The Harem Route

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.


--- (Konata POV)

It was enjoyable to cook breakfast.

Not because of a wish to create food in any of it's forms, but because she knew that it would be appreciated by the one that would eat it. Konata smiled at the thought. She really is fixated on food…

It would soon be time for her beloved tsundere to get out of bed, so she began to set the table, knowing that Kagami would enjoy eating together before her workday began.

She couldn't remember what the strict girl worked as – it was complicated and Konata had been trying to get a rare drop, so she hadn't really been paying attention to her explanation – but she knew her work hours by heart, much to Kagami's embarrassment.

Finally there was the sound of footsteps as the beautiful girl arrived at the kitchen, she looked as if she really wanted to get back into the bed, but she lit up when she saw that breakfast had been prepared. If it weren't for me being able to snuggle against her all night, I'd be extremely jealous of food… that's probably not good. Konata ignored the thought and simply smiled at the tsundere.

"Good morning Kagamin," there was a sudden hint of a blush on Kagami's face, and if she hadn't been paying close attention, the small otaku would've missed it. "Did you just think about something dirty Kagami?" the slight pink became a deep red.

"I wasn't!" she was clearly lying.

"It's alright if you were thinking of something dirty you know," she smiled her usual perverted smile, "because I was too."

Kagami stared at her, looking as if she was torn between lecturing her on appropriate behavior, and ripping off the smaller girl's clothes and having her way with her. Konata wouldn't really mind the latter option, but that would mean that the twin-tailed girl would be late for work, so it would probably be a bad idea.

In the end Kagami settled for the first option – though she did look mildly disgruntled about it – and they ate their breakfast in a lovey-dovey atmosphere.

When it was time for her to leave, Konata kissed her, somewhat teasingly, before waving her off. Then she went back into their bedroom. It had gotten a little… hectic last night, and there where clothes strewn across the normally – sort of – tidy room.

Staring at the gigantic bed, Konata was suddenly overwhelmed with a desire to jump in it. So she did.

As Konata's form hit the bed there was a surprised gurgle-like noise.

"Just five more minutes…" Konata smiled mischievously, having now located the reason for her return to the bedroom.

She decided to have a bit of fun at this late riser's expense.

"K-Kagami…?" Konata was quite good at faking a stammering voice, she blamed anime for that one, "W-Wait, s-shouldn't you go to wor-…" she interrupted herself with a loud moan, dripping with fake pleasure.

"Goddamn it! I want Kagami too! Quit hogging her you damn midget!" an explosion of brown hair suddenly erupted from the covers of the bed.

Konata almost choked on her own withheld laughter.

"Good morning to you too Misao," the newly awoken girl blinked stupidly.

"Where's Kagami?" it always did take a while for the fanged girl's brain to start during the early mornings.

"She's already went off to work," she smiled at her, "There's breakfast downstairs, and you're going to be late for… whatever it was that you were supposed to be doing, if you stay in bed any longer."

"Eh? But you…" as the gears in her head slowly began turning, Misao began to pout, "That was low Konata, couldn't you have woken me up normally?"

"You mean like waiting for the alarm clock to go off, or yelling at you to wake up, or jumping in the bed?" there was a hint of a blush as the fanged girl realized that she actually had tried to wake her up several times already, "Anyway, you should get up. You wouldn't want to be late, right?"

"I don't think I'd really mind actually…" she seemed to honestly consider it for a while before shrugging, "But I guess it would be a bit of a pain if I did…" she looked around for a while and then turned towards the smaller girl again, "You wouldn't happen to know where my clothes are would you?"

Konata laughed so hard that she almost suffocated.

--- (Hiyori POV)

America had proven to be… a lot like America. It was the best way Hiyori could think of to describe it.

She'd had her overly enthusiastic guide with her, but that didn't really mean that she saw all of the sights, this was mostly due to how the guide was overly enthusiastic about not paying attention to anything inanimate.

