A/N: Yes, I know you are probably wondering why I'm starting another story when I have quite a few started already… Well this story is going to be another multi chapter story but it's also a dare. The dare was given to me by my friend Diane aka Ilovetoread25. On top of that that I'm Sorry and What She Wants will be finished by the middle of next week. Also Auction and Love is close to being finished. You will see why this story is a dare when you read it. I hope that you enjoy it. This story will be slightly AU.

Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds

Emily Prentiss was nervous about today. Today is going to be her first day at the BAU. Only two people knew that she was coming. She was nervous about seeing one of the team members because she wasn't sure how she would react to working with him. It has been many years since she saw him last and since the night they shared. She has kept a secret from him for years and wasn't sure if she should tell him or how she should tell him.

Emily grabbed up her briefcase and the other bag. Her daughter was at school and her mother was going to pick her up from school when the day was over. She took a deep breath as she left her house. She needed to quell her nerves. Who knew maybe since it's been thirteen years he wouldn't even recognize her. She could hope that was the case anyways. Emily got in her car and headed to the FBI building in Quantico, Virginia.

She dialed a familiar number and when she heard the person answer the phone she said "Hey, Daddy it's me. I'm on my way now. Are you sure this is a good thing?"

Her dad chuckled. "Yes, Pumpkin I'm sure. Your mom is picking up our Granddaughter after school and will bring her by here so she can see us both and see where we work. It will be alright Emily. I'm not even sure if he remembers you."

Emily laughed lightly. "I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not Dad. At the time him and his wife were having problems because he wanted to join the FBI. I can't believe that I did what I did. I still beat myself up over it."

Her dad sighed. "Pumpkin you can't take back what you did. Just like you can't stop yourself from loving who you love. It will be alright sweetie. I will see you in a few minutes."

Emily sighed and said "I'm getting ready to pull into the parking garage now. Does he even know that you have a daughter? At the time you and mom were having problems and mom did keep her name when you two married."

Her dad laughed. "Well if he doesn't know he is about to find out. I will meet you in the bullpen. Just calm down sweetie."

Emily sighed and closed her cell phone. She took in a couple deep breaths before getting out of her car. She decided to leave her ready bag in the car for now. She grabbed her purse and her briefcase and walked over to the elevator. She couldn't decide if she was lucky or not as the elevator doors opened as soon as she pushed the button. She took in another deep breath as she entered the elevator. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes as the elevator went up. When the doors opened she opened her eyes and took in another deep breath before exiting the elevator.

She looked through the glass doors into the bullpen and saw her dad standing there watching the elevators. She let the smile loose and walked towards the doors. Before she could even pull them open her dad pushed them open and pulled her into BAU bullpen.

"He knows that he is getting a new Agent but doesn't know who. I will go into his office with you. Just calm down Pumpkin." Emily's dad said.

Emily bit her lip and nodded. Her dad wrapped his arm around her waist and guided her past the surprised faces of everyone. Her dad knocked on a door and then entered it pulling her with him.

"Hotch are you ready to meet our newest team member?" Emily's dad asked.

Hotch looked up and his mouth dropped open. He knew he was getting a new member but didn't even look to see who it was. Maybe if he did he wouldn't be as shocked as he was now. Not only was he shocked to see who was standing in front of him he was shocked to see his friend's arm around the woman's waist.

"Hello Miss Prentiss. It's been a long time." Hotch said through clenched teeth.

Emily just about gasped but instead held it in. "Yes, Hotchner it's been thirteen years to be exact. If you could just tell me where my desk is I will get out of your hair."

Hotch stood up and walked around his desk. He flinched when he saw Emily move back a couple steps. He knew that he had hurt her but he hadn't meant to. Hotch looked at his other Agent with a quirked eyebrow as Emily moved to stand behind him.

"Jason is there a reason why you're holding onto Agent Prentiss like you are?" Hotch asked.

Gideon raised an eyebrow. "Well Hotch that explanation is very easy. Emily here is my daughter."

Hotch couldn't contain the gasp that came through his lips. "She is your daughter? I didn't even know you had a daughter. Does Strauss know that your daughter is going to be on the same team as you?"

Gideon laughed. "I take it that the Director didn't tell you. Strauss is being transferred to California. Apparently she is being demoted and transferred because of something she did. Well I know what she did but I don't even want to go into that right now. And before you ask yes the Director knows that Emily is my daughter. And before people assume stuff no she didn't get the job because of me. She got it because of her own record and for something that happened a month ago. Now I will show her to her desk. I would advise you Aaron not to go near her right now."

Hotch raised an eyebrow but nodded. He knew eventually they would have to talk but he'd prefer not to have to do it anytime soon. He couldn't believe that the new Agent on the team was not only Gideon's daughter but the woman he had started to fall for even though he was married.

Gideon wrapped his arm back around Emily's waist and walked her out of Hotch's office. "You can breathe now daughter. The hard part is over for now. It'll all work out in the end. Are you going to be okay having to sit in between two men? I know that what you went through a month ago is still fresh in your mind but Morgan will protect you and Reid will listen if you need to talk. Spencer Reid is like my adoptive son. I hope you'll get along with him."

Emily smiled sadly. "Dad I'll be fine. I'll let you know if I'm not I promise. And I look forward to finally meeting Spencer Reid. You've talked about him so much I feel as if I know him already."

Gideon lead the way over to the desk and once he sat Emily down he turned to Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan. "Morgan and Reid this is Agent Prentiss. She is our newest team member. She is also my daughter."

Spencer smiled at Emily. He was the only one who knew that Jason Gideon had a daughter. Morgan was looking from Emily to Gideon with shock written all over his face.

Gideon looked at Morgan. "Morgan can I see you in my office please?"

Morgan nodded and stood up but before following Gideon he looked at Emily and said "Nice to meet you Agent Prentiss."

Emily nodded and then started talking to Spencer. She knew that she was going to love Spencer as a brother. Besides her dad right now Spencer was the only other man she felt comfortable being around.

A/N 2: So who has figured out what the dare was? By the way in this story Jason will not leave the FBI. He will end up moving up to the Section Chief job. Rossi will be joining the team also a little sooner than what he did on the show. As I said this story is a little AU. Click the button and let me know what you think.