My new fic.. yay! Ok I was doing some holiday homework in my room today, which consists of loud music and me on my bean bag. Which is my thinking spot. Then this idea sort of hit me. This fic will mainly be Adrian's POV. Anyone remember what high school Adrian went to? I need to look for it haha for future reference...

It's similar to Frostbite but yeah..some changes to it well MAJOR changes coming up next :)

Sorry if theres any typos or mistakes...

Enjoy, review and tell me what you think :)

Adrian POV

I was suppose to leave the lodge today, but being the rebel I am, I decided to sleep in, and extend my stay, rather than meeting my family for dinner tonight, whom I share a frosty relationship with. My dad doesn't really like me, my mum used to be nice till I turned 10. He had finally gone through her head, she stopped caring as much, I'm hoping that there's still a hint of my mother in her, but I had given up hope when I turned 13, no one even said 'happy birthday'. I celebrated my birthday alone in the abandoned summer house, which was where I had my first taste of alcohol and cigarettes; I found a hidden stash in the servant's quarters.

My thoughts were interrupted by several knocks on the door.

"Who is it?" I said groggily as I reluctantly got out of bed, getting out of bed in winter is one of life's hardest mission. The knocking got louder.

"Alright, I'm coming, stop fuckin knocking, you're giving me a headache" I sighed as I opened the door, my energetic best friend's icy gray eyes set on me, Seth Zeklos, he was probably the most responsible and honest Zeklos in the entire family, he was a gentleman to everyone, he was always nice to Dhampirs, he treated them equally, which sort of stuck to me, only a little.

"You should've come to the party last night, man." He said as he pushed past my door, typical.

"Oh ok, just invite yourself in…" I mumbled.

"What's up with you?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I was sleeping" I glared at him.

"Yeah, I can tell from you uh…PJs" he pointed at me as he walked to the mini-fridge at the bar to get a drink. I glanced down at my silk boxers and back at him, ignoring his comment.

"What'd you want?" he offered.

"Hurricane" I mumbled and rested my head on the couch's arm rest.

Seth got out the rum and various other liquids.

"Dude you don't have any passion fruit syrup left" he gave me a what-the-hell look.

"Geez, just put whatever we have in the fuckin drink" I replied, I'm so not in the mood for this right now.

"Why are you so moody? PMSing?" he said sarcastically.

"No… got dinner with my happy family, oh I just can't wait" I said mockingly.

"Hang on a sec, I'll call the depression hotline for you" he smirked.

"You haven't specialized yet have you?" Seth looked serious for a second.

"No, yes, maybe, I don't know what's wrong with me" I took a sip of the extremely sweet drink, it didn't taste right without the passion fruit syrup in it.

"What'd you mean?" I wasn't sure if I could tell him about all the weird occurrences, after all he's my best friend, I should trust him right?

"Dude, as I was saying, the party last night was kick ass, hot chicks were everywhere, those Dhampirs sure know how to dance" he chuckled as he took another mouthful of his drink.

"Why don't you marry one, she'll dance for you any time, any day" I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, I have a date with her tonight, as we were saying before, what don't you know?" he became serious again.

"I think I've specialized but…differently." I spun my drink my circles, watching the ice go around in circles.

"You're scaring me man" he leaned forward, to study my expression.

"I need a smoke" I stood up and headed for the glass door that led to the balcony. I felt better the moment I smoked, the moodiness was gone, the darkness and anger I felt subsided.

"So… are you goin to the dinner?" he changed the subject, knowing that specializing was a very touchy subject for me.

"Probably" I sighed in defeat. I saw a couple of Dhampirs below, having a snowball fight, they looked like they were having fun, I wish my life was like that, not that it isn't fun. But my life is mainly partying, drinking and waking up the next morning with a random chick in my bed, her bed or his bed…that happened once we were completely smashed the night before, Seth and I woke up in his brother's bed, fully clothed, thank god.

"Anyways, I'll catch ya later, man. Got a date to go to" Seth patted my shoulder and walked out.

"Have fun" I snickered.

"Not all Dhampirs are bloodwhores, Adrian" he sighed as he walked out.

"I didn't mean it that way" I rolled my eyes and went back to bed as he shut the door behind him.

I woke up to the sound of my mobile ringing. 19 missed calls, 5 voice messages. Wow that must be a new record. All of them were from my brainwashed mother and ignorant father. I listened to the first one.

"Adrian I hope you haven't forgotten about dinner with us tonight, you know your father would be furious with you" my mother's voice, how I've missed it and how it's changed from the warm loving tone to the dead, ice-cold like tone. But it's behind me now, my family is like part of my past, I don't want a future with them in it.

