I don't really know where it's going, though. It might be fluffyness, or it might be something far worse…
DISCLAIMER: I'm afraid to put anything funny here because someone said one of the funny things I put here was stupid so I'm just saying I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
Chapter 1: Of All The Things I Could Awaken To, I Had To Wake Up To Him?
Shane's POV
I heard the noise coming from an ally way. I knew that Chiron had sent me to find Anneliese, and there was no time for delay, and I normally wouldn't be flinching at every noise, but I new I had to look when I heard someone yell 'Anneliese.'
I turned my head and gasped. There were 5 people about my age, with spears and battle armor. It was obvious that they were half bloods. I normally wouldn't care, but what caught me was strawberry blonde hair with streaks of green on the ground. I knew it was Anneliese, because only she would die her hair green. My gasp made the half bloods take notice of me, and I didn't have time before they charged. I drew my sword, and started to attack. Before I killed them, I made sure to look on the ground and make for sure it was Anneliese. Yep-same body, same face, same everything.
Ok, I'll kill them now.
I started to attack, but one of them snapped their fingers, and they all disappeared.
I turned around and searched for any evidence of them. I caught the same five faces, only in regular clothes. I saw the one that snapped give me an evil smile.
"Better check on your friends." She said, laughing. I blinked past shock, and then remembered why I was standing there. I ran into the ally, and saw all three of them-Nico, Anneliese, and Lydia all laid out on the ground. Blood stained the ground.
"Oh, gods." I whispered to myself in shock. I reached down and touched Anneliese's wrist, searching for any sign of life. When I felt a small pulse, I took a sigh of relief. Anneliese's hair was matted with blood, and there was a long cut on her arm. Nico's lip was cut, and his ankle twisted, and Lydia had long gashes on her legs and arms. I flipped out my cell phone and called 911.
Minutes later, the flashing of sirens was louder then the pounding of my heart in my ears.
I couldn't believe what just happened. Anneliese and Co. was almost killed by half bloods, and somehow they switched places and clothes in the blink of an eye.
I got in my car (black convertible Camaro ;)) and drove to the hospital, following the ambulance. I practically ran in after them (I arrivived there at the same time, thanks to speeding like a manic on crack.)
They yelled at me that I couldn't follow, but I retorted with amazing comebacks like 'Those are my friends, let me in.' over and over again. Eventually, they forced me away and I had to wait in the waiting room. I sighed, and put my head in my hands. I pulled out my cell phone-I was a bit worried to use it, since using these things are like sending up flares. Eh…I guess this is important. I dialed Brooke ('the girl in the sex video' as Nico would say. He called her that to her face once. And he still has the video. I think he watches it when Anneliese isn't around and well…you know.)
"What the hell, Shane? You know these are only for emergencies." She said, irritated.
"This is kind of an emergency." I admitted.
"Yeah, like the last time you called because of an emergency, but you were just really horny." She sighed. I could see her rolling her eyes. "I guess I can't complain though…that was fun." She giggled.
"Really, this is an emergency." I told her, urgency ringing in my voice. "Um…come to the hospital as fast as possible."
"Let me guess you got your-,"
"No, I didn't get it cut off." I said, laughing. That was an ongoing joke between us, ever since we saw a video where a got his you-know-what cut off when he when skydiving and fell into a helicopter. Heh, good times.
"No…it was Anneliese."
Brooke's POV
Oh…not Anneliese.
When I met Shane, he introduced me to her. I knew from that moment we'd be friends. We become close, and I normally met her.
"I'll be there ASAP." I said, hanging up. I raced out the door, grabbing my keys and leaping my Mustang. I drove away as quickly as possible, not bothering with speed limits or stoplights.
I eventually got to the hospital, and ran inside. I saw Shane sitting in the waiting room. I almost ran up to him, and gave him a hug. "What happened?" I demanded.
"Chiron told me to go find Anneliese…and I found them in the ally, with 5 other half bloods standing over them." He admitted. I grimaced. I tried to keep out of this 'half blood' stuff as much as possible. I'm not even able to see through the Mist, I just happen to be a half blood's girlfriend.
"Great. Status report?" I sighed.
"Their still in surgery." He frowned. "I don't have anyone to call-Nico's only parent is Hades, Anneliese's mother woke up with amnesia-."
"When?" I asked. "Wait…what? Isn't she a daughter of Athena?"
"Her mother was her foster parent. Her father went out to sea because of his marine biology, and never returned." He explained. "And Lydia never spoke of her parents."
