AN: Hi, this is a concept that I have wanted to do for a while now. I hope you like it!


Volturi Academy


I'm different, there's no point denying it. The great thing about it though, I'm not alone. There are others out there like me, well not exactly like me 'cause no-one is the same. I am Bella and I have a special power.

I have telepathy and telekinesis. It was hard at first to hide it, lifting things unknowingly in the air when any emotion was heightened. I have learnt to control that now. The mind reading is a different story all together, I would always answer questions that hadn't been spoken or know things that were better left a secret. I just couldn't seem to find the right button to push in my head to make them stop!

You could say I found the "off switch" when I was twelve. I was "listening" to this woman complain about how fat she thought she was. I was so annoyed about it, she was stick thin! My annoyance seemed to form a… blanket around my mind, not muting the voices but turning the volume down so I could choose to listen. It took me awhile to perfect the technique but now it's second nature, the blanket surrounds me at all times until I choose to pull it back.

I am sixteen, just finished my sophomore year and getting ready for the summer, it had been a long year. Mom just got remarried to a total douche and all the preparations for the wedding and move in of said douche took up most of the year.

I couldn't wait for a break. This summer was going to be different then the others. I was attending a summer "camp" for people with special…gifts, like me. My mum just thought it was a regular summer camp. I was approached during the middle of May by a really tall guy in a light grey suit. He said that he new who I was and what I could do and was offering me a place in "The Volturi Academy for Talented Youths".

I was completely blown away, for one I didn't know there were others that had to struggle through life with extra gifts, but that someone had known to came to her and ask?! It was sorta creepy. I told him that my mum didn't know about my…talents and he said that they run the guise of a regular summer camp for people in my situation.

"I am so there!"

"Here is the application that you will have to fill in, some pamphlets for your mother and also some pamphlets for you, they will hold different information then those for your mother. If you have any questions the number is on it though all questions you have should be answered if you read it through."

"Thanks, I will send the application along as soon as I persuade my mother," I tapped my forehead with my finger, "It shouldn't be too hard" It was weird being so free with the knowledge of my gift, it was also a type of test, if he really knew what he was talking about then he would get the joke. He did. He graced me with a small smile and that was the last I saw of him.

I sent off my application without further delay and had received my plane tickets to Volterra, Italy as soon as I had paid for the camp over the internet, (my mother being under the impression I would be paying her back in full).

So here I was at the airport in Phoenix waiting for my flight to be called. I was sitting on the really uncomfortable blue chairs with my head stuck in a book, my long brown hair a shield from the world.

I wonder if anyone else here is going to VATY (Volturi Academy for Talented Youths). I closed my eyes and let the blanket slip away and let the voices in…

Wish it would hurry up…

Delayed again! But my cat won't…

hot air hostess will…

I listened for another five minutes but couldn't detect any unusual thoughts so I closed off my brain again and went back to waiting.

I wonder how many people are going to be there?

AN: So what do you think? This is only a short taster. Let me know if you think I should continue. I don't want to have to write it if no-one even likes it so leave me a review with your thoughts…good or bad, anonymous or not please, please, PLEASE!!

Thanks so much for reading!