This basically translated into Patricia doing random romantic things, in random romantic places. Not really a bad thing, but it made it difficult to think of the sights – although, she was very enthusiastic about taken in the sights of some of the clothes that her love interest had taken to wearing in her home country.

They had more or less kept in touch with Minami and Yutaka, and so when they'd finally returned, there had been a party of sorts – alcohol had been banned by order of Minami, and Yutaka had actually pouted when she'd told them about it.

Hiyori had always seen the two of them as people who suited each other perfectly – a princess and her prince – but to see them living together, Minami openly doting on the smaller girl, had been enough to force the fujoshi to lie down, despite having raised her resistance to nosebleeds.

It'd been difficult – but definitely enjoyable – training, that had actually made it possible for Hiyori to read some of those doujins that she'd concluded to be simply 'too intense' for her.

"I still say that that pose isn't physically possible," Patricia looked over her shoulder, wearing that amused critical smile that she usually wore on these kinds of occasions.

"Want to bet?" the fujoshi smiled mischievously back at the blond-haired girl.

"Hiyorin!" Patricia's outburst of mock shock was ruined by her smile, "When did you become such a dirty girl!?"

The fujoshi faked being in thought, then she began to count on her fingers, before finally saying.

"You know that time when you ran into me, way back when?" there was a slight pause to think, then a nod, "I was one before that," smiling seductively, she continued, "Now, how about that bet?"

---(Kagami POV)

It had taken Kagami quite some time to get used to the idea of her sister dating Miyuki, partly because she had some problems picturing the two of them on a date – despite having been shown a certain drawing of such an event by a certain fujoshi – and when she'd finally accepted it, she had trouble keeping her teeth from rotting from the sweetness of it all.

The two innocently cute girls were very much alike in some points – especially when comparing just that, innocence and cuteness – and it was a lot like watching one of those overly lovey-dovey couples. The difference was simply that despite all the time that'd passed since they'd gotten together, they hadn't stopped doing it.

It'd gotten to the point were even Konata began to feel awkward about it, which meant that they could probably out-sweet several honeymoon couples at once.

So there were some feelings of uncertainties about having the two of them over – they'd worked around the problem by renting extremely large amount of violent and gory movies, so that they'd have a 'sweetness shock absorber' of sorts.

"And if you mention anything about twincest, you will be sleeping on the couch."

"Won't you be lonely without me Kagamin?"

"I still have Misao, and they always do tell you that it's good to vary your diet, right?"

"I'm in shock! Kagamin has abandoned me for the fanged one!"

"You really enjoy putting on a show, don't you?" Kagami looked at the smaller girl critically.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You're a terrible liar you know… although admittedly, not quite as bad as Misao."

"I don't think anyone could be a worse liar than her."

"Hey! That's rude you damn midget!"

"Speak of the devil… and would you two stop picking fights so early in the morning, it's bad enough that you do it during the night, I've barely woken up yet."

"Howah! Kagami said something perverted!" the fanged girl looked at her with a teasing glint in her eyes – something that she'd picked up from Konata, much to Kagami's annoyance.

"We wouldn't fight nearly as much if you could be a little better at multitasking you know."

"Stop thinking weird things! I wasn't talking about that! I was just saying that you guys fight with each other even when you're sleeping!"

"How could we fight when we're sleeping…?" Konata seemed honestly confused about the prospect.

"You keep pinching, kicking, elbowing and shoving each other."

"Eh? How would that keep you awake Kagami?" Misao looked just as confused as the smaller girl.

"I'm the one in the middle! And whenever one of you lets up, the other one gropes me!"

"Amazing! Kagamin is irresistible even to sleeping people!" as if to emphasize this statement, the small otaku attacked the twin-tailed girl with a jumping hug.

"Gah! Don't do that! What if I'd spilled my coffee!? And you've got the wrong idea again!"


A/n: I hope you've enjoyed this story as much as I have, and I hope that I haven't let you down. Thank you for staying with me until the end, and a big thanks to everyone who've reviewed this story – I'm still feeling all giddy about the responses.