"Great." I sighed. "Guess it's up to us." I sat next to Shane, and tried to think of what we were going to do.
Shane's POV
The hours passed quickly in an awkward silence. It wasn't even until a doctor walked up to us that I realized how much time has passed.
"They will make a full recovery." The doctor said. Brooke and I took a sigh of relief. "It's a good thing you got them here when you did. There was a strange poison in all three of their wounds." He frowned.
"Poison?" Damn it. If humans don't know of it…
"Luckily, one of the nurses knew what it was." He smiled. I looked behind him, and saw a nurse wink at me. Oh…
"We were able to cure them, and they will make a full recovery. Anneliese lost a lot of blood-a few more minutes and she would have died. Mr. di Angelo had a sprained ankle, and Miss Lydia had the most poison." He explained. "You can see them now if you desire."
"Of course!" Brooke said. She grabbed my head and we almost ran out of the room.
Anneliese's POV
My mind finally stirred again. I felt my eyes slowly opened, and were blinded by the light. I shielded my eyes, and tried to remember who and where I was. When I opened my eyes again, I met dark green forest eyes.
"Brooke?" I said, my voice horse and dry.
"Oh, your awake!" She smiled, and gave me a hug. A pain shot through me.
"Brooke…can't breathe…" I coughed.
"Oh…sorry." She smiled. "I'm just so happy you're awake!"
"Wait…what happened?" I asked, my head throbbing. "What happened to the monsters?"
I remembered it now. 5 monsters…attacked…
"There were no monsters." I heard another voice say.
"Shane?" I asked.
"Great. Your not blind." He smiled. "I found you in an ally way, 5 half bloods surrounding you. We took you here. You've been in surgery for about 2 hours."
"We were attacked monsters." I insisted.
"Maybe Chiron can help us-he's the one who sent me here. He needs you at camp." He said.
"Where's Nico?" I asked. "And Lydia?"
"In the other rooms. I don't know if you're safe to walk…" Brooke said, worried.
"She just lost some blood-she didn't break her leg." Shane reminded her.
"I don't think she can walk with all those tubes hooked up to her." She said, looking at the tube on my hand.
"Gah! Get it off!" I said, trying to yank it off. "I hate hospitals!" I groaned. "Get me out of here." I begged.
"I'll ask the doctor." Brooke said. She ran off, leaving Shane and I alone. Great. This never works out good.
"So…how was it unconscious?" Shane asked.
"Dark." I told him.
"Really?" He asked, sarcastically.
"No, I saw the Underworld but Hades sent me back." I rolled my eyes.
"Wow." He rolled his eyes back. Brooke came in, and said I'd be out tomorrow.
"Thank the gods!" I sighed. I hate hospitals-my grandmother died in one, and so do other people. And besides, I don't trust these people not replace my heart with a baked potato.
Thankfully, they removed the tubes, since I was capable of breathing now. I was able to move, but encouraged to not. I 'needed to heal.' Gods, I just have a few cuts that were as long as my arms. And I lost blood, but I have blood now. The wounds are sealed. It's not like I'm some fragile old lady.
So, I got and went to Nico's room, which was right next to mine.
"Nico?" I asked.
"Anneliese!" He smiled. He got out of his bed, and got on crutches.
"Nico, what happened?" I asked.
"I sprained my ankle." He explained. "But besides that, I'm fine."
"Good." I smiled, and gave him a hug, careful of his ankle.
"Gods, what happened to your arm?" Nico asked.
"Oh, this huge scar?" I asked. "What do you think it's from?" I look down at it. It was a long, narrow cut trailing my arm. There was on my other arm too.
"I also have one of my legs, but it would be difficult and maybe inappropriate to show…here, at least." I blushed.
"We'll have to look at that cut later then." He sighed. "You should go see Lydia-she's worried." He reminded me.
"Oh, yeah. Bye, Nico." I left in a hurry to Lydia's room. She was laying in bed, looking up at the TV. Her leg was wrapped up in gauze.
"Lydia?" I asked.
"Anneliese!" She smiled. "I would get up, but my leg's fucked." She looked at her leg and frowned in disapproval. "Damn poison." She sighed. I laughed.
The day dragged on, and finally, we were let out. I hated that they had to roll us out on wheelchairs, which was completely embarrassing.
"Fucking finally." I sighed.
"You were only in there for a day!" Lydia reminded me.
"So? It was hell!" I insisted.
"We need to get to Chiron. Now." Shane said. We stopped by our apartment, got some things, and sped off to Camp Half-Blood.