She slowly floated over to Toon Link who lay in a pool of blood, and started to glow with a slight pink tint. She sighed deeply, and then went into the wound on Toon Link's chest and it, too, began to glow pink.
The wound started to close up, and all the blood, including that on Link's clothes, went back into his gaping cut.
When the cut had completely closed, Link ran up to his brother, wondering if what Marron said was true.
He shook his brother ever so gently, and was overjoyed when Toon Link slowly opened his eyes.
He looked around for a second, then over to Link, who was looking at him with worried, tear-filled eyes. Toon Link had an extremely scared look on his face, remembering the sight just before he had blacked out. Link noticed this and was worried, unknowing what was wrong, but quickly realized what caused so much fear in his brother's horror-stricken face.
"Toon... I'm so glad you're okay... and I know that you're probably scared to death of me now, but I did what I did in an attempt to save your life. The particle told me to get the subspace out of you, I had to stab my Master Sword into your chest because the light in it would get rid of all the leftover darkness. But as you can tell... it... didn't work out so well. So, seeing all the trouble and pain she caused me, she decided she would give her life for you," Link explained, thinking even to him this sounded strange.
Toon Link stared in silence, wondering what in the world had happened after he had fallen asleep. He finally chose to believe that Link would never do anything on purpose to hurt him, probably because he loved his brother, and he knew his brother loved him back.
"You're a very lucky kid, Toon," Link finally said when he saw the fear fade from Toon Link's face, "I'm really glad you're okay."
"Me too, Link," Toon Link smiled and then his expression turned serious. He turned his head and looked over at the opposite wall.
"Link… can I you tell you something?" he asked.
Link was confused, but nodded.
"Of course. What is it?" Link asked.
"Link… I… feel like I'm not worth all the trouble that you just went through… I think that I'm just a pain. I feel like people compare me to you and set standards, and if I don't meet them… they think even less of me, making you look bad in return. Everyone always seems to see me as the most confident person in the mansion… but in reality… they couldn't be further from the truth… it's just a front to cover up my true feelings. I'm just… weak… I guess… in heart and in strength… I… can't even say this without crying…" Toon Link stopped when he felt tears flooding behind his eyes.
"Toon, why are you saying that? You are not a pain; everybody loves you very much. You are most definitely not weak, and I can understand crying. You saw how I was crying before, and if you saw me when I thought you were dead... well, lets just say I don't think you would have looked up to me anymore. Besides, you're only 12 and you have been through so much these last few days; it's completely understandable. And you don't need to be like me, Toon. Everyone loves you for you, and doesn't compare you to me or anyone else. Don't think you're not important. People would cry for months - and probably some after that - if you suddenly died. And so what? It doesn't matter if you're not the most confident person in the world. Everyone has their own weaknesses and strong points. Don't you remember Lucas? When he first came here, he was all by himself and cried if someone even looked at him funny, but I seem to remember a certain brother of mine that went over and made friends with him when no one else would, and now he's really strong and confident. And you are too. You just have to believe that like I do."
Link smiled at his brother when he saw his face light up.
Toon Link looked at him endearingly, and then hugged Link around his neck.
Link hugged back as hard as he could, and was so glad to have his brother back.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
After a few days, Toon Link had recovered, still not being able to compete in brawls for several more weeks, but able to move back into a room with Link.
No one knew anything about what had happened with Toon Link and the subspace particle, so neither brother felt the need to say anything.
Bowser had recovered, too, though sometimes he would shoot nasty looks at Link for cracking his shell. Link didn't bother to mention that it was to save his life.
Falco had also recovered, and was back in the brawls. Toon Link apologized to him, and Falco easily forgave him, telling him that he wasn't himself when the incident happened.
Everything was back to normal around the mansion, and that's the way it stayed.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
*2 days later*
Toon Link and Link were sitting in their room ready for bed, having a small conversation before they went to sleep.
"I've been meaning to ask you, Toon Link; where did you go off to that night? It was dark out already and I didn't even know you had gone anywhere," Link inquired.
Toon Link cocked his head to the side in thought. His face suddenly lit up with recollection.
"Oh yea! Ganondorf told me to go out and get a few things for the gathering that night. I tried to protest, but he insisted that I go and get them. He gave me a list and sent me out, but before I could even get through the forest, those things attacked me…" Toon Link's voice trailed off as he recalled the horrible night.
Link looked surprised for a moment before is face scrunched up in anger and he headed towards the door. Toon Link looked at him in confusion as he watched him open the door.
"Where are you going?" Toon Link asked.
Link turned back towards him and smirked.
"Oh, I'm just going to pay Ganondorf a little… visit," Link hissed out the last word.
Toon Link continued to watch his brother's actions in confusion as he grabbed his sword that was propped by the door and went towards Ganondorf's room.
After a few moments, Toon Link heard Ganondorf scream and a lot of crashing sounds. He jumped when he heard the sound of Link's smash ball initiating and the slashing sounds of his sword. He finally heard the ruckus stop and increasing footsteps coming towards his door.
Link came back into the room with a calm expression as he straightened his clothes a bit.
"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty tired. Why don't we go to bed now?" Link asked nonchalantly.
Toon Link blinked and nodded some-what despite himself. Link smiled and then climbed into bed with his brother, positioning himself next to the wall.
"Good night," Link said with a yawn.
Toon Link looked at his brother with a smile and rolled his eyes playfully. He turned out the light and then snuggled down into the warmness of the covers.
"Good night, Link," Toon Link chuckled.
It wouldn't be such a good night for Ganondorf.
I hoped you liked it! Remember, this IS my first fan fic, so please be nice, although I would like to know if I messed up anything that I should fix in later stories. Thanks for reading!* I won't ask to review, because you already know how important that is to all story writers, and will review if you want to. Thanks again!* - Dawn ^^,