Knives took aim again, bullet hungry for Shade's heart as he squeezed the trigger. The boom resonated through the chamber, but the bullet had not reached its target, instead, imbedding into the ground in the distance. The smile on Knives lips faltered and he looked around for her, unable to see her anywhere along the stretch of rock.

He lost his breath as something slammed into his ribs, sending him stumbling backward to see Vash and Wolfwood running at him. He took aim, shooting at them as they weaved their way towards him, teeth grinding in frustration as they evaded his bullets, getting closer. He leapt over them, watching them run beneath his feet, the thrill only lasting until he was tackled in mid air by Shade. For a moment, he could not comprehend the situation as her feet appeared on his chest and stomach as though she were surfing him through the air.

He slammed into the platform, breath exhaling in a rush as he hit the solid rock.

'How'd that feel?' Shade asked foot moving to his throat, keeping him from taking a much needed breath.

Knives smirked, determined not to let her see the anger in his eyes as he wrapped a hand around her ankle, throwing her over his head to land on her back, but somehow she was standing again before him.

'You are very strong,' he said, straightening, feeling the slightest twinge in his neck, still a little breathless, 'stronger than I expected actually.'

'She seems to be surprising you a lot,' Wolfwood said as he and Vash came up behind him. 'You shouldn't expect so little from humans.'

Knives laughed again. 'Nicholas, I can no longer class her as human anymore than I associate myself with your inferior race.'

'But Knives, she is human,' Vash exclaimed. 'Can't you see how capable they are? She is living proof that there is much more to them than you might think.'

'You know that what you say is a lie,' he said, growing impatient with his twin. 'Wake up and stop your stupid delusions about this stupid race!'

'I am not the one who needs to wake up,' Vash said through gritted teeth.

'Yes you are,' Knives yelled. 'If you had listened to me and if you have followed me we would not be here fighting right now.'

'I could never have followed you.'

'But if you had you could have stopped all this, Vash. You only have yourself to blame. You fell in love so now I'm going to have to kill her like I did Rem. I'm going to protect you and I'm going to enjoy every second of it!'

'No!' Vash yelled, launching himself at Knives, his eyes filled with rage as he reached his twin. He pushed his gun into his chest, his breath laboured.

Knives smirked. 'Could you really do it Vash? Could you really kill me?' he asked quietly, gaze intent.

'If it means that the world would be safer, then yes,' he said, his finger tightening on the trigger.

'I think you're bluffing.'

Vash pushed the gun harder into his chest. 'I think you're wrong.'

'Then kill me!' Knives yelled, his eyes burning into Vash's as they stood together, locked in position. 'Kill me now. Prove that you have it in you!'

Vash's hands twitched on the trigger at the words, but still he hesitated.

'See Vash, you just don't have it in you,' Knives said, swatting the gun from his chest, his eyes still fixed on Vash's.

He was distracted. Knives cried out as his handgun flew from his hands, gaze dropping from his twin to stare at the blood that ran in rivulets his palm, turning to face Shade, his eyes filled with astonishment. 'You shot me.'

'Yes, I did,' she said, pulling the trigger again in two short bursts, the sound nearly one.

Knives knees buckled as bullets ripped through them. He dropped to the ground, looking desperately at Vash as shock drifted through his eyes. 'How could you let her do this to me?' he asked, voice wavering as if he were the one being betrayed all along.

'You brought this upon yourself Knives,' Wolfwood said.

Vash moved to kneel beside him. 'You could have helped these people but you just hurt them. You hurt me and now this has to end,' he said, tears falling from his eyes. 'I'm sorry.'

The gun felt heavy in his hands as he brought it to Knives chest. His finger tightened on the trigger. He closed his eyes, preparing himself, but before he could take the shot, a set of hands was guiding him away. He looked down at the hands, recognising them as Shade's. 'What are you doing?'

'You can hate me later,' Wolfwood whispered as he positioned the gun over Knives heart, not looking at them. 'Get him out of here Shade.'

