Here it is the lemon and final chapter! Thanks for your reviews! Hope you enjoy it!

"You come here often?" Misaki turned around to a couple men eyeing her hungrily. She frowned and turned back to what she was doing. One of the men frowned. "Oi, I'm talking to you-"

The small girl socked the guy in the gut before he came any closer. Misaki stood firmly in her spot as she observed the other two men. Another of the group turned to her, furious, and clenched his fist. "Why you-" Someone broke the arm before it was raised.

Misaki pouted. "Naruto! I had this one."

A tall, good-looking 17year old boy grinned at the girl's dismay. He really couldn't help himself. When Misaki wore sundresses, especially white knee-length ones, she looked so dainty. But despite the skinny girl's appearance, she learned how to handle herself pretty well. "Sorry Misaki, force of habit."

Misaki blushed and turned away. It was waaay to hard to stay mad at him when he wore tight tanktops, Misaki had to wonder if Naruto planned that. Suddenly feeling herself being pulled into a familiar embrace, she was turned around to the loving cerulean eyes of her boyfriend/fiancé. Smiling softly down at her, Naruto leaned down to kiss her. Misaki returned it, making it a long, deep kiss. Pulling apart, Naruto rubbed her head, while in his embrace. "Let's go home."

"Y-Yeah…" Misaki replied a bit dazed. Taking her hand, he paid for the grocercies and lead them home, to their apartment.

In the Shinobi world

It had been a whole year since the grand war, and things had settled pretty nicely. Konoha would never be at its full strength again, but they had come to terms at what had happened, and were slowly recouperating. Gaara sighed and looked out to Sand village, hardly believing that the violence had ended, that it was actually safe to sleep now.

"It's Naruto-san's birthday today isn't it?" Gaara smiled and turned to his wife. She was dressed in a lovely purple kimono, that was extremely loose. Smiling as her husband grabbed her, she asked, "Think we should send him something?"

"And ruin our time and his time with Misaki, not a chance, love." Gaara smirked and captured her lips hungrily.

With Naruto and Misaki

Shirtless and anxious, Naruto laid on the bed, that he and Misaki shared, he waited for what his girlfriend had instore for him. The first time they tried to have sex, it was awkward to say the least. Misaki was willing, but she was so nervous, that Naruto stopped it part way through. She clearly wasn't ready, and he didn't want their first time to be about reassurance, he wanted it to mark their commitment. Through the tears of embarrassment, Misaki promised she'd be ready by his 17th birthday. Naruto told her she didn't have to, but Misaki was amendant, and she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

Smiling at the progression, a lot had happened in the past year. After the Arashi fight, Naruto got a job with the Japanese government doing special jobs. It paid decently, and after showing his salary to Shoko, Shoko gave him and Misaki the apartment and moved to a different room in the complex. Naruto thought was fairly pointless, but he could see why she did that. He was a man now, and Misaki's family trusted him with her, and he couldn't have been happier.

"Naruto." The boy turned to voice that called out to him. He smiled softly. Misaki stood at the doorway dressed in a white see-through dress, with white lacy bra and panties. She looked like an angel. She shifted nervously, obviously a bit uncomfortable with his staring.

"Misaki, come here." She smiled and strode over to her lover, falling into his embrace. "This is my first time too, and I'll stop when everyou want. All right?"

"All right." Misaki was glad when she felt confidence brimming. She pushed herself and Naruto onto the bed, effectively pinning beneath her. Grinning at the surprise on her boyfriend, she didn't hesitate in her next attack. She leaned down and bit down on his neck, effectively marking him. She had wanted to do this for awhile, she was used to Naruto giving her hickies, and truthfully she loved it when he did it so possesivly. But whenever she tried to, he'd just pin her and either tickle her senseless or mark her once again. So it felt great to be dominant over him.

Her hands trailed down his arms and chest, feeling his muscles tense up. She grinned, her lover was sensitive. Moving her mouth to his collar bone, and his shoulder blades, she felt him become more uncomfrotbale at the sensations. She smirked, he wasn't used to being dominated. With new found confidence, she took his left nipple into her mouth. Naruto groaned and pushed her head further into himself. Misaki smiled and sucked on it, while her hand played with the other. After a minute or two, she switched her mouth and hand, giving the neglected nipple the same attention.

Naruto moaned loudly, he could feel himself getting harder by the second. Kyuubi or Tomoe must've been giving Misaki lessons behind his back. Noticing that Misaki's kisses were getting lower, he knew he'd have to flip them, or he wouldn't be able to control himself. His thoughts stopped when Misaki kisses landed on his seal.

Noticing the stillness from the boy, Misaki slowly trailed her finger around the seal, then dipping her head lower licking it, biting it- Suddenly Naruto flipped them.

