before his lord, splotches of blood on his sleeves and front, sweat poured off his brow and his hair was disheveled. He was obviously exhausted from the healing procedure but made the effort to appear collected.

"He seems to be in a stable enough condition sir, but that seems the best we can do. He will die soon if something isn't done, except we've tried it all." That was not good news this man should not be dieing, but there may be a way to save him. But he wasn't gonna like it. "Damn my good morals." "Was there any this else?" Eir hesitated not knowing if the bit he held back was anything important, "eh what the hell, why not?"

"Yes, something that was odd no one seemed to take notice of some kind of seal on his abdomen that would burn red on and off probably thinking it was just another healing spell, the others didn't detect how it would draw on the healing energy when it blazed then die down when it stopped." "Very well, bring him to me." Eir just nodded in understanding and swiftly left the kami's presence.

There will be more to this chapter as soon as I'm done writing it. Questions will get answered, but I just thought I'd post this to tie you guys over.