Shade nodded, taking Vash into her arms as she began to run from the chamber, sprinting down the length of the platform as fast as she could. They weaved through the single tunnel, finally spilling into the light, blinding them for a moment, but that was not the cause of Vash's tears. As soon as Shade placed him on his feet he broke down, falling to his knees as the tears began to flow.

Shade knelt beside him, pulling him into her arms as he cried. She held him tight, resting his head on her chest. 'You made the right choice,' she whispered.

Vash sniffed, looking up at her. 'I just wish it didn't have to end like this,' he said. 'I wanted to save him, but as I saw him today, I started to realise that I couldn't save him, couldn't take care of him and it hurts so much.'

Shade ran her fingers through his soft, blonde hair as he shuddered with sobs. 'I know,' she said, pulling her mask off to kiss his forehead, letting it fall to the dirt. 'You couldn't have done any better. I'm so proud of you.'

'How can you be proud of a monster?'

He tried to pull away but Shade reached up, placing her hand on his cheek as her eyes returned to normal. 'You are not a monster Vash.'

'I am.'

'Look into my eyes, Vash,' she said. He was reluctant but obeyed. 'If you insist that you are a monster then let us be monsters together,' she whispered as she pulled him towards her. Their lips met, satisfying the need that both felt at that moment, the desperation to realise that it was over, that at least, for now, they were safe.

Vash pulled her closer, the tears still staining his cheeks. When they reluctantly broke apart, Vash was smiling, his hand on Shade's cheek. 'Two monsters, together forever,' he whispered before kissing her softly on the lips again.

Wolfwood walked out of the darkness, raising his hand to his face as the light assaulted his eyes. He stopped in his tracks, stumbling slightly. When he could finally look out from beneath the cover of his hand he instantly spotted Shade and Vash standing just in front of him.

'So we got out. Now how do we get back to our bikes and the town?' he asked, squinting. He reached into his pocket, finding his packet of cigarettes, smiling as he lit one up, placing it between his lips.

Shade quirked an eyebrow at him. 'You seem to be forgetting something Wolfwood.'

He looked at her as he shrugged his jacket from his shoulders. 'What?'

She bent to pick her mask up, tucking it beneath her coat again. When her gaze met his, her eyes were flooded with black. 'Your smoking can affect my sense of smell with this sort of thing. I don't know how far we are from anything so I need to be able to concentrate,' she said, snatching the cigarette from his lips, putting it out with her fingers.

Wolfwood cringed. He hated it when she did that. 'Sorry.'

Shade smiled. 'No problems,' she said as she turned away from the massive structure, embedded within a cliff. She took Vash's hand, pulling him along with her, away from what would become a painful memory.

They walked for hours, Shade confidently leading the way over the arid land. Although Wolfwood didn't want to admit it, he was wondering if they were going the right way, but something caught his eye.

'Ha ha!' He shouted, jumping up and down as he pointed into the distance at two shining objects, each a beacon on the dry land. He couldn't believe he hadn't seen them before. 'Look over there. It's the bikes!'

'What are you so excited about?' Shade asked, sidling a little closer to him. 'Did you doubt me?'

Wolfwood shook his head. 'No, but I'm still excited,' he said breathlessly.

'Settle down Wolfwood,' Vash said, eyes tired. 'I think we've had enough excitement to last a lifetime today.'

Wolfwood slowed down, sobering a little. 'Of course, you're right,' he said, a slight bounce in his step, but it soon dropped, the quiet of their walk reminding him of the thoughts he'd been trying to avoid. I still haven't even told her, he thought, glancing sideways as they slowly neared the motorbikes.

'I need a drink,' Shade said, her voice weary.

Vash nodded. 'I think we could all do with one.'

'Whiskey on me,' Wolfwood said without hesitation as he tried to distract his thoughts for a bit, 'lots of whiskey on me.'

'Sound like a plan,' Shade said, her smile turning to a grin as they reached the bikes, each of them sighing with relief. 'See you there in about ten minutes.'

