Dancing in the Dark

Summary: A post apocalyptic investigation intertwines the worlds of team Gibbs and the Winchesters when a massacre on a marine base brings both groups together. Soon cut off from the outside world, they must work together to solve the case before it destroys them all. A story of the impossible and faith.


It was quiet. Office quiet, nothing else. Tony narrowed his eyes as he perused the command hub for the team. Gibbs desk was empty, of course, but Ziva...she'd been on the phone all morning, just when one call ended another began in what seemed like an endless stream. Likewise, McGeek had been alternating between calls and frantic typing, a regimen that had become all too normal. Although everything that had happened in the last few months was miles away from normal. They had been working day and night on case after case, murder after murder, and while today seemed a lull in that progression it was still heavy with the stress and strain that the job was becoming.

It reminded him of the force on a full moon, long before his days at NCIS. Though experts had attested that the full moon shouldn't be able to excite anything abnormal, those in the field seemed to notice a different pattern...and it had been one full moon after another for far too long. Even Gibbs seemed to be tiring under the strain. Tony sighed as he looked to his own phone, waiting for it to ring. He'd been answering his fair share, but Ziva and McGee were handing the brunt of the calls titrated in through a network meant to eliminate all but the most important for their desks.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that there was something wrong with the world at large, he just didn't have a theory. Sure he's thrown out the usual movie ideas, all the while hiding behind them, but he's laughed at McGee's Polar shift possibly effecting peoples minds, or Abby's hem haw about some sort of end of days theme. He'd shifted to take a neutral stance, trying to keep the piece along side the boss in all this chaos.

"Gear up, we've got a series of deaths at Quantico..." Tony looked up from his phone in time to see Gibbs hurrying through and wondered when he'd gotten lost enough in thought to miss his approach. A series? Tony jumped, grabbing his gear in a well trained response as Ziva and McGee followed all headed to the elevator together.


Dean tapped his fingers idly to the beat of the radio as Sam slept awkwardly in the passenger seat. Normally a job like this was one that they shied away from. The security alone was a nightmare and there was so much else that they could be doing but...Dean swallowed tightly. General Elson Gray had called in a favor...of their father. He'd left the message on one of John's old cell phone asking for him to help him out and Dean had talked Sam into the impossible. Hell at this point what did it matter? If they were incarcerated the angels and demons would find some way to get them both out...if they died...they'd breath again. Neither one of them was anywhere close to sacrificing their bodies so that the Angels and Demons could have a pissing contest.

They owed a favor and there was work to be done...He wasn't going to turn his back now and neither was Sam. Sam had only been reluctant in so far as pointing out the obvious...


It was a far cry from the usual pulling out an FBI badge in a district not to used to seeing them. He'd convinced him from the back door perspective of getting in. He knew a girl from a while back that had enlisted as a marine and she promised to get him a drive on so they could talk. That would at least get them past security then they could get the lay of the land and figure out a new plan.

What they knew was that three families had died so far and they both had a good idea that it wasn't going to end there. Dean didn't know what it was yet, but he was sure they could send it packing...just as soon as they figured out what they were up against.

Author's notes: This is shorter them my usual intro but I am hoping to spark some interest...I hoped someone finds this enjoyable =) Please review.