Disclaimer: I do NOT own Sailor Moon and its characters. I only own this fanfic and the plot.

I do NOT own neither the song "My Life Would Suck Without You" nor its lyrics.


It would be a good idea to listen to the song as you read it, might help you imagine the scene more vividly :)

Dan is Mina's manager I invented.

-about the story-

Mina's POV

Mina singing: …lyrics…

Raye singing: …lyrics…

Mina AND Raye singing: …lyrics…

Tokyo Dome

"And for my final song…"

I looked at the seats where all of my friends sat. Well, all but one.

"I'm going to sing My Life Would Suck Without You!"

Maybe she doesn't really care anymore. Since, we did have a big fight the last time we met. It has been 2 years now, hasn't it…

"Hope all of you enjoy it!"

I was hoping she would be able to enjoy it, too.

The crowds cheered as the band started to play the song.

I reminisced about our last time together. The last time… the fight…

:: Flashback ::

Mina's apartment

It was another night after my busy schedules for the day had ended. Well, it was supposed to have ended sooner, but the composer insisted on… what did he call it? Oh yeah, Last Night's Drinks or whatever. Anyway, I got myself drunk. I clumsily stumbled into my apartment.

"You're late."

"Hmm? Excuse me, but who is the owner of this beautiful voice?"


"Ah… now I remember."

I jumped onto her, wrapping my arms around her neck. Her arms stayed crossed on her chest, which was actually a bit uncomfortable.

"It's the voice of my lovely girlfriend, am I correct?"

"Mina, you're drunk."

Why is she so uptight? It's not the first time I came home late, drunk.

"So? It's not new, is it?"

"Mina… Did I not ask you to not join those bar meetings?"

I sighed, freeing her from my embrace.

"It's my job. It's all part of it."

I walked into our bedroom. She followed suit.

"I'm sorry, but I never recalling alcohol as a necessity of an idol singer."

Great, now she's sarcastic.

"Congratulations, here's reality check."

I rebuffed with my own sarcasm.

She scowled.

"I'm serious, Mina! Give them an excuse to get out early, instead of drowning yourself in alcohol! It makes them think as another slutty singer, and I don't want-"

"What if I want to be there?"

This isn't what I really wanted to say. I must be really drunk.

"What?" Raye backed with a confused look.

I gave myself a pat on the back for it. Why? I don't know, I'm drunk.

"What if I want to be drunk? What if I want to be slutty?"

Definitely drunk.

"…You're really drunk. You're saying things you don't mean."

"Well, here's a news flash for you, Raye! I actually enjoy those meetings. I want to be there all night! I don't want to be the party pooper who goes out early to see some stuck-up girlfriend of hers!"

So not what I had wanted to say.

Raye stood there.

Finally she opened up, "You mean it?"

"About what?" I said in an agitated tone.

"About everything you said."

"Of course! When was I not?!"

Silence again.

"Fine, live it the way you want, Mina. You won't be hearing anymore of me. Go to sleep."

She walked out of the room, as I shouted, "Finally! You let me sleep!"

Drunk, really drunk.

Next afternoon

I groaned. Maybe it was all of the shouting I did yesterday. My head hurt a lot.

I walked to the kitchen, expecting Raye to be there.

She wasn't.

I thought she was out for a run.

She wasn't.

I thought she was hanging out with either Lita or Amara for a "guys' hangout."

She wasn't.

I remembered what I said, no scratch that… yelled to her in my intoxicated state.

That night was the last I had seen of Raye.

:: Flashback Ends ::

Out of all the songs I could have sung, I wonder why Dan chose… no, stubbornly insisted this song. I mean, I like the song and everything, but… it really isn't like him to be stubborn when it came to choosing encore songs. He usually let me handle it. What made him change his mind, I wonder.

Ah, there's my cue to sing.