I didn't bother listening to the rest of the messages, I walked into the bathroom and had a shower, brushed my teeth, sprayed on a small hint of cologne and smiled at my sexy self in the mirror. I wore a black suit and wore a black wool coat over it. Before I walked out the door I put a small flask of whiskey and a new pack of clove cigs in my coat pocket.

I sat in the car, on my way to hell, well dinner with the family, I scrolled through my phone, deleting unwanted text messages from girls who wanted me for my title or money, same old thing with all of them.

"So, Adrian. What are you doing now?"

"I'll graduate in a few months" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't give your father attitude, Adrian" my mum's harsh tone hurt me.

"Well, he should know that" I rolled my eyes again.

"Mum, dad, little bro, sorry I'm late, what'd I miss?" my brother Evan walked in with his arm around his little miss perfect wife, Marie. Her blond hair was in perfect little ringlets, her pearl necklace showed class, she was looking all perky in her little Chanel outfit.

Everything about her screamed fake and I hated the bitch.

"Adrian is still getting no where in life, I was hoping you give him some guidance" my father pointed to me, I made a face and gave everyone a cold stare.

They took their seats and Evan smiled in my direction.

"Frown any longer and you'll get wrinkles, princess Ivashkov" he chuckled.

"Look who's talking, Evangeline" I said dryly, using my childhood nickname for Evan, my father shot a glance at me.

"Adrian! You will speak to your brother with some respect, at least he's running the family business well" he snapped at me. Then turned to my mother. "Didn't I tell you not to coddle him so much as a child? Look how he turned out to be" he waved his hand about in the air at my mother and pointed at me.

"Oh so he can just pick on me and I get in trouble for calling him Evangeline? We're not kids anymore, you can yell at me as much as you like but you don't scare me and you can't control me or attempt to ground me because I'm officially 18" I slammed my fist on the table and stood up, glaring at each and everyone of them.

They winced back against their chairs "Yeah, it's my birthday today, thanks for remembering, you're all a pathetic excuse of a family" then I left.

"Take me back to the lodge" I instructed the driver to take me away from this god forsaken place, away from them. We started driving further and further away from the restaurant, I stared out the window and watched as it snowed heavily.

"So much for a happy birthday" I murmured to myself, the car came to a halt and the door was held open for me. I stepped out and headed towards my room, but I needed some alone time and a cigarette, from all this stress and my weird powers, or whatever they are.

"Adrian" a Moroi girl squealed as she noticed me walking in, I ran around the corner and hid in a janitor's closet. After she ran past I stepped out and headed to my smoking spot, it was a porch on the other wing. No one would assume I'd go to some isolated place. I lit my first cigarette and inhaled, I blew out and watched the cloud of smoke circle around me, but the icy wind blew it away.

The staff from the ski lodge rushed out, they came back carrying a Dhampir guy in a stretcher, he was cringing from the pain. After the little commotion, I dropped my cigarette bud and put it out. I pulled my flask out and took a quick swig then placed it back into my coat pocket.

Footsteps approached, I took out another cigarette out and lit it, before stopping to set my eyes upon the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She was in her skiing outfit and I could make out her tanned skin behind that gorgeous brown hair.

"Hey, Little Dhampir" I smiled when she looked up at me with stunning dark chocolate brown eyes, she hadn't noticed me till I spoke, was she worried about the guy who just went in? Was that her boyfriend? She looked familiar, I've seen that face before. Was it the one from the snowball fights this morning?

I got a full view of her body, and I couldn't stop myself from checking her out, she still looked hot in that puffy skiing outfit, how would she look without them? Various thoughts and possibilities coursed through my mind. She looked like she was used to people checking her out, by the look that she was giving me.

"Yeah?" her voice was firm and sexy and there was something about her, her aura, it was really dark, it bothered me a little.

"Just saying hi, that's all" I smiled lazily before putting out my second cigarette. She looked like she expected more from me, she turned to walk back into the lodge. Maybe she could make my birthday worth while. Or cheer me up somehow.

"You smell good, you know?" I tilted my head to look at her.

"What?" she raised an eyebrow, astonished either unsure of what I meant by 'smell good' or at my direct approach. I'm going with the latter.

"You smell good" I repeated, inhaling her scent. Even with all that clove that cling around me I could still make out her intoxicating scent.

End of Chapter 1

No time for a song so yeah... what did you think of that? next chapter will have a crazy twist so yeah... stay tuned :)

You guys would be thinking: Adrian has a friend? Who's a Zeklos? And he's Jesse's brother? And he's fine with Dhampirs?
oh dear the world is coming to an end lol :O

Question of the day: Should Mia be friends with the gang or stay the bitch that she is?

I think I'm starting to like Seth... rofl nahhh Adrian is still cooler :D

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it :)

Peace out,