Now or never.

'Shade wait,' Wolfwood said, stepping towards her, sending out a silent plea for courage as he placed his hand on her arm, begging her to stop for just a moment. 'I need to say something.'

'Why don't you tell me back at the room, when we can sit down?' she asked softly.

'Because we could have died today and I would never have been able to forgive myself because I have lied to you so much,' he said with a frantic note in his voice as he stepped a little closer. He looked over to Vash. 'I've been a real dickhead because I've been so jealous of you, Vash, because you had the courage to show your love for this beautiful woman when I couldn't. It is so wrong of me but I was blinded by envy every time I saw you with her.'

Shade and Vash blinked at him, unsure of what to say.

Wolfwood took her hands in his, voice barely a whisper. 'I only blame myself for allowing you to slip away from me, but now I realise how happy you are with Vash. The two of you are perfect for each other. It took me a while but I know this now and I want you to be happy because I love you.' He turned again to Vash. 'Once again, feel free to hate me later.'

With nothing left to say, he wrapped his arms around Shade, pulling her forward into a tight embrace before she could comprehend what was happening. He bent his head, claiming her lips in a kiss that he had desperately desired, needed for as long as he could remember. And although brief, it was enough.

Before anyone could speak, he was on his motorbike, putting his sunglasses on, jacket in the side car with the giant cross. He smiled as he felt the weight lift from his shoulders, relief settling over him, contentedness. 'See you at the room.'

Vash stepped toward Shade.

'What just happened?' she managed to ask in a small voice, still surprised.

Vash wrapped his arm around her waist, guiding her to her motorbike. 'Wolfwood finally explained why he's been acting so strange.'

She couldn't hear anger in his voice so she let out a silent sigh of relief, straddling her motorbike, glad when his arms wrapped tight around her, chin resting on her shoulder.

'Let's get back to the room,' she said, revving. 'I think I need to lie down.'

Shade collapsed onto the bed, deciding that tomorrow would be another day off as she kicked her shoes from her feet and fell onto the pillow with a groan, Vash sitting her. 'Whiskey?' he asked.

Shade opened one eye, sitting up to gratefully accept the glass, downing the liquid in one gulp. 'Thanks,' she said, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he settled beside her.

'Feeling better?' Wolfwood asked, standing from his chair as he pulled his jacket on.

Shade nodded. 'I needed that.'

He smiled. 'I'm going to call it a night,' he said, eying the time on the clock. 'I'll see you two tomorrow.'

Shade followed his gaze to see the time, smiling over at him. 'Alright, just make sure you bring breakfast.'

Wolfwood opened the door. 'Don't get your hopes up.'

Then he was gone.

Shade bent down to place the glass beside the bed. When she sat up she was met by Vash's anxious lips. He weaved his fingers into her hair, his other hand on the small of her back as he laid her down gently on the bed. She reached up, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly as his kiss grew more insistent, his lips caressing hers until she was out of breath.


'Yes?' he asked, lips moving to her neck.

'What's gotten into you?' she asked, no chance to catch her breath.

He stopped on a sigh, sitting up. 'I don't know,' he admitted, avoiding her gaze. 'I just need…I need to know that you still want me.'

'You're worried about Wolfwood kissing me earlier?' she asked as she also sat up. When he nodded she took his hand in hers. 'Oh Vash, there couldn't be anyone for me other than you.' She gripped his collar, pulling him towards her, his arms instantly wrapping around her waist as hers coiled around her necks.

He claimed her lips, sweeping his coat off as he straddled her. She arched her body against, his hands reaching to unclasp the buckles on her top, a desperate desire flooding their senses.

'I love you Shade,' Vash said, holding her close to him.

'I love you Vash,' she said before their lips met again, each needing to convey more than just words.

It was at that moment that each made the biggest decision that they could possibly face, even against the dangers that plagued each of their lives.

They would never be apart.

The End