Well guys, finally decided to upload something here. The fic is not finished, and I apologise if it sucks, its my first fic. This chapter is really short, but I just wanted to give an idea of the atmosphere. Well, R&R!

Disclaimer-I don't own any of these characters, just the plot.

"Good night sweetie, try to sleep well, okay?"

"Err, okay mommy, I'm pretty tired anyways"

She enforces this lie by faking a yawn. Rather lie than have her mother stay with her; she was too old for that in her eyes.

"Remember, if you need anything, just call us" and with a kiss to the forehead, she leaves the room, silently praying for her daughter to sleep properly.

Cuddling into her favourite stuffed toy, the innocence of this child is apparent, in anyone's eyes, she is a normal little ten year old girl, coming for eleven very soon. She still sleeps with her bears, her nightlight, and a picture of her somewhat unusual family next to her. Of course, she would deny this if you asked her. "I'm a mature girl!" She would say. Little do most sniggering adults know, that this little girl isn't a normal ten year old, but that's another story.

"Better try sleep." She says to herself, hoping that tonight, the cause of her insomnia will not hinder her. Taking a deep breath, and hoping desperately for a peaceful night, the young child curls up, and soon finds herself drifting off…

Once again she finds herself walking along a narrow corridor. There is no smell or sound, but the cold pierces through her clothes and the halogen light illuminating her dark journey flickers constantly and creates fear for what may happen if it goes out. Eventually the light becomes so dim she is forced to trail her hands along the wall.

Sudden realisation hits her as she touches it causing her to violently jerk her hand back cradling it with the other.

The wall is lined with a green membrane which her frail hand easily penetrates through to the plasma like puss on the other side of it.

Inspecting her hand she surprisingly finds it to be bone dry and the wall has regained its brick composition. Her stomach begins to tighten and she can barely control the urge to retch as the belated smell of rotting flesh fills the young girl's nostrils and her body starts going into a fit of convulsions.

She lands on the ground on the ground, that's when the pain in the head comes. Breathing rate increases to a peak level, and the lost child fears that at any moment her heart may give out. At times like this she would call for her parents, her mommy and daddy, yet no matter how hard she tries to cry; only a whimper escapes her quivering peach lips.

Heart beat increasing, blackness soon begins to take over. With all her will power, she avoids closing her eyes, as she knows if she does, they will not open again. The pain and nausea increases and soon she begins closing her eyes. Unexpectedly, the pain and nausea fades, and her heart rate slowly reduces to its normal rate.

Slowly, she opens her eyes again.

The setting has changed considerably, and she finds herself in an empty white hospital room. Casual clothes have been replaced with a white gown and a drip is positioned beside the bed is on, although not in her arm and the blood is freely dripping into the bleach white floor. After taking in the new surroundings, she waste no time in making her way to the door.

She bursts through the door into yet another corridor, not a narrow stone one as before, but a dimly lit hospital corridor. There are no people and the only light is that of moonlight which floods in through the wide windows and a flickering halogen lamp above a set of doors at the end of the corridor. With no idea why, she is drawn to the doors and slowly walk towards them, looking straight ahead at all times.

Touching the doors, it happens, she knows. She knows what is happening. it's the same thing that happens every night. Still she proceeds, she cant stop, she can never stop. As with every night, she enters the room through the doors, and as with every night, she sees the covers with the two forms underneath.

"STOP! STOP!" Is the response that always comes from within her, but again she approaches. Gripping the covers, she feels no heat from the two masses underneath. With a deep breath, she removes them.

The smell of rotting flesh returns, and she loves it…