Naruto wasn't planning to do penetration so soon, but when Misaki bit his curse mark, Kyuubi's hormones were activated along with his. Misaki stared at him, clearly not expecting that. Naruto looked at the sight before him, leaned down and bit down on her mate mark. Misaki shrieked with pleasure, what was that?

Noticing the shock in her eyes, Naruto shifted to her ear. "I forgot to mention something, the mate mark is meant to enhance sensory perception of all nature, especiaaly this kind. So essientially, it'll be like sex and ecstacy mixed together." Bringing his head up, Naruto took in the sight before him. An angel was pinned beneath a demon, and she couldn't wait to be corrupted. His hands went for the ribbon that was keeping the flimsy cloth together, effectively opening it and having it spread around Misaki, giving her the appearance of wings. Feeling his groin twitch, Naruto's hand went to her bra. After receiving a nod of permission from Misaki, Naruto removed it. Misaki turned her head to the side, hoping to hide her embarrassment. Seeing this, Naruto spoke. "I love you for more reasons that I can count, but your body's an added bonus; it's beautiful." Turning her head to look at him again, she smiled.

Feeling her confidence come back, Naruto boldly clamped his mouth down on her breast, while fondling the other. Giving Misaki proper payback for the treatment earlier. If you thought Naruto was sensitive, Misaki would have to be a sea anemi. She was moaning and breathing harshly, not even noticing that Naruto switched breasts. Smirking at the enhanced sensitivity he left her breasts and continued to mark her neck and collarbone, quickly dipping down to her stomach. Misaki squeaked when he kissed her stomach.

When Naruto reached her panties, he looked at Misaki with question, the girl nodded quickly. Needing no other permission, Naruto slid off the last of her clothing, and positioned his fingers at her enterance, and returned his head up to Misaki's. Stroking her cheek, Misaki opened her eyes (which she didn't realize they were closed), and looked at him. "This is going to hurt a little, but bear with me, okay?" He asked softly.

Misaki nodded, but shriked when his first finger entered her. Due to the mate mark it didn't really hurt, but it felt strange. Feeling her adjust to his finger, Naruto added a second digit, in which Misaki scrunched her face up \in pain a little, but soon relaxed and began to ride the fingers a bit. Seeing that she was ready, Naruto added the third digit, stopping abruptly when he heard Misaki shriek. "You okay?" He stilled his fingers, waiting for her to adjust.

"Y-Yeah, you can move them." Misaki nodded for him to continue. Nodding, Naruto moved his fingers in and out, getting deeper each time. Misaki felt oddly pleasured by the sensations, and even began to ride them. Naruto smiled, and his fingers went a bit deeper- "OOH!" Misaki arched her back. Naruto smirked, he found her G-spot. Leaning towards he mate mark, he kissed it as he struck the spot over and over again. Misaki's shrieks became louder and louder, and Naruto could tell she getting close. Pulling his fingers out, Naruto reached into the rim of his seatpants, and pulled out a condom.

Removing his sweatpants, putting on the condom, Naruto lifted Misaki's legs over his shoulders, and positioned himself at her enterance. Naruto looked her eyes one last time. "Please Naruto." Without another word, Naruto entered, completely filling her up. Naruto quickly bit the mate mark so Misaki wouldn't feel so much pain. Misaki huffed for a few minutes, and moved her hips a little. Catching the signal, Naruto began to move. Moving in and out, he finally found her G-spot again.

"YES! MORE PLEASE NARUTO!" Misaki yelled. Without further hesitation, Naruto pounded her with ferocity. Pulling in and out constantly, Misaki felt like she was in heaven, she didn't know sex could feel this good.

Naruto looked down at the angel beneath him. As unreal as this was sometimes, Naruto knew he had been purified by this angel, and forgave him of all his sins, and loved him for the ugly beast he was. This wonderful, perfect, beautiful, fuckable, God-sent angel! Coming to a new speed, Naruto felt himself coming close too.

"Misaki! Cum with me!" Naruto growled. Misaki nodded, and with one final and powerful strike to her G-spot, both teens came.

Pulling out, Naruto pulled out the condom, and began to clean himself, as well as Misaki. "Are you okay?" He asked hesitantly.

Misaki smirked and pounced on her surprised boyfriend. "I'm on top next time." Smirking at the girl, he pulled her down to lay with him. "We'll see." Noticing how tiered she was, Naruto pulled the blanket over them. "Let's sleep now."

Curling into Naruto's chest, Misaki fell asleep instantly. Smiling, he kissed her head. "I love you, Misaki Suzuhara."

"I love you too, Naruto Uzumaki." His eyes widened as the girl opened her eyes slightly, only to close them again, smiling as she entered her dreamland.

Naruto gazed outside, noticing the sun was almost up, and then turned back to his love. He didn't know what the future held for them, but one thing was for sure. He and Misaki were always going to be together, not even death could separate them. Yawning, Naruto joined Misaki in slumber, finally feeling safe enough to sleep.