Guess this means you're sorry

You're standing at my door

She'd always be at the front when we'd have a fight…

Guess this means you take back

All you said before

And she'd always apologize first…

Like how much you wanted

Anyone but me

Then she'd always tell me how she loved me…

Said you'd never come back

But here you are again

But, today, she's not…

Cuz we belong together now yeah

I wish you were here…

Forever united here somehow yeah

My Ares…

You got a piece of me

And honestly

My life would suck without you

My… Raye.

Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye

That's… This… isn't my voice…?

Maybe I was wrong for tryin' to pick a fight

I looked at my right. Could it be…?

I know that I've got issues, but you're pretty messed up too

The voice I loved in all of my lifetimes… the voice that I had missed dearly…

Either way I found out

Raye… she's here, with… me.

I'm nothing without you

I awoke from my trance as Raye winked at me.

Oh, I get it. This was her plan… to sing this song together as we did as teens.

And so we sung, together.

Cuz we belong together now yeah

Forever united here somehow yeah

You got a piece of me

And honestly

My life would suck without you

Being with you is so dysfunctional

Before I could sing the verse, Raye silenced me with her finger on my lips. Why?

I really shouldn't miss you

Wait… Is she singing her message?

But I can't let you go

I look at her, trying to make eye contact.

Hmmph, her eyes are closed.

I pouted, a bit.

Oh yeah

Her amethyst eyes opened slowly to see my cerulean blue ones.

She smiled. I could feel my legs giving out.

How much did I yearn for her genuine smile. That smile only for me.


Why is she coming closer?

Why is she leaning closer?

Wait, Raye?

Before I could even protest, her lips sealed mine.

How long were we like that?

All I know is that it felt endless, before she pulled away.

I whimpered.

She leaned again. But, not to my lips, to my ears.

"Missed me?," she whispered.

I wanted to burst into tears. I wanted to cup her face and kiss her again.

I wanted to tell her that I missed her so much.

I wanted to tell that I love her...

But oh, that band!

For the first time, I hated to sing.

Cuz we belong together now yeah

Forever united here somehow yeah

Raye, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying herself.

Well duh, she got her kiss. I didn't.

You got a piece of me

Tell me about it.

And honestly

She smirked.

My life would suck without you

She held out her hand.

All right, I'll sing… for the moment.

I smirked back as I took her waiting hand.

Cuz we belong together now (together yeah)

Forever united here somehow (somehow!) yeah

You got a piece of me (me!)

And honestly

My life (my life!) would suck (would suck!) without you

The song ended.

My fans and friends cheered.


She's standing next to m- hey! She's going backstage!

I ran to her.

No way is she going to get away without a payback!

I grabbed her hand and turned her around.

I now faced her front; not her back, not her side, her front.

"I believe I have an answer to say, Miss Hino." I talked into the microphone.

Now Raye was the one with the confused look.

I smiled slyly.

I wrapped my arms around Raye's neck, pulling her closer until there was no gap between.

I didn't care how many people were watching.

I didn't care if my career would be ruined by this.

I only cared about our kiss that I missed so much the past 2 years.

I licked her bottom lip for entrance.

I felt her smile as she complied.

I deepened the kiss as she put her arms around my waist, pulling us closer.

After what seemed like eons, we pulled away for air.

I touched her cheek. She leaned into my touch.

I leaned again, but this time, to her ears as she did before.

I whispered.


:: A/N ::

This was one of the stories in my head that I was planning to update after I got Love is a Game done.

But, oh well, you know how time meddles with people.

I'm really busy, and I'm on writer's block with LiaG.

So, I felt really bad to those whose been waiting for the next chapter.

I decided to update this one instead making you wait with no goodies, fair enough? :)

- How I got the story -

It was all sudden, really. On youtube, I had seen an AMV of Sailor Moon with this song as the BGM.

I got so into the song, I only listened to that song on my MP3 for a while.

Then, pop! Came in the plot.

Got out my notepad for fanfic plots, wrote it down, elaborated it on MSWord, and voila!

"Final Song" is at your eyes to be feasted xP

So... did ya like it?

If you did, please R&R xD

those reviews are what gets me motivated & helps me advance to a better writer.

till the next story, see ya!