Alright so this is my first official fan fiction story. I have the first seven chapters already completed (yay!) I'm not going to bore you with a ridiculously long author's note I just want to clarify one or two details. This is taking place roughly four years after the current anime and I will warn you that there are differences between the anime and this lovely little tale. If you do enjoy watching the anime or reading the manga I keep some of the original plot and manipulate parts. Also I want to say that with the time lapse that I have had the characters grow and mature over the years. I do justify any changes you may see in personality with time and they will be revealed in later chapters if you chose to stick with the fic (Which yes I am hoping you do no point in lying about it :P). Alright mini ramble is over please enjoy and review if you like or have the time


A Yes

It was a lovely day for a stroll, or at least that was what Ino had reassured Sakura multiple times over the phone before pink haired girl had consented to her friend's plan for an afternoon walk. Even when both women knew she would much rather be sleeping soundly in her bed wrapped in a cocoon of blankets. The state of the weather was currently the only explanation that Sakura could come up with for humoring the blond, on this particularly muggy day in her opinion. It wasn't some grand outing in the least just a simple walk through the park. But Sakura knew that despite the fact that she much rather would be in her small quaint little apartment she could never say no to anyone. While the statement held some exaggeration considering Sakura had lost track of the amount of times the word had been thrown in Naruto's direction, when it came down to it Sakura tended to prefer the word yes in ever day life.

Sakura looked out over the park rich with flowers and devoid of any traces of trash at all. It was much different than the graffiti covered park which Sakura had grown up around. Then again Sakura had lived in what resembled the middleclass of Konoha not the upper class where her best friend now resided. The park was the daily lunch location for all the ladies of Konoha's stronger clans and really Ino had been lucky to shed her last name and move up to a clan only rivaled by the Hyuga themselves. And of course Ino loved ever moment of it. Not even the horrible temperature would bother her in the least; in fact nothing seemed to perturb the blond for the past year or so Sakura assumed, considering she had essentially won the little competition they had had going one since they were seven, and now at nineteen Ino stood the proud wife of Sasuke Uchiha.

How it happened Sakura had absolutely no idea, or as to why the blond would throw her life as a ninja away in exchange for mother hood Sakura had no guess. But here she stood, strolling next to Sakura. She had her shoulders thrown back her long blond hair thrown up into a bun and was wearing a simple silk sundress that Sakura knew coast more then she made on one mission. Most importantly though as the blond trotted through the park waving at the other ladies of noble clans, she was pushing a baby carriage sporting an elegant pattern of Uchiha fans over the navy material.

Yep, Ino had the life of dreams alright retired by age seventeen, a healthy glow only to be attributed to getting laid every night due to Sasuke's somewhat obsessive baby making plan, expensive things, and currently the most adorable little black haired baby that Sakura had ever laid eyes on. And hell she had it on good authority that they had a nanny who was with the kid eight hours out the day so Ino could 'focus' on her medical training which of course translated into shopping and spa treatments. Sakura couldn't help but feel a little envois of the woman in front of her beautiful and confident practically glowing in a way.

It could have been you.

The cold words startled Sakura even though they had merely been a passing thought in her head; this wasn't what she wanted in the least. Sakura sighed while walking three paces or so behind her bubbly friend suddenly feeling quite self conscious in her short red shorts, white tube top, and black Chunin vest she had thrown open due to the stifling heat. Her green eyes shifted to the ladies out walking with their children, each heavily made up and the emporium of happy smiles. Sakura would never understand the appeal of noble life. All these women did was sit at home, shop, and have to go through the pain of childbirth until a male heir was produced. Frankly Sakura thought this entire charade that Ino was going through could only end in disaster. Sakura knew there was no love between her and Sasuke, even someone as dense as Naruto had noticed the cold way the newly instated ninja of Konoha treated his wife. For the life of her Sakura had no idea as to what prompted Ino to say yes to Sasuke's proposal. The man had been back for a total of six hours at the time, and already had Ino under his spell.

"Hey Sakura hurry up, Naoko's getting fussy." Somehow Ino had managed to get a good ten feet in front of Sakura, who could only shake her head and run toward her friend. As soon as she reached the carriage Ino thrust the squirming three month old girl into her arms and waited for Sakura to work her magic and quiet her. Sakura stared into the blue eyes of the little girl, and smiled slightly. She was a sucker for babies and nothing could change that. Naoko chose that moment to let out a shrill scream. Sakura wrinkled her nose, the crying though was something Sakura preferred to do without. So as Sakura bounced the screaming baby on her hip attracting many disapproving stares from the ladies walking past; she made a quiet resolution to marry much later in life.


Tsunade was very troubled. Not that this was a hard feat to accomplish seeing that the woman seemed to attract problems more than men these days. It was the fact that she was so troubled it was to the point of speechlessness where the only action she seemed to be able to accomplish was moving her mouth up and down trying to make some sort of noise come out and failing horribly. Now that was unusual.

Now the ability to knock Tsunade speechless was a rare accomplishment which few could contest for. And currently Temari of the Village Hidden in the Sand held the prize. The blond ambassador could do nothing but squirm uncomfortably in her seat and pray to god that shock did not turn to into rage or she could kiss her position as ambassador and her life goodbye. She couldn't even blame Gaara for this, the stupid bastard was happily oblivious as to what the council's plans were. Somehow Temari had been roped into their scheme, she honestly wasn't even sure how it had happened. Sad enough though once you thought about it, the plan made perfect scene at a strategic point of view but on a personal level Temari could only agree with the Hokage's expression at the moment.

"Are you positive, that this is the message," Tsunade asked pouring a rather large amount of amber liquid into a glass, watching as the woman before her continued to squirm under her scrutiny. The blond could only stare into the eyes of the Hokage and nod her head now. Tsunade closed her eyes blinking out the world for a minute weighing her options.

"Well, I suppose I can't not agree and logically this proposal is brilliant," Tsunade stated after some deliberation. Temari slouched in her seat in relief. Tsunade's approval was her ticket out of this situation without any serious injury.

"I do wish that you pass onto your council that I do not agree with the morality of this plan, and that I'm very displeased with their decision." Temari felt her face fall at the words, feeling the conversation was heading down hill quickly.

"Tell them when you return that as soon as someone volunteers for this ridiculous scheme I shall pass them on." Tsunade stood, her tall frame towering high above Temari, signaling that the conversation was over. Temari swiveled around in her chair as soon as soon as the Hokage swept past her. Waiting for someone to volunteer could take months and Gaara didn't have months.

"Please Hokage-sama, think of my little brother in all of this," Temari felt guilt creeping down her back; she had put the ultimate guilt card on the table something she never had wanted to do. She knew a bit about Tsunade's past and her loyalties to her younger brother as well as her lover. She felt sick and manipulative of the older woman but she was desperate by this point. What was done had to be done, even if it made the older woman uncomfortable. Tsunade stood with her back to the sand kunoichi, her hand pinching the bridge of her nose trying to alleviate the stress the day seemed to be bringing.

"Fine, I'll tell Shizune to send anyone available in for your scrutiny." Her voice was horribly grave, but Temari had a hard time keeping the smile from settling across her face.

Mission Accomplished.